Since we’ve been talking a lot recently about potty training, this week’s giveaway is two of our favorite items to make things a bit easier for you once your little one begins showing signs they are ready to potty train.
And since some of our wonderful customer suggested using BabyLegs while potty training to keep little legs warm, but keep other clothes from getting in the way, today’s prize pack will also include a pair of bumGenius BabyLegs.
As always, there are ways to earn bonus entries for this contest in the widget below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, June 14, 2012. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via e-mail.
I’d also like a blog on how to handle only having three or so diapers a day. Wash wise.
Nora has been using the potty since she was 9 months old or so. For a while, she was consistently pooping on the potty, which was fantastic since it reduced messiness, but lately (at 18 months) she’s regressed a little. I think maybe I put too much pressure on her, so I’m stepping back a bit. I love the Flip trainers, since they make it so much easier to get to the potty in a hurry. They’re perfect for this in-between stage.
At 18 months our son has started telling us when he has a bowel movement so we are trying to show him that he can use the potty for this. Hopefully he will figure that out soon so we will no longer need to clean bowel movements out from our cloth diapers!! We would love to try potty training in the next 6-8 months or whenever he starts to show signs by going straight to underwear but we don’t think our daycare will let us do that. So we are interested in trying some of the Flip Trainers for use while he is there.
Our son was interested at 18 months, but we just practiced sitting on the potty until about 20 months. At 22 months, we put away the diapers (except for an overnight disposable).
I’d love to see a blog post here about changing your laundry routine as you train and use fewer diapers. How do you deal with it when you only use one or two a day?!?!
We waited until our son decided he was ready. He was almost 3. ‘Santa’ brought him new underwear with his favorite characters on it and it worked like a charm!
Our little girl is 8 months old now and I am hoping to start potty training by at least 2, if not earlier.
Around 2 years is what we’re thinking
I plan to potty train around 18 mos to 2 years.
With my older son, we took the plunge of “no more diapers” (disposable diapers) at Christmas time. We built it into a big deal and man oh man was I ever glad we had some heavy duty cloth training pants for the nights!
The little guy is coming up on two years old, so it will be a while yet before that big plunge, but he sits on the potty once a day, just to get used to it.
We are working on some elimation communication techniques and hopefully by 2 he’ll be on his way. He is 13 months old now.
My DD is almost 33 months… She was doing great on the potty at about 18 months and then lost all interest, so of course we didn’t push it. Now, we have a 1 month old too and I’m ready for one of them to be out of diapers, lol! So we’ve been working on it for the last week… Very touch and go. But I’m holding onto hope, lol.
Spiffybex (at) aol (dot) com
I have let both mine take it at their own pace when they’re ready, with encouragement from mom and dad of course. Daughter potty learned at 2yrs 4mos., and son is still working on it at almost 2.5. They both poopy-learned all on their own at about 18-20 mos. I find it helpful to make a habit of taking kids first thing in the morning upon waking starting at an early age.
My child whose potty training surprised me the most was the one with whom I decided to wait until after our cross-country move was over. She was 2 1/2 and when the family stopped for a restroom break about every three hours or so, she always wanted to use the toilet, too. So I’d cover the seats with tissue and set her on and she’d “go”. By the time our three-day journey was over, she no longer needed her diapers!
The easiest was the fourth who copied her older sisters and potty-trained herself at just under 2 1/2. The first was the hardest, I think because I pushed her so hard.
I’m just letting my 2-year-old learn at his own pace; he always uses the potty (just to pee) before and after his bath, and sometimes when he wakes in the a.m. No plans to more actively potty train in the near future, but thinking of trying out these Flips “pullups” to see if they increase his interest in using the potty more regularly.
My daughter is 12 months, but I plan to start around 2, or whenever I see that she might be ready.
Here is my tweet:
accidentally hit enter before pasting and the edit button is gone, thanks.
My son is 15 months old, and has just begun realizing when he is going potty and we are working on some potty-related sign language for him to communicate with us better. I’m hoping by age 2 that we can be potty trained and would love to use the Flip trainers!
We are hoping to start training our little guy at 1.5 2 years so when the next one comes we will only have 1 in diapers. I am realizing that may be an unrealistic goal but we shall see :0
My guy is only three months, but I plan on starting early. I plan on introducing the potty when he is able to sit on his own . 🙂