Do you ever just want to kick back and relax? I do. Every minute. Every day.
Unfortunately, you and I both live in a world where there’s this thing called responsibility, which means we don’t always have as much time to ourselves.
Time is so important nowadays, especially when you don’t have much to begin with.
When people think about using cloth diapers, they often think that it will be a daunting, time-consuming task. But it’s not. In fact, using cloth diapers is just as easy as using disposables and can actually help you FREE UP a few extra minutes.
For this week’s giveaway, five lucky winners will receive a bumGenius Freetime in the color and closure of their choice. bumGenius Freetime is an all-in-one cloth diaper with built-in inserts so you never have to spend your time stuffing diapers.
To enter this week’s giveaway, tell us what you like to do in your spare time.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, March 19, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
Spare time… I like to daydream about what I’d do in my spare time if I ever had any. Maybe I could get the dresses sewn for my daughters that I’ve been wanting to make for years now. I could maybe finish the blouse I cut out 2 years ago. I could make myself some new nighties (mine are terribly stained). I might could take a nice long bath (hydrotherapy) with lavender scented Epsom salts and a candle burning in the bathroom. I could make a special meal for my husband. Take the time to get out my stamps and make cards with the children. I could maybe try my hand at scrapbooking and get all my pictures in some sort of decent order. Right now I use the bathroom in my spare time.
I love playing with my kids in my spare time 🙂
I like to escape with a good book!
I love to escape with a good book.
I find myself cleaning Of course lots of the time. doing laundry, but I like when I can watch some tv or read a book!
I like to run in my spare time. It clears my mind and is good for my body.
i love doing giveaways!!! and trying to sewing lol
What spare time?! Haha! Mom of two little ones, one being a very active 4yo, I have no spare time!
I love to read in my spare time.
I like to paint
When I’m not required to work, I spend a lot of time researching about cloth diapering! I would like to use them with my first baby… I think this brand could be the right one for me!
In my spare time i crochet things… keep my hands busy and my mind open while listening to music
I <3 audry! can't wait for the counterpart
I love freetimes.. and I love cloth diapering. It absolutely was intimidating when I first started, and now I know I should have started from birth! Love love love that it saves me time and money.
I love to be outdoors with my family soaking on the gorgeous Florida weather!
I love to read in my spare time. Mysteries are my favorite!
I like to spend time with my hubby when i have spare time!
Go running 🙂
Enter Giveaways
love bum genius and love freetimes! wahoo for give aways!
oh and I love to knit in my free time, if I ever get any. any
I like to quilt.
When my babies are sleeping, i like to sew in my free time!
I love the freetimes! CDing has never seemed time consuming to me, I love it!
buy cute cloth diapers!
Read, books from many different genres!
Love to read in my spare time..
I’ve fallen HARD for BumGenius 4.0! They are amazing,super easy , and adorable! Thank you for creating such a wonderful product!
I like to bake in my spare time
I love to knit and sew in any few precious spare moments I can get.
I love to read novels in my spare time.
I like to hunt and fish.
I enjoy playing with my little ones in my spare time…reading, going on walks, and just playing pretend! I also love spending time with my hubby and reading my Bible.
Any free time I have is spent reading a book or catching up on a kid-unfriendly TV show. : )
In my spare time I enter giveaways or hang out with friends! And also window shop for cloth diapers!
I like to cook
When I have a few minutes, I sit and pet my sweet pup, Annie. 🙂
Love these diapers!
I like to catch up on DVR and read!
I would like some rest in my freetime!
In my spare time I love to knit in the fall/winter, and garden in the spring summer.
I love fishing!
In my spare time we love to hike, bike, and ski. But as I’m pregnant with #2 right now, we mostly relax together with family and friends!
Crochet and scrapbook.
Read a book 🙂 something that reminds me I’m more than just mom.
Cook, bake and spend time with family.
In my free time I shop!
I like to read in my spare time! Although lately it doesn’t seem like I have time to spare.
Read a book!
Die hard cotton babies fan 🙂 insomnia leads to surfing Cottonbabies.com for 2 hours!
hmmmm….I had some spare time once. Let me see if I can remember back that far…oh yeah! I love to read!
i like the relax
I like to do crafty stuff like crochet.
I like to take my daughter to see new things and attempt crafts from my pinterest boards.
I usually lov eeto read, but being 8 months pregnant, just moved into a new house, and working 30 hours a week, mostly right now I want to sleep.
I love to garden and do diy projects
rest and read
I like reading in my spare time. I wonder if I will ever have some …
I like to read in my spare time.
Spare time? What’s that? Read I guess. Been working on Little Women for months.
spare time, whats that? i would like to knit if i could find any spare time…
I love to read!
Right now I like getting ready for the new baby… due any day!
I like to read and play music in my spare time.
I drink wine in my spare time! :b
I love to read and sew.
I my spare time I like to read, paint, crochet, knit, cross-stitch, or bake. Depends on what I’m in the mood for.
Play video games.
