Everyone has to start cloth diapering somewhere.
You could begin with a few bumGenius Freetimes that were handed down from a friend or purchase an entire stash of Flip Diapers before your little one arrives, but either way, the end result will always be the same: you are cloth diapering your baby.
Choosing to cloth diaper is not only good for your baby and budget, but it also helps the environment. You can save up to $1,500 with cloth diapers and keep waste out of landfills.
To help you begin your cloth diapering experience, we’re making it easier to get started.
For this week’s giveaway, two people will win three bumGenius, Flip or Econobum diapers of their choice.
You can enter by telling us why you choose to cloth diaper?
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Tuesday, March 11, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
I’m choosing to switch to cloth diapers because I’m bothered by the amount of diapers I put in the trash each day from both my children.
We like to keep the chemicals off our kiddos skin!
I studied a bit of what you may call “garbage archaeology” and realize the effect disposable diapers have on the environment. My goal is to lessen my ecological footprint through cloth diapering! I’m a newbie and at sea with the plethora of styles, but think cloth diapers are way more stylish. I look forward to this new experience!
For the cost savings.
I choose to cloth diaper because we have a very tight budget, because I like knowing that I’m not contributing mountains of diapers to our landfills, because I like knowing I’m exposing my child to fewer chemicals and because it makes diapering fun!!
I’m starting to cloth diaper because I realized how much money we are spending on disposables!
Saving Money, cuter, less garbage, and honestly more convenient for me!
I cloth diaper to save money!
The trifecta – (i) better for the environment, (ii) save money and (iii) look cute!
I chose to start using cloth to save money!
It started off as an environmental decision, but continues to save us money. Bonus!
We chose to cloth diaper to save money and keep trash out of landfills!
We started cloth diapering because we had a friend that said it was easier for her to potty train her daughter when she switched. We also knew it would be cheaper and would be better for our sensitive skin children. SOOO happy with the choice and we are planning to cloth diaper from the beginning with our new baby that is due next month!
I chose to cloth diaper to save money and to keep harmful chemicals away from my baby’s most sensitive areas!
I chose the cloth diaper to save some money.
We chose to start cloth because my son had a terrible reaction to disposable diapers. We are choosing to continue using them with our next baby because of the huge savings!
I am choosing CD to save money!
I clothdiaper my 2 youngest boys for so many reasons. I’m proud that each diaper I was is one that didn’t end up in a landfill. I’m proud to put something chemical free on my babies and help prevent future diseases for them. I’m also proud that cloth are the absolute best I can provide for my boys! Nothing says I love you like washing and caring for your babies with cloth!
Mostly the cost savings, then cuteness, then environmental.
i wanted to save money!
I chose to CD for many of the benefits that they offer. Eco-friendly, cost effective, no chemicals- oh and theyre stinkin adorable!!!
I fell in love with how soft and adorable cloth was, then when I realized how much cheaper and better for my little one it would be I was hooked.
I chose to cloth diaper because we had two little girls 13 months apart. We were spending almost 100.00 a month on diapers and wipes! I originally chose to start cloth diapering to save money but I have fallen in love with how cute they are!
I choose it because i hate trash!
I cloth diaper because it saves so much money and they are so cute!
I cloth diaper to save money!
I started because every. single. disposable diaper gave my son a rash!!! finally we have been rash free every since going cloth! I love it because they are cute, economical and green!
I cloth diaper part time because it helps with rashes, and is a great backup for when the unexpected happens: LO outgrows the stash of disposables, or develops an allergy to a specific sub-brand of diaper, or you think you have another box but…don’t. For us, cloth isn’t as convenient on-the-go, but we do it at home.
We chose cloth with our son to save money, and continued because he was sensitive to everything except natural fibers, With our daughter now we’re happy to reuse those same diapers.
I love Bum Genius diapers. Would love to win this to add more to my stash!
Chemical free and the diapers are so cute!!
I love the cute prints and the lower environmental impact.
I chose to CD to save money!
I love how cloth diapers look and feel and I love that I save money!
It saves a ton of money and the prints are SO cute
I cloth diaper to save money, reduce waste, and reduce my daughter’s exposure to chemicals.
I choose to cloth diaper to save money.
To save money and protect the environment.
