Sometimes good things in life must come to an end. At Cotton Babies, we have a few colors and prints that are now discontinued. This means that we will not manufacture these products any more. Once the current stock is depleted, they are gone forever.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I have several friends with new babies about the same age as my daughter (4 months). I would share the prize with one of them who has expressed interest in cloth diapering. What a great prize!!
brooke dienberg at yahoo dot com
In life, we besides study, work, still have a lot of time can have fun, in the modern society, we sent the most often use method of time is the Internet, the network can provide a lot of games for our time, but do you know now network of the most popular games swtor credits ? If have not played, that still etc.Hurriedly to try, or WOW Gold EU is also a great game. A move, don’t let our free time used to stunned.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I would share them with my sister and sister-in-law! Both are so interested and curious in Cloth Diapering since I started, both are expecting as well!! What a great gift to two money saving moms who hope to be home with the babies…I am using my Cloth Diapers as a way to decrease my diaper expenses and increase my time at home with my son:)
i would share the love with my best friend she would love to give CD a try. I pray that we both can win. GOD BLESS WHOEVER WINS!!
I would share them with my friends who is getting into cloth. She would love BG for her boy!
debnmike moretti
dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com
I would share with my friend Hillary. Her husband and her are in the process to adopt. She currently cloth diapers her first child, but I am sure with two in diapers she could use more!
I would share with my sister. She has never tried them, but recently decided she wanted to start!
I would share with my cousin who I got to go with bg for her baby due next month.
I would share my prize with our local high school. I work with pregnant teens and several have shown interest in using cloth, they just don’t know where to start. I would love to have these to donate to them so they can use them and spread the fluff love
I would share my prize with my friend who had a baby a couple of weeks after us. She’s been curious about cloth, but hesitant to commit.
I would give them to a friend who is due 6 wks before me but would like to try cloth diapering but is afraid of the commitment. Trying a few would be a good place for her to get her feet wet and get the fluffy love
I would share with a friend who’s baby is just starting to get into the one size diapers and who is on a tight budget!
I would share with my friends Nikki and Erin- we all have expanding families!
I put this in my comment, but I’d give them away on my blog!
Hi there! I have a friend who had a baby the same week I had my son (born 11/3/11. She bought only prefolds and covers and is having a difficult time with them. Now that her cloth diaper budget is depleted she cannot afford to buy any more diapers. She sees how much I love my BG 4.0s and is beginning to save to buy a few of your diapers. I would love to gift her with all 6 diapers if I win – I don’t want her to give up cloth diapering – and neither does she!!!
Were we supposed to leave our ‘share’ friend here? It looked like we were supposed to share it in the RC form so that’s where I left mine. =)
I would share with my friend Kim, who cringed at the sight of prefolds and covers, but said the pocket diapers looked easy.
I would share with my sister-in-law, who is expecting her first baby in April and planning to cloth diaper. I am her main CD cheerleader!
I would share with my sister and a friend who are both considering cloth diapering for the next child. This would be great to give them a chance to try one type of diaper before purchasing. 🙂
I would give them to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law who are expecting surprise baby #3 (a little boy) in March. They will have 3 children under 3 when their little guy is born and during Christmas started asking me about CD because they are realizing there is just no way they can afford the cost of diapers for 3 children. Of course I was so happy to share with them what I love about CD. We spoke a few days ago and they are getting ready to take the plunge and start building up a stash of diapers. This would be so awesome to be able to jump start their stash for them! I know they would appreciate it!
I would give to my friend who s planning to have a baby so She would go directly with cloth diapers.
I would share with my cousin-in-law, who is due with her first in June!
I would give the first set to my best friend that is expecting her first baby and I would give “my set” to another dear friend who is expecting her third, all within the next couple of months. They both live in Guatemala and have never used the current generation of cloth diapers. I already have a bunch of BG. I am a huge fan!
suzrevell at gmail dot com
I would share with my friend – due on tax day – who has shared Christmas Eve with my family for the past twenty-ish years! She’s been deal hunting and I want her to love Bum Genius as much as we have!
I would share them with my friend who is very interested in cloth diapers, and is looking forward to using them with her first baby!
I would share them with my friend who has a 2 yr old and another on the way. I’ve been talking to her a lot about cloth diapers and have peaked her interest! 🙂
I’d give them to my friend Brett–I was already able to gift her with several Econobums when they were BOGO, but she needs more!!
