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Tag Archive: midwife

Signs and Symptoms of Labor
March 13, 2017 8:00 am | by

As you near the end of your pregnancy you can become anxious and eager to see the baby. You may have been experiencing signs and symptoms that may seem like labor, such as Braxton Hicks contractions, what I call “warm-up” contractions. These can begin days or weeks before you actual go into labor. So, what at what point does that warm-up turn into the real thing? Remember labor has three stages and for some mothers the shift from warm-up to active labor happens so gradually you’re well into active labor before you realize it. For others you may have a prolonged period

Figuring Your Estimated Due Date
March 10, 2017 11:00 am | by

Congratulations on your new pregnancy! One of the first things a women usually does in her first trimester is to figure out her estimated due date. You can use a similar technique your health care provider will use to figure out your estimated due date, or EDD. A doctor or midwife will figure your initial EDD, by figuring from your last normal menstrual period (LNMP). They will take the first day of your last period and add 266 days (or 38 weeks) to figure your estimated due date. This gives an estimate of your due date but it isn’t 100%

First Trimester of Pregnancy Developments
March 2, 2017 8:00 am | by

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! This is a time of many changes right from the start. The first three months of pregnancy are known as the first trimester. This period covers weeks 1-12 and there are a lot of changes that happen and physical challenges to overcome for some women. Emotional Changes of the First Trimester The feelings a mother may go through the first trimester can vary a great deal depending on her situation. Perhaps you’ve been trying to conceive and news of your positive pregnancy status has you elated. Or perhaps you are concerned about a tough financial or marital situation and

Preparing for a Homebirth
February 20, 2017 8:00 am | by

Every year in the United States over 3 million babies are born. And more and more mothers are carefully considering their birth place options. While the majority of those births will happen in hospitals, for about 1% of the population, home is where they choose to birth. The reasons for choosing an out of hospital birth are varied, but it is very important to be prepared. Interview and Choose your Midwife I recommend researching about midwives, what they do, and what to expect. Midwives Alliance of North America, MANA, is a fantastic resource for this. To find a certified midwife, you

Picking a Pregnancy Caregiver: How to Interview an OB or Midwife
January 3, 2017 8:30 am | by

One of the biggest decisions you face when you’re having a baby is which healthcare provider you should choose to deliver your baby. Whatever birth place you choose, you’ll still need to settle on a specific person to be your primary caregiver. One way to get to know potential healthcare professionals before you decide which one to pick, is through an interview. Why Interview a Doctor or Midwife While Pregnant? Many health care providers have different philosophies of birth and care in general. If you’re pregnant, before taking off your clothes and submitting to a physical exam, it’s a good

Birthplace Options – Understanding the Pros and Cons
December 21, 2016 8:00 am | by

As a Doula, one question I am asked repeatedly is, “what are my birthplace options?”. Many of my clients are first time parents, but there are some who have given birth before and want to know what choices they have. Birthplace Options There are pros and cons to all places for birth. Regardless where you choose to give birth, it is important to be aware of these pros and cons so you can make an informed and educated decision. Hospital Birth This is the most common place for people to give birth in the United States. OBGYNs and CNMs (Certified