Cloth diapers are better for the environment, baby’s skin, and mommys’ and daddys’ wallets! Just found out we’re expecting so I hope I win! 🙂
I’m choosing to cloth diaper because we’re expecting twins (any day now). I read that diapering twins can cost over $4,000 per year, which we just can’t afford with the unexpected surprise of two babies to put through day care. My best friend used bumgenius with both of her babies, so she’s showing me the ropes. I’m so excited to see their cute little butts in these diapers!
To save money and reduce household waste.
I choose to cloth diaper to save money! I love Bumgenius Elementals and Freetime diapers as well as Flip diapers! No stuffing needed is great for us!
I’m not cloth diapering yet, but i’m hoping too with my next child. I love how cute they are! Not to mention saving money is a definite plus!
Healthier for baby and the huge savings!
This is our 4th child, and cost wise it seems like a good decision.
I chose to cloth diaper because that’s the way my mom did it and her mom before her and her’s before her. Because it’s easy on baby’s bum, the environment, and my wallet. Doesn’t hurt that the diapers are pretty colorful and cute. 😉
I chose to cloth diaper because it will save us so much money!
I chose to cloth diaper when my little one got such a bad rash that she was swollen and bleeding. I didn’t know people still used cloth diapers! After doing some research, and talking with a friend, she lent me enough diapers for a couple days worth of changes and we’ve been hooked ever since! Little one’s rash cleared up in no time and I swear she sighed with relief when we put the cloth diapers on. After building our own stash we returned the borrowed diapers just in time for another cloth curious mama to try them 🙂
I chose to cloth diaper to save money!!
I’m a SAHM and I love cloth diapering for a number of reasons. For one, I feel as though I am honoring my husband by being frugile with the moneyhe provides for us. With quality diapers like bumGenius I can use them through multiple children and save SO much money. I also love the look and feel of cloth diapers, both for myself (holding a sweet, cloth diaper bottom) and for my children who get to wear soft, comfortable diapers without chemicals or that “scratchy paper” feeling. I also love the tremendous variety that cloth diapering allows. You can really be in control of your diapering and do what works for you and your child in each stage of development, or even each stage of the day! You can change your routine for play time, naptime, night time, running errands, etc. There is starting to be such a market for high quality, modern cloth diapering products, and companies like Cotton Babies are making it SO easy (and fun) to cloth diaper. It’s so rewarding to know that you are doing what’s best for your budget, your children, and your planet.
I just had my second baby 2 months ago and I’m just so sick of disposables! They’re disgusting and I hate the idea of them sitting in landfills forever! Yuck! Also we had problems with rashes with my first daughter…So over that!
just getting started, so this is awesome!
I choose to cloth diaper because it is healthiest for my baby, better for the environment, and saves money!
I love being able to reuse stuff and cloth diapers are way to cute!!
I love to CD – no chemicals on my baby, environmental reasons and how can you resist all that cuteness! Love love love!
I originally started to cloth diaper for the financial aspect with 2 in diapers. Could definitly use a few more! 🙂
We choose to use cloth because we feel it is better for our baby and more economical.
I choose cloth because I think the chemical smell of disposables is nasty.
I chose to cloth diaper to save money first and foremost. I also wanted to be more environmentally friendly. One great bonus is that they fit my DD better than disposables EVER did and we have 100% less leaks with cloth than before! I’m over the moon in love with my fluff and look forward to using them with any future children as well!
We started clothing diapering to save money, to not have our baby sitting in chemicals and babies look so stinking cute in them.
I chose to cloth diaper to help keep the chemicals away from my child.
Save Money! …. well if i wasnt addicted..
I choose cloth because it’s healthier for my children. And because it’s cost effective, looks so much cuter, and feels soft on my baby’s skin.
I cloth diaper because it’s better for my baby and easier on the wallet!
I wanted to save money so I could stay home with my baby.
Stay at home mom and a great way to save money. Plus he is so darn cute in cloth diapers.
I love saving money!
I want to cloth diaper for my first baby (expected in 3 months) because it is much cheaper and at least I will nor add not another mountain of diapers garbage to the landscape! Also very few people are cloth diapering around me so I want to show them it’s not impossible!
to save money and keep chemicals off baby
I choose to cloth diaper to save money and because cloth is cuter!
