Last year, we introduced “I’m So Glad You Were Born” as a special mother’s day promotion. We were overwhelmed with the responses and really moved by your amazing stories. We loved the results so much, we just had to host this contest again. But this time, we’re just going to make sure we have a big box of tissues ready for the judging session.
For those who are new to Cotton Babies or may have missed last year’s contest, here the original blog post and inspiration for the contest:
Have you ever told your kids how happy you are that they were born? I was looking at my children wrestling on the couch the other day and had a melty mommy moment. Andrew has such a gentle heart. Oscar loves to laugh. Elsie is fourteen months old now and turning into a little dancing (and couch wrestling!) diva. She was such a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know how much I could love another little person. Now I know. I tell my kids almost every night that God put them in my belly and that He decided that I was supposed to be their mommy. I am so glad they were born.
It’s Mother’s Day this weekend. As I was pondering how to have a Mother’s Day promotion at Cotton Babies, I realized that I feel most rewarded as a mother when I’m talking to my kids about how much I love them. Flowers are great. Lunch is great. New clothes are great. A hug is fun… but truthfully, my heart gets the biggest thrill from that knowing nod my four-year-old has when he hears that I’m glad he was born… now that’s a Mother’s Day present. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, I want you to write a comment on this blog post about someone little in your life (biological, adopted, foster, god-child, in-utero, in-mind or even some other status I didn’t think of) and why you are glad they were born – or are going to be born. One person is going to win $100 Gift Certificate to Cotton Babies!
How to Enter:
Write one comment on this post about a child in your life using the theme “I’m So Glad You Were Born”. One comment (one entry) per person. Comments should be limited to 250 words. Contest entries only please. Inappropriate or irrelevant comments will be deleted. If you have a comment about an entry, want to support a particular entry or have something else to say, feel free to leave a post on the Cotton Babies Facebook page.
Entries must be received by Sunday, May 15th (note: contest extended due to Blogger outage). A winner will be announced by Friday, May 20st. It may be sooner, but we’re anticipating quite a few entries to sort through. We want enough time available to give each entry a fair review. Please be sure your e-mail address is visible to our Cotton Babies staff, winners will be notified via e-mail only.
First, second and third place winners will be selected based on content. We are looking first at the content and quality of what you wrote. Please check your spelling and your grammar. If we have trouble deciding between two entries, we will also consider how many of the optional things (see “Extra Credit Opportunities”) you did to promote the contest and your favorite baby retailer, Cotton Babies. Additional runners up will be drawn at random. For every 100 entries, 3 random winners will be drawn (i.e. 200 entries = 6 random winners; 500 entries = 15 random winners).
Extra Credit Opportunities:
- Tweet about the contest by using the #cottonbabies hashtag and linking to this post.
- Subscribe to this blog.
- Blog and encourage others to enter this contest and to shop at Cotton Babies.
- “Like” this post (below) to share it with your Facebook friends.
- Join our mailing list to receive notifications about coupons, sales and second quality merchandise exclusively available through the Cotton Babies “In The Loop” newsletter:
Join Our Mailing List

- Add a link recommending Cotton Babies to your blog using this text and image:

Please provide relevant links to your tweet, blog, social media page and forum post in your comment if you chose to complete these steps. Remember, this isn’t required… and please don’t harrass your friends on Facebook or Twitter to get “extra” entries. Once is good enough!
- 1 grand prize winner ($100 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
- 1 second place winner ($50 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
- 1 third place winner ($25 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
- 3 additional runners up per 100 contest entries ($10 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
Gift certificates will be e-mailed to the winners and can only be redeemed online through the Cotton Babies website. You must either live in the United States or have a shipping address in the United States to be eligible to win. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win.
Final Thoughts:
Please keep what you write and share it with your child when they are old enough to understand it. I’d love to know how you decided to do this when the time comes!
By the way, thank you for shopping with Cotton Babies and for using our brands (bumGenius, Flip, Econobum & Hemp Babies). Have a great weekend everyone!
No more tears and sorrow the great ancestors have been using this great spiritual man, to cure souls through spiritual healing drugs called ZAVORIN C2 herbal healing remedy drugs to cure CANCER.. first when i heard about this drugs was in news paper in health Education, i pick the contact of the great man DR SHANT TAMI of India Temple and explain how i been suffering of CANCER, i was crying when sending him the message i spend all my the money i have in this deadly disease all my effort to cure my CANCER prove abortive, until i used ZAvORIN C2 herbal spiritual remedy healing drugs for two weeks i started sweating and urinating dirty urine i knew this is the sign of healing, i call DR SHANT TAMI and he told me not to worry that i,m cure already, no more CANCER in my body, and also told me i should go to any hospital to confirm if i have any doubt.. i went to MARY SCOURIS HOSPITAL and the doctors confirmed that there is no cancer in my body… please get your ZAVORIN C2 herbal spiritual healing remedy drugs and also make sure you do what DR SHANT TAMI will ask you to do E.G prayers and some healings words he will give to you clean your body before preparing the healing drugs for you… and he also cure all types of deadly disease contact DR SHANT TAMI INDIANSPELL@YAHOO.COM and you will testify more than the way i do now! waiting to read your testimony..
Arlo my love,
I am so glad that you were born.
I am so glad that you are you: silly, handsome, smart, curious, and full of life.
I am so glad that you’ve made me who I am.
I am so glad that you test me in ways I have never been tested, only to make me stronger, yet softer, more patient and loving.
I am so glad that you love me, kiss & hug me.
I am so glad that you love me to rock you and read to you every day.
I am so glad that you have my heart, always and forever.
I am so glad that you make my life what it is: meaningful, loving, challenging, fun, and most of all: AMAZING.
Love you forever,
Your mommy
i am so glad that u were born on 23rd of oct 2011 dear aanya.u know ur mother was diagnoised by pcos..and dr said its tough that u will concieve.i had undergone with a treatment for 9months..
i remeber i was in newyork..seeing any lady with child brought tears(a hope)to me.i wanted u to come.i also wanted to have feeling like all mothers do when they are pregnant.i felt u when u were inside me.i thoroughly enjoyed my pregnancy.i have no complaints beta.even now u r such a quiet and smart baby dat i cant stop luvng u.
i thank god for giving me this wonderful lifetime opporunity.i can experience a real n personal love which a child and a mother shares..
ur twinkle smiles..and d way ur tryg to crawl on ur knees..when u cuddle me with ur lil fingers and when u search for me is making me fall in love with u again n again.
i m glad dat u were born and given me a birth beta..thank u god and welcome to this heavenly world aanya!
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am so glad that u were born on 23rd of oct 2011 dear aanya.u know ur mother was diagnoised by pcos and dr said its tough that u will concieve.i had undergone with a treatment for 9months..
i remeber i was in newyork..seeing any lady with child brought tears(a hope)to me.i wanted u to come.i also wanted to have feelings like all mothers do when they are pregnant.i felt u,u were inside me.i thoroughly enjoyed my pregnancy.i have no complaints beta.even now,u r such a quiet and smart baby dat i cant stop luvng u..
i thank god for giving me this wonderful opportunity.i can experience this amazing personal feeling,love which a child and a mother shares.
ur twinkle smiles..and d way u try to crawl on ur knees..when u cuddle me with ur lil fingers..and when u search for me when i am not there..is making me fall in love with u again n again..i m glad dat u were born and given me a birth beta..thank u god and welcome to this heavenly world aanya!
liked on facebook
swetaguptaagarwal at gmail.com
Dear Adalyn,
July 4th the perfect day. Loud bang, explosion of light. A jolt a jerk within my womb turning, curling inside. Cradling my belly. Staring at the flashes in a daze, each one envisioning your face. Awake allnight too anxious. 6am, excitement had taken its toll! Daddy slept, woke as you entered the world, on my chest. “She’s a girl”. I cried oh how I cried, tears of joy that my dearest baby had arrived. Months of waiting (looking just to make sure.) nameless all this time,I kissed your vernix covered forehead, my Adalyn Ann. What a joy to watch you grow and learn. Nothing has scared more, rushing. hospital, weak. I wept. Ribs visible. No movement too tired to try. Why wont thrive, will you make it. admitted, pediatric floor, there it began. same hospital 8 months earlier, Being born, cradled. Tears of joy congratulations galore. Today, no congratulations, many needles. doctors surrounding what’s wrong. Over oneweek stayed, weight checks, food intake. preemie formula, not preemie, healthy 8lb 11oz, now sick, 11lb 8 mo. 1oz at a time and gradually more. Went home, 12lbs. Happy to say, now 18lb 10 month old can do everything, drink 12oz at a time. your smile melts my heart I will never forget your birth and I will never forget how I was so close to losing you.I can not imagine my life without you or your brother, both of you mean the world to me.
Love, Mommy.
I Subscribed to this blog.
I encouraged others to enter this contest and to shop at Cotton Babies.
I “Liked” this post to share it with my Facebook friends.
I Joined your mailing list to receive notifications about coupons, sales and second quality merchandise exclusively available through the Cotton Babies “In The Loop” newsletter:
kneagle at ymail dot com
I’ve only been your mom for 27 days, but I knew from the start that you are my everything. After a stressful, complicated pregnancy, you came out perfect. My little miracle. I am overjoyed with the time we spend gazing into one another’s eyes, and smile endlessly when I watch you sleep. You are my everything. I loved you before I knew you. Miles, my sweet, I’m so glad you were born.
Blog subscriber, posted this on my blog (http://jacobsmafamily.blogspot.com), “liked” on Facebook.
My sweet LGC,
You were meant to be here. You wanted to be here. No sooner did Papa and I decide to have you, did we learn you were with us already. Then, you made your presence known 14 minutes after midnight on your due date. Less than 4 hours later, you were in my arms.
Your sister was the first most amazing human being I ever beheld. But her birth did not go as I had hoped, and I announced that I would not be having any more children. Then I decided to have another go of it. You were exactly what I needed. Your arrival into this world healed me. Your water birth provided the cleansing my heart needed. And having your big sis in that pool when you were born was like I got a do-over with her birth, too.
I am happier than I ever thought I could be. You complete our beautiful family. I enjoy your smiles and watching your amazing big sister with you. I can’t wait for the two of your to be running around together.
Since you were born less than 3 months ago, I have made accomplishments I once thought impossible. You have reminded me that anything is possible if I want it badly enough. And this has made me a better mother. I want to show you and your sister than you can attain your dreams and not to let painful memories keep you down.
I am holding this sweater next to my cheek, feeling the softness of it and it’s exquisite pattern. This sweater came from England, and I dream of the arms it has covered before finding it’s way here. I bought it long before I was ever married, because I prayed that one day, God would bless me with a baby to fill it. When I married your Father, it traveled to St. Louis with us, as a part of our hopes and dreams.
We never anticipated having trouble conceiving, but we continued to believe that God would eventually bless us. When we finally felt that our dream for a child would never become a reality, there it was. It was right there in black and white. It was a living, moving, miracle from God. It took my breath away. Within a few minutes, we discovered that there were two miracles on that little screen. After they both tried to make an early appearance, I spent the next 8 weeks in the hospital on bed-rest. Then at 33 weeks your brother and sister came. I remember Jacob’s silhouette, illuminated by the bright lights and Lauren coming minutes later, loudly screaming. Lauren was the first to wear the sweater. She was an angel in white fluff.
Your brother Ethan was next. Of course he didn’t wear the sweater, but he was quiet and sweet and loved by everyone. Your brother Joel followed. He was full of snuggles and laughter and the sweater remained safely tucked away.
Five years went by and we were surprised to pull the sweater out once more, when your sister Maegan was born. She wore it in a much more boisterous fashion than her sister had. She was funny, chatty and adorable. Imagine our surprise when we found out not even a year later, that you were on your way. I knew that I wouldn’t be getting the sweater out for you, because I knew in my heart that you were a boy. At your ultrasound, the family was all gathered around, excited to know whether you were a brother or sister. We found out that you were indeed a boy, but that you wouldn’t be coming home with us. Your heart was not beating and you were already in heaven. I can’t put into words the pain I felt at never feeling your breath on my cheek, or hearing you cry. I longed to feel your fingers wrapped around mine and to kiss the swirl of hair on the back of your head. I delivered you and we named you Nathaniel Elias, which means “Gift of God-Uplifted” We held you and cried and gave you back to God. We felt numb and empty and so full of pain. Two months later, we found out that God had once again blessed us with a child. Eleven months to the day, from when you left, your sister Erin was born. She was small and perfect and so full of life. I unpacked the sweater for the last time and put it on her. I thought about how it had held the culmination of all my hopes and dreams. I thought about how richly God had blessed me and how each child had changed me. I am so glad you were born, Nathaniel. It was impossible for me to say this at first, but you have changed me. I treasure each minute with your brothers and sisters. You have helped me question and solidify my faith in God, and you have helped strengthen my relationship with your Father. I long for the day when I can wrap my arms around you and you can meet your family. On that day, the sweater won’t matter. But, I will be eternally grateful for this little bit of wool, the promises that it held, and the babies that filled it.
Dearest Bea,
As I moved into my mid-thirties, I never anticipated having another child, but then you came into our lives and breathed the spirit of blessed uncertainty into our existences. We all wrapped our arms around you, and welcomed you as the gentle gift that you are.
You bring the soulful gifts of lived lessons. You rejoice at the sun as it rises in our bedroom in the morning, and welcome it with a smile that shines as brightly. You wonder at the sound of a bus and are enchanted by the song of a common songbird. You teach us to slow down and take our time when doing even the most menial of tasks, for there is great joy to be found there. Your presence inspires me to work harder for peace and justice throughout the world. Caring for you has helped me learn new ways to care for the earth that mothers us all.
Some people write and read books about how to seek and find happiness, others climb mountains and cross deserts. Some meditate, others pray. Yet I have unlocked many secrets of the universe by simply gazing into your blueberry eyes and kissing your strawberry hair.
You are precious. You are a gift. You are transformative. You are cherished by many and we are all blessed to love and be loved by you.
(I am subscribed to your email newsletter, follow you on FB, follow the blog and am a Cotton Babies proselytizer)
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I”m so glad you were born Fiona. Finding out you were on your way was shocking and exciting. Knowing it was just going to be the two of us was scary. I decided that no matter what, I would make the best life for you that I could, surrounding you with love and laughter. You have become my reason to sing. How can I not sing while looking into those smiling blue eyes and impish grin? As the song says, “You are the Sunshine of My Life” and I think of this everyday when I look at you, my amazing daughter Fiona.
My sweet sweet Risto… I’m already crying. You have been such a blessing to my heart since the moment we found out about you. I hope you never have to experience what Papa and I went through to get you here. In so many ways it makes me sad that you wont ever know your older sibling, this side of Heaven, but I rejoice in the fact that you are here now. God knew exactly what he was doing when he took one unborn babe from us and gave us you. Your sweet life helped me understand God’s love for us. Risto honey, through my tears there are no more words to describe what you mean to me. You are my sunshine.
I’ve said it once, Love, and I’ll say it always. You healed my broken heart.
Posted on my Blog – http://jasminesmediocrelife.blogspot.com/2011/05/i-love-cotton-babies.html
And “shared” on my fb – http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fjasminesmediocrelife.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F05%2Fi-love-cotton-babies.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=I+love+Cotton+Babies
And “liked” and “subsribed” to the page! I love CB and so does Risto 🙂
(sorry I forgot to add and can’t figure out how to delete my last post!)
Dear Peyton(19 months) and Aaden(4 weeks),
From the day we found out about you, you stole my heart. The first time I heard and saw your heart beating, I knew I loved you and would do anything for you. The feeling of you growing inside of me, kicking and squirming, jumping, was only the beginning of how much you would move this world. You came into this world making people smile, bringing hope and wonder to people around you.
The past 19 months since I became a mommy have been the happiest days of my life, you have brought me more joy than I could have ever imagined. That second you were born, the moment you were placed on my chest, the long minutes I just stared at you, wondering who you would be, moments earlier I had wondered what you would look like, would you have hair, how much your would weigh, how long your body would be (Peyton 6.6lbs and 19.5inches long and Aaden 6.10lbs and 18.5 inches long) and were they right? were you a boy? Were your names going to be as perfect as you? Everything in that moment you were born was perfectly in place, just as perfect as you.
Tomorrow Peyton, you will have been a big brother for 4 weeks. And although this has rocked your world, you care about your little brother, I can see it in your eyes when you wake up in the morning, asking “baby?” hoping he’s still here to see, and take his bink and run with. The two of you will be best of buds. I can only hope you grow old together, pestering each other and comforting each other too. My two wonderful boys, who I am thankful that you were born unto me, I am SO very thankful that you chose me to be you “mo” (P, you call mommy MO, and I love it, its goofy but i really hope you never call me mom, mommy or anything other than Mo, although I know once you can pronounce Mom, momma, Mommy, Mo will be gone, but I will hold that memory so very close to my heart)
I am so very thankful for my babies, and so very thankful they chose me as their Mo (tear)
My Beautiful Bird,
Even before you began to grow inside of me, my heart already knew you. And when my arms were ready to hold you, I asked for you to come to me and fill in the puzzle space where you belonged. Oh how I waited for you.
And then you began to grow inside of me. What a tiny seed you began as! We listened as your heart beat a steady thump thump with mine. I’ve never heard a sweeter beat. Over the months you grew so much that my skin stretched to hold you. Sometimes at night you would run your ankles up and down my ribcage and I would wake up your daddy to feel you moving inside of me.
As you know, a baby’s heart is forever linked to her mommy and daddy’s hearts. So when my own mommy and daddy came to welcome you to the world, our hearts joined together and drew you out of me like a magnet. I opened my arms to you as you opened your eyes and looked into mine. And in those eyes there was the simple affirmation of what I have known all along. My heart has always known you just as yours has always known mine.
Tonight while I held you in my arms, I brushed my fingers over your pink skin, taking in each wrinkle and fold. I kissed your eyelids and elbows and rubbed your earlobe between my fingers. With each tender kiss and caress I made a promise to care for you in the way that my heart knows is best.
And it does know what is best because my heart has always known you and it always will.
– Your Mommy
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To My Dear Sweet Baby Girls (Ellerie and Esme),
I am so glad that you were born because you gave me the most wonderful gift of being your mom. I have been double blessed with two very precious and beautiful girls and I thank God every day for the blessing He gave me. The last two and a half months have been the happiest, hardest and most rewarding times in my life! Your smiles bring so much joy to my life! I love you both more than I can put into words and I am so excited to watch you grow into beautiful women. Just do not grow up too fast, ok!?
I am blog subscriber, on the email list, I “liked” this on Facebook (Samantha Sanow) and added a link on my blog http://www.sanowtwins.blogspot.com
My sweet sweet Risto… I’m already crying. You have been such a blessing to my heart since the moment we found out about you. I hope you never have to experience what Papa and I went through to get you here. In so many ways it makes me sad that you wont ever know your older sibling, this side of Heaven, but I rejoice in the fact that you are here now. God knew exactly what he was doing when he took one unborn babe from us and gave us you. Your sweet life helped me understand God’s love for us. Risto honey, through my tears there are no more words to describe what you mean to me. You are my sunshine.
I’ve said it once, Love, and I’ll say it always. You healed my broken heart.
Posted on my Blog – http://jasminesmediocrelife.blogspot.com/2011/05/i-love-cotton-babies.html
And “shared” on my fb – http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fjasminesmediocrelife.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F05%2Fi-love-cotton-babies.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=I+love+Cotton+Babies
And “liked” and “subsribed” to the page! I love CB and so does Risto 🙂
Little Man,
Just 3 days before you were born, I went in to the doctor for a routine fluid check. My amniotic fluid level was okay but I received bad news. My doctor said she thought you had a large cyst on your umbilical cord.
The next day I saw two different specialists who confirmed you had an umbilical artery aneurysm. Both doctors had never seen anything like it before. Actually, most doctors will say that have never even heard of it.
See, I knew this pregnancy was “different.” You hadn’t moved much and I soon learned why. You were slowly dying, as the umbilical artery aneurysm was about to rupture.
Then, at just 34 weeks, you were born prematurely. You were so small. I didn’t even know how to hold anything that tiny. The day you were born was life changing for me. I learned that your umbilical artery aneurysm had grown significantly in size…in just 3 days time! On the day of your birth, you were flown to a nearby children’s hospital where you stayed for a whole week.
For two whole days, I wondered about you. Sitting alone in the hospital was..well, very lonely. When I was finally discharged, I got to spend time with you.. and I have spent every minute with you since.
Now almost 10 months old, crawling around and getting into everything, I realize that I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life. I will say that I NEVER believed in miracles until I met you. It hurts me to think about what would have happened if I had gone another 6 weeks. Would I have lost you? Would I have lost my own life?
In a way, I believe you have really saved me. For the rest of my life, I will cherish you. I know now that life is precious. Life is worthwhile. Life is good. Life is love. When I look at your beautiful round eyes, and when you say, “mama,” I realize that I am so glad you were born.
email: lyndskevmadi@sbcglobal.net
I don’t know where I would be,
If I wasn’t kissing Boo-Boos and skinned knees.
I don’t know what I would do,
If I didn’t have to make bottles and clean poo-poo,
I don’t know where I would be,
If you didn’t have me,
I don’t know what I would do,
If I didn’t watch Cartoons with you,
I don’t know where I would be,
If I didn’t get up at 3am to make a bottle for you to eat,
I don’t know what I would do,
If I didn’t have you.
I’m glad you were born,
And I couldn’t be happier,
We have so much fun,
I love your little laughter,
I Love the little pitter patter sound of your feet,
I love when you call out for me in the night in your sleep,
I’m sad your growing up so fast,
I knew that you being my little baby wouldn’t last,
But once and for all I’m glad you were born,
You’re the love of my life, and I know I am yours.
Poem Written by me about my Son Matthew 🙂
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/BreenaElizabeth/status/69968959797075968
Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/fenwaypark?sk=wall#!/Theboysmama/posts/222311854447887
Thanks for the great Contest!
I just commented with my letter to my children, but I forgot to add to the end my extra entries:
– I subscribe
– I get the newsletter
-I shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/irishmarmalade/status/69967869387083776
My sweet babies, this past week has made me stop and re-evaluate what is most important in life as we deal with the loss caused by cancer (that most terrible of diseases) in our family. Where once I complained about your inability to sleep anywhere but at my side, Miles, now I snuggle you close. Though your ear-splitting shrieks still make me want to cover my ears, Elsa, I now take pleasure in the fact that you are finding your voice. “The terrible threes!” I lamented to my friends about you, my energetic, precocious Micah, before I discovered there’s nothing terrible about this age after all- You are fun, funny, and loving even though you’re exploring boundaries and adjusting to life as the big brother of twins. Ah, yes- TWINS. My reluctance at taking on this roll of stay-at-home mommy (we thought we’d have a second, but ended up with three!) is no secret. You two turned my life upside-down! I still miss it at times: my former job, my co-workers, the quiet of the commute. But I wouldn’t change things now. You may not believe that, since earlier I was scrubbing my face with my hand, exclaiming, “I should give you to the next person I see!” but I honestly wouldn’t. You can make my life so difficult, you three, but you also make it a joy. I never knew how deep my love could run until you were born. I love you with all that I am. I am so glad you were born.
