I have a confession to make… I LOVE Flip diapers. I came to cloth diapering after using disposables, so I believe Flip diapers are the gateway to cloth diapering. I try to give a Flip Diaper with a package of Flip Disposable inserts to every mama I know even slightly interested cloth diapering.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Each of this week’s winners will receive a Flip Stay Dry diaper in the color and closure of their choice from Cotton Babies.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Wednesday, February 1, 2012. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn at random on Friday, February 6, 2012 and notified via e-mail.
We “flipped” to cloth when diapers became overwhelming in our house. We have triplet 2 1/2 year olds and twin 11 month olds – 5 in diapers!! The cost (and smell in the house) was overwhelming! We love the flip on our twins so we can get rid of all stinky solids and be confident that their diapers will hold the mess every time. We did just start this journey so we are desperately in need of adding to our stash. A Flip giveaway would certainly mean a lot to us! But take it from me, if we can do cloth with this many, anybody can! Your finances will thank you! π
I started cloth diapering when my third child was born, mainly to save money. While doing research on how to cloth diaper my son, I really enjoyed all the other benefits. My husband wasn’t thrilled with the idea. I can see I’m not the only one. π We diapered our next child in cloth but our living situation changed and we weren’t able to continue with cloth. My hubby took the opportunity to get rid of our cloth stash. We now have another baby on the way and I’m excited to try these new diapering systems that I hadn’t heard about yet. I’d love to try Flip diapers since I’m on the search for a system that will work for us. Maybe my hubby could use the disposable system while I use the cloth.
I use cloth diapers mainly for the environment. Since I am a stay at home mom and on a tight budget it saves us lots of money too. I have two kids both in cloth diapers and it has been easy especially since I discovered flips. I love that I can use the same diaper… makes traveling a lot easier!
We had been thinking of cloth diapering after others had talked about it. A wonderful store we have here, Little Padded Seats, had a cloth diapering class that a friend and I attended. For financial and environmental reasons it was definitely a no brainer
With my first I wanted to do cloth and bought a bumgenius to try and kushie brand for swimmies, while I used them it never seemed to be a priority. When child 2 came along I vowed I would do better and researched cloth again and found flip and loved the idea. I still love them after using them for over 12mnths. Great product.
We made the decision to start cloth diapering for financial reasons. Not that we couldn’t afford disposable diapers but it just seems so ridiculous to spend so much on them. I can think of so many better things to spend that money on. Also, I don’t ever have to worry about how many to buy, where they’re on sale etc. I have my stash and it’ll last through all of my kids! My sister-in-law introduced me to flip diapers. I originally was sold because I could use a disposable insert with them for travel if I wanted to. I never have though.
It is just right, on so many levels, i.e., environment, baby’s health and happiness, economically, etc. When the long thought out plan to have child number three surprisingly turned out to be child number three and four, cloth diapers were just the thing to do. Love them now and love the FLIP diapering system, it is the best!!!!
Guyanne Stanton
We started BumGenius and Flip diapers because we were so sick and tired and of being sick and tired of disposables. The leaks, the explosions, the weird goopy stuff that was all over my baby when we would open it, the nasty smelling diaper pail, the COST, the 500 years each diaper is around… It all got to us. A good friend of ours told us BumGenius was the top of the line. I’m so thankful we listened. We bought some of the artist series during the clearance sale and 2 Flips, and we have never looked back. It has only been a month, but I’m so happy when I have to change little Sawyer’s diaper. I actually get EXCITED when it’s time for a new diaper and even when I have to do laundry. I tell all my friends about them and how it’s changed our lives. Slowly but surely I’m converting them all :). I often tell my husband that I should be a spokesperson for you guys, haha! Even if I don’t win, I just want to say THANK YOU for creating such a wonderful product.
-A forever fan!
Bethany Conley
I flipped for cloth diapers after reading about all the benefits: no harsh chemicals, cost effective, and so very cute! It took awhile for my husband to be completely convinced, but now we both love it and so does our wallets! After trying different diapers; my favorite are by far the Flip and Econobum π
I started hearing about them on blogs and then researched the benefits of going cloth, health, environment, cost… Once my husband was on board we were good to go!