I chose cloth because it’s cute, saves money, and decreases waste.
I cloth diaper because I love how cute diapers are! I love to collect them 🙂
Originally better for her body!
I originally started to save money!
I cloth diaper to save money and do what is right for my family and the environment.
I cloth diaper because we like saving money and cloth diapers are so adorable!
i cloth diaper because its super cute
I cloth diaper for so many reasons, but my favorite is that they are so cute. I love all the pretty colors available!
I worry less about what is wrapped around the baby. I worry about what they are using to fill the disposable diaper.
I started cloth diapering to save money. Also maybe a little bit because cloth diaper bums are so adorable!
It is better for the environment, inexpensive, and better for my daughters bum! I would not want my child sitting in a disposable all day long!
We chose to cloth diaper because they’re cute AND economical.
To save money
I wanted my child to have a diaper that had no chemicals in it.
I chose to cloth diaper because of the chemicals in diapers and because of the money saving factor!
To save money.
We love our flips overnight!!!
For the environment
I choose cloth because it is better for baby and earth.
I choose to cloth diaper because it saves us money and is better for our baby and the environment.
I choose to cloth diaper because those cute little bums make me smile!
We chose to cloth diaper to save money!
I choose to cloth diaper because I want to do the very best I can for my baby. I want to reduce her exposure to toxic chemicals and also protect our environment.
I chose to cloth diaper to keep the chemicals away from my little one!
I cloth diaper to save money and they are so cute 🙂
i choose to to cloth diaper because i fell in love with the prints really!! and as i read in to it i seen how much disposable diaper covered are landfills and how much more healthier if was for my kids and just seem like it was right for us!
I cloth diaper because it’s better for the environment, saves money, and is safe for my little guy’s bits.
I hate waste!
I cloth diaper to save money, reduce trash and for my baby’s health.
I cloth diaper because it is economical and eco-friendly!
I like to save money and make less trash.
We chose to cloth diaper for the cost savings. We had already diapered three prior boys and the disposable diaper cost was eating us alive.
I choose to cloth diaper because of the money it saves me. I love it because I can have a rainbow of colors to choose from when it changing time and cloth works better than ANY disposable I have ever tried!
I cloth diaper because they save money, are healthier, and oh so cute!
we choose cloth due to cost of diapering.
i cloth diaper for all the great reasons, saves money, better for our environment, no chemicals on my baby’s butt, and they are oh so cute!
I chose to cloth diaper, because it’s good for the environment, cloth diapers are cute, and it saves our family money! : )
I choose to cloth diaper in order to save us some money. We would be so broke if we didn’t cloth diaper. I am a stay at home mom and cloth diapers are truly helping me be able to stay home with my children. Next month I’ll have two in cloth diapers!
I use cloth diapers to save money and reduce the amount of trash we produce.
I cloth diaper so I don’t have to work diaper costs into the monthly budget.
My daughter uses cloth for her 2 babies!
We are expecting our first little one in April and we talked a lot about the cost, efficiency, and environmental factors before deciding to plan to cloth diaper. For us, we hope to have future children and knowing we may have more than one in diapers at a times makes the cost of disposables even more overwhelming! Even if it is tough to get into a washing routine, I think we’ll stick with it because they’re so cute!
started out as an environmental thing and to keep baby away from chemicals…. now it’s because i lost my job and had a stash from my first born 🙂
I cloth diaper because we need the extra grocery money and because I don’t want chemicals on my baby’s bum!
We use cloth because I love vibrant color! So I love having it everywhere, including my kid’s tush. Not some white chemical filled crap! 🙂
So many reasons! Money savings, cuteness, soft, better for baby and my family! Easy…. Lots and lots of reasons!
To save money!!!
I will be cloth diapering because I know it will be better for my son in the long run.
We cloth diaper to save money and to keep chemicals off our children.
For the earth
To save money!
WeCD to save money, plus we love how cute they are!
We chose cloth to save money! Now we love the fluffy bum for our little one learning to walk!
I cloth diaper because it is good for my baby, the environment, and the budget!
We chose to use cloth to avoid multiple store trips for diapers/wipes. Who has time for that with an infant?!
