2015 is right around the corner and it’s a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make. Everyone has a list of goals they want to achieve, and the New Year is perfect time to start.
So, what are some of your New Years resolutions? Is using cloth diapers one of them? If so, getting started with cloth is simple, especially with bumGenius 4.0! It’s an easy-to-use cloth diaper system that’s best-selling, top rated and loved by parents everywhere.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to help you kickoff 2015 on the right foot with cloth diapers. Three people will win a bumGenius 4.0 and a pair of bumGenius BabyLegs.
To enter, tell us some of your New Year’s resolutions.
PS: bumGenius 4.0s are still on sale! Build your stash or add to it while bumGenius 4.0s are Buy 6, Get 1 FREE!
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, Jan 1, 2015. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway. Solid colors only.
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Enjoy more family time!
My news years resolution is to continue to cd and to start cloth wipes as well.
My husband and I are going to stop drinking pop and sugary drinks. We’re doing it for our health and our children so our 2 year old and soon to be bundle of joy make better choices in their lives.
My New Years Resolution is to relax and not stress!
My New Years resolutions are to get out of debt, work out to loose the baby weight and take my girls on new adventures
My resolution is to spend more time with my family!
Lin the new year I would like to be more open to my friends and family.
Save enough money so we can put a down payment on a house the following year! We are about halfway there! Cloth diapering is one way for us to do that – and save our landfills. Every little bit helps!
My resolution is to become more efficient at laundry!
To have the happiest and healthiest year ever!
To be more present, clean out clutter, and lead a healthier lifestyle.
I don’t really do new year’s resolutions. I guess this year I just want to be sure I get everything in order for my baby coming in May.
my resolution is to spend more time with family!
it may seem silly but mine is to not eat any mcdonalds french fries!
that’s not silly!
My New Years resolution is to eat cleaner/healthier and become more active for the baby in my belly. I’m currently 6 months pregnant and I’m working on being healthier for her. Can’t wait to try all these cute diapers on baby girl!
potty train my little girl, get ready for new baby, try to keep my family healthier, keep mindful and thank God for each day’s gifts.
My new years resolution is to try a new recipe every week to avoid getting take out when I’m stumped for dinner ideas.
loose the rest of my pregnancy weight and eat healthier. make more memories with my little ones and husband
I don’t actually make new year’s resolutions.
I’m going back to school!
I want to be a better house keeper and lose some weight.
I love 4.0s. One of my goals this year it to try some freetimes and see how I like those on our new baby!
My New Years resolution is to use cloth diapers all day long!!! And get the tricks for making it easy !
Live more frugally!
I’m resolving to look at the big picture instead of focusing on all of the little things that stress me out day to day. I need to put things into perspective.
We have already gone several years without using papertowels, now I would like to do away with commercial laundry soaps.
I plan to eat healthier in the New Year
I am going to try cloth diapering for my baby and cloth potty training for my toddler next year!
My new year’s resolution is to take steps to reduce my carbon footprint including stopping all the junk mail we receive, focusing on reducing meat consumption to reduce CO2 emissions and investing in cloth diapering to reduce landfill waste.
To not let the little things get to me!
I resolve to embark on my stay at home mom journey with an open mind and to keep my expectations realistic.
Some of my resolutions….better organized household, be confident and comfortable using cloth diapers, give more!
Get out of debt.
Take time to ignore the craziness and soak up moments with my little one!
New Year’s resolutions: prepare for and have a natural birth (due in May), get ready for baby within budget. 😉
My New Years resolution is to spend less time on Facebook, and more time being appreciative for my own life. 🙂
No official resolutions yet but maybe to get active or lose a few pounds.
To keep my 2 kiddos happy and healthy!
I need to de-clutter and get rid of stuff we don’t use!
I hope to recycle more, perhaps start a compost and of course the usual, eat healthier and exercise more ! 🙂
I really want to start running again, and practicing yoga on a daily basis. Since having my baby, I feel like my body needs movement! I would also like to devote more time reading!
My New Year’s resolution would be to finally get a stamp in my passport!!
My goal for the New Year is to eat healthier. I’m trying to cut out all added sugar, flour, and eat only unprocessed foods!
to be more and do less!
Would love to win
My new years resolution is to lose the rest of my bany aeight and a few extra.
Looking forward to growing my stash in 2015!
To be more organized!
Run the Disney half marathon!
Capture more memories with my boys!
My most important resolution is to live life for all it has to offer, appreciate everything I am blessed with, no matter how big or small. and to live for me and my amazing little ones 🙂
My New Year’s Resolutions are to lose weight and be more organized.
