Cloth Diapers

Curious about the best way to cloth diaper a newborn baby? While disposable diapers are a popular choice, many parents chose cloth diapers. Not only are they more eco-friendly, but they can also be more cost-effective in the long run. In this post, we’ll go over some cloth diaper basics and tips for how you can be successful using cloth diapers with newborns. Choose The Right Cloth Diapers There are many different types of cloth diapers available, so it’s important to choose the right ones for your baby’s needs. Look for diapers that are specifically designed for a newborn’s small

Have you heard about the Elemental Joy Cloth Diaper Kit? Elemental Joy is a brand made by Cotton Babies, a small business based in St. Louis, Missouri. This budget-friendly cloth starter kit includes 6 cloth diaper covers, 12 cotton inserts, and a wet bag. The kit comes packaged in a bucket with a hinged lid that can functions as a reusable diaper pail. It’s a great value! We’re SUPER excited for you to see the all new cotton insert. If you’re familiar with the Flip Stay-Dry Insert (also made by Cotton Babies), the new cotton insert is similar in design. It’s

If you are wondering how to use cloth diapers with toddlers, this post is for you! Cloth diapering a toddler or preschooler is a little different from cloth diapering a snuggly baby who doesn’t do any wiggling. By this time, your priorities may have shifted… You might want a trim solution that will enable your baby to wear the right size pants, for example. Or, you might struggle to find a solution that doesn’t have compression leaks every time your toddler sits down. Whether you’re looking for a way to increase absorbency (to handle a toddler who is holding their pee and

For generations, prefolds have been the staple of both cloth diapering families and cloth diaper services. Prefolds may even be the cloth diaper that your grandmother or mother used! They were a preferred diaper because they were durable, easy to wash, easy to use, and multi-purpose. 1. They are cheap. At $4 or less per diaper (depending on size and thickness) this is easily the cheapest way to cloth diaper. You can get enough diapers to get you through your baby’s entire diapering period for less than $200. 2. They are soft. After they quilt up in the first few

As your baby sleeps for longer stretches, their overnight diaper will likely need more absorbency to hold more pee. A common question we receive is what can parents do for an overnight cloth diaper solution. The good news is that you have many options to prevent nighttime leaks! Cloth diapers are versatile and we can help you find a solution that works for your family. Add an Extra Insert Overnight Pocket diapers are a favorite because they can be used in many ways. bumGenius Original Pocket Diaper 5.0 includes a one-size microfiber insert and a diaper doubler/newborn insert. Including both

Like most things in our closet, cloth diapers live beyond the last day that they go on your baby’s bottom. Now you can recycle or re-home your cloth diapers with Cotton Babies. Cotton Babies supports the circular economy through single stream recycling of cloth diapers. We find a home for your used cloth diapers in a cloth diaper bank or with a partners who re-process and re-purpose fabrics. Until now, most cloth diapers eventually reached landfills. Are you committed to reduce landfill waste? Do you believe in the circular economy? Don’t throw that cloth diaper in the trash. Recycle it.

I want to cloth diaper. Now you’re asking yourself, “What do I need to start using cloth diapers”? Well, do you know the answer? If not, that’s okay. We are here to help. Getting started with cloth diapers and building the number of diapers available for cloth diaper changes is easy. Not sure? It’s ok. Lots of families use both disposable diapers and cloth diapers. Here’s how you can begin: Purchase 24 cloth diapers in the style of your choice. Why 24? Newborns often go through eight to 10 cloth diapers a day, and we recommend washing your cloth diapers every other

If you’re in the early steps of researching cloth diapers, you’ve probably read that you only need to buy diapers once because cloth diapers may fit from birth-potty training. That’s great news, right? But how exactly do one-size cloth diapers work? Design of One-Size Cloth Diapers With bumGenius, Flip and Elemental Joy cloth diapers, you can expect the diapers to fit from 8 – 35 pounds depending on your baby’s shape and size. That’s because all 3 of these cloth diaper brands made by Cotton Babies feature our patented 3×3 snap design. These one-size cloth diapers feature snaps that can

Our latest bundle of joy is bumGenius Littles 2.0 newborn cloth diapers! Let’s break down the differences between our original new cloth diapers, Littles, and new and improved Littles 2.0. What’s changed with Littles 2.0 newborn cloth diapers? A lot! Many parents are super excited to learn that Littles 2.0 are offered at a lower price than our original newborn cloth diapers. Check out our bundle prices, too! We’ve upgraded from hook & loop closure to snaps. Snaps will hold up better over time (which is great for using on later babies or resale value) and won’t snag your other