I chose to cloth diaper to save money and b/c it is better for the environment!
I was inspired by my best friend and found a great deal on BG pockets on eBay when I was pregnant with my first daughter.
I was inspired by my best friend and found a great deal on BG pockets on eBay when I was pregnant with my first.
I choose to cloth diaper because I like cloth better than disposable. Also because disposables give my daughter terrible rashes that last for weeks in cloth after only a day (at most two) in sposies. Not worth it to me.
It’s cute and save money!
I am just starting to CD my 7 month old because I feel there is so much waste with disposables. Cd are also super cute!
I cloth to save $$$
The cost difference, and knowing I am contributing less trash to the world.
We want to cloth diaper to be more sustainable, save money, and end the blow outs!! Just started building my stash. Would love to win!!
After fighting diaper rashes for 18 months with my first born, I’ve chosen to cloth diaper my second baby- natural fibers on a baby behind make all the difference!
I choose to cloth diaper to save money and the environment.
I cloth because they are super cute, and to save money.
My partner and I decided to cloth diaper mainly for economical reasons. Oddly enough, he was the one who had suggested it, gave me the task of researching it, and that’s when I hopped on board too. Over half of our stash is made up of Cottonbabies brands: BumGenius, Flip, Econobum, and Hemp Babies. These are easily our highest quality diapers!
I choose to cloth diaper for the money savings! Although I do like the environmental impact as well.
I cloth diaper because it’s more economical than disposable! And less waste!
I started cloth diapers in an effort to save money so I could stay home with my baby. I am getting ready to have my 3rd in June and we plan on cloth diapering him or her as well! 🙂
Very cool, I’m choosing to cloth diaper for a few reasons, of course the cost and the environmental impact, but I’m also hoping it will be better for my babies- less nasty diaper rashes and fewer blowouts; we’ll see. Not to mention how cute are cloth diapers on a little bum!
It is easy and I believe it is better for my son.
Love saving money and taking care of my baby’s sensitive skin by using cloth diapers… I also like not having a pile of dirty diapers that needs to be taken out all the time!
I cloth diaper primarily because of cost (2 — expecting 3rd– babies under 3) and also because my kids tend to be allergic to disposable diapers. I have come to LOVE cloth and have fallen in love with all of the colors and prints and how adorable they are. I try to stay within budget so my primary reason is still legit! 😉
I started cloth diapering because I wanted to ensure my baby’s skin was chemical free, but I love the environmental aspects, as well. And you just can’t leave out that it’s cuter, too!
I just found this sight and could use that giveaway! We are due in July and recently have become “crunchy” We want to do our part for the environment and the health of our baby. We will be loosing one income as well so anything free is ok by me!
To save tons of money!!!
I chose to cloth diaper because it saves me money, reduces chemical exposure and reduces waste in landfills.
I don’t want plastic against my baby’s skin. Thanks to cloth diapers, I don’t have to.
As a single, working, foster parent money can be a bit tight, so I love that they save money. Plus, I always have a baby or toddler in my home 🙂
Definitely to save money but they are so cute too!
cute hiney, no chemicals, saves $$$
We choose to cloth diaper to save money and because we didn’t want the chemicals next to our babies skin.
I chose to cloth diaper simply because I wanted natural fibers against my baby’s skin. I did out some of the “green” disposables such as Nutured by Nature and hated them. They felt so stiff, scratchy, and I always had leaks. I already had a small stash built up and so I switched and have never looked back! I love my 47 AIO OS diaper stash and would NEVER go back to disposables!
I cloth diaper because they’re so cute and it saves money!
I use cloth to save money. And they are way more fun and super cute.
We cloth diaper to reduce the amount of waste we contribute to the local landfill! The money savings are a great bonus.
First we thought it would be a good idea to cloth diaper to save money and not fill the landfill with sposies. Well, now I love not going to the store for diapers ever and they are so cute.
I cloth diaper because they’re super cute! And with two in diapers it saves us tons of money!
Versatile – Cute – Practical
money saving, good for the environment, healthy for our family and cute
I cloth diaper because I feel it is better for my little one and the environment.
