Care packages are a thoughtful way to share the love and send someone a few of their favorite things. When a few of those favorite things are cloth diapers, a care package stuffed with different bumGenius, Flip and Econobum products can be extremely practical and beneficial.
As you know, cloth diapers are an eco-friendly way to save money and care for your baby, which is why many parents want to make the switch from disposables.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to send a special care package filled with three bumGenius, Flip or Econobum diapers and one bumGenius accessory to two lucky people.
To enter, tell us what you’d like to receive in your cloth diapers care package.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, July 30. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway. Solid colors only.
We love flip organic and bumgenius babylegs!! We’ve got a baby girl on the way and nothing left of our boys cloth diapers!
I would love a dozen Bumgenius Elementals in Dazzle, Armadillo, and Hummingbird!
I would love a flip or 4.0 in armadillo! Love the color options.
I am new to the cloth diapering. I have a one week old babygirl and would really love to cloth diaper with her. I have been doing research and am extremely excited! I would love bumgenius diapers any of them really the 4.0 freetime and elemental all look fabulous and as an accessory id love to get a wet bag, I dont have one yet! Thanks for your time!
I would love to try the freetimes with snap closure and planet wise wet bag in boy friendly prints!
Or the bum genius wipes
I would love to try some BG freetimes! I have a daughter so girly colors or prints would be fun too. I would love a wet bag as an accessory.
I’d like to receive BumGenius OS pocket or AIO with stay dry liners 🙂 I love how the newborn BG inside feels so smooth 🙂
This would be amazing for baby due in October!!!
I just am a fan of your 4.0’s. They were our first type of diaper and it’s what made me addicted to cloth. So simple. Plus I love seeing my husband get excited about diaper laundry 🙂
I would love to try new styles besides my prefolds and covers
I’d love to win some Bumgenius diapers, either the 4.0 pockets or Elemental AIOs, and maybe a wetbag or some baby legs to match!
I would love to try bumgenius diapers!
I would like freetime and econobum diapers.
I have a friend due in Sept with her 6th baby. She used cloth on some of the others but since loaned them to someone so she doesn’t now have any of her diapers. They were pre-loved before she got them anyway so I’d love to win this for her.
Oops, anything would be good. She used 3.0 in the past so 4.0 would be the most familiar to her.
I love cotton babies I need more diapers!! I have another one on the way!
I would love to receive some freetimes to add to my stash. I LOVE freetimes!
I absolutely love my BGs 4.0 but would like to try organic elemental or any ai1 🙂
I would love flips and stay dry boosters
I would love to win flips and either cloth wipes or a wet bag!!
I would love to win FLIP! I have tried all but flip.
I would love some freetimes or flips! I NEED more of both and I love them so much!
I would love organic flip insets and covers, also bum genius elementals.
I would really love to get flip diapers with inserts!
I have always wanted to try the BG Elementals! I am pregnant with my 4th and still have 2 in diapers! We go through quite a few diapers! LOL!
I’d love to win the bumgenius elemental with organic cotton — I’d really love a Patch diaper, if they are still available, but any would be great!
Will love diapers with organic materials and/or inserts.
i would love to get FLIP diapers!
My sister just entered her 3rd trimester! Trying to get her loaded up with cloth diapers!
We have been cloth diapering since birth. Little girl is 3 weeks and is out growing her newborn stash. We want to try the 4.0 and wet bag!
I would like to win bumgenius 4 0 free times the best diaper out there an I have mostly nothing but those but if I did win I think it would be great to just send a surprise package with something new for me to try! Ty
I would be so super grateful to win anything! thanks for the chance to win!
Hi! I would greatly appreciate Flip diapers and the BumGenius wipes and bottom cleaner. Thank you for this great opportunity to add to our stashes.
I’d love anything for a newborn. I’m new to cloth diapering so I don’t have a preference yet.
I would like to try bumGenius freetime.
I would love a variety. I am still trying different diapers out to see what we like best.
Would love the flips!
I would love to try the bumgenius and cloth wipes as the accessory.
