Options. They’re great. Especially when it comes to cloth diapers.
Have you ever imagined walking into a Cotton Babies store and getting free reign on everything you want? Baby carriers, cloth diapers, nursing gear, you name it – it’s yours.
For this week’s giveaway, one lucky person will have the opportunity to take their pick at a few products they’ve been wanting at Cotton Babies. Now, the winner won’t have the opportunity to go into a Cotton Babies store and stuff their bag with as many items as possible. What this does mean, however, is that the winner of this week’s giveaway will receive a $50 gift card, which can be used to purchase ANYTHING at Cotton Babies. Yes, anything, including that new bumGenius Freetime 😉
To enter this week’s giveaway, simply tell us everything you’d get from Cotton Babies if you had no limits?
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, March 26, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
Flips to try and more Bumgenius 4.0 to add to our stash!
everything 🙂
NB AIOs, hemp babies flats, BG Elementals, swaddle blankets, and Flip trainers. I’m sure I could add more if pressed 🙂
I would like a flip in every color, and some day time and night time inserts and some Hemp Babies!
If I could, I’d try one of EVERYTHING on the website!
I’d buy all the flips, elementals, and freetimes!
If I had no limit on Cottonbabies. I would buy all of the new prints and colors in the 4.0 I’d also buy Econbums newborn kits , swaddle blankets. and some baby legs and detergent.
No limits? you’re crazy. Well, First I would snag a Diaper Pail as I do not have one & Really need one!
Secondly I’d snag a few different types of Diapers I’ve really been wanting to try, such as ; Fuzzybunz, Sustainablebabyish , Diaper Donks, and a few others. I would get a Pail Liner & a Large wet bag, as mine is really small!
oh good lord. every flip and swaddle and some nursing tanks!!
I’d get all the baby carriers!
I’d get lots and lots of Elementals and organic Flip inserts.
I would get the countess and armadillo freetime!
I would try some different diaper styles since my only Cotton Babies diapers are Flips
I would by a stash of Elementals!
I would get cloth diapers and the armadillo! (:
I would get Bumgenius and Flip diapers, some nursing tanks and Bumgenius Laundry Detergent.
I would start my aio stash!
TOO MANY THINGS TO NAME!!! But a few would be, more BG free times to add to my stash. A bunch of Flip trainers for impending potty training, Life factory bottles for the whole family, some Plan Toys for the kids Easter baskets & up coming birthdays, the lässig Green Label Neckline Bag… Oh I could go on and on! I love everything at cotton babies! Thanks for the great giveaway!
We have #2 on the way, so winning would definitely be helpful in adding to our stash! Would love to try the Substainablebabyish & of course BG freetimes & 4.0s! 🙂
I would love to get a baby carrier, some new diapers and amber necklaces!
I would get at least 2 more nursing bras, a pack of A+A swaddles, 6 hemp babies flats, and a new Armadillo Flip!
Cloth Diapers! for me to stock up and to give as gifts
I can’t wait to get the BG Armadillo Freetime! Hummingbird is also on my list!
Oh to dream!!! If I were limitless, I’d get an Audrey 4.0 for my daughter, aden + anais daydream blankets for each of my big boys, who have outgrown their dream blankets, a Petunia Pickle Bottom organic Wistful Weekender for our many adventures, and I’d get a 24 pack of Freetimes and a 24 pack of 4.0s for my sister-in-law, who is expecting twins this summer and is going to cloth diaper for the first time. YAY!
I’d get $50 worth of bum genius 4.0 AIO diapers
With no limit, I would be in heaven!! LOL I would buy I would buy 1 of every color BG diapers, a new carrier and nursing apperal.
I would get a BabyHaw Mei Tai, a Milk Daze nursing top… or two…, a 24 pk of bumGenius elmentals or freetimes in the gender of our up-comeing baby, and gosh, so much awesomeness to choose from!!!
I’d get some hemp inserts, a freestyle swim diaper, lots of california baby sunscreen, an iPlay sunhat, bumgenius diaper sprayer, diaper pail with carbon filter, woolly bottoms soaker hybrid, and probably some nursing wear!
I’d get a Tula and a Sakura Bloom sling… and some bumgenius Elemental diapers to try!
I would get a Freetime in every color! They are our favorite BG diapers! Would love to own Picadilly Circus!
A NB diaper stash for #2
One of everything?? Haha! Number one thing would be a Tula or Sakura Bloom!
Is totally by Jules! It’s my favorite print!