Disney pin trading
These days, I seem to frantically clean.
I love to read 🙂
Love going to the cinema!
I like to garden, travel, and read in my spare time.
What is this spare time you speak of?
In my free time, I like to go on hikes + bird watch with my husband. We enjoy film festivals together, and being out in nature. : )
I liked to read in my spare time.
Spare time? What is that?? When I can sneak a few minutes in here and there, I end up reading books on my phone Nook app. I don’t even have time to use my regular Nook device anymore, sigh.
Go for walks with our jogger stroller.
Sleep!!!! lol
If I’m not working, teaching, or doing school work, I enjoy volunteering with Kiwanis and dedicate most of my spare time in that way!
Play with my 2 baby boys and my dogs!
I do a lot of quilting in my free time 🙂 My two year old loves sitting on my lap and watching, and sometimes helps me guide the fabric.
In my free time I would like to scrap book and paint again, ever since my daughter was born I don’t get much time for personal hobbies. I also want to learn how to sew.
I like to take naps in my spare time!
I love to facebook and blog in my “freetime”
Freetimes definitely make night time cloth diapering so much easier! No worries! Just grab one and we’re set for the night! Ohhh.. a freetime in hummingbird! fun stuff!
I love to read in my spare time – lately books focused on adoption 🙂 I would love to know how cloth diapers can free up time in comparison with disposables. I am expecting my first and am planning on the cloth diaper route!!
I like to exercise, read, scrapbook, bake and oganize our home in my spare time.
I love to read!
i like to take walks and bake
I love reading in my spare time. Plus doing activities outside. Both of which I’ll be doing much more of since the weather will be warmer. (Warmer weather means kids outside with the hubby and not inside driving me insane, lol)
In my free time I cuddle my new nephew!
I crochet in my free time!
Since I am in my first trimester and feeling sick, I like to nap in my spare time! 🙂 But normally I like to be outside or reading in the sun. I like to window shop too 😉
I like to read.
I love reading in my spare time.
How cool! I’m a soon to be mommy, and so far really love the features of the bumGenius line. This would be awesome!
In my spare time I love to read or go for a run. Sometimes scrapbooking but my new spare time fun is knitting socks!!!
In my freetime I play with my DD outside now that it’s FINALLY nice here! <3 <3 This summer I'll be playing with TWO babies! <3
I love to sew and read whenever I have spare minutes!
I like to sleep…or read. But mostly sleep.
In my spare time I love to walk my three dogs, and read up on my latest interest! This week it’s the history of parenting throughout the ages!
i like to read and enter giveaways! Hehe
We spend most of our free time on the soccer fields which makes all in one diapers the best!
Curling up in bed with a good book, a hot cup of tea and my cat stretched out by my side is by far my favorite way to spend my spare time.
Read! Workout! Any thing but clean.
I’ve always wanted to try GB Freetime but am too cheap to buy one. 😉
Honestly, nap 🙂
In my spare time I like to do absolutely nothing!!! I’m a SAHM and trying to finish my PhD before the next baby comes in May, so spare time is currently at a very minimum.
I love to read and write in my spare time.
In my spare time (ha!), I like to scrapbook.
I would spend more time with my little one who is due to arrive in a few weeks!
Sleep, I like to sleep!
Sit and read
I’d love to find enough time to read a book without pictures!
I love to go on walks with my husband and twins:)
Sew and organize.
I like to spend care-free time with my kids whenever I get the chance!
Yes! I desperately need some freetime!!!
When the weather is nice, I like to go for walks with my daughter in my spare time. In the winter, I like to crochet.
Bake and go outside
I like to be alone for just a few minutes!
In my free time 😉 I like to do all sorts of crafty things. I like to sew, knit, and my current project is stripping and refinishing a new dining room table.
Winning a free time diaper would be awesome! In my free time, I like to do my turbofire workouts.
Sleep and read my baby blogs!
Right now I like to take naps, but I am nearing the end of pregnancy and have been tired a lot!
In my spare time it like to read with my son, sew household decorations, spend quality time with my husband, and visit with our friends.
What spare time?! I like to read…when I can find the time!
There’s not a ton of spare time around here. I do like to pop onto Facebook and chat with people.
When I actually get it, /i like to read and knit.
Hi Cotton babies! I am a stay at home momma by say and a hospice nurae assistant by night. I am blessed with two awesome boys. One ia five years old and the other is 7 months. I did not cloth diaper my first but I am using cd now and loving the experience. I wish this was something I ventured into five years ago! Needless to say about spare time… can you elaborate!? What is spare time!!? If I had any I would enjoy a hike, sunshine, and a nice breeze.
I love spending time doing things with my little girls in my free time. When I’m not learning and exploring with them, I’m usually crocheting or knitting things for them!
Spend all the time with my kids I can
I love Freetimes. I am slowly trying to convert my stash.
i have an eight week old and an almost two year old. In my spare time I like to sleep!
I love to read in my (limited) spare time!
I love to crochet, knit, and would love to read. Reading a book that’s not written for children sounds pretty great!
