Everyone has a favorite cloth diaper.
Whether it’s because of the style, color, print or brand, we all have that trusty diaper that we immediately grab from our stash and often choose over others.
What criteria goes into choosing your favorite diaper? Is it everything above, or is it something more?
For this week’s giveaway, we want to help you make informed decisions when it comes to picking your favorite cloth diaper by providing you with some variety! One person will win one Flip Cover, one Econobum Cover and one bumGenius Freetime.
To enter, tell us your favorite cloth diaper and why.
Bonus entries are available below.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, January 28, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
I haven’t tried a whole lot of different kinds (we’re just starting our CD adventure), but so far, I really like Rumparooz. They seem to fit my chunky girl the best and have some adorable plaid prints, I also really like my Incredibum covers for the front and back pockets that hold the prefolds in place.
I have been happily surprised at how much I’m liking the organic bg elemental they are really trim and absorbent. But I really like the ease of the Velcro on the 4.0 I do think bg are have great construction. I’m new to CD but liking the results after 3 months.
I am new to cloth diapering and would love to give it a shot!!!
Right now I LOVE my bumGenius 4.0s. But I just ordered some Flips and I’m really excited to try them out!!!
BG 4.0’s!
New to cloth diapering , edd is july 20. So i just bought 5 flip covets and some stay dry inserts. Plan to buy a few bum genious and econobm to test out too!
So far I like the BumGenius 4.0, but I only have one !
My favorite would have to be the GroVia All-In-One. I love the patterns and the microfiber inside. I also like that the insert is attached to one side as well.
NBGE. These are very trim, dry quickly, and are VERY absorbent.
Rockabums, so far, because I think they are made well, and easy to use.
Rockabums, so far.
In the beginning I wasn’t a huge fan, but i’ve come to really love my bum genius free times.
I loved my bumgenius diapers until my son out grew the legs. We are trying to find a new favorite until he potty trains.
Would love to try a flip cover
Right now, I really like Diaper Rite AIOs. They are cute, easy, and make the perfect overnight diaper for our daughter. Something that lasts 9-10 hours with our super soaker is pretty darn great! 🙂
OBGE! My son doesn’t react bad to it with his super sensitive skin and it’s SO easy and absorbent!
The OBGE is my fav. I love the organic cotton, the fit and the absorbency.
I love the bumgenius 4.0–so easy to stuff, vibrant colors, good fit.
BG 4.0! They stay dry!
I haven’t tried many different brands and we mostly have pockets. But my favorite so far is a Charlie Banana cover with a charcoal bamboo or bumgenius insert.
I don’t know yet – I’m new to CD!
Favorite cloth diaper are the Little Bee Co. cloth diapers! Because they donate one diaper to a child in need, for each cloth diaper you purchase!
My favorite cloth diaper is Bumgenius 4.0 in hook and loop. So easy for dads, grandparents, and babysitters to use. I hate the microfiber though. Recently just started buying something else to put in them instead. Wish Bumgenius made a natural fiber option to go in the 4.0 so it wasn’t so bulky with a prefold in it.
Totsbots easy fit are my favorite over all because of all the cute prints and the super durable aplix that doesn’t need to be replaced quickly. My favorite BG/Flip/Econobum is the flip cover because I can use my prefolds in it.
My 2 BG 4.0 are amazing! The fit, the absorbency, and they’re oh so cute!
I love Bum Genius 4.0, they are trim & love the prints
I love the BG 4.0 and the freetime.
We live the Freetime because with two under two in cloth we have no time to stuff pockets!
I’m waiting to use them since this baby isn’t due for 4 weeks… I’ve been given a set of Rumparooz, but I’m seriously considering the Econobum for our stash. My sister has also recommended the BumGenius 4.0. Decisions, decisions.
Flips would have to be my favorite – trim, never leak, and can reuse the cover!
So far I think that I really like Best Bottoms and Moraki.
My favorite cloth diaper is the bumGenius 4.0 because I love pocket diapers and I can always get a great fit with them and they’re very high quality I recommend them to friends.