No limits?! I would go crazy in the store! I would buy every color 4.0, some cute clothes for my two kids, Nellie’s detergent, glass bottles, a new breast pump, etc!!!!! I could go on and on!
With no limits, I’d get every color of Flips & Night time and Day time organic inserts!
Some of our favorite diapers are the econobum and flip but now it’s time to potty train. Scarry huh? Well we would love to get some trainers. Thanks.
I would get, an Albert, twilight, sassy, top hat, Piccadilly circus, and artist series flips, a couple of wet bags, bottom spray, cloth wipes, laundry detergent, the new Econobum covers in mirror, butternut, clementine, dazzle, and grasshopper, a woven wrap, and whatever else looked fun!
If I had no limits I would buy a three pack of oops in freetime, a three pack of Lovelace snap in elemental, three pack of countess in freetime snap and in a perfect world one Audrey.
I would love to get different types and brands of cloth diapers to try out. I’d also like to get cloth wipes, wet bags, etc.
I would purchase some more diapers, a sprayer, and the spray pal.
Oh man…I would get lot of diapers, a few swim diapers, and chewbeads in different colors!
I’d preorder Armadillo!
lol i would by all the BGs lol and a ergo baby carrier
I would buy more flips! They are my favorite.
I’d buy a whole stash of Flips for my sister who is (cross your fingers) pregnant!
Well, I like everything! I’d get diapers, diaper covers, everything
I would get some more cloth diapers! I only have a couple right now and having a few more would be great. I’d also buy my sister-in-law a carrier. I have one and love it and she is having a hard time finding a good one for the right price.
Well, if there’s no limits, it only makes sense to get one of everything! Only one though- I wouldn’t want to be greedy.
I would put it towards a new tula!
I’d get a Todder Tula, and maybe a couple of wooden toys
I would get my first set of buumgenius elementals for our son due in June!
If I had unlimited funds, I would get 3 of every single diaper (no, seriously, I’m indecisive and don’t know which diapers to choose), lots of different inserts, and lots of covers and liners. I would also get 2 diaper sprayers, spray pals, a few wet bags of different sizes, diaper pail and liner, a few different baby carriers, a few nursing bras, pump, and other nursing accessories, baby clothes and toys, laundry soap, diaper cream/lotion, and a changing pad. Wow, if only to dream!
I would get a carrier and probably one of every style and color of diaper. I like variety. 🙂
id get some elementals and freetimes and wet bags
I would buy a newborn stash of BG’s
I would buy some various cloth diapers to start my stash. I’m a first time momma here just starting out. I have no idea what would work best for me so I’d like to try a few different things!
I would like to get flip potty training covers & a few girly flip diaper covers (since my first was a boy). Another wet/dry bag would be great to have as well when I’m washing the one I already have. I could easily spend SO much money at cotton babies!
Oh, and a new nursing bra & cami is desperately needed as well.
I’ve just started using my cloth diapers and would love to explore different varieties to determine what works best for our family. I also have a friend due in a few months and would love to introduce her to the 4.0’s which we have been so happy with. I started with them based on a recommendation from one of my experienced friends and would love to share!
I’d buy too many diapers in pretty colours, more cotton, bamboo and hemp inserts, and baby carriers, and wet bags – and then even more diapers to gift to my cloth diapering friends – the flips seem to be favourite amongst us! But then really – with no limits? Cloth diapers for everyone!!!!!
I’d love a bumgenius diaper sprayer, and of course, all the diapers!! If I had NO limits I’d also get all the mama cloth too!
oh! where to start?!
diaper sprayer, diaper pail & liner, probably some stay dry liners, swaddle blanket, and of course diapers, diapers, diapers!! 😀
I would get on 4.0 of every color(even the girl colors that I have no need for right now!), a tula carrier, some sloomb fitteds and many many other things!
No limits !!!! Can I get two of everything then !!!! Lol Seriously though I had unlimited resources I would get one of everything a donate it to the Rebecca cloth foundation
Two of every color from newborn, 4.0, flip, freetimes. I would donate most of them to those in need. Sharing some to friends for gifts. I’d buy hemp babies for my baby.
A entire stash of NB AIO for my newbie and Elementals!
I’d love to get a carrier or some flip covers. I love the two that I have but I need more!
Well I just purchased audrey. Which thank goodness since it sold out so quickly. I’d buy the new armadillo color and countess. I love both of those. Not sure if I’d buy newborns or elementals tho…
I’d love to get some more Flip covers (get the new colors) and some more organic cotton inserts before we leave for Mexico. It’s just not in our budget.