I’d love to try the BumGenius diapers and the Prince Lionheart Wipe Kit.
I’d love some bumgenium diapers and a wetbag.
I would love to try Flips, or some all in ones from BumGenius!
I’d like a pail liner, an elemental, a freetime, and a flip!
I would like to win Flips and BabyLegs!!!
I would love any of the three products I’m new to cd just tried flip today and loved it going to try my bg tomorrow and was going to buy econobums to try also would love as an accessory a wet/dry bag either travel size or a big one thank you so far I’m happy with the products I’ve tried from you guys!
I’d honestly be extremely happy with anything 😀 I’ve wanted to give BG and Flips a try since I first started researching cloth but I just haven’t been able to yet. I’d most love to try BG freetimes or 4.0
I’d love bg freetimes and would love to try the bg sprayer or maybe the travel wet bag.
I’d love bumgenius diapers and a wetbag or stay dry reusable liners.
I would love some flips and a diaper sprayer! I wouldn’t turn down an elemental, to try out! Thanks!
I would love the bumgenius freetime or elemental and a diaper sprayer.
I would love bumgenius elementals in chico, grasshopper, and mirror. And for the accessory I would like a diaper pail liner. Thank you for the giveaway!
I’d squeal like a 13 year old girl at a NKOTB concert (at least a 10 year old who was that age back in our day, anyway! Lol) if I won Alicia, Carol, and Audrey Elementals and a BG outing wet bag (we still use plastic grocery bags when we’re on the go!)!!! I know that’s next to impossible though, but I’d be just as happy with Alicia, Chico, and Louis!
I’d love the Flip covers and BG laundry detergent.
I would really like more BumGenius diapers. I made the mistake of buying a dozen BG and another brand. The other brand was just as expensive, but they are terrible. It will be awhile before we can afford more cloth diapers, so any that will increase our stash is greatly appreciated!
I forgot to mention the accessory! I would like the cloth wipes+bottom sprayer. I have been wanting to switch to cloth wipes, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. It would be nice to try them out before investing.
I would LOVE a few newborn diapers and maybe a tote for the accessory!
If I win, I would like to try a bumGenius Elemental, a bumGenius Freetime, a Flip cover, and a bumGenius diaper sprayer. I am expecting my first baby and would like to try each of these.
I’d love a sampler with bumpiness and flip for a friend of mine plus some wipes!
I’d love to receive some Flip covers! We’ve really started to like covers and prefolds with baby #2.
I would sooooo love a new wet bag! Mine is on baby #3 and has seen better days!!!!
I’d be happy with any of the items up for grabs as I have no diapers or preference yet. Still in the learning phase.
I’d love an albert wetbag and a jolly, countess and dazzle freetime 🙂 (praying for a 3rd baby before number two is out of diapers and having faith God will answer our prayers with a little girl or two 🙂
I really want to try some bumgenius! I have some used flips with relaxed elastics. I’ve been looking at buying some used freetimes or elementals but haven’t found the right deal yet!
Id love bgs!!! we bought an entire stash from you three years ago and theyre starting to fall apart and we’re no where near potty training!!!
I would love some newborn products for my baby on the way!
I would love to receive 3 BumGenius 4.0’s for our new baby girl and a BumGenius wet bag as the accessory. Thanks for the chance!
I’d love flips and an albert outing bag. No preference on the BG line diapers since its all new to me and I’d love to try any! Just neutral or boy colors I’d ask.
I would love to try bumgenius and get a diaper sprayer too!
I would like a bumGenius 4.0 in Chico.
I would choose the Stay-Dry Doubler inserts
I’d love bum genius elemental one-size diapers and flannel baby wipes and bottom cleaner for my son!!
I would love the bumgenious diapers!
We have our first baby coming soon. Would love to try out the flips!
4.0s with and a wet bag would be a nice package!
I would love to try a flip, a BG free time or a wet bag!
cloth wipes and some elementals would be awesome!
bumgeniuses! I’m just building a stash for my first baby due this fall and those are on my list to try.