I would give the diapers to my friend Nisa, who is expecting her first baby this spring!
I would share these with my big sister who gave up on cloth after using prefolds and covers. She is super frugal, and hates spending money on disposables but stopped using cloth because her husband wouldn’t use them. I think she would love these if she had a chance to try them.
I would donate them to the local cloth diaper project.
Love the new comment form!
I would give them to my mother-in-law who keeps my nephew and is willing to use cloth. My sister-in-law uses disposable and my MIL isn’t making the investment on her own.
I’d give the diapers to my SIL. She’s pregnant and due in February. She and her husband have decided to use cloth diapers.
I would give them to a friend from church who is due with her second in June. She’s seen me using cloth and is interested in trying them.
I would share them with a former co-worker who has decided to go cloth after reading my cloth is inexspensive and easy blog entry! She has 2 kiddos in diapers, 18 months apart and this would a GREAT start to get her on her way!
I would love to give them to a friend who delivered within a few days of me. It would help her out financially. 🙂
I would share them with my neighbor Gina who has a daughter about the same age as my son!
Charlene H. email is habcharlene at gmail.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I would share mine with my friend Annalisa. She has a 10 month old that she currently diapers with prefolds. She was impressed with my “fancy” bumgenius diapers and I would love for her to have some fancy ones of her own!
My friend Leslie who has decided to
cloth diaper her baby due in march!
I would share with my good friend whom I have known for 10 years, I told her about bgs when I first started cding my son. and she started her stash, she’s due in may!
We have 12 3.0s and 6 4.0s for our 18 month old and they are AWESOME!!!! If I won, I would be giving them to my sister who is about to deliver her first baby (in just under 2 weeks!). I have managed to get her 12 4.0s with the great “Buy 5, get one free” deal that CB’s had this last fall. I have seen other cloth diaper brands but am committed to CB – I have had nothing but success with them and hardly a leak, even overnight, so why try anything else?
Love your products and super positive and generous attitude, Labit Family!
htellisonklein at gmail dot com
I would give them to my mom…she and I always keep a couple new dipes (my stash is more than complete) on hand to “show and tell” to other moms. Mom gave me my first BG before my son was born 2+ years ago, she was sooo excited abt how cute and easy they looked and couldn’t wait for me to try them. I was a skeptic, wanted a few cloth on hand for “emergencies” (I don’t have access to a store)only. I bought 6 more after seeing that first one, and another 6 after using them the first time. I just had my second son and he has only worn one disposable because I was in the shower when they dressed him at the birth center. I hope he never wears another! I LOVE BG!!!
We use the Flip system by Cotton Babies with our 10 month old son and love it. If I won, I would share with my sister who has a two year old and a 2 month old. I think she would really like cloth if she gave it a try but is afraid to invest the money in case she doesn’t like it!
I would give them to my child’s daycare. She had never used cloth diapers on her kids before but agreed to use them on our girl! She likes them! I would give them to her to use on the other children at daycare!
Jenna Graser
I would share them with my friend Elizabeth who uses CD with her newest LO but I know she could use some extras…. 🙂 ydmchristina at yahoo dot com
I would share them with my sister!! Hoping the cute prints will finally win her over to cloth! Maybe? She is on the fence and this would be a great way to let her try them out!
I would give them to Giving Diapers, Giving Hope.
I would give them to a friend who just started to CD but has yet to build her stash!
I love my bumgenius diapers!! My friend who just had a baby is on the fence and I would love to give her some with no strings attached.
I am new to cloth nappies and have been using them for two months ! My baby is 14 mths old and was quite nerve wracking to change to cloth all of a sudden but my cousin who has had a baby recently persuaded me to try . She has leant me most of her stash for older babies so would be nice to build my own up and would obviously share with her as a thankyou xxx
I would share with my cousin who after using disposables with all her kids is interested in cloth after seeing me us them. I would love to share this with her!
I would give the packs to my sister who is due with her 3rd child in July
I have several friends who are going to cloth diaper this spring when their children are born and I would share with them.
I would share them with my sister in law. We all cloth diaper, but who couldn’t use a few more for your stash!!!!!
I would share them with my sister in law. It took me forever to turn her onto cloth. I kept dropping hints here and there, and finally one day she said she was interested and I let her use my FLIPS to try out, and she liked them. But she found the BG and tried them and loved them and now I want them too!