An entire BG rainbow. 🙂
I would by one bumGenius 4.0 in every color and print!
OBGE in new colors.
All print and rainbow solids in OBGEs!!
I would get one of every cloth diaper they have! My stash is only 3 diapers and it would be great to add to it!
I would get a full stash of the newborn diapers and a bunch of freetime in hook and loop and a few 4.0s
~Definitely an Audrey and a balance bike for my sweet baby girl 😉
Lamby lambskin cuddle rug!
I would get some hemp babies silk liners, flip organic inserts, Beco carrier, planet wise pail liner, motherlove rash & thrush, Thirsties pocket diapers, one of those flowers for bath time and of course lots of bumgenius diapers! The list could go on!
More diapers.
I buy all the special edition flip covers, a stash of 48 newborn diapers, and some detergent.
I would buy some diaper covers for my baby.
No limit!? Can I have one of everything and a few extra prefolds? Realistically, if I had an unlimited budget and was able to get whatever I wanted I would definitely stock up on prefolds and fitteds, every color of flip covers and BG AIOs with a few Fuzzibunz for good measure!
I do love the new BG Armadillo color and would love to add that to the stash!
I would buy flips in every color and get lots of extra inserts.
I would get a Tula and more Freetimes!
I would get some fitteds and covers.
Diapers, diapers and more diapers
I would buy newborn diapers, cloth trainers, maternity clothes, cloth inserts, wooden toys…
I would want to get a toddler Tula, some newborn diapers and 4.0s, prefolds and hemp babies, and a new nursing tank.
I would buy several Tulas in the prints I love, cloth diapers for me and some friends, and some clothes for my little guy. I would stick up on A&A blankets for my fam and future baby showers along with several of the green toys.
I need more BG 4.0s in my life! Lol I really want a large stash just to have a good rotation. But I also want to add some more BabyKicks Hemparoo Joey-Bunz to my arsenal.
I am hoping to get a Tula soon. Or some BG 4.0 prints.
Ummm… Obviously I would get EVERYTHING! But I’m loving some of the new prints. Would love to include them in my stash!
Pretty 4.0 prints!
I’d get a new baby carrier.
My LO is due in 4 weeks and I’d love a wrap or carrier and a BumGenius diaper package!
No limits: wool covers, sbish fitteds, flats, flips, hemp inserts, wipes, liners, ring sling, and a few wooden toys
Diapers, some nursing wear, a new wet bag, some gifts for friends having babies soon. So many possibilities!
I would get some newborn diapers!
I would get some bumGenius 4.0s, Flip inserts, the Tula Toddler carrier, and sustainablebabyish Overnight Bamboo Fleece Fitteds 🙂
A diaper sprayer, a new carrier and definitely some more BG diapers. I have a few Freetimes, but I’d love some more 4.0s and hemp inserts.
I am just starting to cloth diaper my twins, and a diaper sprayer would be awesome!! Also, I would love to get a Chewbeads necklace (or two) and a few new BumGenius Elementals!
more freetimes!
flip covers! 🙂
A bunch of diapers!!
No limits? Oh my! Well, one of everything of course! LOL.
I’d stick with the BG 4.0s and laundry detergent. With unlimited options, I’d get some of those expensive organic clothes for my 9 month old cutie.
for sure an Ameda breast pump! And I would like to try all the different Bum Genius diapers. I also would like to try disposable flip inserts. I would try everything sustainablebabyish and a diaper sprayer since I’ve never had one. I would REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE a spray pal too. Also anything thirsties. Diaper rash and thrush cream from motherlove and nipple butter and mama milk tea from earth mama angel baby. I could also use a ERGObaby® Heart2Heart™ Infant Insert for my special needs son who is 8 months old who can’t hold his head up supported anymore. I could go on and on because dangit, Cottonbabies is AMAZING and has so many awesome products!!! THANK YOU FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN!!! I really appreciate it!
I’d get a flip cover in hummingbird, mirror, armadillo, and Jules. Also I would get a dozen premium Indian cotton prefolds!
I would get one of every print in flip snaps with the organic inserts
If I could buy with no limits I would buy a few more diapers (bumgenius newborn and start my 4.0 stash). I think I would also like a diaper sprayer and a couple more nursing bras. Bravado in particular. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would try one of everything! And get one of each of the limited edition diapers!
