It’s summer, and it’s time to take an outing!
Grab your cloth diapers, toys, cloth wipes, and water bottle, pack ’em in your favorite bag, and head off!
Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if you could shove all those things in a bag created specifically for outings? Well, GUESS WHAT?! YOU CAN — with the bumGenius Outing Wet Bag!
For this week’s giveaway, two lucky winners will receive a bumGenius Outing Wetbag with two bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Cloth Diapers of their choice!
To enter, tell us what you pack for your little on for a short trip.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, July 17, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway.
Sarah S! I posted that the other day too! But my comment isn’t found.. HMM. Let’s see if this one gets through! It said “waiting moderation” last time when I came on Friday (just after the contest was over).
Just kidding I see it NOW 🙂
Did I miss something? Who is the second winner? I only see one listed.
Hey, It says TWO lucky winners but there is only one name posted?? Did we forget to draw the second name?!?
This bag is so useful! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I take diapers, wipes, a burpcloth, and at least a onsie. Just an in and out trip to town, covered with a sposie, wipe and burpcloth that stay in my purse!
He isn’t due for a few more weeks but we have a travel crib and plenty of clothes and disposables for our first trip. Not sure I’m confident enough to cloth on the go just yet
I have no idea what to bring so I will look eagerly toward everyone elses post. My little one is not due until Oct.
I pack two diapers and a change of clothes!
For a short trip out – usually just a diaper or 2, a wetbag, and wipes. A snack and a drink and we’re good to go!
diapers, wipes, snacks etc
I always pack snacks.
I pack two diapers an extra shirt and two sposie inserts for emergency
lots of toys and clothes
I typically pack for a short trip out a couple of diapers for each child, cloth wipes in a small wetbag, and an empty wetbag for dirty diapers. For the little one an extra set of clothes. and my Aden and Anais blanket.
Enough cloth diapers, extra clothing, toys, wipes, blanket.
Diapers, wipes, wet bag and a change (or two) of clothes!
tons of diapers and his favorite binky
I pack 2 cloth diapers. Bumgenius 4.0s naturally and a warmed up bottle.
Diapers with Hook and loop, a wet bag, a snack, a sippy cup, wipes and a changing pad are the esencials
Gotta have diapers, a book, and something to chew on!
Change of clothes, wipes, diapers, wet bag, bottle just in case, and a blanket.
Short trip list includes: diaper, wipes, sippy, and snack.
I’m loving my BGs we just started and going out has been pretty easy! 🙂 We always carry EXTRA diapers.
Wet bag with a change or two of clothes, diapers, wipes, drinks, and a snack.
Some diapers, a fresh outfit, water and some snacks!
I pack diapers (of course!), the pack’n’play, clothes, and a bag of toys. We are pretty low maintenance around here. Oh, and of course the blankie.
A diaper or two, pair of sunglasses and/or a hat, and a snack (and water) for both of us!
I usually have wipes, a burp cloth, extra diapers, sunscreen, and hat no matter how short of a trip we are going on!
Diapers, wipes, a few books and toys, two changes of clothes (big spitter) and now starting solids.
i take a few diapers, my medium wet bag, cloth wipes, and a change of clothes. Also a toy or 2 for the car.
I pack a snack, sippy cup , a diaper and wipes .
We pack diapers, wipes, extra clothes, a changing pad, toys, and sunscreen.
I pack clothes, diapers, water, apples and extra shoes b/c he always finds a way to get his shoes wet’
I pack diapering supplies, toys, extra clothes, a blanket, pacifier, snacks, water. Anything and everything I could possibly need.
I always bring a wet bag, water bottle, and hat for him. When he was smaller I also brought a teether.
Diapers, wipes, wet bag, and a change of clothes!
We’re going away for the weekend and we’re packing a pack and play, stroller, cloth diapers and wet bags, clothes, some toys, and the baby carrier.
We pack a couple diapers, wipes, a wetbag, change of clothes and a pacifier.
For a short trip, I pack for my son his blankie, diapers, wipes, a snack, his juice cup, and a change of clothes.
