Whether it’s bad weather, spring break, or just hanging around the house, here are a few screen-free crafts and activities to have some fun with the kids this spring. First, check out this lovely story, The Secret Garden by Babylit that will have your toddlers enjoying blooms and flowers of warmer weather. Then follow up with one of these spring-themed DIYs! These spring crafts for toddlers and preschoolers are the perfect way to have some hand’s on educational time with your family. Felt Easter Basket by Nap Time Creations – Create your own Easter baskets to save money and have fun at the same
Tag Archive: flowers
Spring-Themed Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers
March 24, 2017 8:00 am | by Angela England
The “Never Were” bumGenius Diapers
February 14, 2017 5:50 pm | by Libby Fasnacht
The story of the Never Were bumGenius diapers A few months ago, we were looking through some drawers and realized that we had some sample fabric of print proposals sitting in our drawers. For one reason or another, we had decided that these prints were not going to be made into production diapers. You could say we had a drawer-full of bumGenius print fabric that “never were.” Knowing that someone would love these prints, we asked our product designer to make some bumGenius Original Pocket Diapers using this fabric. With only a little bit of fabric to work with, we were only able to create