I would get the rainbow of prints(:
I would buy some new prints of BG freetimes and 4.0’s… I actually didn’t pack enough diapers to join my hubby for a few months at the base so this would be AMAZING!
I would love to get a new countess and armadillo! Not to mention some fun learning toys for my daughter for easter.
I ‘d get the lambskin, plus some maternity/nursing clothes 🙂
I would buy some prefolds and flips.
Sustainablebabyish OBF and an Audry Elemental~!
I would get a dozen elementals!
Oh man, no limits? I’d get a Tula or Beco carrier (haven’t decided which), and definitely some more diapers (I’m DYING for something in Albert print but never have the money). And some cloth pantiliners for me because that’s all I really need these days. I could definitely have some fun with no limits. 🙂
I would buy a toddler tula!
BG-elemental, chew beads necklace and bamboo swaddle blankets
If I had no limits, I would get another baby carrier, a diaper sprayer, and 24 BG newborns
BG-elemental, bamboo swaddle blankets and chew beads necklace
I’d love a tula toddler
Freetimes! Hummingbird, Countess, Albert. A nursing tank….
Oh a Tula would be amazing! But I would love some freetimes and some Flips. Oh the possibilities are endless
I’d buy more 4.0s! I’ve been buying up repairable diapers and repairing them to give to people I know can’t afford diapers. So, it’d be nice to be able to give them a couple new ones! (I just bought Audrey for one of them! She’s going to be so surprised!)
I would love to try an Elemental! And a Freetime!
Just some more diapers lol
Everything I would get if I didn’t need to pay? Um, everthing in the store lol! But specifically I would love a toddler tula!
I would love to get a few more new 4.0s, or put it towards a Tula 🙂
I would get bumGenius diapers for my friend expecting a baby!
A new Audrey!
I’d get more elements- or some flip training pants as getting close to training!
Belly bandit!!!
I would get a new “Audrey” print diaper. They are so cute!
I would love to get a couple more diapers for my baby, and a few for a good friend who’s about to have her second.
I would love a Tula or the new Audrey in a 4.0! Love Bum Genius!!!!
I would definitely use the $$ towards my stash for our little bundle due in May! Right now we are looking at the Flip system, but I might get a few different ones do we can try them all out 🙂
If I won, I’d get some new inserts for my leaky ones and add some new FreeTime dipes to our stash!
More cloth diapers, of course! 🙂
I would get a carrier, cd diapers for my LO and for my niece, some nursing camis and idk what else because I only look doe diapers usually.
I’d buy a bunch of BG Elements, an ERGOnaby sport carrier, and a a bunch of BabyLegs!
I would get some flips diapers for myself and for family members that don’t use cloth diapers!!!
I would buy some babylegs, some more diapers, and nursing clothes.
I would buy a couple dozen each of all the bumgenius!
I would get a baby carrier….not sure which one yet though 😉
More flip diapers and bumgenius detergent.
I’d get a new carrier, lots of BG 4.0’s, some more Flip covers, hemp inserts, diaper cream. I’d probably get some nursing tanks and bras, too!
If I had no limit? I’d get one of everything!
I would buy a week’s worth of Freetimes and enough wet bags to store them : )
I would go so nuts! More Bumgenius of course, Kate Quinn oRganics clothes, some more Lifefactory bottles, maybe a new nursing bra too!
I could really use some more Hemp Babies inserts, and if course the two newest colors for the Bumgenius 4.0. And Bumgenius laundry detergent!
We would love to get a Tula carrier. And, Flips one in each color! Oh, can’t wait! Thank you, Cotton Babies!
I would get all the cloth diapers I can’t afford right now!!
I’d buy flip covers
Well, If I had no limits. I’d probably buy EVERYTHING!!! 😉
Flips trainers!
No limits??? I would get one of everything in each color. Plus a few baby carriers.
Ebg or Freetimes.
More diapers.
I would buy a wet bag!
Pocket diapers!
I’d get a Tula, a nursing tank, and some elementals!
I’ve been drooling over Tulas. I’d love to get one for $50 less!
I’d get NBGEs in every color, and tons of BG detergent. 🙂
No limit? I would get one of EVERYTHING! lol
I’d get a mei tai carrier, a sling, the 24 pack of elementals, the kissaluvs package and 8 or so flips… And then I’d take one of every toy for every age. 😀 you said ANYTHING!
All the BGEs!
