Our national cloth diaper bank, Share the Love, is turning two! Since 2012, when Share the Love was initially launched, the number of host sites throughout the U.S. has increased significantly. In fact, we are opening several host sites each month and there are now more than 75 Share the Love locations throughout the country.
To you, this may not seem like a big deal. But to us, and those families who are living in poverty, this is a major feat.
With a Share the Love host site in nearly every major U.S. city, we are able to help even more families who may be choosing be food, diapers and other items needed to care for their children.
We hope to continue reaching out to as many families as possible and the only way we can do it is through you.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to celebrate the two-year anniversary of Share the Love and provide assistance to those who could use a caring hand. Two people will win one Econobum Trial Kit for themselves and an additional kit to give to someone in need.
To enter, tell us one thing you can do today to help someone.
All winners will be required to provide their shipping information in addition to their recipient’s shipping information.
Thank you for helping us Share the Love. You are making a difference.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, Feb. 12 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
Today I can call my grandma just to say hi and see how she is doing. I know not many of us grandkids call her.
Give advice on cloth diapering to girls my age.
I’m in Fire/Rescue, so I do many things that help other people.
I can donate surplus baby gifts to a local women’s shelter.
We plan on giving away all of our baby items as we finish with them instead of saving or selling them.
I can help my neighbors shovel snow
It reminds me of the beauty of spring.
My husband and I have given my sister a large amount of money so she would reach her goal to be able to go on a 6 month missions trip. We feel truly blessed that we were able to help her meet her goal!
I am giving my best friend some of our cloth diapeds! She’s pregnant with twins!!
I would love to give advice to new moms about the reality of being a mom. Dos and donts. Buy and don’t buy advice. What u really need over what u really don’t need.
I donate clothing and food to families in need.
Actually, right now, I am working on starting a Mom’s Group at my church and I know that will help a lot of moms!
the one thing to help someone I know a lot of people are looking for work so am I so when I hear a company is hiring I tell everyone about it so the to can have a chance of getting a new job
I let my husband sleep and I took overnight baby duties
I helped my husband today by making his lunch (: saving him time in the morning so he wasn’t late to work.
When we buy a second car, I plan on volunteering at a food bank. Until then, I try to help out mom’s at stores or around the neighborhood. Helping with doors, grocery carts (returning them or navigating around displays, putting their food onto the conveyer belt when they are holding a child…ALL of these things and more tell a mother that she’s cared about. 🙂
I can be polite and kind to everyone I meet!
One of my goals every day is to show love and encouragement to every one I come in contact with. Besides that, I could help others by shoveling the snow from their driveway, holding the door open for them, buying a hot cup of coffee for a homeless person standing on the corner, etc. Why do I do these things?
“If I have the gift of speaking God’s Word and if I understand all secrets, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I know all things and if I have the gift of faith so I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2
One thing I can do today to help someone is just smile.. I have always said a simple smile can make someone’s day better!
Donate babies items to a Women and Children’s shelter!
Well, my church just gave me a baby shower where I received freezer meals and gift cards. The gift cards have allowed me to buy new diapers for my new little one. I plan on trying to donate my gently-used prefolds and covers.
i am cleaning the house – really it helps keep me sane – but hopefully the family also benefits 😉
Made lunch for my wife so she could relax.
The color reminds me of the ocean waves!
it reminds me of spring and cool breezes.
Hummingbird reminds me of St. Patty’s Day!
It reminds me of beautiful dark emerald jewelry
reminds me of spring!
It reminds me of spring, my favorite season. <3
hummingbird makes me think spring
Hummingbird reminds me of a peacock! I absolutely LOVE it!!
The hummingbird hue is a beautiful jewel tone! It reminds me of beautiful colors in nature like the hummingbirds we get in our garden.
Hummingbird hue reminds me of my grandpa. He loved hummingbirds and always had a feeder for them on his deck.
Hummingbird reminds me of emeralds! My birth stone!
It reminds me of spring and summer which is a nice reminder since we have gotten all of this snow and bone chilling weather in illinois this winter
Absolutely love enconobums prefolds!! they are the best
It reminds me of a walk in the forest with all the different hues of green!
The Hummingbird hue reminds me of spring and St. Patrick’s Day! Love it!
reminds me of pantone!
one of those pound ducks with the smae color on there backs lol i always said thats such a pretty color! lol
Reminds me of the art print I have of a kitchen aid mixer… odd I know!