I absolutely love my Flips and Freetimes! They’re super cute and easy to use, and they just make a diaper change more enjoyable (for me). =)
I love my 4.0s! I have tried a few other brands but always pick them first.
Probably my WAHM made hybrid fitteds 🙂 I haven’t had a chance to test them out yet but they are sooooo cute and soft.
BG 4.0s are my favorite because it’s stay dry and the pocket opening makes it easy to customize absorbency.
We love BumGenius Freetime (with snaps) for during the day with a BG 4.0 pocket stuffed with hemp overnight. I wish we could go back and switch out our supply to only these!!
I love love love Bumgenius 4.0 because they are so easy to use and are great for night time!!
I’m pretty new to cloth but so far I like the applecheeks that I was given
I love my Flip diapers because they never leak and are daddy friendly.
My favorite diaper is hands down bumGenius Freetime! It fits my little guy perfectly, with no leaks or blowouts, and I just love his fluffy butt 🙂 And not to mention how easy the Freetime is to wash and line dry.
Usually I grab my BG 4.0’s first, but since i only have a few I save one for running errands if there are any that day.
So far my favorites are freetime and 4.0s. Experimenting with flips. No complaints yet. All fit my twins great and unlike other brands we have had no leaks!!!!
Moraki because they are extremely durable and well made!
Elementals at the moment
I wish I had a favorite, but my baby is still in my belly. This will be my second child, but first time cloth diapering. I am exited to try any brand and style!
my favorite is a flip cover with an organic flip insert. the old ones before the new ones came out. this is amazing for nighttime with a doubler or alone for naptime.
My BG Elemental AIO organic Cotton in Top Hat and Piccadilly Circus! I just love them for so many reasons. BTW the link to subsribe to your blog does not work that page is bjorked.
I love my Econobum diapers!
The only kind I’ve tried are prefolds, so by default these are my favorite. 🙂 I’d love to try other kinds, but prefolds are the most affordable …
The Elemental (new style) because of how absorbent it is, but it’s not bulky. It fits really well under his jeans. I really love the natural fibers. 🙂
I’m not sure yet, but I’d love to try an elemental!
I love Blueberry Simplex OS AIO. But really want to try BG. 🙂
this is a hard one! I have 2. favorite prefold is grovia because they are so soft and absorbent. and my favorite aio is bumgenius freetime because of the flaps that make it easy to clean and to customize absorbency in the front for my boy
Flips are my favorite! They’re so versatile and fit my chunky monkey perfectly.
BumGenius Freetime with snaps. Easy to use!
I love freetimes..they are SO easy to use and trim!
I love my Freetimes! Great fit and they dry super quick!
I really like my WAHM Padded Patootie diaper. There’s no MF in the absorbency part.
I started our CD journey with econobums. I wasn’t sure what a ‘pocket’ was, but my next purchase was for 2 BG 4.0s from Target. I fell in love, and we now have 2 babies in cloth! This would help build our BG stash and would be greatly appreciated!
I will be cloth diapering for the first time with our baby due in April, so right now I don’t a favorite still learning.
I am a cloth diaper newbie. I haven’t actually tried any cloth diaper because I am not due till June 2014.
I like the bum genius ones
flips are my favorite for night right now.
My favorite diaper is the bumGenius 4.0 because of hot good the fit is, how easy it is to clean, and how customizable the absorbency is.
I’m brand new to CD’ing, so I don’t have a favorite yet.
My fave is BG 4.0s: trim, great price, great leak protection!
The old-style bumgenius elementals are my favorite for their trimness and absorbency. Also love my 4.0s though because they dry so quickly and I have never once gotten a stain!
My Flip covers are my absolute favorites! They are perfect for padfolding prefolds, and even fit two for nighttime.
From Cotton Babies? Flips! 🙂
My favorite is BumGenius Elemental in Jules!
I haven’t picked a favorite yet.
I love my flip diaper covers for every day use on my toddler (w/ prefolds). I’m currently loving my sloomb for overnight use. I also have a bg pocket that I use for overnight but the aplix has totally busted on it,and it is probably too small now for overnight w/ my toddler as we have to stuff it so much!