I always thought one child would be enough for me and when I had you Alyssa I and I was so happy that for eight years it was just you and me. We laughed and played and cuddled all the time life was great. Then your brother Warner came along seven months ago and watching you with your little brother has made me think why oh why did I wait so long. You are both such amazing children, Warner and his adorable toothless grin and contagious laugh. Alyssa you are so caring and loving and helpful the perfect big sister. The other day watching you dress up in your doctor’s coat and get your medical kit out to give Warner a checkup was so adorable it melted my heart and made me want to have a million more babies just like you two. Being a mother is truly the only thing on this planet that makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. I feel like I am actually giving back by doing my part to raise two children that will grow up to be law abiding, giving, caring and honest human beings. So thank you Alyssa and Warner for making every day of my life such a joy.
Little David Elias:
Mama is listening to that new giggle of yours! It’s been four months exactly on Mother’s day that you came into our lives 🙂 You were born right here, right in our home! It was a perfect waterbirth! You were a healthy 9lb 8oz boy! You even came out with your hand beside your head!! We are on our knees everyday thanking the Lord for allowing us to borrow you!
So, precious little one … Mama and Dada are SO glad you were born!!
Josh and Katee
Dear Eden,
To say I am glad you were born is a considerable understatement. Holding you, looking into your beautiful little eyes, tracing the curve of your beautiful bow lips, every second with you was magic.
Loving a baby you know is going to leave your arms all too soon can change and harden you, or it can open you to the miraculous blessing that is each and every little life.
You can take that moment and let it shape you into bitterness and brokenness, or you can allow those few hours to be pure joy.
You taught me this lesson, baby girl. You taught me to hold onto unending love and joy in the midst of searing pain.
Your life taught me hope, hope against all odds.
The 36 hours that you lived were some of the most beautiful hours in my life, far outshining the shattering moments of your death.
I miss you everyday, sweet baby, and my heart aches to hold you, but I choose to be glad for those short moments that you were ours. The moments Daddy held you and your brothers and sister loved you. The glimpses of your feisty spirit when you were angry about being unswaddled. The memories of you surrounded by people who loved you, and still do.
For these reasons, and a million more, I am so very glad you were born.
Love, Mommy
Where do I begin!! I’m glad you were born because I never knew a kind of love that could be so pure, so unconditional. I had always heard that a mother’s love was the only love that could be compared to the love of God and didn’t truly understand until you were born! It’s amazing how just one look can transform even the worst day into one more worth living, just one sweet kiss can make even the most painful moments melt away, just one hug can make you week in the knees. Each one of you has a unique quality that makes me be a better mom. Alex, your energy and excitement require much more patience!! My little angel in heaven requires more strength and faith!! Kathy, your sensitivity and curiosity require just as much love!! And my little Bella, even though you are not born and were a little unexpected require me to be more thankful to God fills me with joy to know that He trusts me enough to be His helper here on earth once again so soon!! I’m glad you were born because with your birth a mother was born inside of me too and with that birth I have become better in so many ways! And as you grow, I grow too and my heart will never be the same!!
To my (hypothetical) future child or children:
Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I look forward to the day when you are a reality in our lives, rather than just a wishful thought.
Since you already have two older brothers, outside observers sometimes ask whether we will be “trying for a girl.” I respond that there is a good chance we will be trying for another boy. While we would be ecstatic to welcome a daughter into our family, it would be equally as wonderful to add another son. Gender truly does not matter, as we know that you will be the perfect addition to our family. Sometimes I hear parents worry about being stretched too thin if they were to add another child to their family. If we are blessed with you one day, I know that one of your gifts to our family will be the ability to juggle more than one child per parent. I am not concerned about how we will manage another baby, because, somewhat like going from one child to two, everything will come together: you will fit perfectly into our family, and we would never wish for it to be any other way.
Until we meet, my darling, I just want you to know that you are thought of, yearned for, and loved for the child you will become. I will be so glad that you were born.
With all my love,
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The day we met you, you took our breath away. You were beautiful and I was in awe. Watching your daddy hold you with his hat on backwards so you could be as close to his face as possible was an unforgettable moment. You stole our hearts in an instant. Now, two years later, we are in love with you more than ever. You brighten our days with you sweet voice as you sing songs. The house is full of joy as you dance around like a “princess ballerina.” Even on your hard days, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. You have changed our lives little one and I am so thankful for you. Your name, Ava, is a derivative of Eve which means life. The life you have brought to us has been immeasurable. You have brought a new joy to this house and our family at large. It is amazing to watch your grandparents love you and the life you bring to them. You are an incredible blessing little one and I won’t ever be able to tell you in enough words how much we love you. But I pray that you would know that you are so loved. First and foremost by our Lord Jesus and secondly by your parents who love you more and more each day. You are wonderful little one and I pray you would live in the knowledge that you are loved and cherished.
Katie Weber
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Every year for the last 18 years I have been truy amazed by each and every one of you. The little pieces of me that are walking and talking and looking just like me. I am shocked because I had been headed down a dark path in life (hanging with the wrong people and anorexia being the major factors) but you saved me. Getting pregnant for the first time I gave up my anorexic ways in order to nourish you and I gave up my bad friends because there was no way I would have ever brought you around them. Then 5 years later I was amazed again at the birth of your little brother and again 3 more times with your three little sisters. Like I said I see a lot of myself in all of you. Little things the way you cock your head to the side when intently listening to someone. The love of books all of you have and the sense of humor you each have because we may not always have money but we have laughs and we have each other. I will continue to be amazed by each of you every single day. I love you with all of my heart and soul and every fiber of my being. Love~Mom
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I’m glad my daughter was born because she saved my life. I was addicted to drugs and alcohol and heading for self destruction. My high school sweetheart, now my husband, and I were in serious relationship trouble. Once we found out that I was pregnant we stopped the drugs and drinking. Then he was deployed to Kuwait. Even though she wasn’t born she gave my husband hope. He missed her birth serving his country, but boy did he have something to look forward to when he got home. We named her Liberty bc our last name is Bell, and as a gift to us she came on July 4. I know she was sent from God to save my husband and myself from ourselves. Now every day she is a reminder of where we both once were and where we are now.
I am so grateful for both of my children!
You are an amazing little girl and I cannot believe how fast you are growing! Every day you teach me something new and I am so grateful for that! Your beautiful smile lights up my world and your intelligence blows me away! I love you so much always and forever! I am SO glad you were born! You are my little piglet!
You are my 14 month old little man!! I love your wet slobbery kisses and when you wrap your tiny little arms around my leg and shy away! You are full of personality and I cannot wait to see it unfold! You keep me on my toes and make me laugh all the time!! I love you so much always and forever! I am SO glad you were born! You are my little monkey!
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After my second child was born, I was shocked to find that parenting was near impossible with a high needs baby. After her diagnosis at 2 years old, and appropriate treatment, she was slightly easier and we started talking about adding a third child. When I got pregnant with you, my little ladybug, I was afraid. Afraid I’d have another “hard” baby that nearly sent me to a mental institution. Afraid of the countless hours spent driving around in the wee hours of the morning to get you to sleep…afraid of not being able to love another daughter. But you came into this world full of life (as we found out that your name actually MEANS “life”, it was appropriate). You are my sunshine, my reason for being. Not that I don’t love your siblings as much, but you taught me how to love more deeply and more completely than I ever did before. I am so glad, so GRATEFUL that you joined our family.
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Ella & Diesel I am so glad that the two of you were born. Your dad and I used to say we wouldn’t have kids, just dogs for us. And then one day in August of ’03 while in court defending my so-called vicious dog I keep feeling nauseated and like I was going to vomit. I chalked it up to nerves because I was in court and my sweet, never hurt a fly, dog’s life was on the line. Well lo and behold I took a pregnancy test, mostly for grins and giggles, and it was positive. IT WAS POSITIVE. I was having a baby. Me… your daddy… parents. Wtf? Seriously something has gone wrong. Well giving birth to you Ella changed my life, turned it upside down. I never knew the kind of love I feel for you, it’s unending and unconditional. You were the coolest and most amazing change in my life. I remember being in such awe of my body after giving birth to you. I was hooked. I wanted babies, babies, and more babies. Well fast forward 6 years with lots of heartache and ups and downs on the infertility roller coaster, and Mr. Diesel James was born… but he couldn’t breathe. 8 hours of drug-free labor and my much anticipated second child was finally greeting us without a cry to be heard. The worst best day of my life, I can barely type this. Diesel was transported by ambulance in the middle of the night to the Nicu at UVA. And that began the best worst 9 weeks of my life. 6 days of ECMO, 47 days of intubation, surgery, and many many ups and downs and my baby boy finally came home (January 2011). He came home breathing unassisted, breathing room air. I can’t say enough how much my children have changed my life. I am thankful every day and every moment for them. I was of the school of thought that children should be seen and not heard, and then I actually had a child and that ALL went out the window. I can’t thank them enough for coming into my life and for helping to shape the person I am today. I went from a close-minded, angry, know-it-all to an open-minded, happy, always open to learn something new kind of person. I am so incredibly thankful for these two amazing people that I am blessed to have call me mom. I am so happy you were both born to me. Thank you E & D. You saved me.
Dearest Jennifer,
I don’t think I knew exactly how glad I was that you were born until I stood in the delivery room holding your hand while you brought my first grandchild into this world. The miracle of watching your baby, who brought you 25 years of laughter, tears, and more love than I thought was humanly possible, now was beginning a journey that we can share for the rest of our lives. When you tell me, “Thank you mom, for everything you have done”, I know you understand.
I’m so glad you were born.
The day my daughter was born I learned what fragility really meant. Your father and I didn’t speak much we just watched each other waiting for the next piece of bad news. By God’s grace you were breech, as disappointed as I was at the time; I learned later that you may have saved my life. When my son was born I unexpectedly face this reality once again. Believing I had seen the worst I became pregnant with my third. As my health declined I prayed constantly for God to take care of you to not let my issues hurt you. I prayed God to hurry up the time it was safe for you to be born. Each day I wondered if we were going to make it through. Then the time came. I was excited and terrified at what the next few hours had in store for me. I feared I would never see your face or smell your soft skin, that I would not see you older siblings grow, that I would leave your father alone. Amazingly, God had other plans and you were born more perfect than I could have ever planned. You are my children and I have found the most joy, contentment, pain, frustration, love and fulfillment in raising you in our home. However, I am so glad for the literal physical day you were born. My life was sparred. The most precious gift of life was given to two people that day.
Erin Brandt
To my sweet girls,
To say that I am glad that you were born is an incredible understatement. May 6th and December 20th will always be incredibly important days to me because those are the days that you came into my life, making it that much sweeter and more complete.
Cailin, my beautiful princess, you entered our lives on a gorgeous spring day and you still have a way of chasing away dreary days with your contagious smile. Your never-ending curiosity about the world around you and ability to retain information amaze me every day. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you – it’s going to be great.
Kylie, my sweet, gorgeous girl, you blessed us with your presence on a cold winter’s night and you’ve been warming our hearts ever since then. You astound us everyday with the new things you say and do. You are brave and inquisitive and I look forward to seeing your personality blossom and unfold every day. I know that you will get exactly what you want out of life.
I knew that I always wanted you both, but I never realized how much I would come to need each of you. You both give my life a REAL meaning and purpose. I would do anything for you, my loving girls. You are the reason I wake up in the morning, why I do the things I do. You make me a better person. Thank you for being you.
I’m glad you were born because there is no other way I would have learned how much my love could grow and continue to grow each day with you. I thought my heart had reached capacity when I married your daddy, I thought it had reached capacity the first time I saw you on the ultrasound, I thought it had reached capacity the first time I felt you move in my womb, I thought it had reached capacity the moment I first heard your tiny but strong voice. Each time I was wrong, and each time my heart continues to swell in the most beautiful and inexplicable way. Now you are talking, running, jumping, dancing, hugging, kissing, laughing, loving boy, and our hearts continue to grow together.
D–I’m so glad you were born.
You have two siblings in Heaven, and we were told that you wouldn’t survive after birth…but you did! You are our treasure; an unexpected blessing. I am a lucky mama because when things are hard, I just have to remember that you weren’t supposed to be here and then things are OK again. Still hard sometimes (like maybe you would like to throw fewer temper tantrums?!) but I would much rather have you throwing a fit than no you at all.
Because you, and those amazing hugs and kisses you give, are always worth it.
Love from, your mama
Isaac, I am so glad you were born.
You came rushing into the world after a mere 45 minutes of labor, into the freshly-gloved hands of our street-clothes wearing doctor. As you lay on my belly and I cut your cord (Daddy didn’t want to), I could tell that something wasn’t right. No one said a word. I didn’t say a word. I knew my concerns would be brushed off as “molding” from birth. I am sure everyone else hoped for the same.
When you were just 18 hours old, a nurse felt your head and made a funny face. She said nothing. Moments after she left the room, a pediatrician we’d never seen came in. She felt your tiny head, and left the room. Minutes later she returned, followed by an x-ray machine and 4 techs. Your soft spots couldn’t be found. Something was wrong.
When you were 3 days old, we made our first of many—too many—trips to your pediatrician. When you were a mere 3 weeks old, we met your neurosurgeon. You had your first CT scan. We scheduled your first surgery.
Craniosynostosis. A word that has forever changed our lives.
Four of the six sutures in your skull had fused before you were even born. The last of them isn’t supposed to fuse until you are nearly 30. Your little head couldn’t grow. Your brain was out of space. You cried in vicious, screaming pain, for 5 ½ months. The hour or two you slept in a day were spent on mommy or daddy’s chest, upright in a recliner. We slept in shifts so that someone would be with you constantly to hold you upright, so your head would hurt as little as possible. We shopped in shifts, so that each of us would get a brief break from the crying. (I’m sorry, Bud, but we just needed to get away sometimes.) We were confined to our home, not because you were sickly or unable to be around others, but because you couldn’t stop crying, even with round-the-clock pain medicine.
Two surgeries later, at 10 months old, we finally met you. Your pain was finally gone, and you became the happiest baby we’d ever met. Three years of 3-5 times a week therapies later, you became a “normal” preschooler. You’re nearly caught up to where you should be! We’re so proud of you!
In just 6 weeks, you’ll be going into that operating room again, for your sixth surgery in 3 ½ years. Just a month shy of your 4th birthday, you’ll face the unknown once again. Your daddy, your big sister, your little brother, and I will all be waiting for you on the other side. We’ll be praying for you and longing for you.
Isaac, you have brought more joy and laughter to our lives than we could ever have imagined. You are such a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet. You don’t know a stranger, and your dimples can melt the heart of just about anyone. I am so glad I have had these years with you. I am so glad you were born.
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My sweet Soledad, my firstborn. What a wonderful journey it has been since you entered our lives. From the very moment we learned you were coming, the moment you arrived, our lives have been wonderfully blessed by your presence. Such a wonderful, sweet experience and privilege to call myself your Mother, and know you are mine. From all the smiles and giggles, to the ‘I love you, Mommy’ that you proudly proclaim, I love you, my big girl.
I’m so glad you were born because you filled my dream of being a mommy. Now, with your brother, my life is whole, happy, and fun. You make me laugh every single day. I love watching you grow and learn. You are so smart and inspire me to learn more so I can keep up with you! I am so excited to see who you will become as you grow up. I know it will be amazing because you love everyone so much but most of all, you love God, which makes my heart sing!! vmvazquez83@yahoo.com
To my amazingly beautiful and PERFECT Luke, you will never, ever know how ridiculously blessed I am to have been chosen to be your mama.
Your father and I had just endured a year of grief, and trial after losing a set of grandparents to old age, a brother from pneumonia, an aunt to cancer, a friend to murder, and a life-altering car accident. Our life was literally turned upside down and we were so incredibly broken. I prayed for the Lord to show me a reminder of His unfailing love, and, by His grace I was surprisingly found to be pregnant with you- my first son.
The promise of a new little life miraculously started turning our mourning into joy and helped us emerge from the darkness of death and despair.
As you developed in my womb, I prayed for you and dreamed about you. The verse Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” became my prayer for you. Little did I know just how appropriate that would be for your life.
See, you were born w/ what some would call a disability, but what I view as just another obstacle to conquer. And conquer you have- for at one time we didn’t know if you would walk, but now you are running! Your every day triumph over your life circumstances is a constant form of inspiration and blessing to me- I am so, so glad you were born my precious, PERFECT Luke! Thank you for teaching me courage and perseverance and most of all, that God’s love NEVER fails.
I am currently mom to 4 children. My oldest 2, my husband and I took in when their father went to jail, as their mother is out of the picture. This was a HUGE undertaking as they were 14 and 13 when they moved in. Having been abused and neglected their whole lives, they definitely have their problems, but we try our best to take care of their needs. My younger 2 are both adopted. Our 6 year old son brought with him a whole new part to our family as we have a close relationship and friendship with his biological family. Our daughter though is our special answer to prayer. We waited 3 long years to adopt her. She has some special needs, but we love her just the same! We are so glad that her birth family did not terminate the pregnancy as her bio mother is an individual with an intellectual disability. Knowing that she couldn’t raise a child, the family could have had her get an abortion, but instead they choose life. Because they choose life, we were given the opportunity to adopt such a precious blessing! Thank you, Clara’s birthmom and grandma, for choosing life for my daughter! I am SO glad she was born!
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For my beautiful baby girl…
I’m glad you were born for so many reasons. You have shown me how to be patient, understanding and strong. You have taught me to look for the beauty in every day. No matter how crazy you make me I look forward to your wonderful smile every morning.
You, my love are here for a reason. You proved that right away as you graced us with your presence just a few short weeks before your great grandmother left this world. The joy she felt in getting to meet you was undeniable.
I cherish every moment I spend with you and adore watching you learn new things. you amaze us constantly with your knowledge and understanding at only 17 months old. You (and we as a family) have come so far from that morning you were born when we feared you would not survive.
My sweet surprise… I’m so glad you were born.
rowan, you have made me realize how amazing your father is and how great life will be watching you grow up along side him. before you were born, i was a little nervous about him and kids. i wanted to have a baby more than he did and i didn’t worry that i would do everything i could to make you happy. but your dad, i wasn’t so sure about. i knew i loved your dad and wanted to always be with him, but you have cemented that in my heart. you bring your dad to life; he has never cared so much about anything before. he smiles one hundred times a day just to get you to smile, and you always respond. he takes you out and wears you on his back, he goes on walks with you, builds you forts, always makes sure you have sunscreen and a hat on (way more than i do) and reads any book you hand him over and over. on mothers day, your dad made me breakfast and cleaned the house. but the most amazing thing was watching you and him together. it makes me smile just thinking about you in his arms. you are an amazing baby. you have brought your parents closer together at a time when sometimes parenthood pushes people apart. thank you for being the smiling cuddly boy that has made us a family.
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I am so glad that you were born baby girl. Your beauty made me smile upon our meeting. You strength has amazed me. When we rushed you to the ER. When we watched the doctors performing CPR. When we watched the priest give you last rights. I told you you were strong. A fighter. But inside, all I could think was “she’s just a baby”. We handed you over to cardiologists, nurses, and technicians. We watched while the ECMO machine kept you alive. We told you you were strong…
You survived and flourished. You have not let anything stand in your way. You continue to overcome any obstacles (we see) in your way. You are now my 3 year old little queen. A wonderful little & big sister. Your heart perfect in every way.
You have reminded me that each day is precious. Every day I am thankful you were born. And I smile at your beauty. And I am amazed at your strength.
When my son was born in March 2000, we’d struggled to get pregnant for a couple of years. His biggest dream was to be a sibling and I was heartbroken each time he asked. I’d eventually told him that he’s have to take up his request with God – “It’s not my timing, it’s His”, I’d say. After 10 years, my husband and I figured that we would just not be having another child and we began making plans to get out of debt. On the day I was to have my gallbladder removed, I was ready to go back to the operating room when the surgeon entered my room to tell me it was canceled – I was pregnant! That was January 4th, 2010 and in September my daughter was born – making her big brother’s dream come true. My greatest joy comes from watching my two “babies” interact – Jane Ellen is the apple of her brother’s eye, and she just adores her big brother, Christopher. We’ve had some wonderful memories already, as well as some scary times. With our son, we learned about seizures, allergies and asthma and made it through each – even “growing out of” his seizure disorder. Our precious girl has already made it through heart failure and is thriving again – making us all smile and laugh often. We’ve had some terrifying moments, yet I am so very glad they were born…God is so very good.
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I am so glad you were born little Miss Willa (1yr old this week)
10 yrs ago with the birth of my daughter, I thought I was done haing children. Life was good, and as the kids gre things settled in, even got somewhat easy. When I started not feling well, pregnancy was the last thought I had. My kids were 10 and 13. I assumed my Graves disease had resurfaced,but just in case, I bought a test. I actually tested in the bathroom of my oldest daughters dance practice, that is how sure I was it would be negative. It wasn’t. I couldn’t breath, I didn’t know what to do. How were we going to do this? How could we do this? We were not set up for a baby, our lives were certainly not baby friendly. We trusted that God’s plan was greater than ours, and it was. Willa has taught us to slow down and enjoy eachother more. She has taught us that schedules are not that important. Willa, you made our family complete, with a piece I didn’t know was missing, but it turns out it was a pretty important piece.
I am so glad you were born, Zella. The week we found out we were pregnant with you, we had just decided we didn’t want any children. My, how wrong we were. We were newlyweds, and had panicked upon observing an acquaintance couple and their new baby (he was a great baby, it was just so much work!). We had also been noticing how many great parents there were out there, whose kids were, frankly, rotten. And on the flipside, we had found truly wonderful kids whose parents had seemingly made every possible wrong choice in rearing them. Parenthood just seemed like such a crapshoot, not to mention the world seemed to be in flux with wars everywhere and perpetual bad news jamming the airways.
And then I missed my period. I woke early on a Saturday morning and peed in a cup. I sat on the bathroom rug, rocking back and forth, my hand over my mouth, peering at the plus sign on the pregnancy test. I finally got the strength to stand and the courage to wake your Dad. He calmly looked at the stick, looked up at me and opened his arms. As he enveloped me with his love, I cried warm, salty tears of fear. He nuzzled the back of my neck and happily said, “We’ll figure it out, babe! We can do this!”