I would like to run more often, do yoga daily & eat less cheese for starters.
to be honest, my baby (which will be my first!) is due mid january and i’ve been so busy prepping for his arrival, i have not even given a moment’s thought to any new years resolutions! But i guess a very general/broad one would be to be the best mommy i can be and not beat myself up over first time mom blunders and what not 🙂
I don’t make new year’s resolutions.
I’m going to get back into shape in 2015. I’m 39 with 2 little ones (and 2 teenagers). I’d like to be better able to run and play with them.
To organize our house!
I hope to find healthier dinners that my family likes for the new years.
Jut to get through our first year with baby #2
My new years resolution is to learn now to be a green mama
My resolution is to become a cloth diapering goddess after my first baby arrives some time around the end of July.
My New Year’s resolution is to prepare for cloth diapered baby #3 to arrive in May!!!!
My New Years Resolutions Are:
1. Use cloth diapers! This is my second baby but our first time cloth diapering. I have been creating my stash of diapers as a combination of prefolds and the BumGenius freetime diapers because I have heard such great things about them! I am getting excited about trying something new.
2. Be more economical: I am trying to buy gently used everything now for my children; not because I don’t believe they deserve something nice and new, but because I know I can save money to put towards something better – like healthy food for my children or putting those extra dollars into a savings account. I also feel better knowing that my money is going to a small business or another parent who needs the extra cash.
3. Change careers or become SAHM for at least one year: The job I have now is alright. My coworkers make it worth it but I am ready for something new and different than being in customer service. But if our family can afford to do so, I would like to take the first year off my daughter is born to stay at home with her like I did with my son. Money might be tight but the benefits she will reap from me being home far outweigh any monetary gain.
nothing special for the new year. Ive already started making changes that i hope to keep up. just want to be healthier
Hi French
I like the cloth diaper. Could you please tell me that need use any diaper rash cream for prevention rashes.
One of my new years resolutions is to clear out the clutter in the house.
I think both my husband´s and mine are the same, but the most important one is getting pregnant. 😀 We are really excited about that for this upcoming year.
My new years resolution is to finish my Pharmacy Tech program by April. Right now I’ve been letting housework and mommy life take a toll on my work so I’m behind. I’m hoping I can make time for assignments after the holidays pass!
My New Year’s Resolution is to be more patient with my daughters. And to breastfeed my youngest for at least one year! 🙂
My resolution is to be more organized and spend less time on social media.
One of my major New Year’s Resolutions is to simplify my life! I want to get rid of a lot of my wardrobe (I have so many clothes and I don’t wear most of them!) and stop saying “yes” to plans that don’t add value to my life or waste my time. I also have goals related to the sport I participate in and to stop cursing (or at least cut way back). I have the worst potty mouth!
My resolution is to take a little me time. It sounds selfish but I think I’m getting lost and starting to resent people. So, it is time to help myself. I (We) are worth it.
We just found out we are having our first baby, so my resolution is to take care of myself and to have a very healthy pregnancy.
I don’t do New Year’s resolutions.
I usually don’t make resolutions, but I hope to be more motivated in my business and more organized in all aspects of my life.
Try cloth diapering out
The usual be healthier, work out, be a better person
To lose some weight and start living a more healthy lifestyle.
I would like to get financially squared away.
My new year’s resolution is to use cloth diapers on my first baby when she arrives in April!
My new years resolutions are to try to be healthier, cook more food for my baby, and use cloth diapers all the time (now I use them 75% of the time).
My New Year’s resolution is to teach my 4 year old the whole Alphabet.
I want to spend more time with my family!
Lose some baby weight. Save more money. And pay it forward as much as I can!
Happy new Year!
Be better than last year
To have a healthy pregnancy!
I’m not really one for New Years resolutions. I believe that if I feel like something has to change, well no time like the present!
My New Years resolution is to have a healthy baby. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and recently had a miscarriage. A healthy baby is all I truly want!
Our resolution in our family is just to make our lives more orderly, and build in more time to take care of ourselves, go on dates, etc. It’s easy to let those things disappear when you’re busy!
My new year’s resolution is to drink more water!
To nurse my four month old for a full year!!
One of my New Years resolutions is to just try and sit back, relax and enjoy life and my growing baby a little bit more!
lose weight
I would like to be a better wife and mother. Spend more time just being with my family rather than worrying about keeping everything perfect.
My resolution is to live life to the fullest and spend more time being thankful for what we have!
To save a particular amount of money.