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Tag Archive: household management

How do they do it?
February 6, 2013 5:00 pm | by

Toddlers are amazing. They are able to quietly sit in one spot while playing with their toys in such a sweet, adorable way that makes you want to fill an entire Instagram account with pictures in less than 10 minutes. Then, the dryer buzzes or you have to check on dinner. And in the 15 seconds you aren’t watching, your sweet innocent toddler just destroyed an entire room. Let’s not even talk about what it’s like to have twins or more than one preschool age child in your home — at the same time. Depending on their age, it can

No Spend January
January 16, 2013 11:26 am | by

The start of a new year always brings with it the inevitable question, “What are your resolutions?” While I’m not really a resolutions kind of girl (it feels a little too much like homework to me), I do think that a new year can be a good time to start working towards some larger goals, if only because it’s an easy time to mark on the calendar. Just like it’s easier to start a diet on a Monday. Or maybe that‘s just me. I think less in terms of “I’ll eat six vegetables every day” (which is a worthy aspiration)

My toughest interview
August 8, 2012 5:13 pm | by

I remember how nervous I was at my first “real” job interview after I graduated from college. I had the perfect professional suit, a leather portfolio with copies of my resume and a legal pad for taking notes and the most effective anti-perspirant I could find on the drug store shelves. It took a few interviews, but eventually I relaxed a bit, gained some confidence and eventually landed a job.   What no one bothered to tell me was that those early professional interviews wouldn’t hold a candle to the interviews I have these days… the nanny interviews. In the

Mom’s Top Ten List
August 1, 2012 3:10 pm | by

I’ll be traveling this week to New York City for the annual BlogHer blogging conference – without my kids! I am so excited about this chance to meet with so many of my wonderful internet friends*, and to be encouraged by all the sessions and speakers. While I’m away, my husband and in-laws will be taking turns caring for the kids, currently 2.5 years old and 17 months. You might wonder, are you worried that things will fall apart while you’re gone? What if the discipline slips? No, I don’t really worry about those things. Here is part of the

How potty training affects laundry
June 23, 2012 9:36 am | by

Potty training, for us, means instantly less diaper laundry. Hooray! The potty training toddler is still having accidents, but it is definitely a huge difference to have only one baby in cloth when I was accustomed to two. I’m no longer having to run loads of laundry and stuff pockets late into the night because I’ve run out of diapers. Occasionally, the diaper pail wet bag is actually full before I run out of diapers! While I’m really enjoying less urgency in washing my stash, I’ve also learned from the more experienced cloth diaper mamas that I have to be

Laundry Survival
June 2, 2012 10:24 am | by

On the heels of Heather’s Laundry Lament, I bring you some tips on how to stay on top of your laundry during the busy & crazy times of life. Which, let’s face it, ends up being every other week this time of year between vacations, full schedules, lots of special events and fun summer activities. When you’re out and about it’s way easier to forget about the laundry in the hamper, or worse, in the washing machine and fall behind. Then you have a mountain of laundry to tackle all at once the night before you’re leaving for a trip

Laundry Lament
May 30, 2012 3:47 pm | by

Oh laundry, the never-ending chore. Laundry has never really been an area I excelled in. Since the last addition to our family, I completely strike out on a regular basis. Six people, five beds, scores of towels, tablecloths, cloth napkins, un-paper towels and all the other things I use to be as green as possible in my home mean my washer and dryer get quite the workout. Unfortunately, even with all the laundry we do, I always seem to find a pile of dirty clothes lurking behind a closet door or a laundry basket of neatly folded clean laundry sitting

Cloth 201: Traveling? Don’t forget the dirty diapers!
May 14, 2012 2:47 pm | by

A few weeks ago, our car started smelling really weird. At first, I ignored it because really, when does a car carrying two toddlers smell GOOD? But eventually we broke down and did a full-car clean out. What did we find in the back hatch area of our car? A slightly wet cloth diaper! Fortunately, it was only wet and not solid waste. Can you imagine if had been poop? I can guarantee that we would have found it sooner! Keeping up with diapers and wet bags is just another mom duty that comes along with cloth diapering. Even the

Incorporating Music into Our Day
April 25, 2012 12:14 pm | by

Music is a big part of our day. We have dance parties, listen to music while cooking and sing songs before bed. I’m not sure we could get through our day without music! There usually comes a point in each day when the boys are bored (and therefore a little cranky) and we need something to shake everyone back into more positive thinking. You know what I’m talking about- when every suggested activity gets shot down and everyone wants to do something but no one wants to do anything. This is when we turn to dance parties. I have a

Beyond the Diaper… Alternate Uses for Cloth
March 24, 2012 10:45 am | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

So you had your kids, they used the cloth diapers, and now everyone’s in college (or kindergarten, or preschool, or whatever) and those diapers are not getting used anymore. What are you supposed to do with what you have left? Some people use cloth diapers with the express intent to resell the diapers when they’re done using them. And that’s definitely an option. But not the only one! Lending/giving diapers to friends is another way to go. A good portion of our tiny newborn diapers have been lent out to friends. In 2010, I was due with my youngest and