Fast forward two years, and as I type this you are babbling away about alligators in the other room with your loving Dad, while your sibling kicks around inside my belly.
If you had not been born, I would still be commuting 120 miles a day. If you had not been born, I wouldn’t be a proud stay at home who makes organic popsicles just to watch the colorful slush dribble down your chin. If you had not been born, I wouldn’t have known I could fall in love with your Dad in a multitude of new ways, marveling at the light in his eyes as he watches you. If you had not been born, I wouldn’t have realized my one true purpose. If you had not been born, I would never have understood unconditional love. If you had not been born, I would not be who I was born to be–Mommy.
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Dear Peyton,
Even though times are tough I am so glad you were born. I cannot imagine my life without you.
I remember when you were born. You weren’t breathing because you aspirated on meconium. I had complications during your birth and was put under anesthesia. I woke up to the doctors telling me you were in the NICU. I prayed everyday while you were inside me that God would give you the ability to nurse well. I wanted our breastfeeding relationship to go easy. I still have quilt because I couldn’t nurse your older brother. Everything was against us though when you arrived. The doctors would not let you nurse until you were 4 days old. Finally the nurse handed you over and you immediately latched on. God answered my prayers. You nursed for over an hour. Even now at 11 weeks your favorite thing is nursing. When I look down at your innocent little face I am reminded how blessed we are you here.
Now we are struggling to pay medical bills and since I lost my job it is very difficult. Don’t you worry though because you are loved. I know some people say right now wasn’t a good time. Some have said it was a mistake but you will never be a mistake. God blessed my life the day you were conceived and I will always be glad you were born.
I am so glad you were born, Seamus, my child.
Just the thought of you always makes me smile.
Your kiss, your laugh, your eyes
your smelly feet, your cries.
My heart explodes when I see your precious face.
God gave me the greatest gift, such grace.
When I wake and carry you to my heart,
I am thankful we never have to be apart.
My arms have held you through every strife.
My heart will carry you to the end of my life.
From the day of your birth I have been blessed.
I see the happiness in your eyes as you are caressed.
My love for you, it has grounded my soul.
And to be loving you forever is my only goal.
I am so glad you were born, Seamus, my baby.
You are a gift from God I can never repay.
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I was only 19, a baby myself in my mother’s eyes. Two lines changed my life forever in that grocery store bathroom. I was told to abort, or to give you away, but that never crossed my mind. I was in love with you the moment I knew about you and I was determined give you a great life. You changed me from a scared little girl into a strong woman and I love you more than anything in the world. I knew you set me on the right path in life when everyone else was telling me it was the wrong path. You, Jesse Jean, saved my life, and I am beyond glad you were born. I’d be lost without you.
Dear Miss O,
When I found out you were on your way I was angry. I didn’t want to be a mom. Selfish and naive, I thought my life was perfect just the way it was. How foolish of me. One year later it still amazes me that I love baby wearing, breast feeding, and cloth diapering. Your Daddy and I live for the evenings when the three of us give you a bath and then play uninterrupted, no phones, computers, or television. The laughter which fills our house is contagious to all who hear. Before you were born the doctor we were transferred to got such a kick out the notes from the doctor before about how active and funny you were. She said to Daddy and I, “this baby is making people happy and he/she isn’t even here yet! Just imagine!” – and she was right. Strangers are drawn to you and more than once I’ve heard how you have made their day.
Well I can top them. You have made my life. Thank you.
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My beautiful daughter,
Mommy loves you more than life itself. I waited 6 long years for you and meeting you was the best day of my life. I prayed And prayed for you and here you are. You chose us to be your parents. You saw something in me. You have given me a chance to be a mommy to you and that means the world to me. You being born has given me the chance to right all the wrongs I have done in my life. Your smile tickles my heart. Now that daddy is deployed you are my best friend and the reason I get out of bed. You take away all my sadness and all my loneliness with your laugh. You are more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. You are my proudest accomplishment. I love you more life. I would give my life for you in a second. I love you my sweet baby.
Dear Erik,
I’m so glad you were born. You make me want to be the greatest teacher in the world. You bring me peace. Because you were born, I’ve realized that I am good at something. I’m a good mother. This is the only thing I’ve ever felt confident enough about to declare; I’ve never felt good at anything else in my entire life. Your birth made this possible.
I could never imagine life without you in it! Thank you for coming into my life. I hope that you will feel the same about me.
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Kind brown eyes like your daddy. Her mama’s lips and confident smile. You are the perfect mixture of us. We look into your eyes and see each other. We were already in love but when you were born we became a family. A family unified by a bright little soul. You are pure joy. We are so glad you were born. Now we know what whole means. We are thankful and forever grateful for you.
Katie Zuko
thesparklemama at gmail dot com
I am glad you were born… First Born Daughter
You were truly my saving grace. After losing your grandmother so young and so tragically to a drunk driver, I thought my life were never see hope or joy again. My whole life was consumed by darkness, I was living in a black hole of existence. I was breathing, but not living. And then I discovered you were coming. That I had a precious little life inside of me, a miracle unraveling itself within me. You lifted me from the darkness, you gave me life again. You gave me that mother/daughter relationship I was s desperate for again. But now I get the honor of experiencing the other side of it. You gave me another piece of my mom, your grandmother, that I get to hang onto forever. You gave me hope again, life again, and joy again. I do not think I would have ever emerged from my pit of grief if it wasn’t for you. I know you were apart of the plan and I am so grateful not only to have you as a daughter, but as my saving grace as well.
channinggrinnell (at) yahoo (dot) com
Dear little one,
I am truely glad to know you. You have changed my life in so many ways as all babies do but what I wasn’t prepared for is the way you have changed my heart and my soul. I feel it when I stare at your sweet sleeping face and I know that I should be doing a million other things but I cannot look away. I feel it when I hear your high-pitched squeal signifying pure, innocent delight. I feel it when you do something new that you have never done before and I realize that I have the honor to be the first person to ever have witnessed you doing that particular thing. I feel it when only my loving arms can stop your tears. I feel it when I look back on my life and I cannot imagine where I would be now without you in it. You are an amazing, beautiful, thoughtful little person and I cannot wait to witness every new little joy you experience. I never knew that my life could revolve so completely around another being but I would not have it any other way. I love you and I am so glad you were born.
jillrodis at att dot net
Dearest Baby,
I’ve known you since you were so tiny inside your mommy’s belly. I watched you grow and felt your movement. I reassured mommy when she worried. I took care of mommy for nine months to be sure you both were safe. Finally your birthday came. You arrived on your own schedule. It took a lot of patience. As you were born, mommy and daddy caught you with my hands present to give a reassuring touch. Onto mommy’s belly you went with a lusty cry. I looked at you with awe, barely believing that you were only moments before contentedly inside. I was so privileged to be present for your birth. Each birth is a miracle that never becomes commonplace. I am your nurse midwife and I am glad that you were born.
Our story…..
With four children ranging in age from 18 to 12, we thought our family was complete. I always wanted more children, but Daddy felt content with four. After losing an ectopic pregnancy and a tube, we realized that God had another plan for our family. Six long months later, we were pregnant. After many questions from people whether this was “planned”, I was always quick to reply that it was, much to their disbelief. Finally your birthday came. Your daddy, brothers, and sisters were there to welcome you into the world. What a blessing you have been little Beckett. We love you and are so glad that you were born!
Love, Your Family
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I birthed my heart into the world twice. Each time, it arrived as the sun rose into a hazy warm sky. My heart came in the form of plump lips, delicate eyelashes, gently wrinkled fingers and toes, crushed ears, and translucent fingernails. My heart sounded like tears—of joy, birth, victory—an arriving. My darling daughters—I am so glad you were born. Without you, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. I wouldn’t have experienced the true essence of faith, love, fear, or joy. Yes, I may have a better figure, have gotten a lot more sleep, and managed to travel the world or earn just one more degree, but you have become my greatest adventure. Chasing you on the playground has become my favorite form of exercise. Watching your starry eyes seek out mine in the darkness has become my most restful peace. Taking you to the zoo, seeing a butterfly light on your hair—the crooked smile of amazement on your face has become my ticket to places far, far away. Both of you have become my best teachers, instructing in sweet lessons of life that are both priceless and free. The poignant vulnerability of holding my heart in my hands, feeling the fragility of life, has brought a richness to my world unequal to any other. Today and always, my darling daughters—I am so glad you were born.
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“Faith, hope, and love…but the greatest of these is love.” That’s what my wedding invitation said and through you, God has taught me the truth in this. Liam, I’m glad you were born because you have taught me that the human capacity to love is so much greater than I ever knew. Your existence means that I know more fully what it means to hurt because seeing your pain is harder than going through tough times myself. Still, you have shown me that there is no amount of pain or suffering that can conquer love. Spending sleepless nights comforting you is worth getting to love you. Struggling to nurse you for months while you struggled to catch on to this fundamental experience in life is worth love. Watching you throw two-year-old tantrums and knowing that there is little I can do about your frustration is worth love. Your existance also means that I know more fully how amazing the simple happiness and joy of a child can be. The joy, strength, and fullness of life from what we have experienced has multiplied my significance in this life. I’m so glad that you were born and more importantly, I’m so glad that God chose to let us exist on this earth at the same time. I look forward to the years I have as your mommy in this life and the next. I can’t wait to see God’s plan for you unfold. I love you.
I am so glad that my 10 (going on 11) children have been born, but 3yo Elliana has a unique story that makes us all so very thankful for the blessing she is. When Elli was 3 months old, I found her dead, in her bassinette. There is no describing the horror & anguish of that moment. I picked her up, and began praying to God to please breath life into her. My oldest daughter dialed 911 as I sobbed and prayed over her cold, blue, and lifeless little body. The ambulance was on its way, and I was on the phone with the emergency worker, while still clinging to my baby girl waiting for the paramedics to arrive. As the lady on the phone tried to calm me, there came a faint sound, barely noticeable. Then another…. it was Elli! She moaned, then gasped for air, and began to cry. My baby was alive! We were rushed to the hospital, and by the time we got there her oxygen levels were almost normal (from being barely there when they first arrived). Her name means “God has answered my prayer”, and He most certainly did! I am so grateful for this precious little girl, and the gift of her life.
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to my oldest, my first born Dyllan
I am so glad you were born. It was scary being a first time mom, you were so tiny and helpless. the very first moment I knew you were in my belly i loved you. the first time i heard your cry as you came out my heart filled with joy.
each and every day i love you more.
i am so proud of you. i love how you help out with your 4 younger brothers, especially with Teal’c and his medical issue, and changing diapers for the baby.
I’ve always told you that God picked you to be the oldest because there was something special about you, and i really do believe that. you have such a kind loving heart, such a willingness to help and a love for God that inspires me.
your almost 7 years old now, it’s going way to fast. i love you so much.
To My Strong Gift From God (Ethan Matthias)
I remember crying over my want for another baby, but everybody and everything said wait. Wait until the others are older, wait until your daddy found a new job, wait until the house was on the market, wait, wait, wait.
I’m so glad God heard my cries and made other plans! You were our surprise baby – the one wanted, but unplanned.
And I know things were tough during the pregnancy – life was stressful and there were days when I wasn’t sure I would have enough energy or time for you, much less did I know how we would provide for your needs.
But I’ve known since the second they placed you on me, that I would always have time for you. And I’ve known since that first gas smile you gave me before you were a full 24 hours old that I would always have energy for you.
My surprise baby, (just a month old now – where has the time gone?) you surprise me every day, and I can’t wait to see what other surprises you have in store for Daddy and me.
To my amazing miracle boy!
You are an amazing gift to us. Your older brother/sister was never able to great this wonderful world and your conception into our lives just two months after the loss of them was a miracle! We loved that baby and always will but we are so very thankful for you. We could not understand what had happened and we had come to believe we would not be parents but you changed everything just by existing! You are an amazing child full of love and laughter. We are so very proud of you and love you more then you will ever know!
Happy birthday, sweet Anna Kate! Can it really have been a whole year since the doctor handed you to your daddy and me and said, “It’s a girl! And she’s a big one!”? I will never forget those first few moments after 5:02pm on February 8, 2010, with my 10 pound, 1 ounce baby girl. Our lives were forever changed and we are so grateful for the blessing that you are to us. While we know that it is our responsibility to raise you and teach you, you have actually taught us so much this past year. You have taught us about love and trust and dependence and discipline and sacrifice and what an incredible thing it is for God to call us his children. As the 19th-century pastor, J.R. Miller put it, motherhood is a “sacred and holy trust,” and there is “no other work so noble and so worthy of [my] best powers.” I pray that I would be faithful to this sacred and holy trust and that by God’s grace we will get to celebrate many, many more birthdays with you! Happy 1st birthday, sweet girl!
Zoe Elise,
I am so glad you were born, sweet baby girl. When you were born, mama & daddy had no idea that we were naming you a name that would be so important later on in your precious life. You see, your name means “life” & when you were 5 years old you were diagnosed with a disease synonymous with death (childhood cancer). Watching you be so strong & happy as you went through almost 3 years of chemotherapy has taught us so much about what your name truly means. You are so FULL OF LIFE, Zoe. We love you so much & are so grateful that you were born & are still here with us. As your mother, I can honestly say that my “life” would not be the same without you my precious, beautiful, full of “life” baby girl! I love you <3, Mama.
My sweetest most precious oldest son,
I am so glad you were born! You have always been a treasure to me, and my heart breaks thinking about how close we came to losing you! You were the sweetest most loveable baby, the most delightful toddler and the smartest preschooler I ever knew. When you were so horribly injured in the car accident, I prayed to God constantly, every minute, that we could trade places and I could take your pain. I prayed for you to live, and to grow into the man of God you are becoming. As you lay in a coma for months, I begged Him to save you. When you came out of your coma and started to learn to live again, I praised God for the blessing you are! As you learned to do everything all over again, I treasured those moments as I did when you learned to roll over, sit up, crawl, walk and talk the first time as a baby. I never felt sorry for you, I have always looked towards the plan God has for your life, and thanked him for letting me be a part of that plan and watch you find your path. I love you with all my heart! I know it is hard sometimes to not be like every other 13 year old boy, but you are stronger than any grown man I know and such a delight to me! Thank you for being my son, I will love you always!
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I am so glad you were born because you changed my life. Before you, I didn’t care about anything that really mattered. I see life so differently with you, I cherish the seasons changing by noticing the different colors, smells and animal sightings. I walk a little slower and I talk a little softer when you are around. Thank you, my first baby girl, for entering my life when you did.
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I’m glad you were born because you have helped me see my true inner strength. You were 6 weeks old and perfect in everyway, but the doctors told me different. I always knew you were special, and that day I was explained how. You were diagnosed with a disorder, homocystinuria, that would change both our lives forever. You are so rare (1 in 250,000 are born with this disorder) and precious. Because of you, I’ve found the strength to go to extreme extents to give you a “normal” childhood. I’ve found the courage to start a foundation so you and others with homocystinuria have a place to find comfort and support. One day, I hope everyone will know what HCU is and know you are just as special and rare as your disorder. I know you will do amazing things and I’m so glad to be your mom to watch you do them. Mommy loves you Kaden 🙂
In October 2008 I was the happiest mom to two children and just found out another was on the way ~ a surprise! Unfortunately, our 8 week prenatal appointment only showed a 5 week fetus, no heartbeat, and blood tests confirmed dropping HCG levels. Our family was devastated. We had already made room in our hearts and future plans to include this baby. As we healed, we decided our family would not be complete without one more little person to love. A year later, we welcomed our little girl, Kira, into the world. I am so glad she was born because she is our rainbow after the storm. She completes our family and our hearts. I am so glad she was born because now I truly understand the power of life.
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I am so glad you were born, you are the cutest, smartest little boy, you are so helpful, loving and kind. When mommy was pregnant with your little sister and so sick, you were always standing next to me asking me if I was okay. You are such a great big brother, showing your sister how to do things, giving her toys, making sure she has everything she needs, even if it means you giving her your blanket. I love how you are polite and teach sister how to say please, thank you and “welcome”. I am so glad you were born, you keep me busy, entertained and moving with all your energy and excitement, while it drives me nuts some days, after you take a nap I miss the noise and want to wake you up. I don’t know what I would do with out you.
Mommy loves you Wyatt!!
Sherry Smith
You are my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. I was only 17 when I had you but I wanted you before I was even pregnant. You helped me grow up. Because of you, I finished HS AND college! Every decision, every choice I have made has been for you. Some didn’t turn out the way I thought they would but we both grew from those mistakes. I have watched you grow from a tiny helpless infant, to a rambunctious toddler, to a inquisitive child, to a defiant teenager and now into a gorgeous, responsible young man. You took it in stride when your sister was born when you were 14. Most teenagers would have wanted nothing to do with a baby sister at that age but not you. You love playing with her and being a big brother – even 3 years later. I am so proud of the way you interact with her – even when you fight! That has got to be the one of the funniest things I have ever seen! 🙂 When we lost your youngest sister, you were devastated! I wasn’t sure how it would affect you but I soon found out. I wish I could have saved her – maybe you wouldn’t have gone through all that you did last year. I hated having to send you away but I knew it was for your own good – even if you didn’t see it at the time! The house was empty without your laughter. Those were the longest months I can remember. But we made it through with the help of God! Now here you are not only on the cusp of going out into the world and making your own path but also becoming a daddy yourself. The timing certainly sucks but you are going to make an awesome DAD! WOW! I’m going to be a grandma! I’m still getting used to that! I love you always and forever!
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I did tweet but it was when I first posted about a week ago so I don’t have the tweet ID. This is my 2nd post because my first one seems to have disappeared when blogger was down. Wonder how many other blogs I had my comments disappear on! I know of one other which is why I came and checked here!
I am so glad you were born because without you I would be nothing. You have completed me and shown me what real love is like. I would do anything for you. Even though you were unplanned you have been my saving grace. I would be lost without you and nothing before you makes any sense to me. I can say now that I am complete heart and soul. I know what it’s like to have my heart on the outside of my body because it beats inside your chest. I loved you before I knew you, I loved your more the day you were born and I love you more everyday that passes.
Jamie Brigham
I’m glad you were born because you have made life more exciting & refreshing for your Daddy and I. You have taught me the value of perseverance every time I watch you work to figure out a new toy…or when I watch you from a distance as you drag your stroller into the kitchen to reach the counter for a “snack.” You have taught me what it means to be a committed friend every time you search high and low for your stuffed elephant before watching a movie, taking a car trip, or eating lunch. You have taught me not to take myself seriously…and that being covered in mud is FUN. You show me that Monday mornings don’t have to be terrible, and that it’s perfectly acceptable to start dancing to music by 7:00 am. You have shown me that a smile to a stranger can go a long way in brightening their day….and that raising your arms and growling at them like a lion can go even further. You have shown me that money can’t buy happiness, and that you’re most happy playing with toilet paper, cereal boxes & the most recent lint from the dryer. You show me daily that what I think is “important” is always trivial…and that the dishes & laundry will still be there tomorrow, but the current game of peek-a-boo will not. But mostly I’m so glad that you were born because I needed your personality, laughter, kisses, and infectious smile in my life.
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When I was young, I had a rough life to say the least. But, I always knew that I wanted to be a mother more than anything in this world. I married my sweetheart in 2004. We knew we wanted to start a family, but we waited a couple of years. When we did start trying, we found out that it was going to be difficult to get pregnant. Two and a half years, many medications, many procedures, and a lot of bruises from shots, I got my positive pregnancy test. Unfortunately, that ended in a miscarriage really early. However, we found out we were pregnant again the very next month. Our sweet boy was born in November of 2008. He was and is perfect. I couldn’t believe I was a mommy. In late 2009, we decided that we were going to try again naturally and if we were not pregnant by the end of the year, we would try fertility again. We were SHOCKED to get pregnant in the first month. Truly blessed, we welcomed a little girl into our lives in September 2010. I still cannot believe how full my heart feels now. This is very special to me because my mother took her own life in 2006. I had felt incomplete, especially on mother’s day, since she left my life. With my two precious miracles, I feel complete again. My mom would have been proud of me. Every time I look at my babies, I just cannot stop beaming with pride. I am a mommy! My heart and life is full. I am so glad that you were born and you made me a mommy!
Thanks for the opportunity!
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Before Emma, I never understood this type of love. The love reminds me of how I felt when I fell in love with my husband. The room is spinning and swept off my feet kind of love. To be so in love with a little person you made and are responsible for can get scary at times. She is so perfect and it is my job to keep her that way. When she looks at me I can see how she trusts me. She smiles and the love I feel towards her is reciprocated without words. This world is a scary place with lots of bad people and things in them. It is a new challenge in itself to let her go out into it. The only thing that gets me from day to day is to trust in God. I pray every day that His angels are surrounding her and that my angels get taken from me to give her extra protection. Falling in love with Peter was different because then it was equally in his hands to uphold that love. It was a team effort to protect our love for each other. This love….this is so involuntary and so fragile. It could break me in one car accident or sickness. Although I feel overwhelming fear of ever losing this little one, I feel so blessed to have experienced her and this love for the times I have had. I am so glad she was born and count every day as a gift.
Blog post: peterandcarin.blogspot.com – fragile days
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To mommy’s little man,
I’m so glad you were born. At 20 weeks gestation the doctors said that there was a 30% chance the you would be born with Down Syndrome. I was so scared, devastated and confused. I cried all the way home.
I expected the worst but hoped for the best. I prayed everyday that the doctors would be wrong. I prayed you would just be “normal”.
Well, 19 weeks after the diagnoses you were born. Yes. Down Syndrome. You have Down Syndrome.
In spite of it all. The moment I held you the bond was instantaneous and STRONG. God is good and he makes ALL things beautiful. You have brought me joy. So much joy. Your smile is intoxicating and everyone who sees you becomes intoxicated by it. They can’t pass by without stopping to say hello. What a sweet spirit you have. I’m so glad you were born. You have made my heart glad.
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Dear Colin and Reid,
I’m so glad you were born because you made me the person I was supposed to be, you answered all the questions, and cancelled all the regrets. I always felt like I was somehow special, like I would make a mark on the world. I was a restless soul and couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that I was supposed to be doing…but from the first moment I was a mother, I KNEW. And now, as I figure you both out, learn everything about you, and love you for exactly who you are…and as we embark on homeschooling, I know that *you* are my great mark on the world, and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what you will do!
When you were born my mom, your grandma, told me about how babies are angels in heaven, and they swirl around God, chirping in his ear ‘ pick me, pick me.’ When I look at you sleeping peacfully, I see the image of you seeing me and asking God to send you to me. He chose YOU for ME, and ME for YOU. I am truely blessed.
