What’s your bumGenius story?
May 12, 2009 2:03 pm
I love reading and hearing about all the great adventures in cloth diapering – stories ranging from why you picked bumGenius as your cloth diaper of choice to funny stories involving your daily experiences with cloth diapers.
Here are two blog posts that made me smile:
- A video game dad turned cloth diapering fan. (I’m a sucker for the dads that love their bumGenius!)
- An expectant mother’s excitement over her first cloth diaper purchase.
So… what is your bumGenius story? Post in the comments or send me an email at kc.cottonbabies AT gmail DOT com.
When my wife and i were expecting our first son, we naturally started investigating real nappies `as we call them in South Africa` Unable to find any good quality in South Africa, we decided to broaden our horizons. We were so excited and overwhelmed by the friendly and helpfull people we met in Egypt at ‘Cotton Tales’. Angus is now 8 weeks old and loving his nappies. We use Bg4, Flip and Econobum. We found them all to be great products and suited their different needs. We have since started The Real Nappy Company-www.therealnappycompany.co.za and want to make more South Africans aware of the environmental issues surrounding disposable nappies.
Wish us luck with our journey of trying to make South Africa a cleaner place.
We have two kinds of BG diapers: one-size BG and Flip. The one-size pocket diaper must be changed entirely (the insert is inside a pocket, and the pocket is the primary contact with baby, so if the insert is wet, it’s definitely wet). But the Flip is great because most of the time, if it’s just wet, you can just change the insert and not the cover. I mean, not indefinitely–the covers need washing too. But I’ll often let the cover go several wet changes before changing the cover as well.
Hi, I have kind of a random question. I am looking into cd my baby to be and have heard great things about the bumgenius line of cd. My question is, when baby only has a #1 diaper do you need to change the entire diaper or just the insert? Thanks 🙂
I’m a first time mom with twin boys who absolutely loves these diapers. I wanted to use cloth diapers the second I found out that I was expecting. Finding out I was expecting twins made my decision easier! Friends and family thought I was crazy with my decision to cloth diaper multiples until I showed them what I would be using. My boys have been in BumGenius since we got home from the hospital. They have never had a leak or diaper rash. For twins, we have 36 BumGenius in our stash with a mix of 3.0 and the new 4.0 snaps. After proving to my husband how easy cloth diapering would be (he also thought I was crazy) he is a true cloth diaper advocate. He tells strangers how great they are and how easy cloth diapering is, even with twins. He loves washing and stuffing clean diaper inserts because it relaxes him! Cloth diapering is such a great thing to be doing if you have multiples. Within the first month of our boys life our diapers paid for themselves!
We just switched to cloth diapers. Our son is 6 months old, I realize we got a late start on the cloth diapering wagon. I was so dissapointed with the fit of disposables and the aweful irritation it was causing his little boy parts. Those were my main two reasons for the swtich. I was afraid it would be messy and really labor intensive, I’m happy to say its not! We have the BumGenius 4.0 hook and loop closures as well as some 3.0 hook and loop closures. I love how if he’s just peed, I can swap liners and the actual diaper that goes against his skin is STILL dry! That has cut down on the diapers we use per day already. I’m happy to say this has been a great investment that is already better for our baby, better for our wallet, and better for the earth.
We purchased 18 BG organics w/snaps for our little 33 week preemie. These diapers ROCK! @ 4lbs they were obviously too big so we used a fitted and cover…not nearly as convenient or cute as these. As soon as he hit that 7 lb mark I put him in the BG’s and never looked back.
I bought 24 BumGenius All-In-One Organic diapers with the snaps. I pre-washed them 6 or 7 times in a detergent that is perfume free and no brighteners, etc. Every time I have used them, they leak out at the top. I have adjusted the snaps several times, and we still get leaks. So, it looks like I wasted $550! This sucks!
Just posted a follow up, my baby is here and just soiled her first cloth diaper. It worked great!
We’ve been using bumGenius 3.0 for our 15 month old son his whole life. I LOVE to brag about our diapers. We decided to take disposables on a recent family vacation (it involved a plane ride and a hotel… too difficult with cloth) and we HATED putting his sweet little bum in chemical-covered plastic. Disposables STINK – even without pee or poo in them! We’re hoping to get pg soon and I’m looking forward to a few more years of bragging about our awesome diapers.
