There’s no such thing as having too many accessories.
Whether it’s jewelry and handbags or a Snappi and BabyLegs, you can never have too many accessories.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to make sure that you have enough cloth diaper accessories — even though it’s impossible to have “enough.” This includes the bumGenius bottom cleaner, flannel wipes, wetbag, and BabyLegs.
Two people will win THREE bumGenius accessories of their choice from the list above.
To enter, tell us your favorite cloth diaper accessory in the comments section below.
Bonus entries are also available below.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, July 24, 2013. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. Contest only valid on bumGenius accessories. Giveaway excludes bumGenius Diaper Sprayer.
Love baby legs and wet bags!!!!
I would love a wet bag
No favorites yet, I’m still anxiously awaiting the arrival of my diapers in the mail! 🙂
I love wetbags! I have quite a number of them.
Wet bag! Hands down!
Cloth wipes. Can you possibly have too many?
I guess my favorite is my nighttime fleece topped hemp doublers. I also love my boingos and my babylegs.
I love my pail liner!
my favorite accessory is definitely wet bag
My favorite are the wetbags for sure.
I guess my favorite accessory is my wet bag. I am interested in wipes, but I haven’t made the switch yet!
Wetbags and cloth wipes!
Wetbags are a must for sure!!!
I like wetbags
I guess the wet bag is my favorite accessory, but I’m new to cloth diapering!
to be honest i have not used cloth diapers yet but i am very excited to start. i have used wipes tho so i would have to say wipes
The wipes are the best, the only way to go FOH SHO! Wet bags are great too, whether you just want to use it to carry the dirties from upstairs to the basement for laundry or for being out and about. Can’t wait to try some baby legs as soon as my little gal’s legs chub up a little.
I haven’t had my baby yet, so I’m not sure what will be my favorite. But I love the idea of the cloth wipes and I really want to use those!
My favorites are cloth wipes! I would love to try out babylegs!
I love a wet bag for on the go!
Flannel wipes! So soft!
I’d have to say its a tie between wetbags and babylegs! All awesome if you ask me.
Don’t know yet – but looking forward to finding out with first baby in October… getting stocked!
Cloth wipes for sure -I’m a convert!
Wet bag!!
My favorite accessory is definitely flushable diaper liners. Because I don’t have a diaper sprayer, I can’t live without them! 🙂
I love my BabyKicks hemp inserts and my sprayer! I could use that thing all day!
Wet bag. Haven’t needed to use the diaper sprayer yet. Interested in the flannel wipes!
Wet Bag!
Cloth wipes are so nice. I wash them right along with my cloth diapers. I saturate them with water and store them in a standard size wipes container (the kind that disposable wipes come in.) So my baby’s bottom gets cleaned with water instead of harsh cleaning solutions. I sometimes add a touch of Dr. Bronner’s Baby Mild soap for a little extra cleaning!
I love flannel wipes and bottom cleaner!
I love a Snappi, but a wet bag has more uses than one! I think it is a MUST HAVE for any mother, cloth or not.
I have a slight BabyLeg addiction but to me the must haves are wet bags and a diaper sprayer. I’d be lost without those two!
Wetbag for sure!
Wetbags and BabyLegs!!
My diaper sprayer and flannel wipes!!! Best diaper accessories!! =)
We <3 cloth diapering!!!
Flannel wipes and a diaper sprayer.
I love my wet bags as much as my diapers!
My favorite accessory is my diaper sprayer!
I love wetbags and snappis!
I love my new bumgenius wet bag!
Diaper sprayer. Being on vacation without it isn’t fun.
Cloth wipes! !!