“I asked him for this child, and he gave me what I asked for. So I am dedicating him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he will belong to the Lord.” 1 Samuel 1 27-28
I’m so glad you were born, Max. We were nervous about adding a little one before our original plan, but we couldn’t be happier with the way things turned out. I can’t imagine life without you! The past two years have been a joy to watch you grow! You are a wonderful toddler, full of funny things to say and lots of hugs for Mommy and Daddy! Without you, our lives would be boring and incomplete! I’m so glad that you were born and that you are mine! I am very honored to be your Mommy and stay home with you every day. One of the best things you say is, “Want Mommy.” I want you too, Max! I will always love you and cherish every moment with you!
To my dear Charis,
After your daddy and I were married, we were trying NOT to conceive, but when I missed my period in December 2009, I knew I was pregnant. I started calling you our “wonderful surprise from God.” Nine long months went by before you were born. The first time I held you, I cried.
Yes, it would have been “easier” on us (especially financially) if you were not conceived and born, but that is not what happened. We are THANKFUL you are here with us. You are a gift from God, and God has provided for us and our needs. Your birth has caused your parents’ marriage to deepen; we now communicate more openly and freely. We have also been thrilled to see you grow and mature and look forward to many more years of being your parents.
I love to see you smile, laugh, talk, crawl, grow, pull on objects to attempt to stand up. I have loved you during the tough times as well, such as the frequent feedings, sleepless nights, and nursing you when I had mastitis and a cracked nipple. I love looking into your eyes and holding you. You are my “mini vacuum cleaner.” I now need to work hard at caring for you and being a housekeeper. I am not a perfect mum, as I’m sure you’re aware of, but God is gracious to me in giving us you. Charis Louise, I love you.
One Bible verse I would like to leave you with is Psalm 127:3, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”
Note: I don’t always like mentioning our daughter was a surprise because I feel guilty, especially when I hear about friends who have been trying to conceive for over a year. And I don’t want my daughter to think that we did not want her. After we found out we were expecting, Drew and I were thrilled and would not have changed anything.
-Posted about Cotton Babies on my blog (www.mummytocharis.blogspot.com)
I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but now I realize I never really knew what that meant. My Magpie, you have changed me in ways I could never have imagined. I never knew I was incomplete, but I can’t fathom how my life was full before you. You have given purpose to everything I do. Being your Mommy is the most rewarding experience I have ever had. I would rather play in the dirt with you than travel the globe.
You have shown me a new world. I never fully opened my eyes before. From a “pretty” ceiling in Target to a “beautiful” weed in our flower bed, the fog has been lifted, revealing a paradise of beauty and excitement. I’ve learned to slow down and appreciate all the small things. As you lead me through this life, I cannot help but smile; you fill my heart with joy.
I love every moment with you. Sometimes I forget that in the middle of the night, but then you wrap your arms around my neck and ask for a “Mommy snuggle.” I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything. The joy in your laugh and glint of excitement in your sparkling eyes are magic.
You made me a mom, us a family. You are the best thing I have ever done. You mean everything to me, and I am honored to be your Mommy. I never question for even a second how glad I am that you were born.
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Dear Owen,
From the moment I found out you existed, I have loved you with all of my heart. Being pregnant with you for 36 weeks was an honor and a joy that I will treasure the rest of my life.
You were born on a Thursday morning. It was early November and the sky was a bright blue blanket over us. I remember the smell of your newborn skin, the weight of you in my arms. I remember the shock and wonderment when I first saw that your chin was an exact likeness of my own. My mini-me, you looked so much like my baby pictures. Your daddy and I spent hours holding you, studying your features, memorizing your face. You were our firstborn, Owen. Though we had no idea what to expect and though we could never have anticipated the events surrounding your birth, we’re glad you were born. You filled our hearts with love and hope. The love radiating from our hospital room was palpable, and we will never forget the time we got to spend with you. Our arms may be empty, but our hearts are full.
You were born still, Owen. But you were still born. And with all of my heart, I’m glad you were born.
Your mommy
I waited years. I thought you were never going to be a part of our lives. I found out I was pregnant when I least expected it. My pregnancy was not easy and you had to be forced out. We had a very difficult few weeks getting you to eat and gain weight. I was scared. I thought that I was not meant to be a mom because it was so much more difficult than I had ever expected. I thought everything was going to be beautiful and perfect, but it wasn’t. We had eating, sleeping, weight problems. But I loved you more than anything. You were my perfect little baby that I always wanted. Things got better as you got older. You gained weight. You were not the best eater or sleeper, but we got through it. You have always been the sweetest little girl that I have ever known. I could not imagine my life without you. You make life brighter. You make me want to be the best person that I can be. Sometimes we have bad days. Sometimes I need a break or some space, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you more than anything. You are the best big sister and helper. You light up a room with your smile and laughter. To me, you are perfect in every single way. I love you more every day and you have filled my life with total joy! Thanks for being you!
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Sweet boy, I’m so glad you were born because you shifted my desires for life, from that of my own to that of God’s. You made your Mama and Daddy embrace the five bedroom home when God shut the door on the mini two bedroom lakefront cottage…the one that would barely fit your two older brothers. Cuz God knew that YOU were on the way AND your baby brother who will be arriving in a few short months AND the foster children who may even need to be adopted. Because of you we will be able to say we went from 2 to 5,6,7? in just 18 short months. Because of you we remembered that not only our children, but ALL children are truly blessings from the Lord and how there is so much more to life then pursuing after our own worldly dreams and desires. Because of you, our family will fill up this five bedroom house…just the way God had intended. <3
I’m so glad you were born. Each day with you, sweet Aliza, reminds me that God is indeed good to us, and His grace extends to the depths of our deepest pain and greatest joy. When you were born, and the doctors told us your kidneys might fail before you were big enough to have medical intervention, the fear and pain and sadness I felt was tremendous. But holding your tiny, 3 pound body in my arms and kissing your crinkly forehead made all of those feelings dissipate. Those moments made me love you more than I ever thought I could love another human being.
You finally came home with us 5 weeks after you were born. You were still so tiny at 4 1/2 pounds. It was a long, hard fight being with you in the NICU. And even though you still go to the doctor a lot, you are doing much better, and we know you will live a long, happy life. The relief and joy I feel in knowing that God healed your precious little body gives me the faith that I can trust God with you no matter what difficulties you, Daddy, and I may face.
I love you, sweet girl. So much. Thank you for teaching me to have faith when it felt absolutely impossible. You really live up to your name, chosen long before you were born, Aliza Jane (“Joyful because God is Gracious”)!
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To my came into this world in a flash, almost 4 year old, Eva!!
You were born in an ambulance with a 30 min. labor and delivery. It was a day I will NEVER forget! You changed my life foever, and I could not ask for a better change.
When I see you smile…I am glad you were born
When you snuggle in bed with me on a Sat. monring…I am so glad you were born
When you turn your head and bat those pretty blue eyes at me…I am so glad you were born
When your face lights up because you learned something new…I am so glad you were born
When you help your brother or sister without being asked…I am so glad you were born
When you whisper sweet “I love yous” in my ear…I am so glad you were born.
You give me such great joy and I am so glad I am your mommy…I love you Eva. Love your, mommy
I subscribe to your blog and newsletter
To my sweet almost-six month old twins:
It’s hard to believe that it’s been not even six months since the two of you slipped into the world. While your birth was everything I could have hoped for, what followed– heart failure, peripartum cardiomyopathy, months of recovery as I wonder if I’ll ever be wholly healthy again– was certainly not what I hoped for when I heard we were having twins!
Every single morning I wake up with you both by my side, and I marvel at how perfectly wonderful you are, how you take turns to nurse, how you smile and coo at me and each other. I couldn’t imagine life without you.
I am still healing, and I can’t help but believe that you are a huge part of that. If carrying and birthing you made me ill, than loving you and waking to watch you change and grow is what is making me better.
Your oldest brother, who lives to ask hard questions, sometimes asks me “Mom, if you had known what was going to happen, would you have still wanted to have the babies?” It’s such an impossible thing, to look back and second guess all the decisions that led us to this point. But I can honestly say, Matthew and Molly, that I am so glad you were born.
frontzfamily at gmail dot com
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(sorry for double posting – Blogger didn’t connect my google account on first try and I couldn’t edit)
I’m so glad you were born – now there is no such thing as a bad day. When you wake up as I try to tiptoe out of the room, I am so glad you can hear. When you run the opposite way when I pull out a clean diaper, I am so glad you can see. When you call for me in the middle of the night just to be held, I am so glad you can touch. When you create art by smattering your food on the floor, I am so glad you can taste. When you say “pee-eww” when you take off your socks, I am so glad you can smell.
When I see you giving your dogs kisses, I am so glad you can love. When you splash me during bath time to see my surprise, I am so glad you can laugh. When I offer you vegetables and you vehemently shake your head no, I am so glad you can understand. When you want to be picked up and my arms are full, I am so glad you are patient. When you greet daddy at the door, I am so glad you miss him. When you try to get closer to that bird in the sky, I am so glad you can walk.
Because without all these seemingly trivial nuances, it would mean I’d be without you. Even when the days are long and life has its ups and downs, you are my constant. I’m so glad you were born. I am the luckiest person alive.
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I’m so glad you were born.
Your tiny sausage body,
long toes,
smooth skin.
Bobbing black hair,
my little hazelnut.
Feeding you
fills me
with happiness, contentedness, peace.
Wide mouthed smiles
gurgling, babbling, bubbling.
Taking care of you
takes care of me, too.
Baby boy, I’m so happy you were born. You are the baby I was meant to have. It must be the fourth time’s a charm; after three miscarriages in one year, we got pregnant with you, and 9 months later, out you came, so wonderful, so alive, and screaming! What joy!
You are truly a blessing, my sweet boy. Each day, each week, each month I get to spend with you makes me feel so lucky to know you. Your tiny blonde curls starting to grow, the gummy smiles, sweet hugs, loud giggles, the tender moments… all of these make you so special to me.
Your daddy and I are so glad you were born because we know that YOU are our baby, the baby we were meant to have. YOU are the baby we are meant to love.
And baby, we sure do love you.
Mary L.
(I receive the cottonbabies email)
You frustrate me. You make me feel inadequate, confused and lonely. You demand much and give so little. Because of you, I will never have another moment where I am not thinking about someone other than myself. And that, my dear girl, is why I am so glad you were born. You prevent my selfishness and demand my best. You do not give in wealth or fame, but what you do give is fundamental and refreshing. For the hours of incessant cries comes a burst of delightful giggles. You give in affection, satisfaction and allegiance. Each inch you grow and skill you master bear out the fact that the privilege of guiding you through life is mine. You remind me that my inadequacies are conquerable and my loneliness is unnecessary. You are the jewel of my crown, my joy, the answer to my question. I am a mother, and you are my child forever. And that, my angel, is why I am so glad you were born.
My Dearest Kaden,
I am glad you were born. Having you in my life has brought me so much joy and happiness. My pregnancy was not the same as most other mothers. I found out I was pregnant a week after my twentieth birthday. At the time, I was technically attending the University but I did not take it seriously. I stayed out late and had little meaning or purpose in life. Despite the fact that everyone and everything in my life told me it was the wrong thing to do, there was something within me that could not consider anything else but having the baby. It was as if something in me knew it was the right thing for me to do.
The existence of a baby seemed completely surreal to me for a really long time. I knew I was pregnant and that meant there would be a baby, but it did not really sink in until I felt you kick for the first time. I was sitting in bed reading a book when I felt you move. In that moment, my world changed. It was as if time stopped and I realized that a baby really was inside of me. It was no longer about what was right for me, but rather what was right for the tiny little person growing inside of me. In that moment, I made a promise to that tiny person that no matter what happened in the world, I would give you what you deserved, everything. Everything in my life all of a sudden mattered. School became important; my diet became important; my life became important because I knew that you were dependent on me.
The day you were born I held you in my arms and I asked myself if I really could give you everything in the world. I did not know if I could be the mother you deserved. There was piece of me that felt that I did not deserve you. . No one in the whole world could ever love you as much as I did in that moment. I would become the best mother in the world no matter how hard or impossible it seemed.
Your birth lit a fire within me that I did not know could exist. I not only worked harder, but became a better person. In any moment that I doubted myself, I would look at you and realize that I could do it and I did. I will graduate in December from the University of Colorado Boulder with honors and there is no way I would have accomplished this without you. If not for you, I would not have found the strength within myself to be successful. If not for you, I would not have a reason to succeed. If not for you, my life would not be as joyful or wonderful.
So many people tell me how much I have given up or how I am missing out on, but I disagree. You have brought more joy and happiness into my life than I ever thought was possible. When you smile, my whole world stops and lights up because you are perfect in every way. Watching you grow into the amazing little person you are has been the most amazing and wonderful thing. Bringing you into the world has not only given me life but shown me joy. I am glad you were born because without you, I would not have found myself. I am glad you were born because you have lit up my world in every way. I am glad you were born because you are truly amazing and I know that no matter what you decide to do in your life, it will be spectacular.
You are my love. You are my life. You are my everything. I will love you forever and I will be thankful for the day you were born eternally because you have brought me so much. For that I thank you. I hope that in your life you never think that you have held me back or made my life in any way harder because even though my life may be more difficult and I may have to work a lot harder than others my age, it is all worth it and I would not change it for anything. Bringing you into this world is the one thing I know I did right. I hope in your life you find the same joy and happiness you have given to me.
I love you now and forever,
My Dearest Kaden,
I am glad you were born. Having you in my life has brought me so much joy and happiness. My pregnancy was not the same as most other mothers. I found out I was pregnant a week after my twentieth birthday. At the time, I was technically attending the University but I did not take it seriously. I stayed out late and had little meaning or purpose in life. Despite the fact that everyone and everything in my life told me it was the wrong thing to do, there was something within me that could not consider anything else but having the baby. It was as if something in me knew it was the right thing for me to do.
The existence of a baby seemed completely surreal to me for a really long time. I knew I was pregnant and that meant there would be a baby, but it did not really sink in until I felt you kick for the first time. I was sitting in bed reading a book when I felt you move. In that moment, my world changed. It was as if time stopped and I realized that a baby really was inside of me. It was no longer about what was right for me, but rather what was right for the tiny little person growing inside of me. In that moment, I made a promise to that tiny person that no matter what happened in the world, I would give you what you deserved, everything. Everything in my life all of a sudden mattered. School became important; my diet became important; my life became important because I knew that you were dependent on me.
The day you were born I held you in my arms and I asked myself if I really could give you everything in the world. I did not know if I could be the mother you deserved. There was piece of me that felt that I did not deserve you. . No one in the whole world could ever love you as much as I did in that moment. I would become the best mother in the world no matter how hard or impossible it seemed.
Your birth lit a fire within me that I did not know could exist. I not only worked harder, but became a better person. In any moment that I doubted myself, I would look at you and realize that I could do it and I did. I will graduate in December from the University of Colorado Boulder with honors and there is no way I would have accomplished this without you. If not for you, I would not have found the strength within myself to be successful. If not for you, I would not have a reason to succeed. If not for you, my life would not be as joyful or wonderful.
So many people tell me how much I have given up or how I am missing out on, but I disagree. You have brought more joy and happiness into my life than I ever thought was possible. When you smile, my whole world stops and lights up because you are perfect in every way. Watching you grow into the amazing little person you are has been the most amazing and wonderful thing. Bringing you into the world has not only given me life but shown me joy. I am glad you were born because without you, I would not have found myself. I am glad you were born because you have lit up my world in every way. I am glad you were born because you are truly amazing and I know that no matter what you decide to do in your life, it will be spectacular.
You are my love. You are my life. You are my everything. I will love you forever and I will be thankful for the day you were born eternally because you have brought me so much. For that I thank you. I hope that in your life you never think that you have held me back or made my life in any way harder because even though my life may be more difficult and I may have to work a lot harder than others my age, it is all worth it and I would not change it for anything. Bringing you into this world is the one thing I know I did right. I hope in your life you find the same joy and happiness you have given to me.
I love you now and forever,
Baby Girl,
I didn’t know that I would trade my dinner-and-a-movie dates for eight o’clock bedtimes (or even seven-thirty). I didn’t know that I would concern myself with the many uses of vinegar and baking soda for the sake of your pure little body. I didn’t know that rather than entertaining myself with various distractions, would spend hours rubbing your cheeks with my cheeks and marveling at the smoothness of your new skin. I didn’t know that everything in my life would change, and that nothing I cared for would matter anymore compared to you. My life barely resembles the life I had before; it is much better. It is better because you smile so big with no teeth. It is better because you express so much with no words. It is better because you just learned to reach out and touch my face. I look forward to each day as you remind me to appreciate every single breath. I live to love you more.
Your Mama
Sometimes, Baby, I can’t stop looking at you. Your sweet fuzzy head, your perfect eyelashes, your delicious cheeks, your wiggly tum with the curly-Q bellybutton. That’s where we used to be attached—we were physically connected, you and me, when you were still hidden away inside me—an entirely different person, yet undoubtedly and simultaneously a part of me.
And you will always be mine, Baby, my own heart going around outside my body. (There is a rather famous quote about this!) But you keep changing and growing—the past seven months disappeared in a blink—becoming more and more YOU, and it is astonishing.
Where did you come from? Sometimes I put my ear to your chest to hear your fast little heartbeat, and I am in wonder at your other-ness, that you are a whole new person existing right here in front of me. God made you just for us, your Daddy and me, and I’m so excited to meet the rest of you, the you you’ll grow up to become.
You’re turning ME into another person as well. When I saw the name “Mommy” on my first Mother’s Day card from you, my heart grew a few sizes. Mommy! That’s me! I know the years to come will be long and sometimes difficult, but somehow, and at the same time, fleeting and magical. We will grow together, Baby, you and me.
Oh my sweet potato, my crazy-man, my little buddy. I’m so glad you were born!
amanda c
jewellbird03 at gmail dot com
my extras:
• I subscribed to the blog
• I posted this entry at my own blog (with photos of my babe of course): amandacarver.blogspot.com
• I “liked” the post, though didn’t see anything happen on FB, oh well.
• I already receive the newsletter
• I added the “I’m Glad You Were Born” link/image to my blog post!
Jack (born 4-29-11),
My grandmother once told me that with every new baby, God creates more room in our hearts to love. What she didn’t say was that each baby would bring his own gifts and reason for gratitude. You were born into a packaged deal, an older sister and brother eagerly awaiting your arrival. Most assumed that with two children our family was sufficient, but they hadn’t met you yet and could not see the gifts you would bring.
After I give birth, I have a tendency to shake – violently. When your siblings were born, your father made quick trips between me and each baby, not wanting to leave my side for long. But with you, the tremors held off for a while. I was able to witness your father cut the umbilical cord and hold you for the first time; taking videos as the nurse examined you, commenting on your tight grip; petitioning, again, for the name he thought would fit you best (he was right). Audrey made me a mother, shifting my priorities and opening untapped dreams. Nathan (born on the cusp of Christmas) drew us to bring our focus home, to seek and feel gratitude for the calm here, regardless of the whirlwind just outside the door. And you, Jack, gave me the gift of falling in love with your dad falling in love with you. You have already changed the world as we knew it, and we’re so glad you’re here.
I am so glad that you were born because you have taught me so much about the differences in this world. You are so unlike your brother. Each day as I watch you grow I am surprised at how unique you are. You have become my snowflake, the only one of its kind. Like a snowflake is different from every other snowflake, you are different from every other person. The way you approach the world is all your own and I know that you will succeed. Each day you surprise me with something new. You make me slow down and detour from the hectic chaos that life can become and notice those tiny little differences.
My life has become slower and more enriched since your birth. I admit that there are times I become overwhelmed with my responsibilities and the demands of everyday life, but when I hold you as you fall asleep it is all washed away. How can anyone feel anything but peace when holding a sleeping child? I have been given the honor to look at your gummy toothless grin and your vivid blue eyes and listen to that remarkably wonderful growl of a laugh every day. You are so full of life and I can’t wait to see who you will become! How did I get so lucky to be chosen as your mother? I am so glad that you were born!
Carrie Butcher
Dear child, I’m more aware of my shadow, it has taught me to step lightly. I have become accustomed to silence; when dreams float rampantly. I smile in the mirror when I see one reflecting back. From deep inside of me… I am so glad you were born, child! When you grow, you will reflect images I have not yet created. You will become a better me in a new age. I am so grateful for your design. My blood beats through your heart and will always carry my love. I love you, darling.
Momma Angela
To my angel baby in Heaven
I wanted you so badly. I was overjoyed when I found out about you. Soon after, I was heartbroken. I was powerless and I couldn’t help you. You were the most active one inside of me. I knew it was you telling me not to give up on you, and to remind me each day of how real and alive you were. I welcomed every kick because I knew it was my only time with you. The day you were born was the happiest and the saddest day of my life. I’ll never forget how perfect you looked. You never cried, you never squeezed my finger. Your heart had been so strong, but once you were delivered, you were just too tired. Those precious few minutes with you went too quickly, it never could have been enough time. You passed as peacefully as you came into the world. I’ll never forget you, and I will make sure that Molly knows about you, and how special you are. You were too beautiful for this world. I knew you had to be extra special for God to take you away from us so quickly. You were never really mine to keep; you belonged with our Heavenly Father. I know that I will see you again, and I will never feel completely whole until I do. I am so honored that you are a part of our eternal family. Keep watch over us, especially twin sister. You are our guardian angel. Mama loves you forever.
Jennifer Robertson
I am so glad you were born. You have taught me unconditional love and acceptance. You were not who I expected and you were not who I had hoped for. But what’s funny is, that everyday I realized I never could have hoped for someone as amazing as you.
There were many a night that I didn’t know how to soothe you, or make you eat and thrive, and there were many a night that I cried at the possibility that you may not make it. For every blood draw that I had to help hold you down for, for every surgery or sedation you underwent I knew there was something more, something bigger.
That’s the best part of special needs, the special part. The part that makes you one in a million, someone I never could have hoped for, or even imagined, much less expected. You made me the Mom I am, the mom who can fight a doctor for medicine and who can stay up for days straight because you’re screaming in pain. I’m the one who loves you for exactly who you are, no matter what. Mountains baby, you and I together are going to move mountains.
Your Mama
I am so glad you were born. You give me the strength to be the woman I always thought I could be. You have survived so much already and you have smiled through it all. You tell me every day how thankful and proud you are of me. You never take me for granted. You tell me to take time out of the day to play, to be curious, to discover, to learn. You believed me when I told you I would always take care of you after your father left us. You encouraged me to keep working to make a life for us. You have trusted me without doubt, even when I had no idea what to do next. You teach me what is important and what I can live without. Your faith leads me to stand up to bullies, to do what I am terrified of doing and to never EVER be less than YOU deserve.
