Yay! School is back in session! I mean, I think. I was getting a little worn out being Addie’s cruise director everyday. She learned the fine art of being bored this summer but she also managed to ask enough questions that I began to go cross eyed by the end of July. Addie was an only child for the first six years of her life and she’ll go through most of her life as a somewhat only child. She’ll never be in the same school as her sister at the same time, they’re not likely to have the same group
Tag Archive: toddlers
I’ll be traveling this week to New York City for the annual BlogHer blogging conference – without my kids! I am so excited about this chance to meet with so many of my wonderful internet friends*, and to be encouraged by all the sessions and speakers. While I’m away, my husband and in-laws will be taking turns caring for the kids, currently 2.5 years old and 17 months. You might wonder, are you worried that things will fall apart while you’re gone? What if the discipline slips? No, I don’t really worry about those things. Here is part of the
Can I let you in on a little secret? Toddlers LOVE chores. I know it’s hard to fathom. When we hear the word chores, endless piles of dishes and laundry spring to mind. Miraculously, that is not what toddlers think of. They think it’s fun! It took me a few babies to discover this awesome fact. I wish I’d know earlier, which is why I’m sharing with you today. However, before reading further, there are a couple of disclaimers. First, doing chores with toddlers takes approximately ten times longer than if you did them yourself. However, there is a
I didn’t spend much time around babies and kids in my younger years. I never babysat (well, I did once and it ended with me on the couch sobbing because I had NO idea what I was doing) and most of my friends were only children or the youngest of their brothers and sisters. So when I finally had my own babies I didn’t have a taste for children’s music and I most certainly didn’t know the words. So I made them up. Part of me has always lived in fear that my oldest would sing our family version of
Music is a big part of our day. We have dance parties, listen to music while cooking and sing songs before bed. I’m not sure we could get through our day without music! There usually comes a point in each day when the boys are bored (and therefore a little cranky) and we need something to shake everyone back into more positive thinking. You know what I’m talking about- when every suggested activity gets shot down and everyone wants to do something but no one wants to do anything. This is when we turn to dance parties. I have a
I used to love rainy days… until I had children. Why is it that toddlers don’t appreciate rainy days? Now I just wistfully reflect on the Karen Carpenter song and the days I could curl up on the sofa and read or watch movies all day long without interruption. The same goes for sick days, bed-rest during pregnancy or any of those other types of days where you just want to stay in bed all day. Once you have children, these days often become a new sort of challenge, something you may even dread rather than look forward to.
One of the things I love about having children is experiencing their sense of humor at different ages and stages. My sons have an amazing sense of humor. I frequently explain to people that my twin sons are much like the Two-Headed Monster on Sesame Street. They share a lot of inside jokes and once one gets a case of the giggles, the other joins in and they are nearly unstoppable. A couple of years ago, I took a risk and introduced my children to April Fools’ day. It was a big hit and has quickly become a beloved day
Many of you have already taken advantage of our free book with purchase offer on www.cottonbabies.com We wanted to take a few minutes to share a little more about the book “You Can Be You and I Can Be Me – Our Differences Are Not A Mistake” with a brief question and answer session with author, Anni Shelton. Cotton Babies: What inspired you to write “You Can Be You and I Can Be Me – Our Differences Are Not a Mistake“? Anni Shelton: Two struggles actually. One was chronic, the other acute. This book addressed them both. The chronic struggle
Did you know Earth Day is more than 40 years old? The first official Earth Day was celebrated in the U.S. on April 22nd, 1970 and was created by Senator Gaylord Nelson, who desired to find a way to “put the environment into the political ‘limelight’ once and for all” (his words). This day is now celebrated in most countries across the world. Earth Day is a great opportunity to reflect about what we can do to protect our planet. Check out some of these simple family oriented activitites to kick up your heels on Earth Day 2011: Make an
Months ago, when we first asked for topics you wanted us to discuss in our Real Mom Talk series indoor winter entertainment was one of the requested topics. Your winters may be long or short, depending on where you live. Regardless of geography or weather, there are occasions where you may be stuck indoors for longer than you (or your children) like. During pregnancy through the toddler and preschool stages, it seems indoor days are more frequent than at other stages of life. Here are a few of my favorite indoor activities that don’t require anything more than a quick