As a recent (as in this week) cloth diaper convert, In my free time I’d like to build a great diaper stash! Right now we only have 3 diapers!! So I could use another one! 🙂
Looking at more diapers online!
In my spare time, I read books and exercise.
I think I might enjoy another cup of coffee….
I like to read in my spare time!
I love to run!
in my spare time i like to sew, scrapbook and get outside with my family
I rock climb!
In my spare time, I like to drink coffee and lounge! Otherwise, I like to take the kids for a walk on nice days.
Freetimes are the main diapers I use and I love them. I have another baby due in Sept so I’ll have two in diapers at the same time. I’m excited bc that means I get some new diapers!
Spare time? I don’t know what that is anymore 😉
FTM of a 12 week old and loving every minute of it!
Have a cup of coffee! Sew a little
What free time? 😉 Just kidding! I usually spend my son’s nap time sneaking in my lunch while prepping dinner for that evening.
Free time…. Lol What’s that? I like to crochet, scrapbook and read in my free time.
IF I ever have spare time I love to do anything crafty. I love to sew.
I love to snuggle my kids and read.
Love freetimes! I would love a new color!!
I love to curl up with tea and a good book when I have some spare time.
Haha, what spare time?? 🙂
I love books and reading (no kindle for me!) And hanging out with my family.
In my spare time I like to spend time with my family, I work quite a bit, so any extra time I spend with them
In my free time- I love to (when the weather warms) take a walk, with my toddler in tow! It’s the perfect time to connect, learn about nature, and sing!
In my free time, I like to run and workout! I also like to cook and try new recipes! :]
If I had some free time, I would take a nap!
I have started learning to sew!
I would love to honestly take a nap in my spare time!!! LO has not been sleeping well lately and has been keeping me up at night w/ him.
If I had spare time- I’d take a long nap!!
Sleep!! And if I’m ever able to find the time, I also love snowboarding
Go on walks with my baby
I love knitting 🙂
I ride & train horses in my spare time! If I’m not out at the barn I can usually be found reading a good book.
lately the only “free time” i get is a 5 minute shower lol. spare time of my choice would be reading a book or going for a jog!
Great giveaway! I’ve been dying to try these!
In my free time I like to read and grab coffee with friends.
Ooh, I would love a Freetime!
I really want a new Countess!! 😀
Exercise at the YMCA
I like to spend my free time at the beach!
My spare time is enjoying an episode of Supernatural via Netflix. It’s not very often I can finish a whole episode in one sitting, but sometimes my son will sleep or breastfeed quietly and I can actually get maybe 2 episodes in! Haha! If it’s a nice sunny day though, a walk in fresh air is really appealing.
I love to spend time with my family and do crafts when I have time.
If I have the energy I bellydance…
Then again, catching up on more than 30 min of tv would be a special treat…. 😉
What is spare time?
I enjoy reading and playing video games in my spare time.
If I have free time I like to play with my kiddos, take a nap, or get since long hot shower.
Read books and watch movies.
In my free time I love to sew or crochet.
spend time with family!
I like to read, run, Skype with family, and dream about making a garden.
I love spending time with my little guy.
I love to garden though when I can squeeze it in. My poor vegetables are looking a little sad at the moment though.
Love cottonbabies!
spare tine id spen veging out
I like to knit.
In my spare time I like to cuddle my LO, search for new Dipes, and watch House of Cards!
I like to read if I ever get any spare time…. if…
Enjoy some relaxing reading
In my free time, I love to sew.
In my spare time I like to kick back and enjoy a delicious beer in the sun in a chair in my backyard.
I love to read!
Oh freetime, I’d like to get to know you!
Stalk cloth diaper websites and read about sewing.
Spend time with family
I love taking our almost 1 year old to experience new thing! Seeing the world through a child’s eyes is so magical!
When I have free time. I like to sew!
Always wanted to try a Freetime but can’t afford to buy a diaper I am not sure of.
read! any chance i get i love to read! and drink tea.
I like to read books and go camping with my family!
I like to work out in my freetime 🙂
In my spare time I eat A LOT of ice cream!
I like to read in my spare time.
In my free time I enjoy spending time with my boys and husband. If I get extra free time I like sewing, crafting and sleeping! 🙂
In my spare time, I literally like to just sit back and relax.
After making time for my baby girl and time with my husband, during my own “me time”, I like to crochet and sew different projects for my daughter! Either that, or take a nice relaxing bath with a good book!
In my spare time I like to create things! Cooking, sewing, repurposing found items…
Thanks for the giveaway..In my spare time I love to crochet.
It’s hard to find spare time between part time school, full time work and 3 children. But when I do have some spare time, I like to relax in bed and catch up on some favorite TV shows or cuddle with my husband bad we find a good movie to watch.
I like to sleep!
I like to write on my blog. It’s a fun creative outlet. Just hoping it gets a little bigger. 🙂
There’s free time after kids?? What am I doing wrong!! Lol I’d sleep if I had any!!