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Tag Archive: pregnancy

Postpartum Must-Haves
February 18, 2016 7:20 pm | by

I’ve had three children, and I’ve gotten better at figuring out exactly what I need for postpartum healing. Third time’s a charm, right? Here are some of my postpartum must-haves and what I’d recommend to a new mom who needs to recover from delivery.  Earth Mama Angel Baby New Mama Bottom Spray: Hemorrhoids, vaginal tears, swelling and just plain soreness. This is what happens after baby. Thankfully, New Bottom Spray has your back! 😉 I will never have a baby again without this stuff on hand. I used it in place of the numbing ointment the hospital gave me. I also

Real Mom Talk: The New Mom’s (TMI) Guide to Pregnancy
August 17, 2015 8:29 pm | by

Oh, how amazing it is to bring life into this world! Mothers should be worshiped and revered for the ultra-feminine and powerful babes that we are. After all, we are the reason humanity has continued to exist! What a blessing to be part of such a beautiful and mysterious gift. For you lovely ladies who are holding a positive pregnancy test for the first time, here’s some information that perhaps no veteran mommy has shared with you — because if you knew these things beforehand, you might never partake in the divine gift of childbearing. Consider yourself warned, because it’s

Real Mom Talk: Valentine’s Day Pregnancy Announcements
February 12, 2015 8:22 pm | by

Ahhh. Love is in the air. And it’s been a cold winter in some parts of the U.S., so let’s turn up the heat! You probably get the idea, but if not, I’m talking about BABIES, which research shows more are conceived during the beginning of the year 😉 Are you expecting a new bundle of joy? I was looking on Pinterest and found these ADORABLE ways to announce a new baby around Valentine’s Day! Here are a few ways you can announce a pregnancy around Valentine’s Day! <3 Some of the announcements I’ve seen are really adorable! I almost wish

Review: Bump Nest Pregnancy Pillow
January 30, 2015 11:50 am | by

Let’s talk about the Bump Nest Pregnancy Pillow. When I was expecting, I wasn’t sure I was going to need a special pregnancy pillow. A pillow is a pillow, right? Wrong! I received the Bump Nest pillow as a gift before I even had a baby bump. I felt reluctant to use it so early in my pregnancy, but hey — I also felt reluctant to wear maternity pants before I absolutely HAD to. Never again will I wait to use either of those things. DO IT NOW! Heck, do it even if you’re not even pregnant. The Bump Nest pillow,

Real Mom Talk: What I Didn’t Know About Pregnancy
September 2, 2014 4:37 pm | by

Due Date:  I thought there was no way I was ready to be a mom but when you hit the eighth month, you are so over being pregnant.  I just wanted my body back and to be able to move again.  I would often say during pregnancy, “I don’t care if I give birth to a dinosaur, just get this baby out!” So no matter how nervous or scared I felt to be a mom at 6 weeks, by 38 weeks I was ready for anything. Weight Gain:  I always thought I could eat whatever I wanted during pregnancy and it

Real Mom Talk: What Not to Say to a Pregnant Woman
June 16, 2014 8:00 pm | by

What is it about being pregnant that makes strangers lose any filter they may have had during social interactions? As you begin to look pregnant, suddenly everyone in the world has an opinion about the way you look, the foods you eat, the way you plan to feed your child, the size of your body, and a million other things. I’ve heard all of these things (directed at either me when I was pregnant or friends of mine when they were). Let’s all agree never to say them to any pregnant woman again. “Wow, you look so tired. It must

Preggers Maternity Leggings
May 10, 2013 2:00 pm | by

If you are 7, 8, or 9 months pregnant, your legs may be tired after a simple stroll across the room. Let’s not even talk about what your legs feel like after a whole day of work. You try to convince yourself it’s not that bad, but let’s be honest — if you could have a masseuse follow you around all day, you would. Since that’s not quite possible, we have something that will compare. Meet the ultimate comfort staple while pregnant: Preggers Maternity Leggings! These thicker, more opaque compression leggings are perfect for layering with your favorite maternity tunic

In Store: Mama To Be Tea
May 4, 2013 10:00 am | by

Hey new mamas! We have a free event specifically for YOU. Join us on Saturday, May 18, from 10:30 a.m. to noon for our Mama To Be Tea. This special day is an opportunity to connect with the natural birthing community and meet other expecting moms. Mama To Be Tea is a chance for families to learn what to expect when the big day arrives, discover new resources, and see what products and services will help make the transition into parenthood as smooth as possible. To participate, please reserve your spot. Then, on the day of the event, bring your ticket

Prenatal Yoga
August 29, 2012 3:29 pm | by

I admit it: in my pre-kid years, I was kind of a yoga addict! I’ve never been a huge fan of exercise that involves a lot of bouncing around, huffing and puffing, or excessive sweating. I love how my muscles pull and stretch in yoga and slowly became stronger while the deep breathing relaxes my whole body. Another aspect of yoga that I that I particularly appreciated during my first pregnancy was the ability to modify almost any routine or move to accommodate various physical challenges, such as a watermelon-sized bump in the middle of my body. Because I have