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Tag Archive: organization

Diaper Bags That Don’t Look Like Diaper Bags
July 24, 2018 8:16 am | by
Are you ready for a diaper bag that doesn't look like a diaper bag? Stay stylish with bags from #cottonbabies

Mommin’ ain’t easy. It’s hard to hold it all together. A lot of moms keep the schedules straight. Make sure no one goes hungry. Keep the house livable. Always pack diaper bags. The list of what moms handle is ever-growing and ever-changing. All while trying to be a “cool mom.” In an effort to retain my sanity, I find that being organized helps. I also love to shop. Why is it that when I am spending money on my kids or my husband, I have no qualms about getting them the best, but when it comes to me, I tend

Cloth Diaper Storage Solutions
February 12, 2018 3:48 pm | by
Cloth Diaper Storage

  People often ask what is the best way to store cloth diapers. The answer? Whatever works for you! Here are some of our favorite cloth diaper storage solutions. Use your imagination! There are many fun ways to store your cloth diapers. And with bright, bold colors and fun prints like the Genius Series and Cloth Diaper Collectors Club, it can truly become a work of art. Cloth Diaper Storage Tips Make it accessible. These are, after all, going to be used to change your baby. Keep them close to your changing table or area you plan to change baby

Refresh your cabinets with RePlay
September 21, 2017 3:42 pm | by
RePlay Plates and more

Are your kitchen cabinets a nightmare? Are they like a jigsaw puzzle? Do you shove plates or bowls in and quickly slam the cabinet shut before anything can fall out? If so, you are not alone. Many families fall into a trap of having a hodge-podge of tableware that doesn’t stack up neatly. Perhaps you’ve tried 10 different sippy cups until you found one your child favors. Or maybe you’ve purchased lots of cute character plates only to have artwork ruined in the dishwasher. Or your child won’t eat their food if it’s touching another food. I’m going to let