I am a first time mom, and I wanted to do cloth diapers for the cost savings. Before buying the Bum Genius diapers I did a lot of research. I wanted an all in one diaper that was easy to use and wash. I found the bum genius online, and they had good reviews. After seeing them in person at a local store I bought my entire supply. My son is 11 months and I have used them since he was a month old. I absolutely love them. I have had very few leaks or blowouts. When I have had leaks it was due to mommy error. They are cute, economical, easy to use, and healthier for the earth and baby. When changing my son in public bathrooms I have been asked about them numerous times and I just rave about how wonderful they are. I am a walking commercial for them. I have gotten two of my friends to start using them. The only glitch I had was the velcro was coming off of a few of my Bum Genius 2.0, so I returned them to Cotton Babies. They promptly sent me new 3.0 covers. Now I wish I had all 3.0 covers. I love the bigger tabs on the inside of the cover for the velcro. They really hold up well in the wash. Bum Genius Rocks!
We wanted to try cloth diapers with our first, so we got samples of various sorts . . . quickly realized that we not only loved cloth diapering but we very much loved one-size BGs. After all, they seemed so practical! To think that he could stay in them until potty training and then we could use them with future children!
Now our first son is 2-1/2 and our second son was born just 1.5 weeks ago. We had a stash of about 20 BG 2.0s, added 6 prefolds and 2 Bummis wraps about a year ago, and bought 6 more BGs a month ago as we awaited our second child.
Son #1 is still in the BGs and we put the first one on Son #2 yesterday. I had forgotten how massive they look on a newborn: love that cushy behind!
We bought the BumGenius 3.0 and love love love them. However, we needed to add a few more diapers to our stash and bought the new organic BumGenius with snaps. These were a disappointment. They leak every time they are used. Yes they have been prewashed over 15 times. I even used Tide instead of our normal Charlies soap for the last round. These diapers are a real “bummer”. Also…Cotton Babies wont return or exchange once these expensive diapers have used = bummer x2.
My bumgenius diapers are still awaiting the arrival of my first little one. I hope to have a good report soon.
Do the inserts come with the BumGenius allinones or do you have to buy them separately?
When preparing for my daughter’s birth, I decided to try cloth diapering. I found a local store that sold a good selection of cloth diapers and bought a few to try. One was the BumGenius One Size, 3.0, yellow. I was excited to try it and put it on my baby as soon as she was close to 10 lbs. I found that I really liked it.
I added more diapers and more BumGenius diapers to my stash. I bravely tried cloth diapering while traveling to show off my new baby and attend family events. I found that I could without much inconvenience! However, the yellow (peed in) BumGenius was left in my parents car and about a month later they returned it. It looked a little aged, but washed up great! Now you wouldn’t know that it sat in the back of a Lincoln and is still an important part of my diaper stash a year later!
I started using bumGenius when I realized that prefolds and covers were not for me. I still wanted the convenience of a disposable, but couldn’t bear to switch to plastic. BumGenius are our bulletproof “going out” diapers because I can go 4 hours between changes in a pinch…and double-stuffed they work great for overnight!
Our first set of BGs are getting a little worn, I’m really excited to try the new snap BG OS – they look awesome!
BTW, I love this blog, keep up the good work!
I am a 27 year old, happily married, working new mom and I had never considered cloth diapers till a friend who was also pregnant asked me about it. My first response was ‘no way! that’s so gross!’ But then one day I decided to do a little research and discovered all the different cloth options available today. After reading hundreds of reviews and instructions I decided to give it a go and went with the Bum Genius 3.0. In his first few weeks we used the disposables he came home from the hospital with and I think bought one additional box. We were having lots of wicking with the cloth and wanted to let him grow just a tad more. Since week three we’ve been cloth diapering full time and love it! Not only are they easy to use, but they are so much cuter than disposables. I’ve recently tried a few of the organic with snaps and love these as well! They have such a trim fit. I’ve been hang drying the 3.0’s to help preserve the velcro and feel more comfortable drying the snap closures, so they are super handy. Overall, I’ve loved my cloth diapers, even though so many people thought I was crazy for using them! Even my hsuband loves them!