If you’re a genius and you know it clap your hands! If you’re a genius and you know if clap your hands! If you’re a genius and you know it, then you can surely show it… when you enter this week’s giveaway!
We’re all a genius in some way, and we think it’s safe to say your little one is too. So rather than hide your genius and keep it bottled up inside, share it with the world and wear it proudly! Literally.
In this week’s giveaway, three people will win a bum{flip’n}genius shirt for themselves, a bumGenius T-shirt for their baby, a bumGenius Travel Mug, and a bumGenius cloth diaper of their choice.
To enter, tell us what makes you or your child(ren) a genius.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, August 13, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway.
My baby is a genius because he already loves cool cars and he hasn’t even been born yet! He goes crazy hearing drag cars and bikes just like his daddy
He is 2.5 and know his letters by sight and numbers to 15!
my son is a dancing genius 🙂
I don’t know about expected arrival 🙂 , but fuzzy child is a genius because she’ll walk on the side of trees and other obstacles closest to me so she doesn’t get tangled up with the leash…
My baby boy is genius because it runs in the family lol
I have been wanting to try bumgenius!
My baby is a genius because she just is! haha. No she’s getting on all fours at 6 months and of course I think it’s the greatest thing
My 18 month old is already saying lots of words!
I’m a genius for using cloth diapers!
My daughter is a genius because she just turned 2 years old and has a HUGE vocabulary and speaks in full sentences.
My ten month old is a genius because she is learning to talk now.
My boy is a genius because at 8 months he is the fastest crawler!
My son is only 2 and can count up to 10 and knows all his colors.
He’s talented and loves trying to figure out how things work. He picks up on so much.
What makes my boys genius’ is that they’re part Asian! that’s a given! 🙂 ha
My children are so smart they can get into things with childproof guards WELL before they should be able to.
My 3 month old baby is a genius because she loves “singing” with mommy <3
Everyone has always said that my son is soooo smart for his age! Being a stay-at-home mom working with your children every day has its benefits 🙂
My children aren’t geniuses but they are quite bright and very math and science minded.
My son uses really big words for his age
Baby and I both love books!
Ummm everything she does is genius lol But she’s 13 months and today I was picking up the bathroom rugs to wash and we went into the kitchen and I turn around and see her picking up the kitchen rugs as well. Such a cute helper!
My 15 month old “baby” knows that empty water bottles go in the recycling bin and will open the cabinet under the kitchen sink, lift the lid on the recycling bin, put empty bottles into it and close it, without even being asked to do so! What a genius! 😉
He’s a genius because he has no shame, in what he loves.
My son has Down syndrome but is so motivated he just keeps dominating milestones, much faster than expected, and with a smile!
My 3 year old has such a great vocabulary and understanding. My 8 month old is getting ready to walk already.
Both my kids amaze me everyday! They are both super tall for their age and just as I think they are not developing on target ..they surprise me!! Genius!! Haha
I’m genius at saving money at the grocery store
My daughter is a genius because as soon as she got her new baby doll, she brought me the bottle that came with it and said babies don’t need these.
My 17 month old son, Logan, is a genius because he can figure out how to do things quickly
My baby is a genius because when she was tired of sitting in her chair tonight she pelted me with mango skins
Our baby isn’t here yet, but I know they will be smart like me 😉
My daughter is a genius because she is counting and recognizing letters already.
At 18 months my daughter will hear us saying where is my phone and she will get it and bring it to you.
I think my kids are geniuses because they always know how to make me laugh!
My son is an engineering genius! At one and a half he tried to set up a track to make his toy cars go by themselves. He use used wooden train tracks for the cars to go on and put his large battery powered train next to the track so the spinning wheels would move the cars. That’s pretty genius.
My daughter counts to 27, knows her ABCs and is just the most amazing little girl ever! My son is in the stage where he says a new word everyday. It just is amazing to watch them grow and learn. They are both little geniuses!
My sweet boy is a genius because he figured out how to capture my heart just by looking at me with those adorable baby giggles.
All of my children are very smart!
It’s really awesome when your children follow in your footsteps. A hundred years ago I used cloth diapers on my children as my mom did on me. Now my oldest son has made the awesome choice to use them with our first grandchild who is due any day. If that’s not blessing enough he also decided to dedicate his time to children and work in in the same profession as my husband and myself. The icing on the cake is my princess and youngest son with their older brother, daddy and, I also run a family business which focuses on making a difference in other peoples lives. It doesn’t take a genius to know when they’re blessed, but it does take one to keep it that way. Count your blessings and say thank you….
My DD is a genius because she started saying Mama and sitting up at 5 months old.
My son knows his alphabet, colors, and shapes and can count to 15, he learned all of this before 3. I’m not sure that qualifies him as a genius, but we think he’s pretty smart.
My baby is a style genius because he picks the cutest diaper prints to wear
I’ll be a genius when i can make sense of cloth diapering and the savings to my boyfriend 🙂
My baby is a genius because he’s figured out the baby gates.
My daughter is a genius because she can pull weeds in the garden and the backyard at 18 months:)
Have not met little one yet. But if they are anything like their father they are going to love literature.
This is my babe’s favorite book. Yes, that’s “Introductory Calculus for Infants”. http://www.amazon.com/Introductory-Calculus-For-Infants-Inouye/dp/0987823914
You’d have to meet my daughter to realize how much of a genius she is! She has an awesome sense of humor and she figures out how to get into mischief scarily fast!