I would share them with my next door neighbor. She wants to start cloth diapering, but hasn’t jumped in yet. Starting your stash is a lot up front and I think that’s what’s holding her back. This would get her to start!
I would share them with my sister in law who is interested in cloth!!
I would share them with my friend Kara…she just can’t afford to switch…the upfront cost is just too much.
I would share with my cousin-in-law (is that a real term?). She just had her 4th kid and said cloth diapering is something she always wanted to try but never has. She saw a pic I posted on facebook with my daughter sporting her new Lovelace BG Freetime 🙂 They live pretty modestly and I know she would just love CDing…I think she could use just a little encouragement.
(Crystal H. at
These diapers would be a great gift for my friend who, after a very long wait, will be traveling to Korea sometime this month to bring home her son. I think jet setter would be perfect for his plane ride home :-).
I would share them with my friend who just had a little girl, she has been showing interest but is afraid of the cost ( I keep telling her it will save $$$ in the long run!) I love CD for my 2 yr old little guy and can’t wait to get some girly colors for my little girl due in a few months!
I would share with my friend Caroline, a single mom of two and one on the way. She is interested in using cloth to save money since in addition to Mommyhood she works and is in school! Bu she hasn’t been able to afford to yet. I would love to be able to help her out, especially since our finances are tight right now, too!
I would share them with my step-sister who was interested in cloth diapering her first but with daycare not allowing it and working full-time, she’s not sure it would work. I would love to show her how simple it would be even if she does it part time.
The last few months before I had my son I let my family know that I wanted to use CD they all thought I was a little crazy. My sister really thought it was going to be so disgusting having to wash out the poo. She has three sons and used disposibles on all three. Her youngest is about 15 months and seeing me use my CD the last five weeks since my son came home from the hospital she has seen how easy it can be and has tried my BG 4.0 on my nephew. She has been buying disposible diapers for the last six years and at one point all three off her kids were wearing them, my oldest nephew still wets the bed can’t wake him for nothing. The amount of money she has spent diapering three boys and the amount of waste created is so crazy and she realizes this now. Now her problem is just not being able to spend the money that CD costs up front. So if I would share the wonderful joy of CD with someone it would be her.
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I would share the diapers with my best friend, she is having a baby around the same time as I am, but doesn’t have the money to build a stash.
I would share with my friend who has twins but only enough cloth diapers with for one. And I constantly share on social websites how much I love my flips!
I would share them with my daughter’s friend!
I would share with a needy couple at our church would greatly bennifit from cloth diapers. I might even give my three to them as well to get them started.
I will share with a lovely friend who is making the best of a tough situation. She is soon to be a single, first time mom without family near. Throughout this topsey-turvey emotional roller coaster of a pregnancy she has opened her once very mainstream mind up to a more natural way of thinking–hiring a doula and looking in to natural birth, deciding to breastfeed, keeping herself physically and emotionally healthy for her baby and even—gasp–considering cloth over disposables ;-). I just recently ordered our first bumGenius dipes and have been very pleased with them. I would love to introduce my friend and her babe to your great products as well!
I would share with a pregnant friend who is trying to figure out how to afford cloth diapers.:)
I would give mine to my sister-in-law who is expecting her first little one in March. She would love to cloth diaper – if she gets enough diapers 🙂
I would share mine with my sister in law who is very interested in trying out cloth. I love turning other moms on to cloth diapers, it’s great being able to share cloth info and experiences.
I try to convert every parent I meet! It’s my goal to eliminate chemical diapers! I have shared my obssession and converted 3 moms, with 2 more having babies soon I hope to get them on the band wagon as well. I LOVE cloth
I have a pregnant friend that would love these so i’d be sharing with her.
Jennifer B
I would share with my sister in law who has used cloth diapers for both her kids and is a big advocate of cloth diapers to help keep the environment cleaner.
I would love to share cloth diapers with a friend who’s expecting! This pregnancy has been a long road for her and she’s expressed an interest in cloth diapering, so I’d love the opportunity to bless her!
I have a friend who just had twins boys and is struggling with leaky diapers. She is thinking about trying out cloth. I think if I gave her some to start out with that would be just the nudge she needed to make the change 🙂
Melissa M. (Maine)
I have managed to get about 6 moms cloth diapering, and now our close friend has a newborn and is interested. I actually gifted her a cotton babies gift card for christmas and would give her these as well!