Love our Bumgenius, especially for keeping little man dry at night!
I love my 4.0s. I get the best fit on my daughter, they are some of the easiest to stuff, and they are fairly leakly free for us!
Oh also the bum is good for MIL , DH etc who have a little trouble with CD
I like bumgenius
The BG Freetime is my all time favorite diaper!
i love BG’s and Flips!
I love the BumGenius 4.0 and my favorite print is the new Jules!
So far I’ve only tried Alva Pocket Diapers and they work pretty good. I would love to try others.
I really like my Kawaii diapers because they fit my bigger girl!
Sloomb multifitted snapless is my favorite. Good for nighttime. I put it in a 4.0 or a flip.
i so wish i knew. baby’s due in 2 months and so far i have a mini stash of 4.0s, freetimes, obge, and nbge. just have to wait and see what works best for us! as far as prints i love jules, piccadilly circus, and lovelace.
My favorite is bum genius! but i only have a few of them!
I don’t have a favorite kind because I haven’t actually cloth diapered yet! My daughter is due February 20th and I am trying to win a bunch to be able to cloth diaper her! So my favorites are based on things like the print 🙂
My favorites are Chelory- they fit VERY well, and absorb like crazy!
Love the Freetimes at the moment.
Really like the Bumgenius 4.0s they are so easy to use! They have a great fit and come in cute prints and colors. What’s not love?
I like the BumGenius Freetime, because the velcro closure is so easy, the fit is trim, and it cleans up beautifully.
Flip covers with organic prefolds for day, BG 4.0s for night with the Flip organic nightime insert works well for us.
Our favorite cloth diaper is Bumgenius Flip diapers! Next, are the Elementals new style. And, lastly are the Freetimes.
I actually really like my flip diaper cover because i can use it over and over and its so easy to use.
My new favorite diapers are Freetimes! I love how easy they are, easy to put on, no stuffing, they are adorable, etc.
Prefolds and flip cover! I love that the flips provide a perfect fit and aren’t too bulky. Plus no leaks!
BG 4.0s for their ease of use, which I appreciate as a first time cloth diapering mommy 🙂
BG are the best!!
Freetimes- so easy to use!
…because I love the way they fit, and that they can be used with all kinds of different inserts. And they come in all kinds of nice colors!
BG 4.0 because it fits my son so great!!!!
I like Nikky cover, I love how soft it is. match is with a prefold and good to go.
So far we have only tried two, I prefer the Grovia of those.
I love the BG 4.0 because they NEVER leak!
I love bumgenius 4.0s! They are always my go-to diaper.
My baby isn’t here yet so I’m not exactly sure, but I think bumGenius diapers look great.
I haven’t actually used cloth diapers yet, but am very excited to start when my little man arrives in March. In the meantime I’m trying to build my stash with many different types
My favorite right now is a WAHM diaper but my fave from cotton babies is flip covers. I love how I can cater the absorbency with flats/prefolds and still have a great fitting cover over it!
Pocket diapers for when we are home because of ease of use. Flip/econobum diapers when on the road because less laundry!
Mine and my husbands go to diaper are the bumgenius freetimes. Mainly for their easy use and great absorbency.
Flip cover with cotton babies indian cotton prefold. Easy to use and easy to wash. Bomb proof!
I like bumgenius 4.0s the best, then again I have never tried a BG elemental I hear good things about them
My 4.0’s are my favorite for the kids’ daycare, but at home our favorites are a mix of OBGE’s for my toddler and Freetime’s for my 5 month old!
My favorite is the BumGenius 4.0, especially the Lovelace print. It looks and fits so great on my little girl!
I like 4.0s because they keep my little guy dry and happy at night!
I’ve only ever tried gDiapers, which I liked, but I have heard so many more rave reviews from other brands. And I really want to try more.
I am brand new to cloth diapering and have only tried Charlie Bananas and Bum genius 4.0 on my 13 month old for about 3 weeks…so far I like BG better!
