Introducing Ju-Ju-Be’s Newest Tokidoki Prints, Sweet Victory & Super Toki!
February 15, 2017 2:55 pm | by Chelsea Fleming

Have you heard? Ju-Ju-Be just launched two new prints, celebrating our everyday superheroes… MOMS! Introducing the newest Tokidoki prints: Sweet Victory and Super Toki. From radioactive spiders to exploding planets, most superheroes begin their journeys with a bang, but the everyday superheroes among us start their tales with less bang and more whimper… the whimper of a newborn baby. The second you become a mother, you strap on that superhero cape, and you fly. These new prints were inspired by Supermoms all over the world. Sweet Victory and Super Toki are now available at! Here are justĀ a few of