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Where, Oh Where Can Your Cloth Diapers Be?
January 15, 2014 5:55 pm | by

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Cloth diapers travel, and have you ever stopped to wonder how far?

We have a slight idea, considering there are bumGenius, Flip and Econobum retailers scattered throughout the U.S. and SEVEN other countries, but we want to get a better idea and need your help!

To find out how many miles our new Genius and Artist Series prints have journeyed since being released in October, here’s what we need you to do:

  • Post a photo of your little one in their new Genius or Artist prints on the Cotton Babies Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (@CottonBabies)
  • Hashtag, #CBTravel #lovemyclothdiapers
  • Your Location (optional)

To make this cloth diaper globe-trot even better, we’ll be giving out prizes over the next two weeks to a few random winners who participate, so we hope you saved some room in your suitcase for an extra bumGenius 😉

Be sure to follow the #CBTravel and #lovemyclothdiapers hashtags to see where your favorite prints end up.

Eligible entries must include photo. Contest runs Jan. 15-Feb.5, 2014.

About the Author

Brittney is a social media coordinator for Cotton Babies. She has three sisters, loves pizza and enjoys listening to obscure bands no one has heard of. Outside of posting on the Cotton Babies Facebook and Instagram pages, she babysits a few cloth diaper-wearing kids and likes playing with her dogs.


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