They are affordable, good for the environment, easier than disposables, and I love the way they look on my baby’s bottom! Thanks!
habcharlene at gmail
We “Flipped” our whole in-home daycare to Flips after I started using them on my 3rd child! We found they were the easiest and most effective cost option for diapering kiddos of multiple ages with the same diapers. The Flips are so easy to use on everyone! We currently have a 10 mos old, 18 mos old and two 2 yr olds all using Flips. We have a drawer of covers and a drawer of inserts- you can’t make cloth diapering easier or more affordable than that. We love the lack of diaper trash and the impact cloth diapering has on environment- and our parents love the cost savings too!
I flipped before I even had children. I was working in a childcare and was visiting the infant room when I saw a mother changing her baby before leaving for work – but the diaper looked very different than any diaper I had ever seen before. It was a BumGenius 2.0! It just took her brief explanation and seeing how cute and easy they were to change to make me a convert. Before then I hadn’t even thought about cloth diapers because the only other time I had seen them used was on Little House on the Prairie. The whole thing just made sense to me: They save you a ton of money, they’re easy to use, you can use them with more than one child, you never have to worry about running to the grocery store when you run out, they’re WAY cuter than disposables and smell better too! (The perfumed smell of a disposable diaper completely grosses me out now!)
I had a hard time convincing my family and friends that it was what I was going to do when pregnant with my first child – but once they saw how different they were from what they were thinking of (prefolds, pins and plastic pants) and that they were just as easy to change as disposable diapers, they were on board.
Back in 2009, we were actually the first customers to purchase the Flip diaper system from the green baby store in our area… I had gone to them looking for a decent diaper cover and they had just gotten their first order in! I was so excited that I purchased one in each color (which, at the time was only Moonbeam, Ribbit and Zinnia). Never looked back and, after experimenting with MANY other brands, the Flip and BG’s are always our favorite! We’re so excited to use them again with baby #2 – due in July!
I have a little over a week before my little man joins the world. I’ve always known I wanted to cloth diaper. I will admit initially it was because everything is so dang cute, but now I know I want to cloth diaper because of the convience of always having them available for use. I’d rather do a load of laundry any day than have to contantly run to the store at all hours of the day to pick up some diapers. I’ll be a first time mom, but that sounds like a huge hassle. Especially if you find it difficult for your husband to run errands for you or watch the baby while you run out. I’m a home body. I’d rather have everything at my finger tips than worry I might not have enough. Plus it is cheaper in the long run, trendy, better for the environment, I could go on and on. Cloth diapering is a no brainer to me. Although it can be intimidating and involves some research and planning before you begin, and that is probably what stears most away from cloth diapering. But I went to Cotton Babies Cloth 101 class and learned everything I ever needed to know. I am now a very confident, soon to be cloth diapering momma! And Flip diapers are just the best of both worlds. I plan to send my new baby to daycare with plenty of Flip diapers in stow! Love you Cotton Babies!!
We flipped for cd when I was pregnant with our third child. I’ve already contributed more than my share of disposables to the landfills and wanted to save money. After talking to a friend who CDs and checking out many cd options on YouTube, I set up a stash and we’ve been faithfully using them since he was about 3 weeks old. Wish I would have flipped during my first pregnancy! I love cd!
We wanted to save money and live green!
I planned to cd my kids from the get go and my son was born just before the Flips were released. I waited until I could get them because I loved the versatility and the ease of use. I also loved that they’d last for a long time. My reasons for cd’ing were largely to save money (until I got addicted to cute diapers anyway… lol). And to keep the chemicals off my babies.
I’m actually expecting, so I haven’t flipped yet, but I am going to register with Cotton Babies and plan to cloth diaper. When I realized that cloth diapers like the Flip were so much convenient than the cloth diapers of the past, they’re so much more economical than disposables, they’re keeping waste out of our landfills and they keep those harsh chemicals away from babies skin, it was all a combination I couldn’t resist.
