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Tag Archive: nursing bras

Dressed to Deliver – What to Wear For Your Birth
May 25, 2017 8:00 am | by
Dressed to Deliver - Do you have to wear a hospital gown when giving birth?

There is so much to think about and plan during a pregnancy that some of the minor details get overlooked. You may not think about what to wear while giving birth until you are actually in labor and giving birth! Then random thoughts may pop up: “This gown is itchy!“, “Why are all hospital gowns blue?”, “Does my backside really need exposed to everyone while I walk the hallway?”. At that time you may start to regret not planning for your clothing needs during childbirth and packing something a little more comfortable in your labor bag. If you are planning

A Doula’s Guide to Baby Prepping Your life
March 3, 2017 8:00 am | by

Everyday I see something new for babies; some new gadget, toy, or item that is guaranteed to make your life as parents easier. When reality hits though and your sweet bundle of love is home and in your arms, the items you will use the most are pretty minimal. Here are some tips of things you really need and how to get them when baby prepping your life. Prepping a Sleeping Space for the Baby Figure out where your baby is going to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends baby sharing a room with you for the first 6