I’m just starting to get my cloth diapers and really like the flips. I also agree with some people above that you can never have too many wipes.
I would loveeeee anything bg! With a one year old and one in the oven were working on expanding that stash!
As a working mom who has yet to try cloth diapers but would love to make the switch, I would be excited to try some bumgenius pocket diapers (since that is what is most comfortable for our child care provider) and as an accessory a planet wise wet/dry bag would be extremely helpful!
Anything bumgenius!
I would love to win the Flips and a bumGenius diaper pail liner. Thanks!
I would love to try Bumgenius with planet wise bag. Cheers!
I would really like to try bg freetimes
I could really use some newborn bumgenius diapers attune some of the long hemp babies doublers.
Well, I’m not sure. I love BumGenius but ive always wanted wanted to try Econobum!
bumgenius and the outing wetbag! I have to take my husband to a lot of hospital visits which sometimes end up as stays and a wetbag is sorely needed.
I would choose Econobum covers and some BG stay dry inserts
I would choose econobum, I like their covers, and wipes as the accessory. Never have too many wipes.
I would like two flip diapers, one economic cover and the bumgenius diaper sprayer if possible if I won!
Would love to try bumGenius.
I really like the aden and anais portable changing pad though not sure if that is an option. Or the flip organic nighttime insert.
Wipes and bumgenius freetimes in fun, bright colors or prints! Thank you!
I would love some BumGenius diapers, as I don’t have any yet!
I’d love to receive a “Care Pack” with a bumGenius 4.0, Freetime, and Elemental (it’s be awesome if one of them was in the new Chico print!) and a pack of Flip organic daytime inserts (which I’ve heard are awesome for stuffing pocket diapers, too.
Flips and new pail liner would be great!
I’m new to cloth Diapering and this giveaway would be so helpful in building a stash for my sweet son! 🙂
I would love some bumgenius and maybe a pail liner or bottom spray!
I’d love a BG newborn and Freetimes as well as hemp inserts!
Yay! Flips in Stellar, Armadillo, and Jolly would be my picks! I’m not sure what counts as an accessory but I would really like some organic nighttime flats, or hemp, or another wet bag!
I would love to win either BumGenius Freetime or Elemental (I’ve never tried Elementals) diapers. I’d like to try the BumGenius Bottom Cleaner, too. Thanks for the chance!
I would love to expand my stash before my LO comes with flip covers in Albert, armadillo, and clementine. Some newborn stay dry inserts would be nice too. 3.5 months to go waiting for my first and I can’t wait to CD. The best thing is that when we have another I’ll be able to use my stash again. Thanks for making cloth diapering a much easier option than it was when I was a baby. Two words…..”Rubber Pants”
Id like to see boy diapers in my prize.
I would get the Flip diapers in Chico, Armadillo, and Stellar. And I would probably get a bumgenius wet bag or diaper pail liner for the accessory!
I would love to try these Bumgenius freetime I keep hearing about! Chico and Abert are my favorite prints. 🙂
I would love to try some Flips – maybe even share one with my friend who is expecting!
I would like bumgenius diapers and the bumgenius diaper pail liner!
A Jules lol, jk but Id love to see freetimes! A wet bag would be fun as well
I would love to win some freetimes!
I’d like the flip package if I ended up winning. Baby is due soon and I have been wanting to buy a few Flips!
I would want if possible two bumgenius freetime AIO one size in the print clementine, chico, and/or stellar. Then one flip in Albert. If I can’t mix, than all AIO. And for the accessory I would pick a wet bag from either planet wise (a hanging wet bag), Albert wet bag from bumgenius, OR a spray pail. LOVE so much!
I would love covers for me on any brand or more Bumgenius AIOs for when I leave DD with her grandparents.
I would love to win some Freetime bumGenius diapers, and a sprayer!
bumgenius and planet wise wet bag:)
Bum Genius and Logan wet bag!
BumGenius and planet wise wet bag
I’d want hemp babies diaper doublers and bumgenius diapers!