I flipped into cloth diapered after realizing it would save us a lot of money! My first cloth diapers were Flips and once I got started, I was hooked.
Honestly I had never heard of anyone using cloth diapers since disposables came out, so when I saw GDiapers at BabiesRus one day, I was intrigued. I hated how expensive disposables were and we were tired of using a full 12 oz can of diaper cream every month. I spent HOURS looking for all the information I possibly could on cloth and trying to find the perfect diaper for my daughter. We originally wanted to do Flips but couldnt afford the upfront cost and settled for Econobum (which we love!) we are so beyond happy that we saw those GDiapers that day π
Pure vanity. I thought they looked hip! The way I stuck with it, even after my second cam 16 mos later? I loved saving the cash.
My brother and sister-in-law started using FLIP diapers a few years ago and I knew that when I had my baby I wanted to cloth diaper, too! I LOVE our FLIPs. They not only save our family money but they’re super cute! I love seeing my baby walking around in her FLIPs! And they’re not at all as much hassle/work and I would have originally thought!
We started cloth diapering when I did the calculations and realized I could spend $500 and have enough to get us through 2 years of diapering our baby. AND I’d already have a stash for any other babies that came along. Good thing because I’m 32 weeks along with baby #3 and all of my diapers are still in excellent condition. I may add a few more prefolds, definitely another flip or two. At the end of our diapering years, all in all I’d say we will have saved a good 5 grand by going this route!
Once I learned what was in disposables I researched and made the change, sposies are yucky
sabrina radke
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
We had to switch when we added up how much we were spending on disposable diapers! It was insane! The green factor also played a role in our decision as well. So far, I have found cloth diapering to be easy! No complaints here! π
We LOVE using the flip system! it’s economical, and easy! I have a dear friend, ‘ my diaper guru’ who got me started using cloth. I was a little skeptical and nervous in the beginning, but LOVE that we are using cloth on our little one. I love that he doesnt have chemicals touching his skin, but only cotton. I am happy that we aren’t loading diapers into a garbage dump also. My husband agrees, it was the best decision for us. I also love not having to budget for buying diapers. I have a document typed up that I send to anyone interested in using cloth, to spread the cloth diapering love!! I have a friend who is expecting and is very interested in using cloth, I would love to win the free flip diaper to give to her!!!
Some people ask why we do it? I say, why not??
I thought about it when my daughter but never followed through. So a little before my son was two months old I seriously considered it again and made the decision to go through with it. I love how much less trash I wind up throwing away. And the cost savings are great. I love that since my daughter is no longer in diapers, I won’t ever have to buy diapers again. I use the Flips at home with prefolds.
I wanted to use cloth because I wanted something more natural against my baby’s bum and for the cost savings as well. Thanks!
We love our Flips! My husband was a little skeptical at first since we both work and my daughter is in day care. 15 months later we’re still using them and other day care families are now starting to use them since they’ve seen how well it has worked (and how supportive the day care is)! Can’t wait to try the potty trainers next!
These are wonderful diapers, i love the colors and snaps and i save SOOOO much money using them instead of disposables!
I always admired one of my mom friends for her dedication to use cloth, but thought it was not for me. I always try to be ecofriendly but always thought cloth was too much work. Then I heard about trial programs and decided to give it a try. I fell in love with BG pockets! Now that I am more “seasoned” I love to try different systems and would love to have a Flip diaper!
I was creating a baby registry online at target. They had bum genius 3.0s and I added them to my registry. That is where it all began! And I have never looked back!
I was exposed to cloth diapers from my birth center. I wasn’t thrilled at first cause the babies I saw had huge butts. My fiance and I won a pack of g diapers and inserts from BRU and I tried those on my 1 week old son; cute, but I couldn’t use the covers more than once. So I put them up and forgot about them. When he was 12 months old, I ordered a new box of Pampers and got annoyed that the price was inching up every time I ordered, so I just started reading about cloth. It didn’t take long for me to be hooked. I’ve tried many types, but I think my favorites are AI2’s.