You keep my world spinning. You don’t hold it against me when I clean your nose and make you cry. You listen to my woes and give sloppy kisses. You can see a fun time in an empty tupperware or a remote left to close to the edge on the sofa.
In all the mythology I see, Atlas is shown as a big strong man. In my life, my Atlas is an 18 pound girl with chubby thighs and a ton of baby hair spread in crazy patterns on the bed as she sleeps. She raised the sky in my life the day she was born.
I am glad you were born… no words could ever express how “glad” I am that you were born. When I found out I was pregnant with you I was not glad, I was not happy and I was not excited. The first time I was pregnant I was all of those things… but a miscarriage, and then another, and another and finally a fourth had jaded me and had convinced me you would never be. So when I found out I was pregnant again I was scared for what was to come, I was sad for all I had already lost but I tried to be hopeful for what you could be. That feels like a lifetime ago. A lifetime ago I was cheated out of the excitement of being pregnant with you. But when you were born all of that changed. With your birth sadness and tears faded away. Excitement and happiness were restored in me. The hopes and dreams I had carried with me through it all came true. I have a future to look forward to – yours. You are my son and no one can take that away. I am a different person since you were born and you are why I am who I am.
So am I glad you were born… absolutely. But the word glad will never be enough.
Dear Danica,
You are my Promise.
Soon after your father and I were married I was told that we wouldn’t be able to have children without help. We couldn’t afford the treatments and I became convinced that I would never be a mother.
As the years went by, I became despondent to the point of considering suicide. I was devastated by my lack of children. I gave up on life.
One day, I stumbled across the story of Abraham. Abraham was an old, childless man “as good as dead.” Yet, God said that if Abraham trusted Him and followed Him to a land that he’d never heard of then God would give him “descendants as numerous as the stars.” Abraham followed God and, as a result, became the father of all Israel!
I decided that if Abraham could trust God with his legacy then I could, too. From then on, I stopped worrying and weeping. I began to live again, content in the knowledge that God would give me children in His own time.
One year later, you arrived!
The years preceding your birth were so hard for me! It was my most difficult journey. Yet, it brought me an unexpected blessing- an unshakeable faith in the Lord.
You are a daily reminder of our Father’s love! God led Abraham to the Promised Land and He led me to you- my Promise, my Joy, my Legacy and my Love.
I love you. I am so glad that you were born!
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P.S. It was so hard to keep this under 250 words! LOL
This post is about my ‘grace-baby’ who will be arriving any day now. About a year before you were conceived, I experienced a rare type of miscarriage – right around the time when some of my best friends gave birth to beautiful, healthy babies. I walked through some deep waters and came to realize that there’s nothing that says that I deserved the children I realized I wanted. Then, when I discovered that you were on the way, I was nervous but hopeful. I have enjoyed carrying you – even during the morning sickness! – and feeling you move and grow. You are a precious gift, and I’ve been reminded of that every day over the past 9 months. Soon we will get to meet you in person, and begin the wonderful process of discovering your personality! I’m so glad for the opportunity to be your mom – it’s something I don’t deserve – and I’m looking forward to seeing where the years take you.
email: altoflutes at yahoo.com
To my amazing 5 year old –
I am unable to adequately express how happy I am that you were born. Because of you I am a mother. When you were born, you fulfilled the yearning I’d had since I was a child. The dream I’d been desperately chasing through “natural”, medicated, assisted, and adoption means. You showed up just when I needed you, an answer to a prayer. No, you, my amazing kid, were the answer to a million prayers.
I knew I would love you. I didn’t know that it would be overwhelming and all encompassing. I knew you would be awesome. I didn’t know you would be funny, and compassionate, and so very full of joy. Being your mother is sometimes hard. It is sometimes exhausting. It is sometimes infuriating. It is sometimes fun. It is sometimes hilarious. It is always a learning opportunity. And, most importantly, it is always a blessing.
I knew before you were born that you would have a substantial impact on not just us, but so many others around us. I knew you would be a blessing to others as well. And so you have. I can’t wait to see in what other ways you will continue to touch and bless those around us.
The choice your birth mother made to make me your mother is the one choice for which I will always be most grateful. The selflessness of that choice, affects me daily.
I love you.
I am so glad you were born, dear children. I delight in your charm and beauty and find a renewed sense of meaning for my life when we are together as a family of four. Though motherhood was not an original ambition I set for my life, each day I set a goal to be the best mom I can be for you two, which includes being emotionally and physically present for you receptive to how you show me love.
Son: I am thankful for our twenty one month relationship together. You light up my life and bring joy to our home.
Daughter: I am eagerly anticipating our life together, too. Three weeks is a short time to be your mother and thus I am giddy with the thought of being blessed by you for the rest of my life.
Bonus entries: I follow your blog, have your link on my blog, liked this post, and get your newsletter.
I forgot to add that I liked the blog post
I subscribe to the newsletter
and told my friends about this contest of FB
I tried to subscribe to the blog and it wouldn’t let me. My email address is merebagwell@hotmail.com.
Matthew, I am so glad you were born.
You were born on a stormy afternoon last July and boy oh boy your personality matches. Right now you are playing at my feet and staring at me, wondering what we are going to do next today. You see sweet boy, we weren’t sure if we would be able to have another baby. At 26 years old I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. At the time I had a 14 month old and even though we KNEW we had wanted more children, we believed that the surgery and chemotherapy would make that impossible. And yet here you are. I can’t believe almost a year has passed since that stormy afternoon. You are now talking and trying to move around. You inspire me everyday with your persistence to do things despite your physical challenges. You even try to keep up with your almost 4 year old brother and you are such a feisty boy. I never knew love really was till I had your older brother and you. You and your brother are my heart and soul walking around on this earth. Every night when I nurse you to sleep and cuddle your ever growing little self in my arms, my heart bursts with love.
I love my sons and I can’t believe there was ever a time that they weren’t with me. My life began when they were born.
I’m so glad you were born after years of waiting! The first time I saw you in the NICU with that curious look on your face trying to figure out what was going on I knew the wait was worth it! You have been the biggest lesson in love I have ever experienced. When I held you, and saw your vitals improve, you gave me a higher standard to live up to. My dedication to pump until you were strong enough to nurse taught me a new level of perseverance and sacrifice, for an extremely worthy cause. When I see you smile with that twinkle it is like a little glimpse of Heaven. There have been so many milestones we have encountered together and I celebrate each one as a treasured moment. You make me smile with your creativity. Watching you explore your world with so much innocence is intriguing. It challenges me to think about the preconceived ideas I have about life and what I want my legacy as a parent to be. Having you in my life adds a richness that can never be understood except through first-hand experience. When I hold you at night in preparation for bedtime, I feel like the hands and feet of Jesus listening to the slowing of your breath and the calm that comes over you. There is something more than perfect when you wrap those tiny arms around me. I’m so glad you were born so I can watch you grow!
Jolie, I am so glad you were born. Your daddy and I found out we were expecting you my first year in college. I had no plans for babies, only for a career in the fast paced life. Your arrival stunned me. I did not expect my path to change much once you were born; I thought I would just slip you into the grand scheme of my life…somewhere. But it took only minutes after your birth for me to realize that you WERE my life. Suddenly, being with you all the time was the only job I ever wanted. You taught me that true love is sacrificial, and that motherhood is the most joyful occupation there is. Years later, I watch you dance around the kitchen in your tutu and feel so blessed that I join you, and we twirl and laugh together. You and your brothers, Connor and Owen, are my greatest accomplishments, and I am so grateful that you altered the course of my life forever.
When you were born I was so young, barely a woman. Though my peers would lament their own pregnancies, I cherished you from the moment I knew of your existence. Your every movement brought me joy and I eagerly awaited your birth. I would love to say the day you were born was beautiful and perfect but it wasn’t. The immediate hours after your birth were terrifying. What I experienced was silence, followed by a frantic call for the Pediatrician. After what felt like an eternity a wall of doctors turned toward me and I expected them to tell me you had died. I had never been more scared in my life. They told me you had no left forearm or hand and that could mean you had abnormalities in your heart or elsewhere. Your Daddy held you and your bright blue eyes looked right into his. We knew at that moment your chosen name, Sapphire, was perfect. I was given you for a brief time to nurse before they took you away for more tests. You were amazing! You had gorgeous dark curls and the sweetest little nose. You nursed immediately as though we’d been together like this all along. We got the results later and were relieved to find out that aside from a little jaundice you were healthy. Since then you’ve grown into an amazing young woman. You’ve brought us such joy these past 15 years. I love being your mom! I’m so glad you were born!!
Oh Dustin,
I AM so glad you were born. I was just 14 when I got pregnant with you. A 14 year old lost soul, falling deeply into a dark world of drugs and alcohol. I didnt even love myself, much less the people around me. I was depressed and lonely all the time. Then you entered this world. Your birth was like a shock from the defibrillator when your heart stops beating. I held you in my arms for the first time and started crying. I was prepared for a hard life of working super hard to provide for you, but I wasn’t prepared to face my emotions. I had spent two years either feeling angry or nothing then suddenly BAM! I felt love, fear, compassion, responsible. Thanks to you I have learned how to give myself to others. Thanks to you all my demons from my past don’t matter. You gave me the opportunity to redeem myself; for that I will never let you down. You have been the number one light in my life. Even when I want to slip I just look at you. You give me all of the strength I need. You give me all the courage I need. Even when we are butting heads YOU are everything to me and I am so happy you were born.
You complete me. After 7 years, 3 miscarriages and a failed adoption, you were finally conceived through IVF. Now I know what took so long. We were waiting for you. Named after your much loved great grandmother who had as much spunk as you do. Your personality started showing through even before you made your official entry into this world. A whole week late because you wanted a big birthday party every year by being born on New Year’s Day. At 4 months, you have taught me so much about life and love. I enjoy each and every day and I am so glad you were born.
sage 7 months old.
not a day goes buy that i don’t think about how much i love you and how blessed i am to have you in my life. after being medically discharged from the air force and not know what i was going to do with my life i found out a month later that i was pregnant. your dad and i could hardly contain our selfs. we called our friends and our family and told them the good news. you blessed me the an easy pregnancy and was brought into this world on oct 14th 2010. all our friends came to see you and hold you. when we wake up in the morning you are a bunch of smiles. you make me want to get out of bed in the morning and bring a glow of joy to my life. i will never forget the time you smiled at me for the first time. when you learned your name and how you react when i make your bottle. you may be mall but you command the attention of any one around you. you are a star in the making and i just hope i can help you rise to the top.
love your mommy
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I’m so glad you were born. Life, if I could plan it myself, could not be more perfect right now. How can such a tiny miracle have such a big impact? Let’s start with your smile; and that cute little dimple on your left cheek that seems to be missing its pair on the right. That sweet little sing-song voice that can make anyone’s day. The way you hug a complete stranger, as scary as it sometimes may be for me, and add a little light to their day. The way you always put your shoes on the wrong feet. The way you pick up every little bug you find outside. The way you are so much like I was at that age. Every giggle, every “Tickle me!” every angry face, every tear; they all make my life whole. And while your spunky attitude sometimes gets the best of me, I hope your brother and sister are just like you. And I am so glad you all were born. I love you.
We waited almost 6 long years for you to join us. When i found out I was finally pregnant I was so scared that something was going to happen to you. I spent the next 9 months walking on eggshells and eliminating every toxin from the environment and my body–thank you so much for craving sugar and making me diabetic. =) And then you were here.
These last 18 months have absolutely flown by and I can’t imagine what they would have been like without you. You are such an independent and strong willed (ok, hard headed…I wonder where that comes from) little girl but that’s what I love most about you. I like that you have your own personality already and I try to let you express yourself as much as possible.
Most of all, I love when you randomly want a hug. And I love that when Dad comes home from work you greet him at the door like you haven’t seen him in days and he feels like a hero. And even when you are throwing your food all over the kitchen floor and laughing because only you think it’s funny, I still love you. And I’m glad you were born.
I’m so glad you were born – now there is no such thing as a bad day. When you wake up as I try to tiptoe out of the room, I am so glad you can hear. When you run the opposite way when I pull out a clean diaper, I am so glad you can see. When you call for me in the middle of the night just to be held, I am so glad you can touch. When you create art by smattering your food on the floor, I am so glad you can taste. When you say “pee-eww” when you take off your socks, I am so glad you can smell.
When I see you giving your dogs kisses, I am so glad you can love. When you splash me during bath time to see my surprise, I am so glad you can laugh. When I offer you vegetables and you vehemently shake your head no, I am so glad you can understand. When you want to be picked up and my arms are full, I am so glad you are patient. When you greet daddy at the door, I am so glad you miss him. When you try to get closer to that bird in the sky, I am so glad you can walk.
Because without all these seemingly trivial nuances, it would mean I’d be without you. Even when the days are long and life has its ups and downs, you are my constant. I’m so glad you were born. I am the luckiest person alive.
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Today as we happened upon the subject of old age, you declared to me in your sweet little voice, “I’m not old. I’m NEW.” Initially I giggled at the remark–but the more I thought about it, the more I realized what a poignant statement you had just made. You see, you ARE new. Almost 4 years new. And I can’t even begin to tell you how much you’ve changed and beautified my world since that radiant summer day when God sent you to me. The day you made me a mommy I too got to see with new eyes a life abounding in wonder. As if I were a child again, I too get to experience the joy of a fresh dandelion, a twirly tutu, ice cream sprinkles, a splash in the fountain.
When you arrived I remember gazing out the hospital window, cradling a tiny you close and tearing up when I looked at the great big world that lie out there, just waiting for you to experience. And now, nearly yet only 4 years later, you have come so far and shown me so much. You have opened my eyes to the deepest depths of love, reminded me that life is not about me, and taught me to savor the moment. But most importantly, you have given me the precious gift of motherhood. Thank you, sweet daughter. Thank you for bringing NEW into my life–you have changed me forever. I’m so very glad you were born.
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To Henry at 6 weeks old:
I’ll admit, I was nervous about you. My little Sprout. My Baby #2. As you grew inside me for all those months, I knew I loved you. But, I was always a bit unsure. Would I love you as much as your older sister? Would my heart be big enough to love two children? I just didn’t know if it would be possible. But from the minute you were born, and your Dad announced, “It’s a boy!” and I looked at you as you lay on my chest for that one quick second before they stole you away, I knew. I knew I had nothing to worry about. I was like Grinch. The first time I saw your face, my heart grew five sizes. And in an instant my love for both you and your sister was greater than I ever thought possible. There you were…my perfect, beautiful baby boy. And now, six weeks later, I laugh at my fears. They seem ridiculous. How silly I was to doubt my love for you. I love you, my son, more than you’ll probably ever know. I love being a mother of two. I cannot imagine our lives without you. I am so incredibly glad that you were born.
I wrote this huge long response to my 4 children, pushed send and it deleted it:( To my 4 amazing kiddos I love all if you so very much and am so blessed to have each of you in my life. You all have shown me what unconditional love is and I can not imagine my life with out you all in it. Belle~ you are beautiful, smart, kind and whitty. Brie~ You are the sweetest child I know. You care for others in a way I envy and we love having you as a part of our family. Nico~ our only son, who we prayed for so long to have. Daddy and I love you so much, you are so intelligent and fun to have in this family. You keep us on our toes and we love every minute we get to spend with you. And to my last baby, Noelle~ I didn’t know how much this family needed you til you were born. Now that you are here I can not imagine life without you in it. every since the day I held you in my arms I knew how special you were going to be and you have done nothing but make daddy and I so proud! We love all of you so much!
I’m so glad you were born because the world needs more women like you. You’re a fearless leader. You forgive quickly. You are not afraid of heights, bees, or snakes. Where there is music, you will dance and sing. Wearing your bathing suit is cause for celebration. You understand that a loved one’s kiss can heal wounds. You’re not afraid to be the loudest one at the party. You hug your friends when they cry, and join them when they laugh. You can, and often do, laugh at yourself. You think broad daylight and nudity mix well. You get up quickly after falling. You are not afraid to try again if you fail the first time. Your deep belly laugh makes a smile appear on the grumpiest of faces. You like broccoli. You eradicated all fears I had about what kind of mom I would be.
In the 19 months your soft, round, warm little body has graced my world, you’ve allowed me to be the woman I had spent 32 years trying to become. That such a petite little girl can so fundamentally change my worldview leaves me with no doubts that your mark on this world will extend beyond me and your dad and the dog and cat you love to chase. I’ll always be proud to be your mommy, pumpkin. Now go get ‘em, girl.
cmproulx2002 at yahoo dot com
My sweet boy. You are the one who made me a Mommy, who showed me who I really am, and who made my dreams come true. You are the one who opened my eyes to the person I want to be, so I can be a better person, just for you. The one who brings sunshine to my world every morning by just waking up in it. You are spark and fire, sweetness and love, and every day is wonderful because I share it with you.
Baby girl. You are my hope. We decided to have a second baby because your Grandpa had cancer, and we wanted him to have as much time with as many of his grandchildren as possible. We were all so devastated when he died six weeks before you were born. And when you finally made your appearance, on what would have been his 64th birthday, it was a mix of emotions. But every day you have proven to be my little miracle; the one who made it impossible to stay in grief, because you brought us such joy. You are such a wonderful gift…my proof that life goes on, and that the world can still spare some kindness to a grieving daughter by rescuing her with a daughter of her own. You are serenity and laughter, wishes and shooting stars, and the world is a better place because you are here.
I am so lucky, because I have you. I love you both so much, and I am oh so very glad you were born.
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To my daughter: I’m so glad you were born because it was the day that my heart was most full. It wasn’t until you were born that I understood the love, pain, and sacrifice that a mother is willing to give for her child without a moment’s thought about it. It wasn’t until you were born that I finally understood my mother’s love for me.
I always knew that my mother loved me more than words could describe, but it wasn’t until you were born that I truly KNEW how much she loved me. I’ve learned the pain my mother must have went through the first time she heard me cry – if only because she wanted MY pain to go away. I’ve learned the joy my mother felt the first time I smiled at her – if only because it showed her that I trusted her. I’ve learned the breathlessness that my mother felt the first time I took a step – if only because she realized that I was growing up. I’ve learned the sacrifice that my mother made in never buying anything for herself – if only because she wanted to give something to me. And, I can only imagine how my mother felt the day she and my father gave me away to be married – if only because she knew I didn’t need her as much anymore even though I needed her more then than ever.
I love you with all that I am – one day you will really know.
In January 2007 I became a mother for the first time. In May 2009 I became a mom of two. You girls are my world. You have taught me how to smile, and laugh and enjoy life. You have shown me how beautiful a dandelion could be and have sparked a love for life in me that I don’t remember having. Every day you both bring a joy to my life, a meaning and purpose. You two girls; who laugh and play and sing and dance like there’s no tomorrow have shown me to live each day like it’s the last and love with every ounce of my soul. I couldn’t imagine surviving deployments without my crazy beautiful daughters climbing into my bed to snuggle, you Becka telling me to “please don’t cry mommy, I love you” when days get rough. I love you both, from the very depths of my being.
You both know the meaning of live, laugh, and love. You make me be a better person and mother. You’ve shown me what it means to cry for joy and have shown me how something so simple like walking, and waving, and laughing can be some of the best things in the world. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things I took for granted long ago; like the birds and the trees and dragonflies and a handshake.
Thank you both for being here. I am so glad you both were born.
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We could have not had you. We almost didn’t. Before you, I was pregnant but had to say goodbye too soon. My miscarriage left me empty and angry. For months, I questioned God and His plan. I was so hurt and I didn’t want to feel anymore. I tried to become cold and hard so that I would be unaffected by the loss of my baby.
On Mother’s Day, your Daddy wanted to celebrate me being a mother. But I didn’t look like a mother. I couldn’t stand with the ladies at Church proclaiming motherhood and all its glory. I had no baby my arms or my tummy. But then I received a gift from your Nana from my angel baby. It was beautiful flowers, a lovely necklace and note. “To the best Mommy in the whole world. I love you and can’t wait to meet you in Heaven. God knows what He is doing. Love, your Angel Baby.”
God did know what He was doing. I know this because 6 weeks later I found out I was pregnant with you. You see if that baby had been born I would not have had you. You were conceived the very month that my angel baby would have been born. And I am so glad YOU were born!
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To my little son,
I am so glad you were born. There is a deep well of love and patience within me that I never knew existed until you arrived to shove aside the cover. You have taught me how much I can love, how to see, how to listen, how to watch. I am a better person than I ever though I would be, and it’s all because of you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Ugh! I forgot my email! It’s tvpg at aol dot com
You are my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. I was only 17 when I had you but I wanted you before I was even pregnant. You helped me grow up. Because of you, I finished HS AND college! Every decision, every choice I have made has been for you. Some didn’t turn out the way I thought they would but we both grew from those mistakes. I have watched you grow from a tiny helpless infant, to a rambunctious toddler, to a inquisitive child, to a defiant teenager and now into a gorgeous, responsible young man. You took it in stride when your sister was born when you were 14. Most teenagers would have wanted nothing to do with a baby sister at that age but not you. You love playing with her and being a big brother – even 3 years later. I am so proud of the way you interact with her – even when you fight! That has got to be the one of the funniest things I have ever seen! 🙂 Now here you are not only on the cusp of going out into the world and making your own path but also becoming a daddy yourself. The timing certainly sucks but you are going to make an awesome DAD! WOW! I’m going to be a grandma! I’m still getting used to that! I love you always and forever!
Just a side note, he will be graduating from HS in 3 wks and the above will be going into his graduation card! My baby is all grown up!
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Lydia Jane,
I’ll admit I was overwhelmed when two little pink lines stared up at me that Saturday morning, but you have been God’s greatest surprise in my life. Of course, you are your mother’s daughter and wanted to make an entrance, so you showed up a month early when your dad was out of town. That’s my girl, keeping things exciting. But don’t worry; your dad wouldn’t have missed it for the world. He made it to your arrival with fifteen minutes to spare.
The day you were born is imprinted in my heart. It is my fondest memory and my greatest adventure: The pain, the sweat, the fear, the unexpectedness of it. Giving birth to you was the most physically painful, the most empowering, and the most rewarding thing I have ever done. It was the first of many journeys together and I wouldn’t trade it or a single day with you for anything in the world.
Every day you are learning something new and I love witnessing your every accomplishment and discovery. I am so blessed to be your mom. When you curl up contently in my arms I sometimes wish you would stay this way forever. Someday, when you look down at a baby of your own and feel the world’s weight in love as you whisper ‘I’m so glad you were born’, you can delight in knowing that I feel the same way about you.