I would share them with my friend Elizabeth! She has a 2 year old and a 2 month old, both in cloth. I know that she’d love to have a few more diapers to help delay doing laundry a little bit longer. 🙂
I would share with a really great friend. They just had a little boy a couple of months ago and money is really tight. I know they used some cloth with their older children. . . But fluff has come a long way since then. My two boys (under 3) LOVE their BGs!
We have used cloth for both of our girls since birth (so lots of experience, and let me say Cotton Babies is the best source!), and my sister is due with her first in April. She lives in Brazil, but I still convinced her to place an order with you and she’s in love too! So I would share with her, as they don’t have the resources we are able to have here in the states. Thanks, Missy
I would share them with my friend who has a daughter a couple months younger than my daughter. She has been great about me asking all my cloth diaper questions. We are getting ready to switch to cloth. Super excited!
I’d share with my high school friend Rebecca. She started cloth diapering recently with her fourth child. She loves Bumgenius as do I. I’d like to win so she and I can build up our stashes.
I would share with a friend who saw my fb posts and is now interested in using cloth! She is due any day now with her second, a baby boy!!
I would share with a teenage mom to be in our church – She’s due in about a month with her little guy. I have told so many people about how much we have come to love cloth diapering – I would love to bless her with some cloth diapers to try for herself!
I would share them with my sister, who isn’t cloth diapering, but SHOULD! 🙂
I will share them with our third child’s (not due until late March) godparents. They are working on their second and after hearing my excited about using cloth on our newest addition she is wanting to give it a shot also!
I would share with my friend, whose baby is a year younger than mine.
I would give the diapers to my friend, Tiffiney, for her daughter, Meghan. Their story is long but very real. In short, not only was Meghan (now 2 1/2) born with spina bifida (which results in very little bladder control), but in 2010 she was diagnosed with HLH, an autoimmune disorder which required a bone marrow transplant. She received her life saving bone marrow transplant in March of 2011 and has been doing very well since, although they are not comnpletely in the clear yet. In May of 2011, the family’s storage unit in Joplin, MO, was destroyed in the tornado and they lost many of their possessions. Finding housing after the tornado was a struggle but, finally, their family of seven is back together under one roof. Tiffiney and Meghan must travel to St Louis to meet with spina bifida and transplant specialists on a weekly or bi-monthly basis, depending on how things are going. Oh, and did I mention that they struggle financially?! If I won these freebies, I believe I would give all of them to Tiffiney and Meghan because they need them more than I do. Tiffiney would love to join the world of cloth diapering but getting started isn’t easy with everything they have going on because of both the financial and time investment.
My cousin is due with her first in February. She is thinking about cloth diapering. I’d share with her 🙂
I would share the diapers with my sis-in-law who had a baby 6 days after me. We both had our first baby about a month and half ago and want to give cloth diapers a chance for the first time ever!
I’d share them with my sister, who will have her second baby this year. She’s interested in cloth diapering this go ’round!
I would share with my friend Kristin who wants to start cloth diapering her 15 month old and 1 month old!!
I am new to cloth diapering and I love it. I have an almost 7 month old boy; I use prefolds and BumGenius AIO. If I were selected I would give the diapers to a friend at church who has three small children and a baby.
I would actually give both 3-packs of diapers to my cousin and his wife. They are both students and they found out unexpectedly that they are expecting in March! They are very interested in using cloth diapers after I showed them our BGs and I know it would save them a ton of money as it has for us. In the end, I think it’s one of the best gifts anyone can give to new parents, especially when money is tight!
I would share with a friend of mine who is interested in starting to cloth diaper her daughter. She is supposed to come over one day this week and look at my stash and learn about how to cloth diaper and what she needs, and this would be a great way to let her try them out without a big commitment and start her stash out right! 😀
I would share with a friend who had a daughter two weeks older than my son. I just started using cloth with my now 9 month old about a month ago and wish I would have started sooner.
I would give it to my cousin who is due with her first 🙂 she wants to give cloth a try!
I would share them with my cousin who is interested in cloth, but hasn’t yet made the purchase of any CD’s. I looove using them with my daughter and will continue with however many kids we have. (blue.eyes85 at
I would share the BumGenius cloth diapers with my son’s babysitter! When she started watching my little guy in August she was using disposables with her son. She was willing to use the cloth for me with my son, and once she saw how easy it was she asked about how cloth diapers work full time (as in the washing). She bought some from cotton babies and now uses cloth on her son. She is due in February with another baby and will continue to use cloth. We LOVE our BG!!!!!