A few diapers, a wet bag and a change of clothes (so far we have had no leaks with cloth diapers and don’t even need them … I had tons of leaks with disposibles with my last child)
generally 1 or 2 diapers thrown in a purse!
Our little one isn’t here yet, but I imagine for our first trip there isn’t much we won’t pack. We’ll be very prepared!
Excited about this giveaway! Seriously wanting to cloth diaper my baby! Wanting to try it out first.
No matter how short the trip, I still have not mastered packing. I pack everything!! Diapers, wipes, extra clothes, toys, books, teethers, food, bottles, snacks, infant tylenol, diaper rash cream, burp clothes, etc. The list goes on…I’m terrible at it. I seriously pack everything!!! Just in case, lol
On a quick trip for errands or something like that, we have a little green backpack that holds one cloth diaper, a wet bag, some wipes, and a sippy cup of water.
On a short trip I always pack wipes, extra diapers, extra clothes, and a pacifier!
I take about 2 diapers, cloth wipes, and a spray bottle of CJs carcass cleaner.
Flips and organic day time inserts!
For running errands I pack a few diapers, wipes, change of clothes and a cup of water.
Diapers and extra clothes (for both of us).
i always take 5 diaper wet bag and an extra outfit and wipes not matter if it short or long trip!!! a wet bag is a must cuz if he poops and i have no wet bag ya it smells the whole store car and everything in between lol
Diapers and a wet bag!
I pack BG 4.0’s and Gogo squeeze pouches
I always pack a couple cloth diapers, and one change of clothes.
When we are running errands or going out for a short time I pack a few diapers, our wetbag, an outfit, sippy cup, and snack puff.
I pack diapers, wipes, wetbay, sippy, toy car, and a snack
I try to keep it basic: 1-2 diapers, wipes, and a wet bag!
A couple outfits, some diapers & wipes…the bare minimum!
Wet bag a few bum genius diapers wipes.
On a short trip, I grab the diaper bag and go. It has the very basics; two or three cloth diapers, a wet bag , and stuff to make a bottle.
DIY wet bag with two or three diapers- BGs is easiest but I occasionally use flips out. Extra outfit just in case 🙂 couple books for 2 and 4 yr old in car. Sunglasses for kids.
2 diaper changes, 1 outfit change, pacifier, sippy cup, snacks
I take some 4.0s and teething toys.
Flip disposables, wipes, and an extra diaper cover for my 13mo son. Extra flip trainer pad , and extra pair of shorts (just in case!! Lol.) always have a small wet bag! Always always always!!
Always take snack, milk and diaper.
I usually pack a couple cloth diapers, a wet bag, wipes, and a bag of snacks.
Cheerios, diaper, wipes, water. My essentials oh and toy and change of clothes!
I pack enough clothes for 2 outfits a day plus one PJ outfit per night we will be gone, and then guesstimate how many diapers we normally would use during a day, add 2, and then add 1 per night we will be gone.
for a short trip I always bring snacks, a water bottle, some books, a change of clothes, a blanket and a favorite toy.
just the basics! hard to do with a nb at the moment.
2 kids in diapers soooo a short trip requires 2 diapers for each, a change of pants or outfit for each, a wrap, a spit rag, a snack and drink for the oldest, and a small toy or book for the oldest. and then seasonal stuff. and my stuff ….im a pack mule.
We mostly use all in 2s so all we really need is some wipes (pre moistened in their little waterproof container) and an insert or 2, but i always bring an extra cover too, just in case of a surprise poop. And a wetbag of course!
we def have to have water and wipes
My diaper bag always has at least two diapers, a wet bag, wipes, a changing pad, a change of clothes, a small medical kit, a couple of books and toys, a blanket, and all my mama stuff (wallet, phone, keys, lip balm)…I’m a bit of an over packer. But hey, the heavy bag on one shoulder balances out the baby on the other, right?
I don’t have a little one yet, but going on a trip, I would make sure to pack plenty of extra outfits and activities to keep them occupied.
I pack him 2 diapers, cloth wipes, and a spray bottle of cjs carcass cleaner solution.