We love, love, love BGs & Flips!! We chose to use CDs because we just couldn’t stand the amount of garbage created by using disposables. We’ve been using 4.0s since our son was 3 month old and have loved them the whole time (he’s 2 now). We are in the process of getting rid of all of our other diapers and converting our whole stash to Free Times and Flips for our new baby girl. 🙂
What an amazing giveaway! This would be a great start to our cloth diaper collection 🙂
for multiple reasons the biggest being lack of chemicals and waste… plus i was cloth diapered so it was a natural transition
We chose to cloth diaper for a lot of reasons. One of the most important ones for us was to save money…and lots of it. I also like how with cloth diapering you have control of what chemicals are exposed to your child (disposable diapers have so many different things in them). Any time that we use disposables we notice a difference in how his skin gets irritated (never has gotten rash from cloth…ever). I also feel like it is environmentally responsible to use cloth. 🙂
I started cloth diapering to save my family money! I just started a few weeks ago and would love to try out some more BG products!!
To save money, because they are cute and because they are better for my little one!
I cloth diaper because not only is it better for the environment and my baby’s skin, it is EASIER than disposables!
at first it was to save money, then it became a necessity because our little one can’t tolerate the nasty chemicals in sposies.
We cloth diaper because of health concerns (avoiding chemicals that are common in disposable diapers), for the environment, and to save money!
It was actually my brother-in-law that introduced us to cloth diapers because they used them on their daughter. Looked them up before we were even thinking about kids, let alone pregnant. I was a few months pregnant when we ordered a dozen BG 4.0s. Now our daughter is 10 months old and we have a decent stash of 4.0s and a few Freetimes. For me, a big motivator for using cloth was cost. Even when you have money to spare, why throw money away? My grandma used to say “watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.” As I read more about dangerous chemicals we are exposed to, I am happier and happier about our choice to use cloth. In the end, I think the landfills are happy for us too.
To save money!
I chose to cloth diaper because the thought of all the gross diapers accumulating in landfills made me horrified and desperate to NOT contribute to the problem. I also liked the affordability of cloth diapers, but the environmental factors were primary for me.
I use cloth for the $ savings, environmental benefits and cuteness!
I decided to cloth diaper in order to save money after my husband lost his job. I also felt really bad taking huge bags of disposable diapers out to the garbage every few days.
I love to cloth diaper because my little one has the most sensitive skin. We spent tons of money on disposables and special creames till we finally made the switch. Now, that she is almost potty trained and with healthy skin, I get to buy for our newest addition coming in July. I am officially hooked on all the colors 🙂
I switched to cloth due to my son’s skin sensitivities.
I choose to cloth diaper both for environmental and financial reasons! Using cloth diapers has saved us quite a bit of money diapering our first two babies and now that #3 is on the way, we haven’t had to spend anything on diapers. And, I love that we’re not throwing away diapers every day.
We were un-expectidly pregnant with our #1 before we were financially ready to have a baby. I was at a loss how we would afford diapers. My mom suggested cloth diapering, which I thought sounded awful, but I researched, and found cloth to be QUITE different than it was 25 years ago when she used diaper pins on me. I talked my husband into letting me try BGs out — promising I would stick with it. It took almost 6 months for us to save up enough money to buy my starter stash of 12 — but it saved us so much money. Now I have three boys (two in dapers) and we are MUCH better off financially. I now have 26 BG 4.0’s and probably could use more sine I have two using them. I am a high proponent of cloth — better for the environmet and better for your wallet. Though we could afford paper diapers for both boys now, we choose to continue to use cloth…saving the money and putting in their college fund. I would rather help them out in 18 years than help fill our landfill now.
We cloth diaper to help my son’s super-sensitive skin. I also love that we get to save money and the planet in the process!
I chose to cloth diaper for the environmental and economic benefits. Then when I looked into modern cloth diapers I started getting really excited about all of our choices in styles and prints! Cloth is so much more versatile then disposables, there are different types of diapers and something that can work for everyone 🙂
I wanted to save money at first, now I Want To Buy All The Diapers! lol
We cloth diaper to save money and reduce waste.
My baby isn’t born yet, but I’ve started building my stash of cloth diapers. I want to lessen my eco footprint, and not only that, the diapers are all individuals – can’t say that for diapers-from-a-box!
To save money! And I love them! Disposables smell terrible when wet!