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Posted to my blog. Here’s the link http://humorgrains.blogspot.com/2011/05/my-first-mothers-day.html
To my first born son,
I’m so glad you were born! You have changed my life in more ways than you will ever know. Before you I was self centered and selfish. After you were placed in my arms nothing else mattered. You made me a mother. And as I help mold you into a strong young man you have helped mold me into the mother I am today. Dearest Jakob, there isn’t one thing I would change. I love you.
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Baby Girl,
I’ve known I wanted to be a mother since I can remember. Other kids wanted to be astronauts or firemen; I wanted to be a mom. Your dad wasn’t as sure. I (mostly) patiently waited for him to be ready, and when he turned to me one day and said he was ready to start trying, I knew my world was going to change forever.
However, I wasn’t prepared for the way it would change. When we got pregnant I had never been so excited about anything in my life. But when your brother passed away at 20 weeks, I was completely gutted. After months of testing, I had surgery to correct an incompetent cervix. Afterward, I was so scared. Had I made the right decision? What if my bionic cervix failed? What if the diagnosis was wrong and we still lost the next baby? What if there was no next baby?
Soon after surgery, I found out I was pregnant again. I tried to hold back my excitement, but couldn’t. I loved you right away, though I was beyond terrified that something would happen. Thankfully my pregnancy with you has been a breeze. You literally saved me, baby girl. You are the rainbow after the storm. You are my pure joy when I was sure I’d never be completely happy again. You are so wanted, so very loved. I am cherishing every moment of this pregnancy – though I cannot wait to hold you in my arms.
I love you beyond words and you’re not even here yet. I can’t imagine how my heart will feel when you actually arrive.
Love, Mama
largirl at yahoo dot com
To my 3 month old daughter, Betty,
They told me pregnancy would hard, but they didn’t tell me I would have preterm labor and worry about you being born too early.
They told me when you were born you would be blue all over and have a funny shaped head, but they didn’t tell me about your dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and rose red lips.
They told me to expect many sleepless nights, but they didn’t tell me I would wake up while you were sleeping and gaze in wonder and thanksgiving at your sweet innocence.
They told me your nails would be hard to trim, but they didn’t tell me I would cut your thumb on the first try and we would cry together.
They told me there would be lots of laundry, but they didn’t tell me how you would lay on the bed and coo at me while I folded it.
They told me your first smile would melt my heart, but they didn’t tell me about the very serious face you make first as though you are looking into my soul.
They could tell me what it was like to have a baby, but they couldn’t tell me what it was like to be chosen to be your mommy.
Betty, I’m so glad you were born!
Jutta Pearce – juttaGeisele@hotmail.com
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Being your mom has changed my life. Who knew that a tiny little baby could have that kind of influence? I’ve discovered how strong I can be because of the experience of your birth (and the fact that it didn’t go as I’d planned); I’ve discovered the direction I want to take with my life because of the experience (and trials) of breastfeeding you; I’ve learned to really indulge in and experience every second of your life because I see how quickly it passes and things change. You taught me how to be me, something I was searching for.
I’m so glad you were born! My baby, Joshua, has been quite the little challenge since joining the family 9 weeks ago. He’s had hospital stays, doctor visits, trouble with feedings, but he’s been so worth it. He is so very loved!
When you were born, I did not realize how much fun you would be. I thought of all the clean-ups and all the hard work that goes into a newborn, already having 2 little ones under my feet. I was worried about how you would receive all the foods we would eventually feed you, with allergies in the family. I was concerned that the other 2 kiddies in the house would be very jealous. I was fearful that you would get lost in the shuffle.
It turns out I had nothing to be worried or concerned or fearful about. You were you. And you fit right into our family. I do not even recall all the clean-ups and hard work. You are a perfect little eater, wanting to eat everything in sight. Your brother and sister’s jealousy only made them love you more; you received immense amounts of love. And my fear of you getting lost in the shuffle went out the window when your personality appeared! You have this way of directing our attention towards you! You make us laugh and make us shake our heads in amazement all day long. I love watching you experience new things and your determination is unbeatable. Our family of 5 would not be the same without you. I am so glad we get to have all this fun with you EE (Elias)!!! Love Mom!
For my son,
That day, alone in the bathroom, when I first found out you were going to be joining us in 8 short months, so many emotions flooded me at once. I was overjoyed and scared to death about the huge responsibilities that come with a baby. I was unsure of how this baby fit into our lives, and doubtful of what kind of mother I would be. Would I have what it takes and be able to give my baby everything he or she needed? Up until you were born, I never had answers to any of these questions. Then I saw you for the first time and held you in my arms. At that moment, although my fears were still there, they seemed so insignificant. My apprehension was gone and replaced by pure love. Nothing else mattered except the way you held my finger so tightly and the way your beautiful blue eyes held my gaze for what seemed like forever. In the short 7 months we have been blessed by you, you have shown me how to be so many things that I wasn’t before. You have shown me how to be patient, taught me the meaning of selflessness and how to give my all to another person. Most importantly you gave me the greatest thing in the world. You gave me the chance to be your mother and I am so glad you were born.
Dearest Eliana.
I’m so glad you were born.
Long before you were born you were loved and prayed for. While you are the first born in our family you are not the oldest child. You have an older sibling that is hanging out in heaven with Jesus. This left us longing to have a baby, but I never could have expected just how special you would be. We were so excited when we found out that you were on your way, and scared. We prayed for you every day, to be healthy, happy and for the day we would get to hold you and hug you. We knew you were a blessing and an answer to prayer; your name means “God has answered me” as a testimony to all those prayers being answered the day you were born.
You are more beautiful and precious than I could have imagined. Every day you show me something new and make me look at life as something to discover and usually some trouble to get in to. I love watching you smile sheepishly at strangers showing them just how sweet you are, and knowing the second I let you down your adventures will begin. As we near your first birthday I look forward to seeing the woman you’re going to become and seeing how much you change me along the way.
Love Always,
My 3 sons,
I’m honored and humbled that God would grant my greatest desire of becoming a mother, not just once, but three times. Honored that God would trust me enough to lend me 3 precious boys to call me Mommy. You have each brought me great joy from the moment I knew you were growing inside me. I fell deeply in love with you at first sight. Your sweet faces etched in my memories forever. You continue to amaze me with each passing milestone, as you grow bigger, stronger, smarter and learn all that the world has to offer you. Everyday I pray that I will remember the blessing that you are and that I will be the best Mommy I can be for you. Thank you for being my sons and making me a mother. I’m so glad you were born!
With Love – Mommy
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‘I had a dream a few months before conception that I was breastfeeding a baby girl named Harper. I started crying uncontrollably. My mom and grandma were there and asked me why. I held Harper tightly and replied, “When I wake up, there will be no baby.” I woke up right after that, looked around the room and started crying. It felt so real. I wanted to feel in real life what I had felt in the dream: pure love. This is something I wanted. Something I felt in the bottom of my heart that I would be cut out for: being a mother. ‘ I was writing this in my journal with tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart. After I finished the entry, I had to walk into the cool breeze to catch myself from crying. I couldn’t believe the honest pain I was feeling thinking we might never conceive. I am SO glad you are going to be born, baby, so I can hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me, to us…to the world. We already love you unconditionally and always will.
Arianna Percha
Dearest Augusten,
You are my hero. From the minute I learned you were coming, you have completely changed my life, and I have never been happier. You are almost 11 months old now, and you have brought me more joy than I could have ever imagined; words cannot adequately express how elated I am to be your mommy. You are the most perfect little boy. Even when you are being mischievous, you flash that sweet little smile and everything is right with the world. No matter how stressed I am, as soon as you are in my arms, giving me a great big hug, all of the stress melts away and it feels like I can breathe again. You gave me the strength to leave an awful relationship to protect you. My move to protect you has saved me. You will always be Mommy’s Hero, and I am so proud of you.
Over two years ago now
when I first became Mom
just a little bit early
little man named Ivan
A year after that
I said my goodbyes
to Ann Taylor and Coach
but I never looked twice
Staying home with my son
is the best job ever
with the help of his Dad
I’ll do it forever
Just three months from now
we’ll do it again
bring more life in this world
for Ivan a new friend
In this world we’ve been blessed
with great family and friends
life renewing itself
Our blessings never end
To My LJ,
I am so glad you were born. You are a gift from God. Mommy and Daddy were so happy to learn that we were going to be parents and we couldn’t wait to meet you. When my eyes met yours for the first time I knew you were special for our family. You are the eldest son, just like your Granpa.You may never meet your Granpa (except one day in Heaven), but every time I look at you, I get to see him once again. He is alive in you and I know he is always with us. You have been such a blessing to this family and we all are reminded of that blessing daily.
Luke, oh my darling boy, I’m so glad that you were born. You made me a mother after a long time of hoping, after the pain of loss and the stress of the challenges we faced. The moment you were placed in my arms, I knew that I had everything I ever needed. I can hardly say what you mean to me, there aren’t words enough. Nothing I dreamed of during those difficult times comes close to joy of you. I don’t know another child as full of life and spirit and laughter as you. I am so very, very glad that you were born!
Sweet baby Grant, I’m so glad that you were born! But more than that, I’m so glad that you have thrived. You unexpectedly spent two weeks in the NICU and have faced more than your fair share of challenges in your first year. There were moments of intense fear, but thankfully there have been more perfect moments of relief and happiness. Through it all, you have been so perfectly you, so cheerful, so disarming, and so dear to my heart. I am filled to bursting every time I see you smile. I treasure the sleepy, quiet, dreamy moments when I nurse and rock you to sleep. I am so proud of your progress and your determination and I cannot wait to see where you go in life. You are my joy. And I’m so endlessly glad that you were born.
I was never one of those people who wished for twins. As a matter of fact, when a friend of mine discovered her baby #2 was actually baby #2 AND 3, I secretly thank God it was her and not me. It’s not that I don’t love babies, because I do! All I ever wanted was to get married, have kids, and stay home raising them. I just wanted each of my children to feel special and to give them my unconditional love, focus, and attention as much as humanly possible their first year. That is why I didn’t even want to get pregnant with baby number 2 until my first daughter was at least a year old.
Not too long after Emily turned one we found out we were pregnant again. I ticked off the months in my head and was overjoyed to discover that Emily would be just over 2 years old when her new brother or sister would be born. Exactly the right amount of time- so perfect in fact that I decided that baby number 3 should come following the exact same spacing. I would have 2 years between each child and I would be able to devote myself to each baby fully.
And it was at our 20 week ultrasound that we discovered we were having twins- twin girls to be exact. I can’t put into words exactly how I felt. It wasn’t shocked, and while I was surprised, I somehow wasn’t. There aren’t twins in our family so I should have been, but you know that feeling you get when you find out you are pregnant? How it somehow just feels like you found a missing piece of your life that you didn’t know you was missing? Imagine that times two. It just felt right. And while I worried about how I would be able to give each infant the attention and devotion they needed, it all just felt right- like we were finally complete.
And when I delivered my girls at 38 weeks, we WERE complete. Had someone told me a few years earlier that I would have three girls under three, I would have laughed. Yet here I am, a mother to a beautiful 3 year old and amazing 1 year old twins. I thank God everyday for my girls and for having more faith in my mothering abilities then I do! We are so incredibly blessed to have ALL of our girls. God is good.
It’s been 16 months since you first entered my life and I am so glad you were born. Before you arrived, I was searching for a purpose in life, and I know now that my purpose was to be your mommy. Every morning when you wake, I am greeted with a big hug and a smile; it melts my heart and makes me realize how lucky I am to have you.
It saddens me when I look back at pictures of you and realize how much you’ve grown in just a short time. You’ll still always be my baby, but you’ll never be a little baby anymore. You’re a toddler now, and I’m slowly realizing that you’re becoming more and more independent with each passing day.
Eventually, you’ll grow up and move on to a life of your own. I hope that your father and I will have instilled in you the values necessary to lead a happy and successful life. For now though, I’m just enjoying the rambunctious toddler that you are while watching you tear apart the living room and climb on all the furniture. Throughout all this though, I’m showering you with kisses and hugs while you’re still too young to think that it’s embarrassing. I love you, Owen, and I’m so glad you were born!
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My sweet Merit Claire –
I’m so glad you were born! One year ago last week, I was huffing and puffing and hoping to hold you in my arms at last. I baked a cake while I was in labor with you, to help pass the time. 19 hours later you finally popped into the world and glory gracious I was GLAD that you were born! Whew! We will celebrate your first year this weekend and we will be eating the same kind of cake – funfetti – yum.
I am glad that you were born when I hear you jabbering in your funny language. I am glad that you were born when you wake up with sleep lines on your face and reach for me all dimples and smiles. I am glad that you were born when I watch you play with your daddy and hold his finger while you walk. You’re getting so skilled and brave!
I am glad–so glad–almost every hour of the day. I am incredibly blessed to be your mother.
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Another year has come and gone where I spent Sunday wishing my countless mommy friends and family a happy day. With each wish I passed out, another one was constantly in the back of my mind. I’m not the kind of girl that spent my whole life dreaming about what my wedding would be like. In fact, when we got married, I was more concerned about making sure everyone else was happy than having it perfect for me. The one thing I have always dreamt of and want more than anything is to know how it feels to be your Mommy. With each month that passes, I fight off all the confusing ups and downs of doing everything I can to bring you into this world. It’s only then that I realize that it’s not up to me. Everyday, I pray for patience, understanding, hope, but most of all, I pray for you. Our lives have already been changed by you. We bought a house and a car, our friends have already showered us with gifts, and I’m getting all the practice that I can. The only thing missing is you. I’m sure you’ll never know how much I mean this, and I’m not sure that I know yet, but it is with tearful eyes that I think about how full my heart and words will be when I can finally say, “I’m so glad you were born.”
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My Sweet Boy,
Your dad and I married later in life than average, and had a good idea of what imperfect people we were. Though we wanted children, we feared the harm we could do, and so put it off – and may have continued putting it off, but God intervened. Whenever a child is born, we believe it is because God is sustaining creation and at work redeeming it. So when he gave you to us, we knew we had received incredible grace from him – grace unsought and certainly undeserved. You are turning out to be such a wonderful gift: so handsome, smart, strong, and good. We marvel each day in each of your smiles, as you learn to reach out your arms to us, to babble to us, to eat from a spoon, to roll, to sleep through the night. We pray for you to be protected from harm, and for us to have wisdom and grace in rearing you. But most of all, we love you so.
Your Loving Mama
My deepest heart’s desire has been to be a mom. I went to college and worked full-time knowing that someday I would, without hesitation, turn in my resignation to be home with you. It was your dad’s and my choice to do without luxuries in order for me to stay home full-time. How I cherish each day with you, and then your sister too. We obeyed God’s calling for your dad to go back to school full-time; which meant I had to work outside the home again. Amazingly, God has allowed us to work our schedules so that dad or I are always home with you. And then, another sister was born. I trusted that God had a purpose for #3 growing up with me working instead of being home full-time. He did (and still does), because only 14 months later we joyfully welcomed yet another sister to our family. Number 4, you were God’s extra blessing to our family. I am so glad that each of you were born. God has blessed me beyond measure. My cup truly runs over with joy because of each of you!
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My dearest Molly:
When you came into this world you had a smile upon your face. And throughout that year I savored every moment with you. I delighted in loving you and my love for you grew more and more every second of everyday. You were always happy and when you cried all it took was a soothing hand to calm you down. It was such a wondrous time. It was so amazing watching you grow. We loved watching you learn how to walk and run, and do all the other things children learn to do. But we never heard you talk. We waited and waited, but nothing ever came out. I longed to hear you say mama just once. But I never did. And then when you were about 2 and a half the smiles and happiness went away, too. We didn’t know what to give you. We didn’t know what you needed. And so, we decided it was time to take you to the doctors. And what we were told was something I already knew in my heart-you were autistic. You immediately started getting what you needed most of all-help. It was so hard watching you struggle in a world that you couldn’t grasp. But here we are a year later and this journey with you has been amazing. No words can express how blessed we have been being able to hold your hand, as you sift through the vines of life, to find your own path. The world may not understand you, but you will still conquer it. I love you my darling child. You are love at its grandest and beauty at its finest. You are that ray of sunshine that creeps through the window on a cold and rainy day. And I’ve come to realize that, all this time we thought you were the one who needed to be taught, when actually you were the one teaching us. You have taught us so many things, Molly. But the most important thing you have taught us is that love is not complex, and it is not conditional. It’s simply that soft little hand in mine or that sweet kiss on my cheek. It’s finally hearing “Mommy” for the first time. It’s all the reasons that make me so glad that you were born.
I’m so glad you boys were born,
You make everyday of my life worth it. Looking back on all my years before children I can’t find one moment that is any more special than every moment I spend with you. When your father and I met and realized were were ment for each other he was heartbroken when he told me that we would never have children. He had made the choice before he knew I existed to have a vasectomy because he never thought he would meet someone he could love as much as he loved me. I cried and was so very depressed because being a mom was the one thing I always counted on doing. I might have this job, I might have that one, but I WOULD be a mommy!
The best and also one of the most scary days of my life came when I discovered I was pregnant with you, Aiden. We were given a miracle! The day you came into this world I felt love like I’ve never known. You grew up so quickly and so happy. You have so much love in your heart for everyone and everything, and you just do not see wrong in anyone. Watching you walk out the door everyday to catch your bus to school makes me so proud of how grown up you are.
Almost 3 years later we were blessed again! Colin came screaming into this world very much a fighter. Bright eyes looking around and questioning everything! You have taught me so much patience! You take everything in your life head on and without fear or hesitation, something I have always strived to do myself but often failed.
So here I sit Aiden almost 6 and Colin just past 3 and now a new life is almost upon us. Ash you will be born sometime around September! I don’t know your personality yet, but from your tiny kicks and movements I imagine you will be calm and thoughtful. I imagine you having the same eyes your brothers have, which they stole from your daddy, deep chocolate brown. We have speculated that maybe you will be the first to appear with red hair just like daddy’s as well. However you look or act, just know that you will complete our family and you will complete ME.
I love all my beautiful boys with all my heart, I cannot imagine a day without all of you!
Im glad you were born.
Novali, I waited for you a long time, every month was a dissapointment for me when I discovered i wasn’t pregnant. I wondered if I would ever get to be a mommy. Then a few days after christmas 2006 I took a test and there it was! I was pregnant and for the first time I had something special and amazing inside of me. Your daddy and I were so exited! Every moment of my pregnancy was a moment i cherished, yes even morning sickness. It was quite laughable actually when i called your grandma one morning in between throwing up breakfast just to share my enthusiasm that I had morning sickness. Who does that? I still remember when I first felt that little fluttering inside of me. There is nothing like it in the whole world! I would lay my hand on my ever expanding belly and close my eyes as I pictured your sweet face. Your due date came and went and I wondered if I would be pregnant forever! then on a sunday morning as I walked around the temple grounds with your daddy, grandpa, and nephews I felt something different. something strong and real. At home I rested between surges and they became stronger and stronger. After they intensified in the bath tub your father and I decided it was time to go to the hospital. You were born at 5:30 am on september the third. when they laid you on my chest you reached your little hand up and touched my face. Oh what a moment! 8lbs 60z and beautiful as could be! Since then we have added a little brother to our family and the two of you seem to really love each other. I love being a mommy to each of you but I will never forget that you made me a mom. You changed my life more profoundly than anyone ever has. Im glad you were born and every day you continue to fill me with wonder and love as you share your sweet personality with me. I will always love you and your little brother from the bottom of my bones! You are my precious daughter!
We wanted a baby. We were told it wouldnt happen without alot of treatment and help. I was 21 years old and I wanted you more than anything. We decided to give it a year. If I didnt get pregnant, we would get help. We prayed, we tried, we prayed, tried. 4 months later. I got those amazing two pink lines on the test. I sobbed. I was going to have a baby. 9 months later, the most perfect little boy was born. I will never forget looking at your sweet little face for the first time and your dad and I burst into tears. You are our blessing and our joy. We will forever be thankful that you came into our lives. We are in awe daily at the things your learn and do. You are an amazing gift that we will forever for grateful for. I am oddly glad that the doctors said what they said. We might now have appreciated the miracle that we received as much. When someone says you cant do something, sometimes that makes you want that something even more. That was the case with you. When told there was a possibility that you wouldnt exist, we tried and prayed that much harder, and here you are today. You were meant to be and you will forever be loved.
To my Jeremiah: After two miscarriages we found out we were pregnant again. Oh the joy your daddy and I had when we found out! I was sick, but it was all worth it. I remember the first time I felt you move-what a wonderful feeling. I loved being pregnant, but was ready to hold my baby! Then, 2 1/2 weeks before you were due you decided it was time to make your entrance. It was a fairly quick labor and then you were there in my arms. I cried and just held and kissed you. What joy you have brought to my life. I love you!!
To my Joshua: I suffered another miscarriage after your brother was born and it took a while to get pregnant with you. Once we found out I was pregnant we were cautious and did what we could to make sure everything was going to be ok. We were so excited! I enjoyed being pregnant with you and loved feeling you move. You came 6 days early and you were a big boy!! I love you and am so glad you were born!!
Jamey Wilson
I’m So Glad You Were Born
On the day you were born, my world became new
My hopes and my dreams all were centered toward you
When the nurse placed you in my damp, shaky hands
Our hearts beat together just as I had planned
Your soft skin, so delicate, pressed against mine
A love I’d never known, so true and divine
The bright lights, they scared you, you started to cry
And without delay, a tear fell from my eye
The nurses assured me that you were okay
But I felt so helpless that very first day
Your daddy took you and held you very close
Your cries stopped as he tickled your tiny toes
My tears began to dry as I turned and smiled
God blessed me beyond measure with you, my child
I’m so glad you were born, you are my whole world
My Lola, I love you, my sweet baby girl
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After 3 years of every treatment plus multiple surgeries, I’d just about given up. Each surgery uncovered something new that explained why the previous treatments hadn’t worked. My daily pain was getting too great, and the surgeries to clean me up were getting too close together. I could no longer work, and spent most days writhing in pain.
I found a specialist I thought was solution to all my problems. He was familiar with the rare condition of scar tissue growing inside my uterus. He also knew about PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis… I thought I’d have him clean me up try drilling my ovaries so we could POSSIBLY ovulate naturally and try that way. I couldn’t bare anymore fertility treatments.
Just 2 days before mothers day 2 years ago, I met him. Instead of agreeing to what I wanted, he told me very bluntly that I should give up and have a hysterectomy.
Even my husband told me I should consider it, saying my quality of life was more important. I thought with a heavy heart and ALMOST went through with it, but knew deep down I had to try once more. So with teary eyes I met the doctor and convinced him of my plan. We had to sell our first house that we loved to pay out of pocket for the surgery.