I have to agree that wet bags are absolutely indispensable, especially for cloth diapering on the go! Liners also make clean up a breeze with older babies…
A wet bag is definitely my favorite accessory! I have a small one for my diaper bag and a large one hanging from the changing table. It is so easy to change and just toss the diaper and wipes in the bag and then dump the bag in the washer on laundry day! Another wet bag would come in handy so I have something to use while my primary one is being washed. Then again, I haven’t tried flannel wipes yet, just baby wash cloths… 🙂
really the only must have in my mind is a wetbag! all the other things are just a bonus. i have a sprayer but never really got the hang of using it. i do love my cloth wipes too (homemade). can never have too many wipes
I just started with cloth, but stop far I love the wet bag!
Wet Bags!
My Absolutely favorite accessory is FLIP COVERS. Just take out those inserts and put a fresh clean one in and wipe it clean if needed!!
No experience cloth diapering yet, but I think a wet bag will be essential when my baby is born in November!
My cloth wipes are my favorite accessory. I use them all the time, and not just for cleaning bums!
I love GroVia’s Magic Stick for preventing rashes!
wet bags, could cd on the go without them!
My diaper bag would be a stinky mess if it weren’t for my wet bags! They are my favorite!
wet bags are a must have so cute ones are a bonus.
but i adore babylegs!
My favorite cloth diaper accesory are leg warmers (does that count?)!
I loved my wet bags, but we are planning on flannel wipes when we have another little one.
Gotta love the diaper sprayer!
I LOVE the bumGenius wetbags! It makes traveling with cloth diapers SO easy!
Diaper Sprayer!
My favorite is definitely my wetbag! I use it for anything and everything and love the fact that I can just throw it in the wash when I get home. Right now I’m using a Planet Wise one but I would LOVE to try a bumgenious one!
I love using homemade wipe solution and flannel wipes!
Wet/dry bag is a must!
Cloth wipes and wetbag for sure!
Definitely the Snappi!
BABYLEGS!!!! I adore babylegs!
New little guy due in September, my youngest is almost 5 so we’re starting over. Would love to win!
My fave would be wetbag, definitely needed for a diaper bag!
Wet/Dry Bag
I use some more wipes and a wetbag!
My wet bag is essential as we use them daily at the daycare.
Wet bag!
Cloth wipes rock! Wetbags are essential too.
I love my wetbag! It’s an absolute MUST for mom’s on the go like me! Does a great job containing diaps and wipes throughout the day and is so easy to wash!
It’s so hard to pick just one favorite! I am torn between the wipes and wetbag but would love some leggings to try out!
I can’t go without Bumgenius bottom cleaner, kissaluvs lotion potion and a wet bag!!
I love our wet bags! I use one opening for diapers and the other for dirty clothes.
My daughter is 6 months and I just started cloth diapering last week, so not much experience with accessories but so far I love cloth wipes!! So much better than the disposables!
I love my diaper sprayer.
i love the snappi!
Bottom cleaner!
We love baby legs. They’re perfect in the fall/winter so our little girls can keep wearing their favorite skirts.
Wipea! Absolutely love my cloth wipes!
Cloth wipes are a must. Lots of them.
Probably a wet bag (so great for travel) or doublers for my heavy wetters.
I REALLY want to try cloth wipes!!!
With two kids in cloth, it’s a tie for my favorite accessory… wet bags and a diaper sprayer!
definitely the wetbag! We were visiting family for a week and I decided to bring the diapers- we used a 5-gallon pail with a garbage bag because we left our wetbag at home. Boy- we noticed the difference! It really amazes me how much the wet bag protects our home from odors!!
I live reusable wipes and wet bags!
grovia doublers — nice and narrow
wetbags and doublers
Wet bags! A necessity for a cloth diapering mama on the go!
I love wet bags. With 4 kids they are useful for just about anything !
My favorite is a tossup between wetbags and babylegs.
Definitely wetbags!
wetbags, wipes, pail liners!
Wet bags!
Definetly cloth wipes
I love my planetwise wetbags!
Definitely wet bags!
My favorite cloth diaper accessory would have to be the baby leggings and the diaper sprayer!!
I am not cloth diapering yet but I think the snappis and the wet bag would be the best.
