Econobum was created to give you the option of a high quality, less expensive diapering system. The one-size diaper cover is simple, easily adjustable and will fit most babies from birth through potty training. The one-size prefold is six layers of high quality, super absorbent Indian cotton – unlike any other prefold available. Fold lines are sewn into the prefold so you know exactly where to fold it to get the best fit for your baby. We’ve kept it easy so you don’t have to worry about the details.
Best of all, Econobum starts at only $11.95. What a great way to save on cloth diapers! Looking for more than one? You can buy an Econobum Full Kit (3 one-size diaper covers, 12 diapers, 1 wet bag) on sale for an unbelievable $49.95 today.
Are you looking for a great Christmas gift for a family who needs a little extra help during difficult economic times? The Econobum Full Kit will help cut down on diapering expenses while they focus on stabilizing their family.
We received our first shipment of Econobum a couple of days ago and they’re already a hit with our customers. We’re thrilled to be able to offer Canadian parents such an economical yet high quality diapering system. http://www.weecarediapercompany.com
I ordered a full kit to keep at my parents’ house since we won’t have room to pack too many cloth diapers in our luggage. I can’t wait to try them out.
I recently purchased a Econobum diaper, and thought it worked well, but then I found this great new store in my local area of Chicago.. The whole store in devoted to selling cloth diapers and eco-friendly merchandise.. They had so many colors options, I absolutely loved it!! It was nice to be able to see and touch the diapers first. I know they carry a lot of these different kinds I see mentioned. http://www.cutiepoopsandbottoms.com
We just got one and we really like it.