Are you looking for a sustainable gift that (literally) won’t end up in the trash? Are you looking for a useful gift that both parent and baby will benefit from? I’m going to let you in on a secret: it’s cloth diapers! You can trim a tree and trim a budget!
Cloth diapers can save parents literally hundreds to hundreds of dollars when used in place in disposable diapers.
If you don’t know which diaper they would like, here are some tips.
Most Bang for Your Buck
Elemental Joy Cloth Diaper Kit is an affordable, easy to use option that includes 6 diaper covers, 12 diaper inserts, a wet bag and a diaper pail. It can be purchased at Cotton Babies, ElementalJoy.com or Walmart.com.
Trim Fit
If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, bumGenius Elemental is a great option. Lined with organic cotton, it provides a trim yet absorbent fit on baby’s bottom.
Easy to Use
Another all-in-one option is the bumGenius Freetime. The semi-attached flaps help knock poop into the potty and dry quickly after washing. Plus, no stuffing required!
Custom Absorbency
bumGenius Original Pocket Diaper 5.0 is a fan favorite. It’s super easy to put on baby and really does change as easily as a disposable diaper. It’s popular with daycare providers who are new to cloth diapers. Because you insert the absorbent layer into the pocket, you can add as little or as much as your baby needs.
If you are shopping for an expectant mama, Littles Newborn Diapers might be the way to go. Littles typically fit babies weighing less than 12 pounds. Littles fit low, below the navel, to keep the umbilical area dry. Designed intentionally to fit during that itty-bitty newborn stage.
This holiday season, don’t just trim a tree- trim a budget, too!
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