The main reason was to save money.
We cloth diaper to reduce waste and provide clean chemical free diapers for our precious babies’ bottoms. I love always having diapers and not worrying about running to the store to pay for more disposables. Plus our stash is on baby #2 so that’s even more savings and less waste! But she would love a few brand new ones 😉
We switched to cloth (Flips) when my little guy was almost two months. We had discussed using cloth when I was pregnant and to be honest I was totally against it. I thought it would be too much work.
We had issue after issue with disposable diapers; leaks, blowouts, more leaks, more blowouts… Then at about a month my son started getting chemical burns from the diapers. We already used organic ones; we tried every natural, sensitive skin, organic disposable diaper on the market. After wasting a bunch of money and finding no solution, I talked to a cousin who used cloth and made the switch.
I couldn’t be happier. I tell everyone “I love cloth diapers, well as much as one loves diapers.” We’ve had some learning curves and now that my son is on solids, I’m very ready to go diaper-less.
I’m so glad we made the switch, Kingston’s bum is very thankful and my bank account is a little richer.
I wanted to use cloth diapers because I thought they were so cute!! My aunt bought me my first few diapers, and on working on building my stash.
I started cloth diapering to save a little money and they were cuter than disposables. I fell in love with cloth diapering when I figured out that the poop stays in the diaper instead of exploding everywhere
We choose to cloth diaper to save money, to save the environment, and because they are so darn cute!
We use cloth diapers to reduce garbage!
We do for the environment, saving money, less diaper rashes, and cuteness factor!
We are cloth diapering to save money. Also, I hate throwing disposables away and ending up in landfills.
I cloth diaper to save money, the environment and to stay away from nasty chemicals in disposables. And they are super cute 🙂
They’re easy, cute and save me money!
I love bumgenuis products , thats all I tell my mommy friends to use for their babies!
I choose to cloth diaper for the cost savings and for the convenience of never having to make a late night diaper run!
I started cloth diapering because I couldn’t stand disposables and how my kids always seemed to have a rash in them. Started with 4.0’s and have never looked back!
I cloth diaper because of the guilt I felt every time the trash can would fill up with diapers. It was getting ridiculous. Also, saving money and the cute options are huge bonuses.
I CD to save money and for the cuteness factor. 🙂
I cloth diaper mainly to save money, but also because it is so much more fun than using disposables!
because they are so darn cute and you save money while doing it!
I chose to cloth diaper to save money and to help the environment! Plus, cloth diapers are just so darn cute.
We cloth diaper because it saves us money and it contributes to a clean environment.
I cloth diaper because it’s better for my babe, it saves us a lot of money and it’s better for the environment!
i chose cloth diapers for the financial savings and convenience of not having to *go* get diapers and monitor which size in which brands work. we have a whole stash of one-size pocket diapers! 😀
We choose to cloth diaper for the cost savings and to help the environment.
We started using cloth for medical reasons. Our youngest and final child acquired an allergy to even the natural/sensitive disposables. We can not even use the disposable hybrid options for cloth.
We started cloth because we wanted to have natural cloth on my babies bottom and cost. We love cloth because it is so convenient, cute and green. We are coming up on baby #3 and love our Flips! Would love 3 new ones.
I choose to cloth diaper because it is better for the environment, our finances, the baby, and seems so easy that it would be silly not to do it.
We love Cotton Babies. You have all been so helpful when we come in to the store. Thank-you!
I hope this is the right place to post for the giveaway (I clicked the link from Facebook). We use clock because I don’t want the chemicals on my baby’s bum. We LOVE the fun patterns. We don’t love the poopy clean-ups but we so love that it is cleaner for the environment! 🙂
I see a typos now… Obviously, I meant Cloth! 😉
I cloth diaper for environmental and chemical reasons! I love how darn cute he looks too!
Choosing to cloth diaper DS 2 for the savings and the diapers are so cute. Not to mention disposables smell like chemicals.
I started cloth diapering because it was a better for my baby plus a whole lot cheaper than disposables.
Cloth diapers are so cost effective! I didn’t see a reason NOT to cloth diaper. Plus my baby prefers them over the scratchy disposables hands down!