I love the BG 4.0. I love how big the pocket opening is. At night, I can put several inserts in her pocket to prevent leaking. Plus you guys just have the cutest prints of all time ever. 🙂
My favorite diaper is the bg 4.0, they fit my little man great and rarely leak.
I love my bumgenius 4.0 because I can stuff them however I’d like and they line dry fast.
I like charlie banana, they are good quality
I’m newer to CD started December 1st but I’m loving it. I have started my stash with several bum genus and Charlie banana (gasp) there’s things I like about each diaper type for different reasons. I love the print options in other brands and wish BG offered more cute prints! ! but do like the quality of BG I wish I could mage a marriage of the two brand of diapers. I was surprised I like the organic elemental so much! They hold the liquid strikingly well. I wish they didn’t bunch and wonder if that bothers baby… I like how easy it is to stuff the 4.0 the pul is not sticky like the cb is annoying to stuff and I am surprised how I have come to prefer the Velcro for supper wiggly baby! I really like the smooth fit and the elastic sliding mechanism in Charlie banana (sorry I really do) I like the smooth front of the diaper without the snaps to change the size.Thanks bg I think you gaff very great quality diapers. Angela
My favorite diaper has changed with the age of my child. Currently, at 14 months, I like snap Flips because I can customize them so easily. Her massive food intake yields a ton of dirty diapers these days, and stripping and sunning just the inserts is way easier and doesn’t harm the diaper cover or the pul.
I like Flips and prefolds best
I have 3 Freetimes and I love them! I’m tempted to say that the Freetime is my favorite because I love not having to match up inserts and stuff them. It dries really fast and doesn’t stain! But, I do love the 4.0 also, as I find it to be a little trimmer than the Freetime. Most of the time I reach for a Freetime though!
Current favorite is my Moraki hippie print, but we are loving Flips right now too!
Flips and prefolds during the day, Freetimes for over night 🙂
Flips and flats! Economical and versatile!
obges are my favorite
forgot to state why- i love the convenience and trimness of them… and im not a fan of stuffing diapers
I love bumgenius; while I don’t have a child to use diapers on at the moment, I’ve only purchased bumgenius ones for all of my expecting friends as shower gifts.
I don’t own any diapers yet but my sister uses bum genius and I really like them. Their quality seems superb.
Flips & 4.0s
I love Elementals for their organic cotton and great absorbency with an impeccable fit.
My favorite cloth diaper is the Flip, but that’s because it’s the only kind I have!
My favorite cloth diaper is my snaps Lovelace bumGenius4.0. I absolutely adore the pattern on the diaper and I love that I don’t have to worry about leaks or rashes when I put my 4.0s on my daughter’s butt.
Bumgenius 4.0’s and Freetimes
We are a Freetime family! With three in dipes it just makes sense. From babies to toddlers it really is the perfect dipe. no searching for inserts or stuffing. hanging and foldings a breeze. I tried the other dipes out there and nothing compares to the ease, absorbancy, and flexibility of Freetimes. If you put a bg doubler on the very bottom under the flaps then it becomes a nite nite dipe for your toddler! See really is the perfect dipe 🙂
I definitely love my flips the most. I love that I can switch out whatever insert I want to increase absorbency or for ease of use.
I just started my cloth diaper journey with some covers and prefolds. I think my husband might get more on board with it if we had a few all-in-ones…and I hear nothing but good things about the BumGenius diapers!
I used to love my 4.0s….and I still do, but switched to flip organics because my son had a sensitivity to the fabric in the 4.0s. I LOVE the flips way more than I thought! I got some of the Jules print and I’m definitely in love!
I dont know yet! I like the idea of natural fabrics but have 4.0’s and freetime in my stash along with elemental and prefolds. I cant wait to find out!!
Bumgenius freetime’s b/c they got my husband into cloth diapering. 🙂 I Love the BG freetime, OBGE, & nbge’s. ;))
My favorite diapers are my trusty Flips! I do love my BG pockets but since stuffing them is so unpleasant, I have to love the simplicity of my Flips overall. Great fit, secure, simple and cute!
