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Cloth Diaper Basics: Can I use bleach?
July 8, 2013 8:44 am | by

Bumgenius-Freetime-AIOOne of the biggest misconceptions about cloth diapers is that you can’t wash your stash with bleach.  We’re here to set the record straight and tell you that you can!  In fact, we even recommend washing your bumGenius, Flip, and Econobum cloth diapers with it.  But don’t go overboard with the bleach!  We have a few tips to follow when using it.

We suggest adding 1/4 cup of regular liquid chlorine bleach to your warm wash cycle once a month.  There are several reasons why you will want to do this, like cloth diaper stink, ammonia, detergent build up, or yeast.

Using 1/4 cup of regular liquid chlorine bleach once a month will also help sanitize your diapers and remove stains.  So, if you’re dealing with any of the issues mentioned above, bleach will not only combat it, but also make your cloth diapers look and smell brand new.

Always be sure to rinse out your diapers thoroughly after using bleach.  Washing your diapers 1-2 times with just cold water will ensure that all of the bleach has been removed.

If you don’t want to use bleach, you don’t have to!  Sunning your cloth diapers is another way to sanitize and remove stains.  However, if your little one has recently battled a yeast infection, we do recommend using bleach to ensure that all the microbes are removed.

Lastly, don’t worry about bleach harming or affecting the color of your cloth diapers. Since it is used in moderation (1/4 cup per month), it will not cause damage.  However, bleaching too frequently or using more than our suggested amount could void your warranty or break down the elements of your cloth diapers.

For questions about using bleach with your cloth diapers, give us a call at 1-314-892-1855.


About the Author

Brittney is a social media coordinator for Cotton Babies. She has three sisters, loves pizza and enjoys listening to obscure bands no one has heard of. Outside of posting on the Cotton Babies Facebook and Instagram pages, she babysits a few cloth diaper-wearing kids and likes playing with her dogs.



  • Angel said...
    July 8, 2013 at 12:04 pm

    I am new to cloth diapering so I was reading online they said not to use the bleach. I do the bleach once a month on my bumgenius and flip inserts. Could I do the bleach on my bamboo prefolds and flats? Would it affect the absorbency or anything?

  • Bethany said...
    July 8, 2013 at 11:28 am

    Just to make sure…what would you consider a full diaper load? (I have Indian prefolds and Econobum covers, and I wash every other day.) Unbleached cotton prefolds will be fine, right?