I would love a care package filled with BumGenius diapers and cloth wipes (our next step in our cloth diapering journey).
love all my cotton babies but I would love to receive more flips covers and maybe some newborn bg.
I would like some AIO or pocket diapers in my care package, because I can’t get my hubby to even attempt to use prefolds or flats. For accessories, I could use more Snappis. 🙂
I’d probably choose some Flips and an outing bag in ballet!
I would absolutely love a Chico diaper cover with snaps! I also love Albert but if I can’t choose prints I would choose Dazzle, Countess, and Sassy! We love Freetime’s and covers with snaps!
I think I would like to receive bum genius diapers! I haven’t tried econobum or flips yet! I may change my mind though
We haven’t tried Econobums yet so it’d be great to win those! However, we love our flips and bumgenius too!
I would love to receive the 3 Flips, We have never tried them. We plan on having at least 2 more children adding to the one we already have. I need a good diaper that will last through all of them and We already love our (2) 4.0’s and (2) elemental. I like the idea of a reusable cover since ill have more than one child in cloth at a time. As for the accessory I would love and outing wet bag. We don’t have one yet and we have been cloth diapering for 5 months now.
Fingers crossed that I win for my little fellers!
I’d love to receive BumGenius diapers!
oh and ribbit! I dont have it. I know.. me and all the discounted colors!!
I would love to receive a few of the colors that I dont have yet in 4.0. ( but we use elemental as well) I really like moonbeam, orange ( I cant remember the name) and mirror. More wipes and daytime flip inserts for the flips that we have.
I mean a jules in any kind of diaper would be great ! a girl can dream!! 😉
oh man, bumgenius diapers and wetbag would be great. :]
I’d love some BumGenius Elementals and a BG diaper sprayer! Would be a dream come true!
I’d like to receive a bumGenius care package if i won! thanks for the chance
I would like to try some newborn bumGenius!
I’d like Bumgenius 4.0 diapers and the flannel wipes. We are trying to work on our stash for our 3 week old son!
Any of the three brands would be great, but I would love especially to try some Flip diapers!
I would like a Aio one size ….that would be nice…maybe something in a newborn too. I would LOVE to win this for my new fella before he gets here. I ma just gonna have to keep my fingers crossed.
I would love some Bumgenius!!
I have a thin baby and freetimes are one of the few diapers that fit him well and work great!!!
I would love 3 freetimes for my heavy wetter! Only thing that seems to work for us. And I dream of a diaper sprayer lol
Love this! I would love to try out some freetimes for when we leave the house!
3 bG 4.0 and hemp doublers
Since I love them all, it’d be hard to choose, but I think I’d pick 2 BG Freetimes and 1 Flip diaper.
I would love to get some 4,0s in sassy, ,ararmadillo and dazzle. Thanks!
Excited! Thinking about using bumGenius.
Econobums and bumGenius flannel wipes!
I would love to have the bumGenius diapers and a Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag! Such a great giveaway prize!
I would love to receive a care package with some Bumgenius! I cant afford to buy them and I want to try out the 4.0s.
I would want to try Bum Genius elementals and a pail liner.
I would a care package with diapers, a wet bag, and rash cream! All the essentials!
My favorite things would include freetimes in dazzle, countess and hummingbird plus BG liquid laundry detergent.
I’d love to receive an outing wet bag along with three diapers!
I am new to the Flips system and LOVE it!! So easy to use and not too bulky the clothes my son has! Great diapers! I would love Flip covers, but I would also like to try bumGenius or Econobum for comparison! Really any of these would be great! FTM and I’m sold on cloth diapers! Thank you!
We would love anything in the care package, especially a Jules 😉 But for the accessory, a wet bag or tshirt would be cool!
I just started using flips for night time and could definitely use a few more!
Would like to have chance to try any of these diapers out.
I would love to receive 4.0s! 🙂
I’d love bumGenius diapers and…shoot accessories are difficult! Either some extra stay-dry inserts or bottom cleaner. I just started using cloth wipes so that would be great!