Since we were both getting our masters and needed to save money, my husband actually brought up the idea for cloth diapers. His mom used them with his younger brother and he remembered they were a much cheaper option. After balking at the idea I decided to do some research. When I found Cotton Babies cloth diapering seemed like a much easier solution than I had originally thought. I got super excited at the many options and started my cloth diapering stash with the econobum and flip covers. They were both great but my husband and I particularly liked the flip. A great diaper that will last through a couple more kids!
I have my neighbor to thank for getting me super excited about cloth diapers! I wanted to with my first but just never did. When the couple moved inacross thestreet we started talking and she ended up introducing me to this wonderful world of cloth diapers. My husband is still a little cautious about it but Ithink the Flipsystem will be supereasy for him. Can’t waitforour little bundle to get here so we can start using these amazingdiapers!
A good friend introduced me to the improved world of cloth diapering and the love of fluff. My siblings and I had been cloth diapered, but those were the days of limited options…prefolds, diaper pins, and “rubber pants”. I loved the BG AIO’s when my daughter was a newborn & infant, but a hybrid or AI2 system seemed to work better for us as she grew bigger. I’d LOVE and FLIP for the opportunity to try a Flip!!! I’ve heard Lots of great things about them!!
I never used disposible for my daughter. She is almost one. I realizedt that the money I spent on occasional paper diapers for my older chlid was totally wasted, and that was enough reason to flip to only cloth all the time!
A friend “flipped” my thoughts on cloth diapering. Then she hosted a cloth diaper shower for me, so I got lots of the necessities without a large start up cost due to generous family and friends.
We got a couple flip day packs and *love* them. The flip covers are my absolute favorite of all!
I’m so thankful for my friend
Misty H, mother of a funny 5 year old and a fun- loving. 1.5 year old
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I started cloth diapers solely for the green aspect of them. The idea of putting all those dipes in the landfill made me cringe. We started only using prefolds and a diaper service because we lived in the 4th floor of a walk up with no laundry services. It was just too much to think about with a newborn. Now that we have better laundry access and our second is due literally any day, we decided to branch out. We have a few different kinds of systems and would LOVE to try Flips!
My husband has always wanted to do cloth diapers. I thought doing cloth meant pins and nylon pants so I was dead set against it. Then while I was staying home after our fourth child I found myself with a dirty disposable in my hand and sad that I couldn’t just wash it and use it again. *Lightbulb!* I started doing some research. I knew a couple of people who had used cloth and I started making phone calls that lead to the Cotton Babies web site, where there was a buy 5 get 1 BumGenius sale going on. My husband was all for it. Our BumGenius stash continues to grow (I never knew it cloth could be so easy!) but we also have several Econobum covers and prefolds now (so much better than pins and pants!) that I use while the BG’s are in the wash. Thank you BumGenius for showing me how easy cloth diapering could be! rlstein0417@yahoo.com
I became interested in cloth diapering when I realized how much money we would save by taking the step. I also strive to be as ‘green’ as I can be so it was a win win. My husband wasn’t very excited to say the least. He has been supportive though and likes how cute our son is in them! π
When we were expecting our twins, my partner mentioned cloth diapers. I immediately thought of folds and pins and pants and replied, “NO WAY!” It was going to be hard enough to take care of our two newbies without adding on the extra effort that I associated with cloth. But I did a google search anyway, and was shocked when I saw diapers that I now know are AIO’s. That didn’t seem like too much work. Plus they were super cute. Plus they would save money. Plus they were better for the environment. Plus about a million other things! I was hooked, and depsite the laughs by my friends and colleagues who took bets on how quickly I’d stop, I went for it. And I love it! I am a huge cloth advocate now
When I was pregnant with our little girl last spring, my husband and I decided to use cloth diapers mostly to make sure that no chemicals were on her bottom 24/7. Then we realized that we’d also be saving money AND reducing the amount of trash that disposable diapers create. Win-Win-Win!!! We have been telling all of our friends about the benefits of CD since then!! (marciatruitt@gmail.com)
My best friend Fliped into cloth with her second when he was about 6 months old. I looked online with her while she made her way through pockets, AIO, etc. I knew that one day when I had children I wanted to cloth diaper, if nothing for other than environmental reasons. Fast forward a few years my husband and I travel full-time with our jobs. We live in a 5th wheel are constantly on the go. I knew I wanted to cloth diaper as I said before because of environmental reasons, but also for space. I will be honest in saying, that we do are lucky and have a larger 5th wheel, but it now that we have a little one I would love even more space. I needed something that was easy, something that didn’t take up a lot of space, quick drying, and would save money. My husband didn’t understand at first and was only 50% on the same page with me. He kept seeing price per diaper, inserts, liners, etc. We had been using cloth for many months, although because of our living situation and lots of rain we had to use disposables for a week. My husband was with me when I purchased a package of disposables and he almost passed out from the price per diaper cost. After that he has been on board and is even willing to use and rise them before they go in the pail! It is a miracle!! I always tell people that if I can βflipβ into cloth diapering and live on the road full time without a “real washing machine” anyone can do it!!