For short trips I just pack a diaper and a couple wipes, I breastfeed so I don’t really need to worry about anything else 🙂
I love bg 4.0 pockets and help babies doublers!!
I always bring our Dandelion rattles to keep the baby entertained!
A cup of water and a snack. Even if he just ate.
We pack diapers, wipes, wet bag, baby carrier, snacks, and clothes.
Lots of sunscreen this time of year!
We take a wet bag, a few cloth, and lots and lots of snacks!
I always pack a diaper, snack and wipes.
I won’t have a baby until September, but I imagine I will pack some spare diapers…
A couple BumGenius 4.0, wipes, sun hat, and an extra change of clothes for baby.
Bum genius 4.0 snaps!
I pack diapers, a sippy cup with water in it, and wipes. I keep it simple.
In addition to the essentials, stacking cups and books!
Since mine are older now always snacks and water! When we have #3, it will be cloth diapers, wipes, and a wetbag, and of course the baby sling.
For my toddler: water, snacks and toys. For my newborn: cloth diapers, a wet bag, change of clothes and a burp cloth. My diaper bag is stuffed!!
Usually three diapers, wipes, a sippy cup, toys, and a snack.
spare clothes and diaper changing supplies, snacks and water, and a few small toys to keep him enteretained.
I want this!
A few diapers, something for him to eat, an emergency change of clothes, and a small toy or two.
Snacks, diapers, a change of clothes, and a few car friendly soft toys!
I pack bg 4.0’s, bg wipes, a spray bottle with water and coconut oil, goldfish or graham crackers, our tommee tippee sippy cup, a fox lovey, baby keys ( my son’s go to toy!). Of course only for a short trip.
Diapers, wipes, bottle, pacifier…those are the essentials.
Don’t know yet! Due with my first in November.
I pack some onesies and some Flips because they are easiest to travel with.
I pack 2 diapers, wipes, and my pocketbook.
We always take a few diapers—usually freetimes, se cloth wipes, a wet bag and a toy!
For a short trip I take a diaper, wipes a toy and a snack.
For a short outing with my 2 yo I usually just bring a water bottle and a snack. I keep a whoopsie bag (wet bag with wipes, a cover and a couple prefolds) in the car for emergency changes.
Diaper, balm, change mat, wipes.
Can’t wait to get all my new diapers I ordered in the sale, so I can keep some in the car!
For short trips, I pack a few diapers, a change of clothes, wipes and spray. I also always have a burp cloth, a wet bag, and a changing pad.
For a short trip we pack a change of clothes, 2-3 diapers, wipes, nursing accessories plus a bottle just in case, some snacks, and a toy to keep the little one entertained.
For a longer day trip times all that by 2 or 3 and then add in a travel high chair and stroller! by the time kiddo’s all packed up we don’t have much room left in the trunk for mom and dads stuff!
When we head out we take our essentials, our BumGenius FreeTimes, wetbag, wipes, a few onesies and some toys. DS is 4months and got it down to a fine art to only take what’s needed 🙂
The diaper bag (normal stuff), a couple books and a stuffed animal. Super easy!
Extra clothes, extra diapers, snacks, sunscreen, and books, stickers, or something to occupy them if needed!
I take cloth diapers , wipes and snacks 🙂
Bumgenius freetime cloth diapers (2-3), wipes, bottles/snacks, favorite toy/book, wet bag, change of clothes.
We pack snacks, a sippy cup of water, diapers, and toys
Diapers and plenty of wipes! There can never be too many!
For my toddler I pack a small snack, a water bottle, a book, change of clothes and underwear. But we have twins on the way so it will be back to being full of bumgenius diapers very soon!
Landon and I leave tomorrow to fly across the country. We have our BumGenius cloth diapers packed, wipes, and Albert/Mirror BumGenius wetbags! We are ready to go!
We love to bring our chew beads everywhere we go these days!
I usually just pack a cloth diaper, wipes and nursing cover.
I always pack my cloth to go, we are a full time cloth diaper family!
I always bring a few little snacks. He gets cranky when he’s hungry!