I’d love some print flips or free times or elementals and a diaper sprayer! Or flip inserts!
I would like to receive three Flip diapets, and a bumGenius One-Size Insert Sock pack.
Flips and a wet bag 🙂
I would love some bum genius freetimes!!
Would love to win some flips and or 4.0s!
New colors or prints obviously!
A print in all styles
A theme like “overnight CD”
I’d love to win two freetimes in moonbeam and ribbit!!
If I won this wonderful care package, I would love to receive some of the newer colors that I don’t have. Most of our diapers are from our first child, so some fresh, new colors would be great! Armadillo, stellar and jolly are high on my list in either 4.0, freetime (our 4 freetimes have about reached the end of their lives :() or flips. As for an accessory, I would love to try Flip overnight inserts!
I love the BG prints! So pretty! I started my stash with flips and prefolds. After trying 4.0s, freetimes and elementals almost a year after I began my cloth diaper journey, have fallen in love with elementals. I think the next thing I need to try the diaper dawgs. I love the products and your customer service is amazing! Thanks!
I’d love some bum genius free times. Mirror, countess, and sassy and a wet bag for day care. My daughter attends a cloth firendly child care center and I need more solids. #imscaredjulesmightnotcomehome lol
This would be a great way to help a friend into cloth diapering. I would love to see a flip diaper in the package.
I’d love some flips!
I would love to have 4.0s and a large hanging wetbag in my care package!
After 3 years of daily use, our sprayer broke and poured about 20 gallons if water into our floor before we disconnected the line. I would love a new diaper sprayer and any style of diaper since I still have 2 in cloth!
I would love to win some Flips! They’re a cover favorite of mine. Perfect for my inserts!
I would love to receive a care package of bumGenius Freetimes. I currently use 4.0s and have be curious about how the Freetimes work and really want to try them out.
I would love to receive free times! Prints would be great (and probably very unattainable) but stellar, jolly and countess (or dazzle or mirror….) would be just as good! I’d also love an Albert wet bag!
We love BG Elementals. Both of my babies are sensitive to synthetic materials, so all we can use are natural fibers like cotton and bamboo.
I would love to win a few free times and wipes or another awesome accessory.
I would love flips or elementals or trainers. I have a 18 month old girl so cloth safe creams also.
I’d love some new BG AIOs!
I’d love to try some Flip 🙂
I am just starting in my cloth diaper journey. I am building my stash and am looking toward the BumGenius 4.0s. Anything that would help in my new journey would be appreciated.
I would love some bumgenius.
I’d love to get a bum Genius care package!
I would really like to win some new bum genius diapers. My third baby is a boy and I have too many girl colors and prints! I need to get some more gender neutral ones!
I would like 3 bumgenius 4.0 pockets. They can be snap or hook & loop. Any colors or prints. We don’t discriminate around here. For the accessory I’d like a bumgenius outing wetbag. I never win anything so it would be pretty cool to win.
Now that lo is squirmy, I’d like 4.0s or Freetimes!
I would love to win some Flips in a care pkg… (Maybe some LE prints.) 🙂
Oh man! It’s hard to decide! I’d love Stellar, Jolly and Armadillo in Elemental or 4.0 and considering, I just lost a wet bag, I’d love to win a Bumgenius wet bag!
I would love to try some Flips!! I’m new to cloth and I haven’t tried those yet. I’ve heard they might be what I need for my heavy wetter overnight!
As a dad I think the bumGenius would be the easiest choice and the Logan and Lenora wet bag
I’ve never tried econobum so I wouldn’t mind trying those but I also love my flips and elementals so I’d be ecstatic with anything 🙂 baby due Oct 1st so could definitely use this!!
I love freetimes and can’t seem to have to many!
I would love to build my stash with bumGenius diapers and a Planet Wise hanging wet bag! I cloth diaper only a day here and there since I don’t have enough diapers in my stash yet. This would be great to have even more!
I would like to win Flip diapers so I can give my 4.0s to my friend who is expecting and wants to cloth diaper for financial reasons.
