Baby Shower Gifts For Non-Cloth Diapering Parents
September 21, 2016 8:00 am | by Amanda Carney

I don’t know about you, but I love buying baby shower gifts! Buying for a fellow cloth diapering mom-to-be can be easy (and fun) because it gives you a reason to #buyallthediapers! But what do you buy from your favorite cloth diaper retailer for the mama that doesn’t want to cloth diaper? Here are a few super affordable gift ideas! A Wet Bag. Most mom-to-be’s don’t think of this, but wet bags can be handy even if they’re not cloth diapering! They can be a lifesaver in extreme situations, such as “poopsplosions” when you’re out and about with baby. JuJuBe Be Quick Bag. This is one of