Love my wetbag for being out and about!
Snappi and wetbegs!
Def. the wetbag!
Babylegs!!!! Those are the best!!!
Diaper sprayer!!!
Right now the only accessory I have is a wet bag….and I love them. I would love to get some handsome baby legs for my little man.
My favorite has to be the sprayer!!
BabyLegs! Use them for everything! twice under braces on broken arm/foot and no rashes thanks to them!
I love wet bags! I use them for everything!
Baby legs!!! So cute with a cloth bummy!!
so far, I havent tried many accessories, but I do like being able to use snappis with prefolds instead of pins
Wet bags and wipes!
Either the wet bag or baby legs!
I love wetbags! They make traveling with cloth diapers so much easier!
Baby legs!!!
I haven’t started cloth diapering yet, because my baby is not due for another 2 months, but I think the wetbag would be a great accessory!
I love my wet bag that can hang on the side of my Little Lady’s crib. She has a small nursery and no room for anything else on the floor.
wet bags & snappis, fo’ sho
An extra wet bag would be great, it is swimsuit season after all!
I think I would pick the bottom cleaner and wetbag. I really like the new ones that just came out.
I love my wetbags! I usually keep two in the diaper bag! One with a back up outfit for my newly potty trained DS, and one for my DD’s cloth diapers! 🙂
Planet Wise Wet Bags… tried making my own, which worked at home, but always leaked, without fail, when out and about. No matter what I did to those seems the moisture would wick around to the outside fabric of the wet bag in my diaper bag. Never a leak with Planet Wise.
Diaper sprayer and wet bags!
Wet bags so I can cloth diaper outside the house!!!
i love wetbags, esp the double zippered ones
bumGenius Flannel Baby Wipes!!
I adore babylegs, I have so many and my little one is still too small for them. Hmm, maybe I need some newborn sized legs…
Definitely wetbags – those things are so handy when we’re out & about!
I’d love a wet bag or some bottom cleaner.
Baby Legs! But it’s so hot where I live that they aren’t really necessary!
We love our planetwise and kushies wetbags!
I love BabyLegs! My daughter is sensitive to the cold, and were it not for BabyLegs, we’d have to put pants on her to make her comfortable. With BabyLegs, we get to show off all those cute cloth diapers!
Favorite accessory is the diaper sprayer and wetbag- both my big one for my son’s room and the travel size one for our diaper bag.
I am going to start cloth diapering in oct with my second baby. Im excited to get started. The accessories I am excited about are baby legs and wet bags.
I’m obsessed with BabyLegs! My so rocks them nearly every day 🙂
Don’t have any yet, but would love to get a wet bag.
My favorites would have to be wet bags and my bottom cleaner! =)
We love our Baby Legs and wet bag!
I could use one of those wetbags! 🙂
I love the wetbags!!!
Baby legs! My little one hates footed onesies, so baby legs keep her warm
I don’t have any accessories yet,but I suspect I would really love a wet bag and some babylegs!
I’m new to cloth and looking forward to trying everything!
Haven’t started cloth diapering yet (baby boy due in Oct!) but I’ve heard you really can’t live without wet bags so I would probably say that’s the #1 accessory for me.
I’m new to cloth diapering, just started building my stash and reseacrching accessories. Wipes, wet bags and baby legs would be lovely to have! 🙂
Wetbag & Flannel wipes
Going to start cloth diapering in September with my first babe! Starting to stock-up on diapers and accessories.
My favorite accessories are my wetbag and Babylegs 🙂 Love my son being able to show off his fluff butt in the babylegs, and love being able to use my wetbag for so many different purposes! We use it for diapers, and then carry a spare for wet clothes, or beach items if we go swimming 🙂
My favorite accessory has to be my sprayer!!!
New to cloth diapering…looking for all accessories!
My favorite accessory is the wet bag., it’s so versatile.
My favorites are wetbags and flannel wipes!