BG Freetime are our #1 choice b/c they got my hubby on board with cloth diapering. 😉
I live flips! It is all I have in my stash
It’s absorbent , trim, and is good for. Day or night
Not sure yet because the baby isn’t here yet. The used Bum Genius look more durable than the used flips though.
BG 4.0 are honestly my fav, even though we use several kinds. 4.0 fit perfect, are easy to use and absorbancy can be tailored easily.
So far, I love my BumGenius freetimes! Easy and all the absorbency I need right now. But I’d love to try some of the other styles as well!
Flip covers fo sho!
I can’t wait to find out what my favorite will be!
I don’t have a favorite yet but I’m excited to find out what my favorite will be!
I love Thirsties AIOs because they are so, so trim but very absorbent too!
Freetime! Bought one when I was trying to find what works for baby and loved it so much that most of his diapers are Freetimes.
Right now NBGE and Flips!
My favorite is bum genius 4.0 in Irwin. My son’s favorite color is “happy” which is what he calls sassy. Awesome
I like my flip covers with geffen inserts the best… they dry quickly and are easy
Bumgenius 4.0 pockets. Love them!
We absolutely love our Flip covers. My husband was pretty skeptical in the beginning but he even loves them now. They’re so easy and so cute on our little ones bum. Every time someone comes over and we start talking about baby he gets the flips out to show people how easy and cute they are. We love em!
Anything easy. I have some BG size small aio’s I’m going to love using with my upcoming baby, as well as medium FB after that.
I love my Flips! They are so easy to use and travel with!
Love my flip covers! Haven’t tried freetimes yet.
My favorite cloth diaper is the Original Bumgenius Elemental. Absolutely love those for my son. Super absorbant and a natural fiber touching his skin. Can’t go wrong with that! 🙂
I am expecting my first baby in April, so have not yet had a chance to decide on my favorite cloth diaper!
My favorite are Freetimes because they are so simple to use!
I love Freetimes for not requiring stuffing!
Freetimes! I love that you don’t have to stuff them and that they are pretty trim for an AIO. 🙂
My favorite diaper is our 4.0 mirror with aplix closure. It was my first cloth diaper that I bought at a local store last summer and I’m still in love with the color. Not only is is pretty but it’s very practical. It’s basically a work out trying to change my 9 month old’s diaper at this point and the aplix closure makes diaper changes that much quicker! Bonus: we’ve never had a leak!
B.G. 4.0 Albert with snaps :o) Hubby is a mathematician and those are his favorite diapers too.
freetimes w/ snaps are my current favorite for my 12wk old
bumGenious 4.0s are my absolute favorite. They fit my baby perfectly, easy to use, easy to clean, and so darn cute!
I forgot to say why: I think they are adorable!!
My Favorite so far is Bum Genius!
I love my freetimes, because they fit my son so nice and it’s nice not to have to stuff them when they are dry.
Bumgenius Elementals are my favorite!! A close second being flips!
Bum genius 4.0 – the sassy color!
BG 4.0s are easy to use, cute and work SO well!
I’ve tried everything, and the Elementals are my favorites, hands down. Thanks!
Bumgenius 4.0 because of the great price, ease of use & wonderful fit.
Fit and reliability (aka leakproof) are my big two! Of course I also have my favorite colors 🙂
Oops! my favorite is the 4.0!
Toss up between Freetime and flip! Freetime for my 13 month old and flip for my 2 yr old with tummy issues and heavy wetting. Thinking about using flip with newborn insert for new baby due in July. Can you tell I could use some free diapers?? 😉
OBGE incredible absorbency and perfect for sensitive skin.
My entire stash is um Genius 4.0s…. so those are my favorite!
My favorite cloth diapers so far are the Bum Genius 4.0. It’s an easy introduction intro cloth for those who aren’t used to using cloth diapers and they are so easy to use!
I love Flip diapers because they fit my baby’s big belly and skinny legs perfectly!
We love our old style bumgenius elementals. Hey are my all time favorites.
I rotate through 4.0s, freetimes, obge & flips (with some nbge on the way), but my current favorite are flips!