I would choose detergent or hemp doublers as my accessory.
<3 bumgenius!!!
I’d love to win a Flips package and an outing wet bag! We loves Flips here, but we haven’t tried BG wet bags yet.
I actually would rather have the package go to my friend, who is due in 2 weeks… she’s a great friend but both she and her hubs work low end hourly jobs with no pto. she’s just getting into cloth as a $saver, so I’d want it to have diapers and some good wipes! Maybe a rash cream or something. A spray pal if the package was a big one… I think she’d do better with all in ones, if money wasn’t the main issue… 🙂
One of each so I can try them all ! Love love freetimes and elemental! Wanting to try flips.
My absolute favorite with my daughter was the 4.0 with flip overnight inserts. I keep stocking up on the seconds inserts so more 4.0’s would be wonderful for girl #2 due in October. I also need to replace my pail liners so one of those would be super appreciated.
I just bought my first two elementals and they are so great! I’d love more of those, or any style bumgenius, and a small wet bag for the diaper bag.
I would love BumGenius, but I’m not sure what accessory is best. I already have a diaper sprayer – so maybe a wetbag?
I would love anything in a care package. If I didn’t feel that I would use it I would be able to gift it to a friend who is trying to get a small stash started before her baby gets here 🙂
I would absolutely love the flip diapers! They save us overnight!
I’d love some more Bumgenius diapers and a second wet bag!
I would love to receive anything in the care package! I have wanted to try the bottom cleaner 2.0 but just can’t afford it right now. Keep up the great work, y’all! 🙂
I would love the bumgenius package! I had to start my stash all over again after finally falling in love with cotton babies products and now I am up to 22 diapers for one child! It’s tough because she still goes through 8-10 diapers as a heavy wetter but we are doing the best we can 🙂
I could really use some new born diapers here soon.
I’d love to receive diapers and cloth wipes or wipe solution in a care package. And wetbags. Always wetbags!!!
Would love a Jules, Carroll and Irwin all 4.0’s 🙂
I’m not sure I’m doing this right. This is my first time entering for a give away. But, if this is the right place to tell what items I would love in a care package here it is: Econobum covers and a wet bag for outings.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! If I win I would pick three 4.0’s for my friend who is having girl! 😀 Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to receive a care package with a few diapers and a wetbag and or a few cloth wipes. My twins just turned 1 on tuesday and us in cloth is a great way to save money and have super cute bums. Thanks !
I would love to win a few BGs and some silk liners to help keep baby feeling dry overnight. 🙂
I would love to win bumgenius diapers! The accessory I’d love are cloth wipes 🙂
I would love 4.0s and stay dry socks!
Love the fit of bumgenius!
I recently tried a flip with my son for the first time and loved it! He is a heavy wetter and had leaked through every other cloth diaper I had tried! I love that the flip hybrid system is so flexible and I can modify it to meet our needs! Thus, if I win I would love to have Flip diapers and theFflip organic nighttime inserts!
I would love to receive some BG’s and also it would be great to try out some diapers we do not have!
Bumgenius Freetimes are my style of choice!
Id love to win! We use flips over our flats 🙂 they’re so trim!
I would love to win some Freetimes! i’ll have two in cloth, so I’m stocking up. 🙂
I’d love more Flips! We just started cloth diapering and the Flips are our favorite so far!
I’d be happy with anything, but we’re loving our 4.0s and flips right now ☺
I would like 3 BumGenius freetime diapers and some BumGenius doublers. It would be a dream come true to win these!’
I would love 4.0s
This giveaway is awesome!! Good luck everyone!
I would prefer bumgenius products.
♡ flips!
I would like flips and Flip inserts in a care pa mage
Flips they’re our favorite.
We use flips at our house and would love the opportunity to win some more!
I would love either the flip or bumgenius…Love Both Products!!!
I’d love freetimes and a wet bag!
I’d love to win bumgenius 4.0 or freetimes
Bum genius!! I love my flips, but haven’t used BG’s.