Ooh I want a Tula standard in zig zag! You wonderful evil Cottonbabies people introduced Tula to me and now I really want it! I cannot justify the cost though especially when I can get a used Ergo for half as much (and already have a Moby). But if I could even win $50 toward it I would so go for the Tula, hands down!!!!
I’d love to get several new Flips!
I would get nursing tanks, training pants, chewbeads, diapers…
A baby/toddler carrier and a cloth diapers to have a 4 day supply for twins.
I would get an amber teething necklace!
I would get hemp doubles because my baby is starting to sleep much longer at night 🙂
Right now I ‘m having a hard time finding supportive plus size nursing tanks and I would buy one in each color if I found a good fit. Plus I would buy all the new bumGenius colors/ print. And maybe a nice light silk ring sling for summer time.
Some newborn BGs or Swaddlebees for my baby due in 3 weeks!
I would buy two of every bumgenius color!
More Bum Geniuses, they’re our favorites!
Always need more diapers! Wanting to stock up for #3
I would get more Freetimes, need them in all the colors! My favorite BG diaper!
I’d buy every shade of Freetimes (that I don’t already have), and a swim diaper.
No limits!?! I’d get one of everything! No really though, I would get the Flip diaper potty trainers cuz the dd is potty-training right now.
more flips!
I would get a tula
I would preorder armadillo 🙂
I would get Imse Vimse trainers for my daughter and try a Freetime. Awesome giveaway!
I’d love to try a Freetime, and some of the toys look great!
I wpuld get the lamb skin blankets- one for each of my twin girls for tummy time and snuggles.
newborn sized diapers
No limits, I’d buy cloth diapers with the wet bags and detergent for all my friends willing to give cloth a try. It’s so much easier to get into it with the resources at hand. And the Tegu blocks would be awesome. 🙂
We are expecting our first any day now and with no financial limits I would buy anything and everything we would need for a cloth diaper stash and accessories!
A couple printed feetimes. We only have solid flips and econobums. Would love to try all in one’s.
I would get more diapers of course, nursing bra, and a stroller 🙂
Armadillo! Elementals and flips. 🙂
Flip diapers galore!
Flip diapers are the bomb, and cloth wi
I would preorder the new armadillo color! We are still building up our stash so it would help!!
A couple fitted diapers an covers, more hemp inserts, detergent… Too many things to choose from!!!
Our family has very limited funds for things like this. I would love a couple of new diapers. Baby # 5 is due in about 5 weeks, and a couple of new diapers would be nice.
I would buy a few gender specific bumGenius 4.0s. We didn’t know the sex of our baby when I was buying diapers. Now that baby is here I think she’d look pretty adorable in Countess or Hummingbird.
I would get a Tula, some freetimes and 4.0s, a petunia pickle bottom wistful weekender.
a toddler tula! and new nursing bras.. because after 2 years those things get yucky!
4.0’s in the new colors!
I would buy a Tula, some freetimes and 4.0s, a petunia pickle bottom wistful weekender.
I am expecting my second baby in August, so I’d get one of everything!! Since I’ve never used anything by Cotton Babies I’d have to try it ALL! 🙂 lol
I’d finally buy a Tula and add to my free time collection!
I’d probably pick up a few more Flip cover, and try out a freetime.
I would love a moby wrap and some new diapers for our baby due Tuesday; thanks for the giveaway!
A new baby carrier
More 4.0’s and hemp doublers and I might even splurge on a freetime!
New diaper colors, probably some nice clothes for DS, and feeding supplies since we’re starting solids this week!
No limit….hmmm. I’d go to CB in the Couve and get a full nbge rainbow, chew beads, and 2 car seats because we need new ones :/
A tula carrier definitely!!!
I would get cloth diapers in my favorite new prints, another set of premium prefolds, and a few special surprises to share with my sweet baby, as well as gifts for friends/family with upcoming babies, and donations for moms in need…
Nursing bras and another carrier
Freetimes! Carrier!
Id get some hemp inserts, missing bg colors and prints and a tula for our next baby
I’d get a whole stash of Bumgenius 4.0s and freetimes for myself and family and enough detergent to last through the diapering years if I don’t have a limit.
The new Armadillo color is awesome! I’ve been waiting and hoping for a gray! I would definitely get a Flip and 4.0 of that. I would also probably get some Sassy and Clementine diapers.
A new carrier
I would get hummingbird and sassy!
I would try some elementals and get an Audrey cover! Although I’m getting that cover whether I win or not. Haha.
