Tuesday Giveaway: It’s my Momiversary!
March 6, 2012 6:51 am

Today is my Momiversary. What’s that, you ask? Well, put simply, today is my oldest child’s birthday, therefore the day I became a mom. I know technically that you become a mom before birth, but I don’t know the exact day I conceived and I’m not a fan of math, so I make it easy on myself and call today my Momiversary.
The truth is, even while pregnant, most of my life was the same. The really big changes came the moment he exited my body and entered the world. Nothing has been the same since. There’s just something special about your oldest child’s birthday. They are the first to hit each milestone, the first to walk you through each new stage of parenting and the one that reminds you, however fading, of how things used to be.
He’s also the one that made it possible for me to have this great job. Because, let’s be honest, this blog would be a lot more boring without the wisdom he’s forced encouraged me to learn along the way. So, I’d thought we’d all celebrate with some prizes!
I was never the kind of person that loved kids. I could never be a teacher. I didn’t mind babysitting older kids, but babies were way out of the question. Becoming a mom was a terrifying idea to me. Now I kind of like babies and kids. Not a ton, so please do not hand me your baby if you see me at a Cotton Babies store event. I’d much rather wipe your toddler’s cake laden hands than hold your infant. But, I’m so much better about babies than I used to be. Amazing how four kids in three and a half years will do that to you.
Now it’s your turn, tell us what has been the biggest change in your life since becoming a parent? Pregnant? What’s the biggest change since you discovered you have another human growing inside you? Be sure to check the widget below for bonus entry opportunities.
Today’s Cotton Babies prize pack includes a “You’re One Good Mum” t-shirt, because I think every mom needs this reminder, at least once a week, if not daily. And no Cotton Babies prize pack would be complete without a cloth diaper, so we’ll throw in your choice of a either bumGenius 4.0 or Freetime cloth diaper too!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, March 8, 2012. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via e-mail.
Happy Belated Momiversary!
Great giveaway. Too bad it’s not open to Canadians.
Biggest change: That whole “your heart walking outside your body” thing? Yeah. That. :~)
Happy Momiversary! And happy birthday to your oldest. The J&J commercial hits the nail on the head: “having a baby changes everything”
I had lots of siblings, so I kinda already knew what having a baby was all about. The biggest change for me tho was the 24 hr care and realizing my time was not my own! (I all of a sudden had a great appreciation for my mom who raised 7 of us!!) But I would not give up one minute of raising my children, it is such a blessing to be able to do that.
Everything changed for me, but in a really good way! Less me and the hubs time, can’t get out the door quickly, can’t leave on a whim to just go. But my new normal is awesome! It feels so strange when I don’t load up my 3 chicks in the car with me to go somewhere. And they are all me and the hubs talk about when we are out together. My first pregnancy was identical twin girls ( born via emergency c-section). Aside from having two babies at once and all the business that comes with twins, I nursed them tandem for their whole first year. I know it was the best thing I could have done for them, even though the amount of time it took (including pumping and feeding them extra breast milk in bottles at each nursing for a while) was hard. It was a great bonding time and I wouldn’t have done it any other way. I also have a almost 1 year old daughter(delivered naturally!). Nursing her as well. I have nursed through 2 potty training 2 year olds! That was a very busy time! lol! Even with all the craziness, I love my 3 wonderful daughters so very much and can’t imagine life without them!! So thankful for them everyday!!! 🙂
Today is my “momiversary” too! Its amazing how much my world changed on March 6 just two years ago. Parenting has stretched me and I’m constantly tired, but I’m also so full of joy watching my little girl grow. I’m due in 2 weeks with our second child and getting ready to be stretched even more, but I also believe that our family will be so enriched by the arrival of this baby. Hope you can stop to savor and enjoy the special memories of meeting your firstborn for the first time.
The biggest change for our family since becoming parents has been making sure that our kids’ needs are put first. Well, that and the realization that I can no longer be up, showered, dressed and out the door in less than 30 minutes. Definitely had to put in time buffers for the three munchkins. 🙂
I am like you, in that I am not a baby person. I always thought I was, but it turns out that I just enjoyed holding them for a few minutes and then giving them back when they started fussing. Silly me. I much prefer hanging out with a curious toddler than a scream-y newborn. 😉
Adjusting to someone else’s schedule. My daughter runs the show, I can no longer stay out late or go grab dinner whenmy hubs gets home from work because we have a bedtime to stick to now. But I wouldn’t change it for the world!!!
Happy Momiversary! Although there have been many changes since I became a parent, I think the biggest has been the size of my heart. From the moment I laid eyes on my firstborn, I fell so much more in love with my husband and felt an unimaginable amount of love for the newest member of our family! It still astonishes me every single day that I have the capacity to love so purely and intensely. The biggest change was to finally be able to understand what unconditional love truly is.
It was so long ago when I became a parent so its hard to think about what the biggest change has been. I feel like I’ve always been the same person and being a parent just puts more weight on responsibility.
Happy Momiversary and happy birthday to your oldest! My life has changed in so many ways since I became a mom, but my favorite is seeing the joy in simple things and how happy she makes me when she smiles and laughs. I’d do just about anything to make her giggle. 🙂
The biggest change in my life since my DD exited my body has been kind of multi-faceted, like everyone else’s. First off, it’s nowhere NEAR as gratifying to buy anything for myself as it is to buy something for her. My DH has to really talk me into buying myself anything – including clothes, shoes, etc. I decide whether we can attend functions or get-togethers with friends based on the timing of those events and my DD’s nap time schedule. I am a very unstructured/non-routine/non-linear kind of person, but have managed to follow a routine/schedule of sorts in order to make her life better. I think my favorite change within the last few months was changing to CDing.
When I was pregnant I thought that making that change in life to accommodate a baby was going to be the hardest thing imaginable. But once that little baby girl was finally here nothing was impossible and despite my thoughts much easier to make the transition to mother hood. I think the thing I struggled with the most was having to managing working 40 hours a week and time spent with baby. I think that is mostly likely the hardest thing for those of us that don’t have the privilege to be stay at home Moms have. I just decided not to sleep as much to fit as much baby time in as possible. But once use to this routine, it became easy peasy.
My husband and I used to lead very spontaneous lives. Now that our baby has made the scene our days have become very routine. The baby thrives on it, and it definitely helps us tend to his needs better. Overall, routine has been a good thing for us, though we miss those spontaneous nights out!