Anyone who’s had a newborn knows for such tiny people they sure do need a lot of belongings. When expecting moms ask me for tips on starting their registry I have some simple advice to keep in mind. When you create your baby registry for the first time, start out by adding items that your child 100% needs during the first month of life. It’ll be less overwhelming if you have a starting point. Besides the obvious infant car seat and stroller, crib or bassinet; think bottles, burp cloths, diapers, towels and swaddle blankets. I find you can never have
Tag Archive: gift ideas
Easter is right around the corner! Have you started thinking about what you’re putting in your little one’s Easter basket? With three little ones in our home this year, I’ve had to think through gift ideas for three separate age ranges. Then: Baby’s 1st Easter Basket… as a New Mama For my oldest son’s first Easter – and my first as a mom – I took so much time and care to make his Easter basket PERFECT! I found an adorable white wicker basket, picked fabric and sewed a basket liner, then had it embroidered with his name. I cushioned the bottom with
Let’s all just get this out in the open: the hardest working people in your lives are moms. Breastfeeding moms in particular can get overwhelmed and touched out quickly. With that little bundle of joy by their side and non-stop pumping or nursing draining what energy they have to spare, they deserve a little something that’s just for them. You already know this, because you’re here looking for something to make their day extra special. 1. Stay-Dry Nursing Pads No breastfeeding mom ever has enough of these. Trust me. And these MilkDaze nursing pads are especially handy, with a unique shape
Don’t get me wrong, you should ALWAYS get the mother of your children flowers on Mother’s Day. Since flowers don’t last forever, I tend to buy affordable ones from Trader Joe’s or a local Farmer’s Market. I avoid the mark-ups and delivery fees that come with going through a florist and am able to invest my savings into a thoughtful gifts that will last longer. Here’s a couple of ideas to fit any budget this Mother’s Day: Framed Kid Artwork What’s Mother’s Day without a homemade gift? Help extend the life of Junior’s artwork by displaying it a frame
It’s that time of year again! And the most wonderful time, if that! I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy holiday shopping and snagging a few different things I know my little guy will love. With that being said I always try to shop as eco-friendly as possible. So many toys on the market are made with harsh chemicals and non-recyclable goods. Knowing that I can fill my little guy’s stocking with environmentally-friendly options always makes me feel better, an one toy brand that I’ve grown to absolutely love is Green Toys. Here’s why I adore this wonderful brand —