I would get a Tula cover and every bumgenius diaper including the new Audrey diaper!
I would buy diapers after 3 kids my stash needs to be refreshed
I’d buy more bumgenius 4.0’s!
I would get one 4.0 in each color. And a lot of planet wise bags. And natural fiber inserts.
I would get the Hummingbird and Audrey 4.0’s!
I would get 4 more Flip covers in snap closure. We need more, and I am saving for them.
I would load up on Freetimes. All the Freetimes. All of them.
Freetimes, hemp babies, and some pink diapers to give my cousin’s daughter
I would try wool pants, I would try the freetime diapers, and I would load up on all the cutest new prints in the 4.0 diapers.
If I had no limits, my carrier selection would grow like crazy! I really want a Tula for my toddler, but also a sakura bloom sling for my new addition. And I would HAVE TO add some new cloth to my stash! Probably some elemental and flips with organic inserts.
Would have to think about that! So many choices!!
We already have a ton of cotton babies products, but I’d probably get some more inserts and insert socks as well as each of the new prints and colors that I like as they come out.
A Tula!
I want all the newborn diapers!
I’d get a Dolcino wrap, a sakura bloom sling, a Tula, and soooo many more diapers including a full stash of all in ones for my newest little one coming this summer.
I would love one of each diaper! that is all!
i made a wishlist during your Christmas giveaway on pinterest. and that about covers it!
I would buy at least 12 more 4.0s, then I would get some stay dry liners, some babylegs, and gosh probably some other goodies like the new L’oved baby clothes!!!
I’d love a Freetime for my baby and some newborns for a pregnant friend!
I would buy a Tula and a sakura bloom sling.
I would get an ergo baby carrier, and a mix of 4.0 snap diapers and the elementals in different colors for a new little one coming in July. I would also pick up extra inserts to make sure we never ran out!!!!!! I love all the colors you carry and would love to pick up multiples of all the colors!!!!!
If I had no limit, I’d get lots of 4.0s. It’s such a solid, all-around good diaper, and I’d give some to friends as baby gifts too!
I would buy the new colors and prints of Bumgenius 4.0s that I don’t have!
I would get the new bumgenius colors.
If I had no limit I would get an entire stash of newborn diapers and an entire stash of BumGenius Freetimes.
I would get more of the Creepers and bumGenius Threads Long Sleeves. I don’t have a froggie! I would also get a PC, Hummingbird and now Armadillo since those are the only colors I’m missing 🙂
I’d get some hemp doublers, Flip organic overnight inserts, and maybe another BG 4.0.
All kinds of cloth diapers for my sister-in-law to try. She is due at the beginning of May and wants to cloth diaper. My husband is not on board with cloth diapering (I have a 12 week old) so I’m having fun looking at adorable fluffy cloth diapers to put on my new nephew! 😀
A full supply of BG Freetimes to last both of my kids through at least 2 days, and a new carrier to replace my homemade wrap.
More bG Freetimes!
bumgenius 4.0 in all colors and sizes, cotton wipes, diaper pail, diaper pail liner, nursing bras!!
I would get some new Flips.
I love diapers!!!
EVERYTHING? Too much to list. Tula, Belly Bandit BFF, more 4.0s, some freetimes and newborns to try…
This would be so helpful!! I would love to get some 4.0s 🙂
I would get a bunch a newborns and stock up on freetimes for when they grow out of newborn diapers. I also love all of the babylegs that you carry! So cute!
I would try free times and elementals
I would get a freetime and elemental in every color/pattern. Also a Tula, and tons of babylegs.
I’d love to get a major stash of assorted CDs to set up a local cloth diaper lending program.
It would be great to have nursing bras that fit, more diapers, toys, to try somewool covers, and get more clothes so I can go a couple of days in between laundry batches.
I would buy one of each diaper on the site to try out. I currently have 4.0s but would love to try out an elemental and freetime and I would love to get a hummingbird!
I would get a tula and try some NBGES
I’m due with twins any day now and a $50 gift certificate would be awesome!
i would buy diapers for friends with new babies, even if they’re not close friends, if they wanted to cd, I would get them. I’d buy new colors of diapers, and nursing bras and tanks, and toys…because who doesn’t need a toy or two for the kids, right?
A nursing cami and some BG Freetimes!
I’ve really only ever looked at cloth diapers because our budget doesn’t allow for much more but I’d love to get another carrier or wrap. I have a 17 month old and a 4 month old and having options for wearing one or the other would be great!