Let a soldier check out in front of me.
My emerald engagement ring that was given to me the night before we found out I’m pregnant!
emeralds!!!! i love it!
it reminds me of the color I think of when I read about emerald city in the wizard of oz. it’s definitely an emerald color 🙂
The 1990’s that color was popular back then.
The Hummingbird Hue color reminds me of the jungle! It is more of a jungle green to me!
The hummingbird color reminds me of gems!
The Hummingbird hue reminds me of summertime, of laundry drying on the clothesline. 🙂
It reminds me of the ocean.
It reminds me of my birthstone, Emerald.
Spring with all the green
Makes me think of summertime… which i desperately wish was here already!
It reminds me of an emerald birthstone.
That color reminds me of the Partylite candle holders I have that have a beautiful bright teal color.
my mother’s emerald ring
Hummingbird reminds me summer leaves
Reminds me of tropical ocean 🙂
Hummingbird reminds me of the emerald green seen in Wizard of Oz when they get to the city.
It reminds me of the forest.
Hummingbird reminds me of the transition of spring to summer!
Yesterday I gave away things to the local thrift store that actually provides things to families in need.
Today I can post formula checks I won’t use on freecycle. In general I will see what opportunities present themselves (from directing a lost person or picking up a lost dog — many times opportunities to help others come to you).
It reminds me a bit of the green on a mallard duck.
Hummingbird reminds me of seaweed. My dad & I would go fishing off of these huge rocks on the ocean and if you looked down, you could see the sun catch the different colors of the seaweed underwater…it was a really pretty rainbow of “hummingird-like” colors.
The hummingbird color is my favorite color!!!
the emerald breast of a hummingbird 🙂
Hummingbird reminds me of the tropics
It’s so beautiful! It reminds me of a peacock! 🙂 I can’t wait to get it on my kid’s tushie!
The hummingbird def reminds me of emeralds, which reminds me of Sonic the hedgehog game, which was my favorite game when i was little! so i really want it!
It reminds me of jewelry
Hummingbirds reminds me of my engagement ring. But something tells me you didn’t really mean for us to answer that question again. If I win this prize I will give both kits to my church to start a lending program.
The question asks about hummingbird but that was the last giveaway. So I will just say thanks for the giveaway and hoping to win!
Hummingbird reminds me of my old high school cheerleading uniform. Go Lancers!! Lol
There’s tons of ways to help someone from giving them a hand, to being a shoulder to cry on or even just a simple compliment or you’re doing great can go a long way.
Such a lovely emerald color!
a garden
The deep hue of the Caribbean Sea.
Hummingbird reminds me of a peacock.. I know it’s an odd association but it does. 🙂
The Pacific Ocean 🙂
Hummingbird reminds me of warm spring green, hopefully coming soon! Something that could help someone today would be maybe shovel a path for an elderly neighbor or deliver their mail to their door (with permission of course) and stay for a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes winter can be even more isolating to people when it’s hard to get around or dangerous in snow and ice.
It’s the same shade as one of our bikes!
It’s not much, but today I will assist my husband to get out the door in time for work, and take care of our son and our home. You will probably also catch me holding the door for someone while I enter and/or leave the post office today. 🙂 Sometimes it’s just the little things…
I have donation boxes every week. As I clean throughout the week I am always decluttering. We have a free store that has helped us ,but also helps others.
Hummingbird reminds me of my grandma it was her fav shade of green
Hummingbird reminds me of the beach and warmer weather!
Hummingbird Reminds Me Of Starbucks!
Hummingbird hue reminds me of my grandfather who loved to watch hummingbirds!
One thing I can do today to help someone is to be patient- hold the door for the next person, let the guy in the car waiting to get out to go, or let the lady with one item ahead of me in the line.
Hummingbird reminds me of the breast of a hummingbird. I am ordering this print next week so I will tell you more once I have it 🙂
Cottonbabies is an awesome country, they are always giving back! I think we can all find away to give back. I donate used clothes to organizations that help single moms. I collect cloth diapers for donation. I don’t have a lot of extra time or money but try to find ways to support my community. I collect box tops for the school, donate supplies to school or unused toys and art supplies to the head start down the street. I have some coats I’m going to go donate today and I think we can all find away to give to those in need no matter what our situation there is always someone who has it harder. Thanks cotton babies you are a real true inspiration.
