Do you have a sleep routine? I do. Thankfully some wise friend shared with me early in my parenting routine the importance of a consistent bedtime routine for my children. Not only do I have a routine for my children, I also have one for myself. Sleep experts say having a consistent set of behaviors before bed helps to signal your body that it is time to sleep. They suggest activities that calm you, quiet your mind and comfort your body.
A nice bath or shower and clean cozy PJs are an important part of my children’s bedtime routine. Followed with lots of snuggling in my favorite cozy chair, and during the winter, that chair is right beside the fireplace. Sometimes we even read books before bed.
But don’t forget the importance of a night time cloth diaper that is absorbent enough for your sleeping child. We love the bumGenius 4.0 pocket style cloth diaper as an overnight solution. The pocket allows you to add inserts to adjust the absorbency to fit your child’s needs. We also suggest using Hemp Babies inserts for a trim but absorbent diaper.
We don’t want you to just take our word for it, we want you to try it for yourself. Today’s giveaway prize package includes a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper with a Hemp Babies Bigger Weeds. To help get you ready for bed, each prize pack will also include a Rockabye Baby CD too! To enter, just tell us what your bedtime ritual is. It can be for yourself or your child.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Monday, January 21, 2012. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via e-mail. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
We don’t have one yet–my little guy is due in just over one week.
I’m subscribed to your emails as acluisi at hotmail
our bedtime ritual is bath, pajamas, book then my daughter nurses to sleep and I put her to bed.
Awww… No ritual yet since my baby is due in May.
First, we have a bedtime snack and some milk. Then, diaper change, brush teeth, and put her in the sleep sack. She crawls around the bed trying to catch Daddy, then we sit down, read a book sing, and say “Love you, night-night!” while we put her down. Two binkies in the crib, although I’d really like to bread that habit. 🙂
I realize this giveaway is over, but I’m so glad I came across this blog. I was actually going to contact you about what to do for a night time diaper. I use the 4.0 during the day, but at night I have been using disposables because the 4.0 with a regular insert and extra one still aren’t enough to keep my baby dry when he wakes up (he’s 16 months). I will have to get some Hemp inserts now!
We don’t have much of a ritual yet, we just nurse until she falls asleep, but I need to start a ritual with her soon.
I give him a bath and then he has a bottle and we cuddle in bed until he falls asleep.
I don’t have a baby yet, so my bedtime ritual is brushing my teeth, changing clothes, and getting in bed!
Bath, read story, bedtime prayers, nurse, hug!
Shower and reading a bit : )
we read a book, sing a song, and then she ‘reads’ a book to her dolly in bed 🙂
We play around with the dogs and his toys, have bath time and read a few books. When he starts showing signs of being sleepy (or wanting to nurse) I let him lead me into the bedroom (sometimes he climbs on the bed himself) and we snuggle while he nurses and fall asleep.
I have a 3 month old daughter. We put an organic cotton insert into her Flip diaper then wrap her up in an Aden and Anais blanket. Last night we used “Bees Knees”, all of them have names we made up based on the pattern. She hates having her arm swaddled, so we just wrap her body. She comes out looking like a baby burrito, or rito for short. After she is all ritoed in Bees Knees, I usually nurse her and she goes right to sleep. 🙂
Change, swaddle, nurse in bed, put baby in crib to sleep. 🙂
pajamas, brush all the kids teeth, quiet book time in bed. then hugs and kisses when we turn out the lights. more hugs and kisses and tuck them back in!
Reading a book and laying together in bed!
First my lil one gets a bath (involving lots of splashing and smiles), then we sing a lullaby to calm her down while i put lotion, a fresh diaper, and cozy pj’s on her. After that, Daddy comes in for a bedtime prayer and kiss. Then we swaddle and nurse, and finally snuggle, rock, and sleepy sleep. And she doesn’t know it, but I always give her one last kiss and tell her I love her before I leave the room.
I have an 8 week old son who wears Freetimes during the day, but disposables at night. I’m a little skeptical to let him sleep in the cloth, since I’m never sure how long he will sleep for. If he goes more than 3 hours I’m afraid there might be leakage, so I’m looking for a good overnight solution. For bedtime, I take him into his room, turn on the white noise machine, swaddle him, and nurse and rock him until he falls asleep, then put him in his crib and hope he stays asleep. Sometimes it takes a few tries. He won’t fall asleep in his crib if he’s awake, or even partially awake.
FWIW, at that age, we had no problems with leaks at night time. We used BG 4.0s with both inserts and never had leaks until about 6 months or so. Now we use a 4.0 with the one-size insert and a baby kicks premium hemp insert and at 11 months, we still have no leaks at bedtime and my son sleeps about 12 hours at night. I was really nervous to use cloth diapers at bedtime too, but it’s always worked great for us! 🙂
it’s rather complicated you see…my daughter has autism so it is very rigid lol…1. turn on pillow pet 2. drink of water 3. 2 books. 4. lip gloss….i have no idea how this started but such is life i suppose. 5. fluff pillow 6. sing to baby Avery in my belly…..annnnd finally xoxoxo night Lina! EVERY SINGLE DAY 😉
Family time, cuddle, prayers then hugs and kisses for older kids, baby gets nighttime BG 4.0 on then nursed to sleep.
our bedtime routine is to switch lights (from bright to a different one that’s not as bright)
feed the baby, make sure shes good and burped
change her diaper, swaddle and put her into bed
Too bad it’s not open to Canadians.
Our bedtime ritual is lay in bed, nurse baby, fall asleep. 🙂
This comment was by me, idk why it sent as anonymous. Email is mommytoleilab@gmail.com