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Tag Archive: rear facing

The Great Car Seat Shuffle
February 27, 2019 4:00 am | by

Recently, my middle daughter, Avianna, went to the doctor and was measured at 48 inches tall. This meant that she was only 1 inch away from outgrowing her Nuna Rava car seat. It was officially time for the great car seat shuffle! I already had a booster picked out for her, so I was ready to uninstall her Rava and install her new booster. I am a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST), so I knew I could safely take on this task myself. I recommend always consulting a CPST for car seat installation or a safety check. I waited for

Car Seat Q&A: When can I turn my child around?
September 29, 2018 7:00 am | by
Ask a CPST, when is the right time to turn a toddler's car seat around?

As we wrap up Child Passenger Safety Week, this post comes at a great time. Cotton Babies is a lot more than a cloth diaper manufacturer. We also have a full retail store that carries lots of the latest and greatest things for babies and new parents. We also offer classes to educate people on cloth diapers, babywearing and car seats. We have several CPST (child passenger safety technicians) on staff, and they can help you safely and correctly install your car seats in your vehicle at our headquarters and store in St. Louis, MO. Our CPSTs receive a lot