I was interested when we had our first because I hated all the sposie trash, but my husband thought I was crazy. After we had our second he went back to school and I explained the savings and he said go for it. We started with 3 flip covers and 9 inserts and have since added 2 more covers and about 3 dozen inserts. Can’t wait to add more as the tiny budget alows!
I don’t even remember. I heard about how cool they were through a mothering magazine before we even TTC our first. It just seemed right, to have something other than all those chemicals against babies skin.
My mom always wanted me to use cloth, and by the time we were having baby number three, and faced with unemployment, it was just time!! I hate doing laundry, but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be! And the colors and patterns are adorable.
I’m considering flipping– as a first time mom the cost savings sounds great as I now stay home. However living in a rural area I’ve not found any stores that carry them so I can look and compare. Hard to do online. Would be great to win one to give cloth a try before making a major purchase. No on I know uses cloth Angelia Routzahn aahm143@aol.com
It came down to money, for us. We switched to cloth diapers last July, when my toddler hadn’t begun to potty train and I had a six month old. Disposables were getting very expensive, since we had to buy 2 different sizes. It’s a good thing we bought cloth diapers when we did, because my husband lost his job in September, and I calculated out that since we switched to cloth, we’ve saved almost $450 on diapers! Now we have another baby on the way, so cloth is definitely our budget saver!
Yay, thank you so much. I only have one Flip diaper in my stash and I LOVE it, more then any of my others! I hope to win. Thank you for doing this!
I want to “flip” to save money period. Times are tough being a full time mom of three with a hub in school full time and all three in diapers so saving $ while being a ‘fashionista” is even better. They are adorable :).
My mom used cloth diapers when we were little and I figured if I was going to be a SAHM there was no reason I couldn’t do it too! Then I realized how for cloth diapers have come since the old days and how incredibly easy there are and now I am a cloth diaper advocate to all my friends π I love it, and I love that I’m not putting harsh chemicals against my sweet baby’s skin!
For me it was how super cute the colors and prints are.
I ventured into cloth diapering for environmental and economical reasons. After HOURS of research I made my choice with the Flip & Bumgenius 4.0. I have been thrilled with my choices. It was strange to me, leading up to the birth of my son, how many people scoffed at the idea of cloth diapering (all who had never even tried it). It truly has been a breeze!!! I am just amazed at how each time I go to change my son’s diaper it is feels DRY!!! The Flip stay dry insert really stays dry!! Simply amazing!
We flipped to cloth diapers after we had our second child and couldn’t afford the cost of disposable diapers anymore. I had to quit my job after our second was born because it would cost more to have 2 kids in daycare than I was making. Loosing that second income was very hard on us and we were struggleing to but food and necessities. I started looking into cloth diapers after I saw baby wearing one in the super market one day. We bought our first cloth diapers when my daughter was 3 months old, I had found someone selling 12 bum genius 2.0 diapers for $60. We bought them and washed them by hand every night because we lived in a tiny apartment and didn’t have a washer or dryer. We now have 3 children and another one on the way! My youngest 2 children were cloth diapered and baby number 4 will be too! I really can’t say enough about our love for cloth diapers and how much they helped us in our time of need. I wish the flip diapers would have been around when we first started cloth diapering 4 years ago, I bet the flip diapers would have been a lot easier to hand wash!
