You welcomed your little baby into the world. Breastfeeding is established, and you are now learning what it is like to have a bundle of joy in your arms…and then your back starts to hurt…or your arms are sore. Hey, it happens and is all part of the changing postpartum body. Simple stretching is a great way to combat some of these new changes without overdoing it. Add them in your day whenever you can! Many of these you can do while holding baby. Don’t worry about how long to hold them, you can aim for 30-60 seconds but even
Tag Archive: health
Exercising after having a baby requires some planning and preparation . This is not the time to go out and start training for a marathon or even your first 5K run. This is a time to take take things slowly and gradually, especially if you did not exercise during your pregnancy. Before beginning any postpartum exercise or physical activity, it is important to get clearance from your health care provider. Women heal at different rates. If you had a cesarean section birth or you had a repair from a tear or an episiotomy, your recovery time will be longer than those mothers who did not have these
Earlier this year we found out that our little guy, who was just a little over the age of 2, would need glasses. It came as quite a shock to us. One evening, like any other ordinary evening, I was giving Asher a bath a noticed a slight eye turn with his left eye, almost like it was crossing, when he would focus on his bath toys. I thought maybe it was just me so I asked my husband for his opinion and he immediately noticed the same thing. As the evening went on I still continued to notice the
My first three boys were all born in the spring or early summer, which meant that they were ready to start eating solid foods as fall turned into winter. This is, in my humble and decidedly non-medical opinion, the best time of year to start on solids. Why? Well because squash* and sweet potatoes are in season! Technically, we are currently just past the peak season for these veggies, but you can still find fresh and flavorful squash and sweet potatoes in the stores and at some farmer’s markets (depending on where you live). I think they make great first
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas? No, that was actually a little bit of sarcasm on my part — it’s cold and flu season again! Just when you thought you’d made it through, it’s back. Nothing brings out the sniffles and stomach bugs like sending your precious children back to school to exchange germs with their friends. But never fear! We are here to remind you of some simple and easy ways that we can all help our kids maintain their immunity and ward off those pesky germs. Hand washing – did you know that you
I admit it: in my pre-kid years, I was kind of a yoga addict! I’ve never been a huge fan of exercise that involves a lot of bouncing around, huffing and puffing, or excessive sweating. I love how my muscles pull and stretch in yoga and slowly became stronger while the deep breathing relaxes my whole body. Another aspect of yoga that I that I particularly appreciated during my first pregnancy was the ability to modify almost any routine or move to accommodate various physical challenges, such as a watermelon-sized bump in the middle of my body. Because I have
It’s summer. It’s supposed to be hot. But every summer seems like it’s hotter than the summer before, especially if you’re hugely pregnant. My daughter was born in September, so I experienced a full hot pregnant summer, and my son was just born in June. (Apparently I like weighing an extra 35 pounds while it’s 100 degrees out.) When it’s this hot out, it’s important to stay cool not just for your comfort, but for your health. Drink LOTS of water. If you already drink a ton of water, that’s great. Drink more. This is so incredibly important, especially when
If you are an expectant parent living near one of our Cotton Babies retail stores, mark your calendar to join us for our Mama To Be Tea Saturday, June 2, 2012. This FREE event will be an opportunity for expecting mothers in the area to connect with the natural birthing community. It will also help families learn what to expect when the big day arrives, discover new resources, and see what products will help make the transition into parenthood as smooth as possible. Doulas, chiropractors, lactation consultants and more will be in store to share more about local services available.
Do you ever painstakingly make dinner and set it on the table, proud of your effort, only to have one (or more) of your kids look at the meal, look up at you, look back at the meal, back at you and then announce, “I don’t like [fill in hated food of the moment here]?” Or how about at the end of a busy day when you’re already daydreaming about putting pajamas on after the kids have gone to bed and one of your kids looks at you and says, “I’m hungry, what’s for dinner?” and you realize that you
New this week at Cotton Babies: California Baby conditioners and detanglers! A few weeks ago, Jenn asked our Facebook fans what products they would like us to bring in. Several customers suggested we expand our California Baby product line. We’re pleased to announce we now have several new products to compliment your favorite California Baby shampoos. California Baby Tea Tree & Lavender Conditioner perfectly compliments the Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash. It is a hit with dads who like the vibrant and functional blend of oils. The no tears formula contains no numbing agents, and is safe and