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Tag Archive: overnight cloth diapers

How to Solve Night Time Leaks with Cloth Diapers
May 20, 2022 8:00 am | by
How to Solve Night Time Leaks with Cloth Diapers #bumgenius #cottonbabies #clothdiapers

As your baby sleeps for longer stretches, their overnight diaper will likely need more absorbency to hold more pee. A common question we receive is what can parents do for an overnight cloth diaper solution. The good news is that you have many options to prevent nighttime leaks! Cloth diapers are versatile and we can help you find a solution that works for your family. Add an Extra Insert Overnight Pocket diapers are a favorite because they can be used in many ways. bumGenius Original Pocket Diaper 5.0 includes a one-size microfiber insert and a diaper doubler/newborn insert. Including both

Review: Hemp Babies Bigger Weeds
October 23, 2014 7:34 pm | by

Oh, how I wish I would have come across these sooner!  Hemp Babies Bigger Weeds are truly a work-horse of a diaper!  They can be stuffed into a pocket diaper, added to an Elemental or Freetime, or used on its own with a diaper cover.  I absolutely love using BumGenius Elementals during the day, but at night we need a more absorbent method.  Our nighttime diaper solution consists of a Flip Nighttime Organic Insert or Econobum prefold wrapped around a soaker, topped with a homemade fleece liner, all stuffed into a diaper cover.  Needless to say, his little bottom busts out