My husband thought they rocked so he agreed to cloth diaper with these.
At first my husband was sceptical toward cloth diapering. I was very interested based number one on environmental impacts of disposable diapers and also because of financial cost. My husband and I went to a couple of cd workshops and after he learned it wasn’t so scary (or dirty), He warmed up to the idea. Actually he became the one who researched all the different types and brands. He read about the Flip and after we got a few, we’ve come to love them! They are definitely as great as reviews claim!
I flipped to cloth when I became a full time stay at home mom-lost my income to be home with the kiddos and didn’t know how we could afford throw away ones and didn’t want to make long trips to town to buy them. Flip is a great fit for us-the initial cost wasn’t nearly as high as some all in ones or pocket. We LOVE them…now if we just had a few more to go a bit longer between wash days! π
i flipped due to the cost:)
I researched cloth before my baby was born and talked to coworkers who cloth diaper and told me how cheap and easy it can be. I skeptically bought a few on sale and put them in the closet to try at some point. When my daughter arrived she started getting red the day she wasborn, and in the next several days it got worse and worse despite trying different disposable brands, hypoallergdnic diapers, and various diaper ointments and creams. So I tried the cloth and whet a huge difference. I haven’t looked back! Sure it’s another few loads of laundry a week but the benefits easily outweigh that aspect! Cloth is pretty easy to use, has saved my baby’s red bottom, and we’re happy to not be throwing hundreds and hundreds of diapers in the garbage. Plus the cost savings (especially if they last through future children) is awesome – and I must mention how cute they are! We’re cloth diaper fans in this house!
I don’t see any kind of widget… but we decided to switch to cloth after seein all the nasty garbage we were creating having 2 in diapers. When we started researching, we were disturbed at all the chemicals in disposables and wanted to make a healthier, greener, choice. Flips are my very favorite kind of cloth diapers, too!
I decided to make the “flip” when my youngest was 4 months old. He was keeping a bad rash all the time. I tried everything and just kept this burned red bum. So I researched and questioned friends who used cloth. I ordered the econobum package and haven’t looked back! We now use fitteds and covers mostly. I just got a flip cover yesterday and I love it!
We switched to cloth when my first child was 4 months old for purely financial reasons. I saw a cost comparison and decided we were switching immediately! My hubby has been a champ, because new cloth diapers make it easy! Now we have two in cloth, 2.5 yo son and 3 month old daughter, and I love their fluffy bums!!
Growing up on a farm and wearing cloth diapers helped me decide that’s what we were going to use. Nursing school helped me to connect health disparities to many of the toxins we, ourselves, put into our environment. The more we dirty our world, the more we dirty ourselves. My family, and everyone, deserve better! I also love the fact that cloth diapers don’t have the nasty plastic smell the disposable counterparts have. Having asthma made me look closely at what I want my baby to be breathing in all the time. Cloth is the BEST!
I decided to investigate cloth diapers 3 years ago when we decided to start a family. I did a lot of research through blogs and YouTube. I loved how easy they were, how cute they were, how much more environmentally friendly they were, and the overall cost. Basically, I love everything about cloth. My first purchase was a pack of 5 BumGenius AIO. I have since gotten my stash to grow by purchasing several brands, including many Econobum. Though we still haven’t been able to start a family, I’m counting down the days until I get to use all of this adorable “fluff”!
We cloth diaper because the cost savings have been huge. We received almost all out cloth as gifts! We use disposables overnight because of leaks, so I would love to try something other than our gDiapers to see if that stops the problem.
Hi –
We had the same problem, but started using Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter & have since had maybe one or two overnight leaks (in 6+ months). Check them out!