I’mTrying To Help My Pregnant Friend That Is Less Fortunate Than Me.
Hummingbird reminds me of a maternity dress that I made and wore with my daughter. The skirt had the same color on it.
Today, one thing that I can do to help someone is pray for them. To many that doesn’t seem like much but with God much greater things can be accomplished than I can do on my own. I will be praying for my cousin who is sick with fogginess, abdominal pain, exhaustion, etc. she doesn’t know nor do the doctors what is wrong with her but with prayer God will heal her body in time. Hopefully it’s soon.
Hummingbird reminds me of my wedding! We used a very similar color as one of our wedding colors. It also reminds me of Emerald Bay Lake Tahoe where I got engaged. Beautiful color!
I have to work with my husband today (with kids in tow) so I think the best thing I could do to help someone today would be to make the day fun for my kids despite us having to be at work. I’ve also been considering going through our outgrown kids clothes to donate, instead of hanging on to them. They would get much better use with someone in need then stashed away in my attic.
Summer day
Humming bird reminds me of the wizard of oz, the emerald city!
I know just the person who could use the extra kit. It would be such a big help to them.
I encounter a lot of people in “service” type jobs at my office. I find that just saying “Hi, how are you?” before making a request helps people feel like valued employees, colleagues and friends — not just servants.
They remenber me spring!
peaceful, being in the mountains. My favorite place!
It reminds me of spring!
Hummingbird reminds me of the Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz which works out great because I love that story!!
Send an encouraging email or card to someone.
Hummingbird Hue reminds me of that vintage green glassware – seafoam green only a bit darker.
Philadelphia Eagles Green!
It reminds me of spring! So pretty.
Russell and I try to go at least once a winter and hand out blankets and warm food to homeless people we see on the streets of St. Louis.
The Hummingbird hue reminds me of grass in the spring when it first turns green after the first thunderstorm! 🙂
Giving away free smiles!
Hummingbird actually reminds me of my sweet Grandmother who LOVES hummingbirds!
Hummingbird reminds me of Tinker Bell!
Your hummingbird hue reminds me of springtime. I love love love this color!
Today, and everyday until my goal is complete, I am helping a friend build her stash of cloth diapers for her baby-on-the way.
Spring! Here in Nebraska it is freezing 🙁 Hummingbird is perfect for all our daydreams of warmer weather 😉 a new favorite for sure!
I would love to win the econobum for me and one to give to my sister who is trying to save with baby number two by cloth diapering. The huminbird hue reminds of a beautiful jewel!
It reminds me of springtime, which is very needed at this moment!
It reminds me of watermelon rinds 🙂
After having my baby I donated a lot of my clothes to charity to help those less fortunate.
hummingbird reminds me of emeralds and blue spruce!
One thing I do to help people is to offer support, hope, and advice to other women who have faced infertility.
I’m taking my Nigerian friend grocery shopping since she doesn’t have a car.
I’m going over to a sick friends house to help her clean and get back on top of things, she’s been sick for a couple of weeks and fallen behind. Coffee and cleaning!
The hummingbird hue reminds me of summer! Love it!!
The Hummingbird reminds me of the a minty fresh feeling. 🙂
Today, to help someone, I’m planning on taking a meal over to a new Mamma!
Hummingbird reminds me of Spring! 🙂
Pick me!
I love the color! It reminds me of a dress I used to love before I got preggers….
The biggest thing I can do is pray for someone then follow it up with helping out where they need it if that’s possible in the situation.
I love Cottonbabies and everything they do for their customers and the community! Since I have started cloth diapering, both of my best friends plan on using cloth on their future kids as well! Even my sister who thought I was crazy for wanting to cloth diaper admits as they been around when her kids were little in the same form I’m using she would have used cloth! (Her kids are now teens)
Reminds me of the green on new growing gourds.
Hummingbird makes me think of my husband’s Irish background and would look great with my daughter’s red hair. 😉 As far as helping others today, I’ll be spending my workday as a pediatric occupational therapist helping kids from newborn to teens improve their overall daily functioning and well being. 🙂
Today, I can serve our homeless brothers and sisters downtown.