The OBGE is my fav. I love the organic cotton, the fit and the absorbency.
My favorite diaper is BumGenius 4.0
Bumgenius 4.0 for ease of use with other caregivers. Flips when I’m home alone with the baby= less laundry!
I love BG 4.0, my favorite. It’s so easily adjustable and easy to stuff anything in, and so cute.
Honestly I wasn’t very convinced our BumGenius would be worth the money but since we started cloth diapering about 2 weeks ago with our newborn I fell in love with our 4.0’s. They fit him great (although still a tad bit bulky on his tiny body) and they hold EVERYTHING in. I think I actually might sell off most of the rest of our stash and get some more 4.0’s!!
Oops forgot to mention in the name part my full name is Jazmyn B.
Love love love the obge in oops! Wishing for you to come out with Piccadilly Circus in obge too! Love that one too
I love flip covers as they are so easy to use, and reuse! I do need to start stocking up on some aio’s however!
I have a weakness for Ribbit 4.0’s!
Bumgenius. We started out with them and love them.
Tots Bots Easy Fit is my favorite. The fit is great on my guy, the velcro is strong, and its absorbancy is perfect for its trimness. Plus cute prints. 🙂
My favorite diaper is Flip, I love that I can choose what goes inside and my favorite inserts are the flip overnight inserts, they are so trim and super absorbent. We have yet to have a leak!
Flip is my favorite because they are so easy to use. Also it’s the only type my husband will use!
Bumgenius 4.0. It is all we have ever tried but I loved them to begin with so I just didn’t try others. But I’d love to see what the others are like!
BG 4.0 are my favorite because they’re easy to use and don’t bunch up.
We love the Elemental because it is the best night time diaper. Our baby girl will sleep through the night in them!
My favorite diapers are 4.0s as they are the first that I’ve tried and have worked well for us so fat.
I LOVE Flip covers! My 3rd child was born this past Christmas night. This is my first experience with cloth diapering and I was feeling really intimidated when it came down to getting started. I love the Flips because they are so easy to use and clean. My daughter was 7.11 at birth and though the Flips looked like they were going to be way too big…they have worked perfectly! I haven’t had any leaks and my daughter looks nice and comfy in her Flips. I haven’t tried Econobums but they are on my list to purchase and I only have one BG which I do like but not as much as my Flips! 🙂
I use 4.0s most of the time because I like the pocket style diaper that wicks the moisture away from my baby’s bum. I also own a few Freetimes that I use overnight with a hemp doubler underneath the flaps, allowing for fewer leaks.
Right now it’s a tie between flips with a prefold or CBI inside and elementals. Flips are much quicker to clean, but I like the ease of the elementals.
My favorite diaper is hands-down my BG freetime in Jules. It was my very first freetime (after the first time using it, I bought 3 more) and I’ve loved that color combo for years, so when the oh-so-cute print came out bearing those colors I couldn’t turn away!
I’m liking my Flips because I can reuse the cover over and over again. Its great!
My favorite is the bumgenius 4.0. I have a few brands, but they are my favorite. They are by far the easiest to clean. 8 also feel they are softer on my babies skin. He is very picky when it comes to diaper changes and morally fusses a lot for a diaper. Not with 4.0s, he stays calm and happy. It’s like changing a new baby. I have fallen in love with cloth diapering all because of how happy it makes the baby.
I love the bumgenius elemental! It’s easy to use and foolproof! And it comes in great colors and prints!
My favorite is my Opps Freetime. Its such a pretty color and even though I started my stash with only Flips, I’ve been loving the Freetimes more and more.
Love freetimes!! So easy and no stuffing!!
My favorite diaper right now is the BG Elemental, but I like all the styles of BumGenius.
I love Econobum’s they were my first cloth diapers and I still love them. Easy and thrifty!
My favorite cloth diaper is the bumGenius 4.0 because it’s versatile, sturdy, and so cute. I love that it has a stay-dry pocket and I can customize absorbency.
Bumgenius 4.0s at the moment. They fit great, baby doesn’t get a rash, and are almost always leak free.