π Heidi
We are due to have our baby in two days. We are very green and on a tight budget. Our family got us what we wanted for our baby, and set us up for cloth. We have wipes, wet bags, liners, and no one got us the diapers. We are very excited to try flip, especially after such rave reviews, michellesdiamond@gmail.com
Our son is allergic to about a zillion different things!! Several compnents of disposable diapers are on that list. We tried a few ‘hypoallergenic’ diapers…but they didn’t pass the test (even if he wouldn’t have reacted to them, the price was more than we could handle on a weekly basis). So our pediatritian suggested cloth. I had less than no desire to start out with this! My head was filled with thoughs of noisy plastic pants, a house that smelled like diapers and I was terrified of sticking him with a pin! I was thrilled to see all of the options out there when I started researching them! Within 24 hours I was the proud owner of 7 bumgenius 3.0’s, a few wipes and a wet bag (all I could afford with grocery/bill money for the week!)! I slowly built up our stash & have LOVED cloth since the first time I put one on my kiddo! If we have more (fingers crossed) they will be fluffy butt’s from birth!
When my gDiapers wore out, I was looking to replace them, and I ultimately decided to go with the Flip, and have LOOOOVED them. I like that they are trim, and I love the organic insert, and the gussets are awesome. π
I decided to “flip” to cloth diapers after a friend showed me how easy it really could be! I had this vision of washing, washing, washing all day– and while my wash load has obviously increased, the benefits of cloth WAY outweigh the little added effort. I have a few of the Flip diapers in my stash and love them! They are so easy to use, fit great, and the disposable inserts are a good gateway for those hesitant about cloth diapering: babysitters and dads especially!
I flipped to cloth diapering after being inspired by a friend who was using cloth. We wanted something that was better for the environment. I hated putting the large garbage bag full of disposables on the corner every week. Then I calculated how much money we would save and we were sold! I haven’t tried the Flip system yet but would love to see how it works!
When we became pregnant with our third child, I had to find a way to cut costs. I had heard of cloth diapers, but nothing as easy and cute as these diapers. I came across them on line one day and It was one answer to our financial dilemma. We have used them now for ten months and will continue to use them with our next baby as well. I wish I had known about them for our first two children.
I quit working with the birth of our youngest daughter. I was looking for ways to cut back on daily expenses. I came across the flip diaper system and thought “surely cloth diapering can not be this easy”. Boy was I wrong. I love these cloth diapers!! They are fabulous. Every time I wash a load I get joy knowing that we are not wasting money on disposables. Also,knowing that we are not adding more waste to the environment is a bonus. I recommend Flips to every mom with a baby in diapers. I am looking forward to potty training with the new Flip Trainers also! I love this product so much I nominated it for a “Cribsie Award”.
we love love love our Flip diapers. We started CD our LO because of the impact on the environment. I did the reasearch and got Hubby on board. We picked the Flip system because of it’s ease in steps and laundry process. Daycare still requires disaposable diapers but we use our Cloth any other time.
I had have an awesome friend who introduced me to the cd world. When I got pg with my 3rd, she started sending me info via websites, youtube, etc. She had done sooooo much research herself, she was able tio provide me with answers, resources, everything I needed…including a baby gift of bum genius 4.0 and econobums. My baby is not due until may but I’m very excited already! I’m working on building a stash and, now that i’m home with my kids, very excited for the money savings aspect as well as the convenience of not running out for”another box”.
I just Flipped a lid one day I was researching for baby products and stumbled onto an article about cloth diapers. I remember thinking, “didn’t my grandmother use those? Didnt she say she removed her fingerprints from handwashing these”? So naturally I was skeptical. But I looked up one of the diaper names that I kept seeing on blogs- Bumgenius/Flip. I was so impressed/persuaded with the information that cloth diapering on their website, that I just had to buy them. Lucky for me they were on black friday sale! I bought five with one for free. When I got them in the mail days later, it felt like Christmas. The diapers were and are designed so well, and so much more cost effective than I ever thought. I love them so much I bought a total of 18 in all sorts of colors for myself! Since then, I’ve bought some for many friends and family. I love how easy the flip system is for myself and others when use to disposies!