2 cycles later I conceived…and this one stuck! Knowing you’ll be our only baby, there isn’t a DAY that goes by that I am not grateful for you Zoë!
I’m glad you both were born. I never thought I’d want children, as I spent so much of my teen years babysitting my nephews and nieces. After a lot of sour relationships, my mind had remained largely unchanged. However, when your father came along and swept me off my feet, that mood started to really change. After each of you was born, there was a distinct happiness in his eyes. You’ve allowed me to see him in new ways. You’ve also given me new sights into myself.
A little girl with my attitude (both good and bad). Already my quirky sense of color and style are showing up in you and you are only 2. A little boy that has a lot of my looks, so much that it’s like looking at my father. Your pout melts me and stops me from doing most everything; her toothless smile brightens my day. I can’t wait to see how your personality grows and shows itself. You both give me a new childhood as I get to see the wonder in things all over again. I hope to keep you both as goofy and silly for as long as possible; there’s plenty of time to be serious later.
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Henry I am glad you were born because you light up every moment of my life from snuggles in bed to raspberries with a mouth full of peas you have brought so much happiness to my life and it has only been 6months
Dear Claire,
There are things you aren’t supposed to say out loud. Like moms aren’t supposed to admit that they are scared about having a baby, how much they can love that baby, and whether or not they’ll be able to mother that baby. This is why when people ask me “How motherhood is?” they tend to be shocked by my response. I tell them, “It’s amazing. I love it, and honestly, I was afraid that I wouldn’t, but my little girl, I love her more than I ever knew I could.”
Claire, I’m so glad you were born because you’ve given me the opportunity to love someone more than I ever thought I could. When you smile and when I hold you, it doesn’t melt my heart; it reminds me that my heart is beating and that the greatest act in the world is to love. You have turned your daddy and me into a family, and our world feels a little more complete now that you are in it.
I love you, my sweet child.
You are both my life. Before you came along, mommy didnt know what to do with herself. You changed my entire outlook on the world. I was always afraid to open my heart to anyone because of how I grew up and the experiences I had as a child. But you changed me. You made me stronger and better. You gave me hope. You renewed my faith in God and in mankind. You two are the reason mommy is who she is today. You are the reasons that I fight for a better way of living for everyone. You are the reasons that I have changed the way I think about Everything. Those cold winter days 13 months apart from one another will always be the best 2 days on my life. I am beyond glad that you were born. You two are my life.
I am so happy to be a mommy of 2 boys and one on the way. My first boy died at 9 months old, tragically and it obviously changed my life. Now with my second child, I never take motherhood for granted and I thank God for allowing me to be a mother to another sweet child. I always felt a desire to have children but it was a struggle just to have one. We fought with infertility for nearly 2 years and then after 9 months of my boys sweet life, he left us. I have a new awareness of taking each day as a gift with my children. I try hard not to complain or become frustrated with the little things. My children’s life are precious and I am SO blessed to be their mommy!!
Heather W
For my little Abby:
Tiny fingers, tiny toes
Little itty, bitty clothes
Perfect smile on perfect lips
Sweet down to your fingertips
Beautiful big eyes that haven’t found their color
Love it when people say you look like your mother
My eyes swell when I think about
Years of waiting, doing without
Test after test after horrible test
Waiting and waiting for a simple “yes”
Heartbroken at what the doctors say
But knowing in my heart it would happen someday
Finally a faint, skinny, but very beautiful plus
Finally IVF worked for us!
Couldn’t wait to tell the world
Ecstatic to be having a girl
Love to snuggle, hold you close
Love to kiss your button nose
Don’t even mind the 3 am cries
Love to soothe with lullabies
Cute little dresses, sweet little grin
Kiss your belly again and again
Sweet little smile, fun little laugh
Coos and giggles while you splash in your bath
Big, pink bows on your little bald head adorn
Oh the many reasons I am glad you were born.
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Dear Honeygirl,
As a mom, I thought my role was to mold and shape you as a person. To teach you to love others and love God. Instead, I am realizing that it is me that is being molded and shaped, day after day. When we’ve had a frustrating day of butting heads, your ability to give me a big hug and kiss goodnight teaches me to forgive and forget. When you wake up the next morning chipper and ready for anything, you teach me that God’s mercies are new every morning. When you sing “Jesus Loves Me” in the middle of the store as only a two year old can, it teaches me not to put so much weight on what others think. When you excitedly thank me, without any prompting, for opening a can of play-doh , it teaches me to be thankful even for the little things in life. When you give your baby sister your blankie in an attempt to make her happy, it teaches me to care for others around me. And when you give your friend a hug, it reminds me how important it is to show our friends how much they mean to us. I’m so glad you were born and have shaped me into the person I am today. The lessons are far from over for both of us, but I’m glad God chose me to be your Mama, and that I have the pleasure of being taught by you.
Love, Mama
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I’m glad you were born because as your mom I get to witness the unique creature that is you develop, one of a kind, none other, special, mine.
Dear Evelyn,
Since you were born 4 months ago, you have deprived me of sleep every night, peed on me, pooped on me, spit up on me and you continuously drool over everything. Entertaining you and putting you down for naps is exhausting work. And, I just want to tell you – I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m so glad you were born! The way you smile at me first thing in the morning, so happy to see me, melts my heart and totally makes up for everything. I love how you prefer me to hold you over everyone else, it makes me feel very special. You are so adorable! I love watching you discover new things around you and stare at the most random things as if they are the most fascinating thing ever. I strive to be the best mommy for you just like my own mother was for me. You’ll never get to meet your grandma because she passed away from cancer 7 years ago, but she was an amazing thoughtful, funny, loving woman. I miss her a lot. But don’t worry, her spirit lives on through me and everyone that knew her. I finally understand the depth of a mother’s love. I can’t wait for the first time you say “Mama” and all the other ‘firsts’ in your life. You are the best thing that ever happened to me!
(aka Catherine Uvarov)
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I’m so glad you were born!!!
My oldest if 8 now… He has often heard the hard time his mother had giving birth to him… at his hefty 9lbs 13 oz.. He know’s how his mother then had a hard time trying to conceive again…once she decided she could go through it again. He then cried and begged and hoped and prayed that he could have a sibling! He prayed every night for a baby sister… it took 6 years (Almost to the day) and he FINALLY got his wish. His baby sister was finally born. He is the kindest, sweetest, big brother a mom could ever ask for!!!! I thank God every day for Blessing me with the chance to have these children and watch them grow!! What a blessing they are to me…. I can only hope that I am as big of a blessing to them!!!!
Dear Maura,
You weren’t slated to arrive for another month. We even pencilled in a c-section for May 25th in the event that I couldn’t birth you naturally due to the placenta. But when you decided to make your arrival just 5 days ago on May 2nd, you lit up our life. I’m glad you were born. You came into this world in quite a whirlwind. We’d expect no less from you. You are the first girl in several generations. I’m glad you could bring that joy to me, your daddy, and your grandparents. As we celebrate this Mothers Day, I can also say that I’ve been shown love by many of my mother friends. You’ve brought out the mother in them too as we’ve needed to be mothered too! I’m glad you were born to bring such joy to all of us at such a special time.
I’m glad you were born, so please come home soon! While CHOP is a nice place to be, there is no place like Mama’s arms!
Your Mama
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In my heart I had always feared that poor choices would keep me from becoming a mom, but God showed me just how faithful He is in His redemptive love. Instead of a struggle to conceive, He made my cup overflow. I am SO glad you were born Nathaniel and Nehemiah, you are my “double portion” where I thought there would be none. I am so thankful that He chose me to love, care for and enjoy the two of you as you grow into little Mighty Men of Valor. You have made your momma’s little heart proud in these last 7 months. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME, I LOVE YOU BECAUSE GOD GAVE YOU TWO TO ME, BECAUSE HE LOVES ME…I LOVE YOU. 🙂
“where there are two, there is LOVE in ABUNDANCE”
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Dear Carson,
I am so thankful you were born, because you made me the happiest Aunt in the entire world. You helped to fill the void I have of wanting a child. I have been so blessed to be able to spend the time with you. God has given me many opportunities though at times I thought it would be few. I hate that you have to live so far away from me, because I wish I could spend more time with you. You have shown me there is a way someone can love another person so much. You aren’t even my own child, but I love you as if you were. I am so happy you were born, because you made my sister so much happier. She loves you so much, and so do I. I love to look at pictures of you and hear you say words and short sentences like “See Cars.” You have proved to me I am ready to be a mom, and shown others I too. I love the fact that I just simply look at the picture of you on my phone, and I start to tear up. Your bright blue eyes and big smile make me wish I had a child of my own, but I know my time will come and for now I will just have to enjoy my time with you. I love weekends where I get to have you all to myself. I am so happy you were born to show me all of these things. I love you so much!
Aunt Lindsey
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In a very fast paced world, which I used to take part in, I have finally found peace. When my son came into my life I knew I was meant to stay home with him. My world shifted in almost every direction imaginable. When I look at him excelling in life, happy, healthy and free of modern day stresses I can breath deeply knowing I am doing what I am meant to do at this point in my life.
To Tyler: Son words can not express the love which I feel when I look into your eyes. I wish for you the best of everything this world holds and that one day you will feel the strength of love which you instill in me in your own child/children. I have become a better wife, friend, and mother because of your strength and presence in my life. Before you my life was mostly based on material items and often I felt angry at the world around me for unknown reasons that I could not see until you opened my eyes so wide. I love you and thank you for saving my life!!!
Brandi Mercille
brandidesign11 at yahoo.com
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This is for all of my daughters (I have four). I think so often how thankful I am that all of you were born. None of you were planned out in the typical way that many parents plan their children, but I know that God had each of you planned from the beginning of time. I love the fact that I was given four such beautiful gifts. When I see all of you (except Rose; she is only 3 months) playing together, I know that I have been given something truly special. Joy, you are such an amazing big sister, and already at 5 years old, such a big help to me. Your sweet smile never ceases to make me want to smile with you. Grace, you always make your Daddy and me laugh with your funny way of saying things. You are our little pixie and would be at home in Neverland, we always say. Evie, you are our “crazy one” and never cease to amaze me. You love to make messes, yet you love to clean up. You aggravate your older sisters, yet bring them their blankies when they’re upset. You make us laugh all day. And little Rose, you are your sisters’ living baby doll and they dote on you every chance they get. Soon, you will be running after them in the backyard. I cannot express what a joy it is to watch these little girls day after day. Life is never dull. I know I am raising my future best friends.
When I had my first child, I found myself lacking in the love department. I did not understand a mother’s love. However my love grew and today you are more special to me than I could have ever imagined. Now 15 months later, I have a second child. I said to my own mom, that I do not love this second child. She told me to just wait…love grows.
To my dear boy – You came to me breathless, and yet I am the one who is speechless at your ability to move me, change me, love me. Because of you, I am moved to become the best “Me” I can be. You changed my perspective, showing me that life is really just about loving and enjoying each moment, truly. You love me despite my inadequacies, because to you, they don’t matter. All that matters is that you have my warm arms to hold you, my hands to love you, my voice to sing you to sleep. You came to me without anything…and yet, you gave me everything. I am so glad you were born. Love, your Mommy
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I’m so glad you were born because you have made me feel complete. I have known that I wanted to be a mommy since I was a little girl and when the day finally arrived I was filled with such joy that words are not sufficient enough to describe it. From the first few days when all we seemed to do was cry together to our long days filled with laughter and excitement, I have found new purpose. As I see myself in your eyes, I find myself wanting to be a better person to simply be worthy of your love and admiration. I want to rid myself of bad habits because I cannot bare the thought of you copying them. I’m learning to laugh at myself more so you learn to not take life too seriously. I am trying new things all the time to show you that trying new things isn’t scary and is a part of life. I am helping others to show you that we can never take for granted anything in our lives that we are blessed to have. I make family time a priority so that you understand that family is what matters most in this world. I want you to be proud to say I’m your mommy because I am so proud to call you my sweet little boy!
“I wish many happy years of friendship for you two,” Grandpa Lloyd offered as I rocked you to sleep in the kitchen on a February afternoon. And Auntie Rebo has been encouraging, too. “This liitle girl is lucky to have you, no doubt about that.” But my fears about being a mother to a daughter are real. My relationship with my own mother is painful and difficult, so I don’t exactly have a great model for this mother-daughter thing. My hopes are high, dear daughter, that we will nagvigate these waters in a better way, and I’m often dreaming of the good days ahead when I’m nursing you, rocking you, and smiling at that pretty little face of yours. I’m sure we will have our difficult days, too, but I look forward even to those, where we can learn together how to love each other in a new way. So despite my fears and the pain of my past, I feel so incredibly blessed to be your mother.
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Scared. Excitement. Nervousness. Excitement, Scared. Excitement. These are the feelings that we went through in the months before and after you were born. When I saw you for the first time, I was overjoyed. I was so amazed at what God had blessed us with. A perfect little boy.
The reason I am so glad you were born is because of the joy that I keep getting every day from you. Times are rough and life isn’t always the best, but anytime I feel down, I think of you, or look at you, and that joy always comes back. There can never be a sad day when you are with me.
I love you little guy!
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After a five year abusive marriage, a friendship that was never a friendship at all, the loss of my grandmother to cancer… I was at my lowest of lows. I called it quits from my marriage, as I could no longer tolerate the heavy handedness and constant mocking from my spouse. The same spouse that blamed me for infertility, and whom I blindly believed. So, when I tested on April first, and got a positive, I was floored. (April Fools and I get a positive. Ironic, eh? :p) How could I possibly do this? Why now? And, I would be doing it as a single parent. If it wasn’t for my parents, I might’ve fallen a part, entirely. But, with their loving support, I was able to find my course. I astonished people with my ability to start saving money not only to buy things for my baby, but for my maternity leave. I astonished myself! I started cleaning up my act, and preparing myself for becoming a parent to my baby.
As time went on, I began to fall deeply in love for a child I had never met — a child I thought I could never have. To a person with little experience with children and whom thought she would never be a good parent. And then the day I had him, I knew I loved him more then I could ever love anyone else. I had saved up money to get him the things he needed, as well as started into resources that I could use to help save money over time. Such as cloth diapering. I also was able to save to be financially secure while on maternity leave — for three months. I continue to do well financially by myself, even with the odds stacked against me.
My baby saved me from the low that an abusive relationship had brought me to. I have been blessed in many ways by my child, and I thank God every day for that.
I’m so glad you were born… because I have no idea where I’d be, if I hadn’t had you. I gave you life, and you gave my life back to me. 🙂
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To all three of my children:
I’m glad you were born because I now have someone always there. I now have toys to pick up, toys to step on or stub my toe on, things to pick up, breakfast to make, lunches and dinners to prepare. Showers and baths to give, laundry to do, hugs and kisses to give ,laughs to share, messy faces to wipe,homework to help with, someone to pick me flowers from the yard,diapers to change, and someone to nurse. I don’t remember what life was like before you were born and that’s o.k. because you all are my life now and that will never change. Being Mommy is overwhelming and I feel unsure of myself at times, but as you are learning each day, so am I. My children are precious and God’s gift. I am glad you were born so I have the chance to give all three of you a childhood filled with laughter, love, and sweet memories.
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I’m so glad you were born because now I get to watch grow into a strong woman. I thought and hoped you would be a boy and cried the day they told me I was having a girl only because I flashed through all the difficult times you will have to endure in your journey to become a young woman. But I grew comfortable with the baby girl in my belly and have felt a different bond with you than with your brother from the moment I first saw your beautiful, blue eyes. In the months since your birth, I continue to formulate the ways in which I will comfort you on the days you are heartbroken by other’s cruelty or mean words. But I also enjoy every moment I spend with you and thrill at every new thing I watch you experience and the eternal list of baby “firsts.” I see that you were the piece that was missing from our family. I owe my Mother’s Day joy to you and your brother and my only thoughts to enjoy the day are to spend time with the two of you cuddling and cooing. Thank you for letting me be a mom again, for needing me, and for helping me see that right now matters more than the future. YOU …COMPLETE… US.
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I always knew I wanted to be a mom. When I got pregnant with you I was scared and overwhelmed. During those nine months I bonded with the little baby growing inside. Dad held you up to me once you came out (it was a c-section so I couldn’t hold you) I was so happy to see you and scared with the responsibility of taking care of you. I’m amazed at how naturally everything fell into place. I have so much fun with you everyday. I just wish my mom was still alive to spend some time with you. I know that she loves you from heaven and one day you will get to meet her. I was only 10 when she died and I don’t remember a lot about her. I sometimes feel like I’m making up this mom stuff as I go. I know that as you get older we will have our struggles. One day when you become a mommy (if that is what you want to do) I hope to be there to help you through all the good and bad times. I’m so happy that you were born and that God blessed us with you. Its an honor to be your mommy.
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Daddy and I wanted you for 7 years. We had so much love for each other and wanted to share that with a little baby. We tried AND tried AND tried, but you didn’t come! We saw a doctor who told us that we needed help to have a baby and that mommy would need to take medicine and have surgery. Then daddy had to have surgery, too! We would do anything because we already loved you even though we hadn’t met you yet. God decided he needed you just a little longer. He must have been taking his time to make you just right. So we prayed and waited. Finally, just when mommy was growing impatient and starting to think you weren’t going to come…you were in my belly! I was so excited that God finally decided to let us have you. We went to the doctor to see pictures of you in my belly and we could not believe our eyes when there was not one of you, but TWO!!! Now we understand why we had to wait! God had chosen us to be the parents of twins! It takes a lot of patience and hard work with twins, so he had been preparing us. Ruby and Ryder, you are the two most perfect babies in the world and were made just for us and us for you. We are so glad you were born!
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Dear Luke,
I am glad you were born. A lot of people might not understand this because you were already dead when you were born. But you did exist and your daddy and I are happy about that. You matter to us.
You have mattered to a lot of other people too. People have told me lots of stories about how you changed their lives, even just a little bit, even though you never took a breath.
We will always be glad that you were born, even if we will always wish that you could have stayed.
Dear Elle,
As I write this you are just over 48 hours old. You were born this week (5/5/11), we brought you home yesterday and tomorrow is Mother’s Day! You couldn’t have provided me a more perfect Mother’s Day gift this year. Every time I look at you and how wonderful you are I melt inside. You are alike yet so much different from your older brother, Emery, and I cannot wait to experience all of your firsts as we did with him. I am so eager to learn all there is to know about you and for you to discover how awesome this world is (especially how awesome your Daddy and Big Brother are). We have been eagerly anticipating you and now that you are here everything just seems right and good, and that is an amazing feeling. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be your mother and how excited I am to watch the world unfold around you and your new precious life. I love you to pieces.
Your Mommy
jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com
After battling a pre-cancerous cervical condition, and many surgeries over a six year period, we were amazed to hear that we were expecting you, my dear son, Korbyn. All the doctors said I’d never be able to conceive, and I had made peace with the sadness that I would never be a natural mother. Every day we’ve had together, in womb and in my arms, has been amazing. I’m so glad you, my miracle, were born. Thank you for making my life more complete. There is no better joy than being a proud mother, and our family is more the richer, for our love for each other has blossomed and grows more every day. You are the best surprise I’ve ever had!
At 10 months old you have opened my eyes to a new world. In this world I am more caring and compassionate. The sun shines brighter. God’s love makes more sense. You are strong, courageous, determined, energetic, and curious.
You inspire me sweet pea, I love you, and I am glad you were born.
To my little girl:
I wasn’t ready to meet you. My due date was three weeks away – I hadn’t cleaned the house, I hadn’t washed your clothes, I wasn’t ready to be a mom.
But you didn’t care. Now, nearing your fourth birthday, I realize that you were just ready to start your life – you are full of energy, mixed with impatience and a touch of stubbornness.
As labor progressed, I told the nurse this couldn’t happen, that I wasn’t ready. The nurse just smiled and said “You’ll leave the hospital with a baby.”
And then I heard your cry – angry and amazingly alive. You stopped crying when they placed you in my arms and we just stared at each other. You were so perfect, and you still are. And I was ready to be a mom – you knew that even if I didn’t!
I’m so glad you were born. Even on days when you test my patience to its last, I am so glad you were born. You are the reason I celebrate Mother’s Day today.
I’m so glad you were born because all the pain I had inside me from your brothers stillbirth 11 months before softened the the day you were born screaming. I looked at you and knew your brother was looking down on us and guided you safely into this world. As I watch you grow I am glad that I was given another chance to be a mommy, you have an old soul that is calm,confident and beautiful. Thank you Moses for showing me that in pain and sadness there can be a rainbow.
To my little man A,
I’m so glad you were born because you have given me new eyes. When you were born I contemplated all of the new things you were learning. I discovered sitting, rolling, crawling and walking. Now you teach me things daily. I have learned that cuddles are more important than clean floors, story time more important than cleaning up toys, and sometimes coloring is more important than a gourmet meal. Most importantly you have taught me tenderness. When I am tired and frustrated you climb on my lap and give me a hug, pat my back and tell me “ok”. If another child is hurt you rush over to comfort them. Thank you for the gift of experiencing life through your eyes. All my love, Mommy.
Keegan, even though we have been to hell and back I wouldnt trade you or our experiences in the last 19 months for the world. A year ago today, you were life flighted to Riley Hospital for children with what we found out 5 days later was a large brain tumor. While the last year has been a real eye opener to life, you have taught me how to fight. The 6 rounds of chemotherapy that you endured and the subsequent stem cell tranplant showed me what a fighter you are and has made me believe in the power of the human spirt. Our story has brought people together that maybe otherwise wouldnt know one another. You did that.People look at you love you, you have that effect on people.
While I sometimes wonder why us? Why my baby…..I have faith that you will beat this and go on to do good things in the world; like find a cure for pediatric cancers.
I love you more than this short post can describe and I am so glad you were born because you have taught me how to live.
My sweet babies–my angels in heaven and sweet blessings growing within me,
This Mother’s Day is a touching one. The past two Mother’s Days were painful reminders of the angels who had left me far too soon. The past two years have been filled with the aches and longings for a child, only to have those hopes and dreams snatched away time after time. This Mother’s Day, I feel truly blessed. I have not one–but two!–precious babies growing within me! I know you are still so small, but I also know you can feel the love I have for both of you, the love your amazing Daddy has for you, and also the love of your three sweet siblings who will always be your guardian angels.
I pray each day that you will continue to grow healthy and strong, that my body will not fail you, and that this fall I will hold two perfect blessings in my arms. I am looking forward to feeling you move and watching you grow. I am planning our futures and I’m so excited to see where God is leading us.
With love, your mommy.