I decided to cloth diaper when my 3rd was 18 months old due to a friend i had met on Cafemom . I never knew until i talked to her that cloth diapers were more than just prefolds pins and covers .. she showed me the light so to speak ! While i cloth diaper to save money and to be earth friendly.. I also do it because i enjoy it and i love seeing a real diaper rather than a paper diaper on my boys ! I think my now 4th son whom is 13 months would agree cloth is better !
I cloth diaper because I like not throwing away so much waste, and the diapers are way cuter!
I like that it’s more cost effective, more Eco friendly, cuter and softer.
I chose to cloth diaper initially for the money savings!
I haven’t started cloth diapering yet – I have about 9 ready and waiting to try for when my first is born at the end of this month (hopefully). I mainly chose CDing for it’s environmental impact. I’m trying to make conscious choices that positively affect our enviornment and I strongly feel this is something I can accomplish with an infant on the way. Knowing the long term cost savings helps, too!
I cloth diaper because:
-They are SO stinking cute.
-Less diapers in the landfill, more eco friendly.
-No chemicals on my baby’s bum that give him a rash and are harsh on his skin.
-No “blow-outs”!!!!
-Could save money.. if you’re not a CD addict. I DARE you not to be!! haha
-Comfy on my baby’s bum. Mom, dad & baby LOVE them!
I cloth diaper because it’s better for the environment, my wallet, and my baby’s buns…bonus that cloth diapers are so stinkin’ cute!
It was my husband’s idea! We wanted an economical option and were worried about the chemicals in disposables. Plus, our neighbors trash flies into our yard on occasion and its full of nasty disposable diapers. That’s enough to make anyone switch.
I chose to cloth diaper because it was better for my baby, the environment, and our budget!
We cloth because of the financial savings. The bonus is that my son has a super cute heiny! 🙂
Cost alone was enough persuasion but then LO had sensitive skin. He broke out in hideous diaper rash in disposables.
Started CDing to keep sposies out of landfills!
I started cloth diapering because I wanted to limit the amount of chemicals my little one is exposed to, plus it’s a great way to save money! I’m already addicted to it and he’s only 3 weeks old. It’s so much simpler then I thought it would be. Everyone should cloth diaper!
I choose to use cloth because it is less expensive, convenient, and better for my baby!
We chose to cloth diaper to save money.
I started cloth diapering my second baby after we found out we were having a surprise third baby in order to save money! I really like it now, though, because my daughter has very sensitive skin, and she has significantly fewer diaper rashes after we made the switch!
I started cloth diapering to reduce our waste and save money in the process.
For my baby, for the environment, we are trying to live as naturally and chemical-free as possible. Plus we’re on a limited budget now as I’m staying at home with LO. Not having to budget for diapers every month certainly helps!
We cloth diaper for the environment and for our wallets!
to save money!
to save money
I choose to cloth diaper my twins for the cost mainly but I also like the less trash.
I initially decided to cloth diaper my boys because of the constant rash my son was having in disposables. His skin immediately cleared up once we switched to cloth! Now it’s so much fun to have little fluffy butts around the house and it saves us so much money. Another great thing about cloth is there are no more emergency trips to the store for diapers or wipes! 😉
We chose to cloth diaper for a couple reasons.
1. My son has super sensitive skin and breaks out in almost any disposable.
And 2. It’s more affordable. We cloth because disposables are expensive. By cloth diapering we are saving money!
We cloth diaper to be more kind to our planet and to save money!
I cloth diaper for the coat savings and convenience.
Their more eco friendly, their adorable, easier on sensitive skin. I love them
I’m choosing to cloth diaper not only because of environmental benefits, but I work as a postpartum nurse and have seen many new mamas choose or cloth diaper and am seeing a growing trend with friends too And seriously there is no other way to go in my eyes! I’m planning on working as needed at work after the baby arrives, which also means less $$ coming in, so enter in another great benefit of CD. Also, those that I have talked too have potty trained sooner and notice less diaper rash. I’ve already become obsessed with all the cute prints that baby can wear on its bum that are seriously adorable! And I’m totally stoked to show family and friends how “modernized” the CD are from back in the day of the safety pins and bulky, plastic mess and hopefully get them on board.
I started to save money and now also for the environment and health reasons.