She acts like she’s 2 years old when she’s only 10 months. Super smart and has common sense!
my daughter is a genius when it comes to knowing her dinosaurs
My son is a genius because he loves to learn how to make new sounds.
Using cloth diapers makes us genius… we are saving money, our health, and our environment!
Being a smart and happy makes him a genius baby
he is very good at figuring out how to get the top of everything .. by pushing toys, boxes, you name it to climb 🙂
I think all kids are…they learn so many new things each day!
my 2 year old is a very out of the box thinker. then again we havent let him know the box exists!
Everything! My kid is amazing! Yes, I’m holding him up on a pedestal, but, oh well.
My children just amaze me at how smart they are. Sometimes I forget how young they are because they seem so grown up!
My little man is a genius because he sleeps through the night at 3 months!
We will have to wait a little longer to find out 😉 But I like to think that because they’re related to me they’ll be pretty smart! lol
Or baby isn’t here yet but he won’t have a choice about being a genius. My husband is starting his PhD program a month before or due date. He’ll be exposed from birth to lots of higher education.
My little one feeds his food to dog when we’re not looking lol
Their sweet hearts make them geniuses!
My Jr. is a genius because he figured out how to sign “diaper” when he needed a diaper change–at 2 months.
My son is a genius because when I went back to work he starting sleeping through the night in his crib so mom (and dad) can get a good nights sleep!
My baby is a genius because he was standing up and walking with support before he started crawling.
I read my 2 year old a new book the other day and she picked it up and read it word for word to me!
My kids all love to learn about animals and they quiz me on random facts about the animal kingdom. Lol
My kids are genius because there are no other kids like them in the world <3
Because i have researched every possible angle of my son’s medical issues and can describe in detail how certain areas of the body work and why.
My baby is a genius because he’s a premie and I was told he could be in the NICU til his due date (6 weeks) but we had him home in 2!
My daughter is a genius because she tries so hard at everything she does 🙂
My girll is a genius because she knows just what to do to make me smile every day!
My sons constant desire to learn and grow!
My boy is genius because at 10 months, he is nearly potty trained!
Love love lovd all the Genius prints for my boy. Hope you release more Jules as we are all addicted!
The constant frustration of wanting to do more than she is able.
A Premature baby must eat on her own before they will be released from the NICU. Our daughter pulled the feeding tube out every chance she got. Genius!
My oldest kid’s favorite book series are boxcar children, cam jansen mysteries, and the magic treehouse (grades 3-5)…. she STARTS Kindergarten next week. Yes, she reads them herself.
My middle has perfected adorable in asking for things.
The baby… well she has chunky cheeks. It’s the first thing the doctor said when she pulled her out. Look at those cheeks.
All bumGenius babies!
He enjoys Dr. Who with me. :). All three of my boys. 7,4, and 4 months.
My son is a genius because he enjoys lining up his dinosaurs in size order… with no prompting from mom!! 🙂
using common sense
I’m a genius because I married my husband. He’s awesome, and without him, I wouldn’t have my children. The baby wears bumgenius!
My baby is a genius because she almost able to pull herself up and crawl at just 6 mo!
Our little guy is a genius because he has the memory of an elephant. He never forgets anything!
She’s my child, haha 🙂
My lil ones are geniuses because they have figured out how to convince me they don’t need naps today!
My baby may not be born yet, but she is already a genius because she knows how to get my dog to move his head when it is too heavily resting on her by kicking just right
My 2 yr old is a genius because of his extensive vocabulary and social skills. Everyone always thinks he’s much older than he is. Being in the 95 percentile for his height probably doesn’t help either,
My son is a genius because he is using so many signs to communicate before he has the verbal skills to communicate, we have really minimized tantrums lately. What a relief 🙂
My son is a genius in many ways. He is loving, caring, handsome, smart, funny, energetic….All of those things make him who he is and in my opinion, that also makes him a genius. He makes us (his dad and I) laugh every single day. He is the most amazing 5 year old. I’m currently pregnant and due next month and Im sure this baby boy will follow in his big brothers foot steps. 🙂
My 5 year old just made us lunch of peanut butter toast and popcorn all on his own and it actually taste good! What a genius!!! Lol
My daughter is a musical genius. She can whistle at 15 months 🙂
Both of my boys are so smart!
My daughter is a genius because she can break out of a swaddle in three seconds flat!
My 7 month old gives high fives!
I am a genius for choosing to cloth diaper my son! He is a genius because he is so cute in his BG’s! 😀
My little one is a genius because he went from a tiny dependent newborn to a independent toddler.
My son is a guenius because he is kind and smart and just learned how to kick in swimming class!
When my daughter sees her Albert diaper she will always go for it and will grab it and “study” it, as if she is trying to make sense of the formulas.
Breastfeeding makes my boys geniuses.
My children (and their mom!) are geniuses because they use cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are environmentally and financially beneficial, as well as better on their sensitive bums!
He’s unique and does things his own way!
My boy was mad at me and called me a genius to be mean… guess he heard me being sarcastic, oops! It backfired on him and I was like, that’s great! You can call me a genius, it means I’m really smart! Now he calls me a genius when he’s in a good mood or we’re doing something fun. 🙂
My four year old is a genius because she is amazing at getting her two year old sister calmed down and happy when she has a two year old incident! 😉