Just the other day I was thinking back on my cloth diapering journey of almost 4 years continuously and simultaneously diapering two babies. I thought to myself: what part of reusing diapers has made the most difference in my day-to-day life? The answer might surprise you. It’s actually cloth wipes! My washing routine for cloth diapers has changed slightly over the years by moving houses and going from top-loading machine to high efficiency front-loader. My preferences in cloth diapers has changed too — at first I was a hook-and-loop girl, and now I’m definitely a fan of snaps. But I
Tag Archive: toilet training
Potty training, for us, means instantly less diaper laundry. Hooray! The potty training toddler is still having accidents, but it is definitely a huge difference to have only one baby in cloth when I was accustomed to two. I’m no longer having to run loads of laundry and stuff pockets late into the night because I’ve run out of diapers. Occasionally, the diaper pail wet bag is actually full before I run out of diapers! While I’m really enjoying less urgency in washing my stash, I’ve also learned from the more experienced cloth diaper mamas that I have to be
Did you read Jill’s wonderful and informative post earlier this week about the Potty Training Boot Camp method? Let me warn you, this post is nothing like that. We are, as I type, smack in the middle of attempting potty learning with Little Sir, our 2.5 year old son. This is a post, not from experience and hindsight, but from the trenches. I can’t tell you “how we did it” as much as “how we are attempting to do this”. May you learn from my ongoing mistakes! Let me set the stage for you. Little Sir is what some
It appears to be that time… my little guy is about 2.5 years old, and already more than half of his playgroup since birth is fully potty trained. Not just the girls, but the boys too. I’m starting to feel a little weird having to take diapers to Mother’s Day Out. With two kids in (cloth) diapers, I’d definitely welcome at least one of them moving to underwear. We’ve had the supplies for a while: we have two potty chairs, and a special potty seat for the “big potty”. We got him some ridiculously cute Flip training pants, which he
It has been more than a year since we shared information about the different styles or types of cloth diapers currently available. There are a lot of new products that have been introduced in the last year, so we thought a little refresher course might help. Just like any new hobby or skill you learn, parenting and especially cloth diapering, comes with its own jargon. I was really confused when I first started, then I got the hang of it. I felt pretty confident when I joined the Cotton Babies team only to learn there was a lot more to
There are as many ways to approach potty training as there are children in diapers. Even in the same family, different kids will require a different way of learning. But there is one thing about potty training that I think needs to be made very clear: Potty training is a process, not an event. Think of it like weaning your child to solid food. You wouldn’t ever expect them to go straight from getting all or most of their nutrition from bottle or breast to getting all of it from solid food. Their little bodies, minds and habits need to