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All through my life I felt like something was missing. Being adopted, I had this hole in my heart that could not be filled. I always wondered what it would be like to be blood-related to someone, if I looked like my parents, and if I would ever have an unbreakable connection with anyone.
And then you, Landon, came into my life. All thoughts of not being complete were completely irradicated. The first moment that I held you in my arms I knew. I couldn’t believe that this little boy could make such a huge difference in my life.
And just when I thought my heart was so full of love that it would burst, you came along Keeley! It amazes me how my heart expanded and now would seem incomplete and empty without you in it.
I have been beyond blessed twice in my life. And now that we have another blessing on the way I feeling my heart opening up yet again to share the love that only a mother can feel.
Thank you Landon Reid, Keeley Nadine, and baby Welte-to-be. Because of you I am complete and full of more love than I ever thought possible. I love you all with my whole heart!
I wasn’t supposed to be able to have you, you weren’t supposed to be able to be born. Your father wasn’t supposed to be able to father you, but God had other plans, and now you will be a big brother soon. Every day you brighten our lives, and we are so thankful that you are here. You were worth every minute.
We almost lost her. Almost. It was so close, and so heartbreaking to be told that the prognosis was bad, that she probably wouldn’t be normal if she were born.
Daddy was deployed, I was out processing from the Army and I had no friends, nobody. I was sitting at the table in our home one day, crying, and she kicked. I was five months pregnant, and it was the first kick I’d ever felt, after four pregnancies.
Then, as she was making her entrance into this world, her heart rate dropped to a dangerous level, I pushed for all I was worth, and out she came. Perfect, beautiful, with nothing wrong. I couldn’t believe it. Our baby girl came just after daddy got home on mid-tour leave, a beautiful little bundle of joy and more amazing than I could ever believe.
Brohnwynn Alexandria-Ranee was born 011/18/2010 and turned out lives around, she completed our family and we treasure every nano-second we spend with her.
Becoming your mom has been one of the greatest joys of my life. From that very first moment you slipped into this world and I was overtaken by such great emotion and love like I have never known before. You help me to understand real love-unconditional love. Because of you, I strive to be a better person. I realize the importance and enormity of the role I play in shaping your life. You help me to understand forgiveness, and what it means to easily forgive, and forget. You help me to slow down and enjoy the dailyness of life; to have fun and not be so serious; to sing silly and dance crazy. You help me to not take things for granted, but to once again notice the awe, beauty, and mystery of all that is around me-the birds singing, the bees buzzing, butterflies floating through the air, the wind blowing on our faces. Such joy you find in all these things. You are my little miracle-the most precious gift I have ever been given. You are God’s grace to me, helping me become who He designed me to be; shaping me to become more in His likeness. You are a big brother now, and your little brother brings to me his own special blessings and joy. But you are who made me a mommy, and I will forever remember the moment I first gazed on your face and I knew, if I was never given anything else in life, I was blessed beyond measure.
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I am so glad I am your Mom because your Dad & I spent many years thinking we might never be able to be parents. We were told you would never happen without serious medical intervention. Every time I look at you I am reminded that miracles happen everyday and that God has his own special timing. Sometimes things that are devastating when we are in the midst of them turn out to be the greatest blessings. I know you are the child my heart longed and waited over 4 years for. And I would wait all that time again, you were so worth the wait. And I will always be thankful that I get to be your Mom, you are truly a dream come true and an answered prayer.
etwilkins at gmail dot com
I am So glad you were born because you show me everyday what many adults fail to see as we grow older. You never judge someone, you are quick to forgive when you’re feelings have been hurt, you laugh everyday, you hug everyday and you love everyday! If it weren’t for you what kind of person would I be? Your Daddy and I are proud to be your parents and we love you more than you wil know until you have your own children. You are a great big brother to your little sister and we can’t wait unitl you meet your little brother!!! We Love You!!
I am so glad you were born. You are a long awaited gift from God and he brought you to us for a reason. We waited three long years for you and lost your sibling before you. When we knew you were safe we relished in who you would be and we can’t wait to continue to get to know you. We hope to have sisters and brothers for you to play with one day, but right now it is all about you.
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“When did you become so patient?” my step-mom said to me just the other day. I was dealing with a very stubborn two-year old while attempting to negotiate with my four year old and soothe my 7 week old. When did I become so patient? Had you asked me four plus years ago what my good qualities were, patience would not have been on the list. In fact, I was known for saying “Patience is not my forte.”
There are many reasons I’m glad that my three kids were born, but one of the big ones is all the things THEY have taught ME! Sure, I’ve taught them many things, but they teach me more every day.
*They teach me patience when they act up; I have learned to stay calm through it all.
*They teach me forgiveness when they hug me and tell me they love me five minutes later.
*They teach me to be humble when they tell me I’m the most beautiful mommy.
*They teach me humility when they share their bodily fluids with me (haha!!).
*They teach me selflessness when I help them with what they need first when what I really need to do is run to the bathroom!
And most importantly, they have taught me that love knows no bounds, that it can grow infinitely. I never thought I could love my husband more, but seeing him as a daddy has increased that love. I never thought I could love another child as much as I love my first, but my love has grown three times. And for this, I’m so glad all of you were born – Taryn, Alaina & Elizabeth.
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Gabriel and Lorelei, I’m so “glad” your born, though glad doesnt seem to do your presence justice in my eyes. You both have taught me so many valuable lessons in life, I could never thank you enough for your lives. Patience, unconditional love, pure happiness, how to stop and smell the roses in all that we do, the list seems endless. You two have made me a better person than I could of ever imagined myself to be, inspired me to “go green”, become an activist in all the choices we have made with parenting you. Theres not a day that I dont wake up to smiles, sweet giggles and the soft pitter pat of your footsteps in our bedroom, letting me wake up with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I never understood the love my mother had for me even when I was a tough child, until I had you both and realized that kind of love would always pour from my heart for you, no matter what. I’m so blessed that God gave you both to my husband and I to cherish and love, forever. I didnt ask for anything having children other than having you, instead I was made into a better person, filled with hope and love for you both and a deeper love for humanity. I’m so glad you were born, because its changed my life completely in the most amazing way.
I cannot imagine my life without you. You are each unique and lovely in so many ways. You give my life color and meaning, and I am so glad you were born.
Brittany, you are my independent, big thinking girl, who came to me and taught me the first definition of a love like no other. You came first, and I will never forget that first dose of this amazing mommy love. I love you!
Brooke, you are my big helper, responsible, gentle sweetheart. You’ll always be big blue eyes and golden curls melting my heart in all directions. I love you!
Brianna, you are my funny little dramatic princess. You got to be the baby for a long time! I love your spunk, creativity, and opinions. I love you!
Jamison, you are my special gift of healing. You came after my heart was broken. I had lost your brother in my tummy. I will never forget the emptiness I felt when I saw his lifeless little body inside me. Then something amazing happened. You came and filled me with your sunshine. You brought me back to life, back to myself, and back to everyone. I love you!
Juliet, you are my dream that came true, literally. You are my angel and my special blessing. I love how you slipped in so gracefully to my life and my heart. I’m so lucky to be your mommy. I love you!
I love you all more than I can express in words!!!
My acrostic poem for James:
J-June 2010 you, an IVF miracle, were born to
me, a 42 year-old mom, just in time to
A-Alleviate the pain of unexpectedly losing my
mom to cancer 2 1/2 weeks after her diagnosis
M-My mother made sure all of her beautiful
qualities were placed in your soul
E-Every day I marvel at you and how much you
remind me of her from your contagious laugh
to a smile that can light up an entire room
S-So glad you were born as you have replaced my
grief with a never-ending love, a joy in
watching you develop, and a thanks for making
me smile again. I cherish you!
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Dear Sammy, Sean, Brianna,Maeghan and Elana,
I’m so very thankful God sent you to me. Sammy your 7 now and such a big helper. I’m so proud of the handsome man you are becoming. You remind me so much of your Daddy. Sean you are 6 and so full of life. Your mischievious and always into something. Brianna, your 3 and definately my Mini me. When I look at you I can’t help but see the beautiful girl you are now and will become. Maeghan, you are 2, and my soft gentle flower, your warm cuddly hugs light my days. Elana your 1 and truly a blessing. I’m so proud to be your Mommy. I never dreamed I’d have you all so close together but God sent you to me because he knew without you I would have given up hope after our house fire. You kept me going and gave me reasons to get up each morning. The thought of your happy little trusting faces kept me from ending it all in depression. I Can’t begin to thank God for sending me 5 precious angels. My hands full of Grace and strength to sustain me. From the moment I felt you move in my tummy to the moment I held you and each day on forward. I’m so glad you were born cause I’m blessed to be your mommy! I love you and I’m proud of all you’ve accomplished!
Gavin, your daddy and I are blessed to have you in our lives. You brighten our days with your giggles and smiles with your big blue eyes. We enjoy experiencing the world through your eyes as you explore what is around you. You are one strong little guy. We love that you wake up with a smile each day and how you lay there and talk to yourself. We can’t believe that almost 11 months have gone by since you joined our family. Time goes so fast and we know you will go far. It was a journey to bring you into this world that involved tests, a micarriage, 6 IUI’s, and finally you on our first IVF. We know how lucky we are to have you in our lives and thank God every day for the miracle that you are. I look forward to spending my first Mother’s Day with you and your daddy and your grammy and yours cousins.
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My Sweet Caleb, I am so glad you were born. At first I was scared, I felt unprepared, and I didn’t feel “ready or old enough.” I wasn’t sure I wanted a baby. I cried. Then I felt you move. I felt your flutters and then your kicks and rolls and punches. I saw you on the ultrasound. I heard your heart beating –you were alive! You were mine. My son. Then you were born and I held you in my arms, for real. All warm and snuggly and smelling that sweet-birth smell. New. You were perfect. You were ours. I cried. Then you grew! You nursed and grew and grew some more. Time flew. You got so big and strong and handsome. You looked just like your daddy. You started giving hugs and kisses. You began sharing your thoughts and your world with us. And you loved us, we were yours. Oh my dear, sweet Caleb. I am so glad you were born. I am so thankful you are mine and so blessed to be yours. Love always & Forever, Mama
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My dear sweet Lilly,
Some people would look at your birth as a tragedy, or at the very least an accident, but I know you were planned before the beginning of time. The first time I saw you I was afraid to even touch you, as if your touch might wake me from a dream and you’d be gone, I couldn’t believe I was standing there staring down at this perfect little angel with the black hair and perfect little red lips.The fact that you were placed into my arms as an absolutely healthy little girl, all pink and rosy is a miracle beyond description, When I look into your beautiful brown eyes and see your sweet little smile, I rejoice in the miracle of your birth and the fact that you’ve become my little girl over these last 7 months. The very thought of it all takes my breath away when I think that not only were you born so beautiful and perfect, but that you were born for me, my sweet little angel.
Dear Editor:
I am a foster mom to Lilly, and her two siblings. We have adopted her older brother who is now 7, and are very close to finalizing adoption of Lilly, 7mths old. and Steven, 2yrs old. We had made contact with the birth mom during the adoption process of her first child, so DHHR had made us aware that she was pregnant again and was using drugs heavily this time.We prayed daily for the baby’s protection. On the day of her birth I just happened to be at the hospital and “accidentally” bumped into birth mom, who wasn’t due for 2wks. She invited me to her room to see the baby and offered to let me hold her, but I refused. Although mom was positive for several drugs at birth, Lilly was not. She has some residual effects of the drug use, but not near what could have been. She is by all accounts a miracle child.
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Dear Jack, Hudson, Seattle, and Juliet,
Thank you. Thank you for stirring up in me the most unconditional love that could ever be experienced. Thank you for forcing me to see my weaknesses and bearing with me as I overcome them. Thank you for being so strong and patient when your Daddy was deployed, and for giving me so many hugs when I cried over the pain of missing him. Thank you for constantly reminding me to be thankful and to laugh each moment of the day. Thank you for spilling grape juice right after the housekeeper walks out the door; it teaches me patience. Thank you for teaching me that I can, in fact, survive an entire day of being awake after only 3 hours of broken up sleep. Thank you for picnics and games, bike rides and playgrounds, early mornings and sunset walks. And most of all, I want to thank you for being the fire that has refined me, pushing me closer to God. Causing me to be changed in such a way that the extravagant blessing that children are cannot be denied in my life . Thank you for giving me inexpressible joy since the moment I took that positive pregnancy test with each of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for every second you have been in my life. I love you each more than I could ever express in words or in actions.
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To my little peanut, Stevie
June ten, two thousand and seven,
I was sent the most precious gift
Straight from Heaven.
A darling little girl
To call my very own.
You became my whole entire world.
15 weeks before you were due.
One pound and thirteen ounces.
Tiny, fragile, and beautiful, too!!
I am glad you were born.
Though, to see you that way
My heart was so torn.
Oh, how I longed to hold you
and take the pain away.
To hear your cries
so I would know you needed me.
When I looked into your eyes,
I knew I needed you.
When I looked into your eyes,
I knew you needed me, too.
I am glad you were born.
It is from you that I draw my strength.
I am glad you were born,
My sweet daughter, Stevie.
I thank God for you, every day.
You are beautiful and perfect
In every single way!
As your fourth birthday nears
I look back at our lives together.
Playing, laughing, loving,
And learning from one another.
I am glad you were born.
You made a mom of me,
My sweet, sweet candy corn.
I love you to the moon and back.
I am so glad you were born,
Now I have a little person to love me back!
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Dear Liliana Elizabeth,
I am so glad you were brought into my life. Even though you were 5 weeks early and such a small thing, you are so strong and such a great fighter. Who knew that after being in the NICU for 2 weeks, you would become such a chunk. You bring so much joy into my life. I love every little part of you and enjoy watching you develop every new skill. I can’t get enough of you. I could live off every smile you give me and can’t wait till you start to laugh. God has truly blessed me and my husband. You are the best Mother’s Day present I could ask for. I love you more then I ever thought possible, my sweet Lily Pad.
Sweet Anders, I am so glad to be your mommy. You have made my heart whole again. I loved you before I knew you. You danced in my dreams and sang to my heart. We prayed that God would give us a baby to bring home, and God gave us you. God gave us two little ones before you, but you were the first I held in my arms. That you arrived safely and healthy was all that mattered. When you looked in my eyes, just minutes after they told me you were a boy, I recognized you instantly as if I had known you for always. You have my blue eyes, but they smile like your dad’s. Knowing that sometimes you need snuggles only I can give fulfills me more than anything I’ve ever done. My heart melted the first time you smiled at me, and now your first laugh is right around the corner. You have changed me forever simply by being you, and my best and most important job is to be your mom. I can hardly believe you are already three months old, as I celebrate my first Mother’s Day with you. I rejoiced the day you were born and will celebrate you, little man, every day of my life. I love you, and I am so glad you were born.
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“I’m So Glad You Were Born”
I’m so glad you were born, watching you today sleep as sweet as an angel. A thought of your smile and laughter in your everyday moments brings tears to my eyes. As I sit here and gaze at you, I feel like I am gazing into the stars. Memorize by your everyday embrace. A sloppy kiss from your loving lips makes my heart melt. A hidden Peek-a-boo smile makes me laugh at your cuteness. Every day, I take a moment to just close my eyes and float on a cloud with you. You are my wish upon a star and my dream come true. Today and every day, I promise to take a moment and be thankful for you.
I’m so glad all 3 of you were born. Each of you has changed my life in so many ways and all for best and every passing day you grow and it gets even better. You’ve brought me light in my darkest days and you make me laugh everyday even when I’m sad. I am amazed I have been given the privilege to be your mom. I may not have been the perfect mom from the start but I’m your and your my babies.
Noah, I’m so glad you were born 15 months ago to us! My life will never be the same now that you are here. I LOVE watching you grow and develop into a tender hearted little boy. Your personality is growing each and every day. You are going to be one amazing man when you grow up. I cannot wait for you to meet your new brother when he arrives in June sometime. You have really changed our lives since you came into them. I cannot be happier! I love you Noah and I am so glad I have the privilege of calling you my son!
You are part of me. I wanted you for six years and finally, almost two years ago you were born. I remember feeling so nervous about taking care of this little creature who desperately needed me. I had shared my body with you for nine months and for another year, my body nourished you as well.
You are my consolation. When I found out I had lost your little brother or sister, all I wanted to do was run home and hold you. You were so understanding during those first difficult weeks; letting me rock you like you were still a newborn, and trying to wipe my tears away and patting my back when I cried.
You are my challenge. Learning to be a mother who is patient and unselfish has been the most difficult task of my life, one that I will continue working towards as long as I live. As I learn how to be a better mother, I am growing to love and appreciate my own parents and my heavenly Father even more.
You are my joy. When you climb into my lap and kiss me, I am filled with an indescribable awe and for a moment I glimpse what it must be like for God when we seek him out with out simple expressions of gratitude and affection.
I am so glad you were born.
To my Addison and my Amelia,
When I was 19 years old I lost my mother unexpectedly. She was my very best friend in the world and I had no idea how I would go on in life without her. But life did go on, and soon after I met your dad and we were married. I missed my mom everyday and things were hard without her by my side. The day you both were born I looked into your eyes and I saw my mom in you so much that I burst into tears. I knew she was right there with me in the hospital, sending you both to me. To this very day, I look at you and know that you are the greatest blessing in my life. You have given me back my best friend(s) and I promise that I will always be by your side. I love you both more than life itself and I could never thank you enough for the joy you have brought to my life.
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As I sit here watching you eat your pieces of turkey and bread, I’m amazed that 9 months ago you were first placed into my arms. I recall asking your daddy, ‘Are you sure it’s a girl?” And we doubled checked again!
I am SO glad you were born to me and your daddy, Clara Ann. God gave us the greatest gift, after His Son, to us through you! The last nine months of watching you develop into the little person you are today have been the greatest highlight in my life so far. As I struggle figuring out that you want to be an independent 9 month old and feed your self, I realize that God made you uniquely you in every way. He created you specifically for daddy and me.
My prayer is that you will grow into the young girl, young lady, and then young woman that you are meant to be. You can count on the fact that I’m going to be praying for you every day and for God to guide you on your adventures, big or small, that you go on.
Your daddy and me will be here for you no matter where your life takes you! We love you so much!
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Our Sweet Gracie, the greatest gift we ever received. We are so glad that you were born…because we wished for you every day. Mama & Daddy always knew we wanted to be parents it was all we dreamed of. We got married, built a house, and got a puppy all for the child we knew we’d have someday. After three long years of trying, two in-vitro fertilization cycles, several surgeries, two failed pregnancies, two broken hearts and countless tears we felt we had reached the end of the road. We decided to try in-vitro fertilization one more time before we pursued adoption. Our hopes were high when we found out we were pregnant once again. We prayed for you everyday and our family and friends did the same. As time went on it became more real. The nursery prepared, the baby shower, my growing belly…a time in my life I will always treasure. Your pregnancy was not without complication but the day you were born Gracie…1 month early, via emergency c-section, weighing a tiny 4lbs 3oz, kicking and screaming…hands down the best moment of our lives. Our eyes flooded with tears as the doctors told us you were small, but you were strong and perfectly healthy. You made us the happiest and most grateful parents a little girl could ask for. We thank God every day for this tiny blessing. Our home, family, hearts, life…finally complete. How could we ever repay you? We’ll spend the rest of our lives trying…
Love You Always, Your Mama
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I’m so glad you were born because you gave me the strength to want to live, to forgive and forget and to focus on the good in life. To always love even if there is disappointment. I am so afortunate to have you in my life and know that you will always reach to me when you need someone to comfort you, to dry your tears, to pick you up when you fall, to cheer you and to give you support. Thanks to you I try to be a better person everyday.
Maria Vega
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Darling Penelope,
When I try to recall life before you entered my world, the details are fuzzy. I feel as though everything leading up to your birth was meant to prepare me for the miracle that awaited me, and even though you’ve only been here for a few short months, you’ve already taught me more than I have learned in all my previous years. You’ve taught me more than patience, selflessness and gentleness… you’ve taught me to live life in the moment. Phone calls, dishes and laundry will wait very patiently, and, desperate as I am for a shower, the most important thing I can do right now is watch your chest softly rise and fall as you drift off to sleep. That’s why my first Mother’s Day as a mom brings me to this realization: Mother’s Day isn’t so much about celebrating mothers as it is about celebrating the children that make us mothers; each one unique, each one a precious gift. I am so thankful for this moment—this brief pause—that I can spend in quiet wonder, thanking God for you.
I wanted a baby so much, all my life. After my divorce, I had to make peace with the idea that that might never happen. When you were born to me and my second husband, I finally realized what happiness was. All this time, I had gone about my life thinking I was happy. Believing I was enjoying life, when all that time, I didn’t know what I was missing out on. I tried to imagine how a baby might make me feel, but it’s impossible. Even as much as I loved my friends’ children, nothing could compare to what I felt for you, little Karina. My life was nothing and now it’s full. It was broken, by divorce and sadness, and now it is whole again. Happy? Now I am.
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Dear Brennan,
It’s hard to believe you’re almost 11 weeks old. It seems like it was just yesterday that I announced your presence to your Daddy with a Texas Longhorns T-shirt – and a matching onesie. Waiting for you was a journey in itself. I vividly remember the day I sat in the rainy parking lot at the doctor’s office last fall after the very first appointment I had to go to alone because Daddy couldn’t get away from work. I had called him to tell him they had found cysts in your brain, and although I had held together all right through the appointment, I cried on the phone. I was scared for you. On my way home, in a wobbly voice, I sang the chorus of “‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus” over and over again. Later on, we learned that you had an enlarged kidney.
Babycakes, never before in my life have I felt so protective over anyone or anything. I was fastidious in what I ate while I was pregnant with you. I was wracked with guilt for weeks about the sushi I had eaten while overseas during your first month when I didn’t know you were growing away inside me. Daddy kept telling me it was okay, but it wasn’t until I saw the doctor for the first time and heard your heartbeat that I felt better. I ignored my cravings for sushi, deli meat, and went cold turkey with caffeine. I limited my sugar intake. Would you believe I even started including flaxseed into my diet? And I’ve never been angrier at smokers. Every time I saw someone lighting up near me, especially after you were big enough that it was obvious I was pregnant, I wanted to punch those people’s lights out! It probably would have looked pretty ridiculous to see your 5′ tall, petite mama trying to knock out those people.
You came into the world on a cold, sunny February morning after a snowstorm. We had also had a full moon that weekend. I suppose there may be something to that old wives’ tale after all. We were so thankful that you were completely healthy. You were a whopping 9.5 pounds, sweetums! You gave Daddy, me, and the nurses a run for our money!
And we fell head over heels in love with you from the moment we first cuddled together as a family. Brennan, you’ve changed my life. I am so privileged to be your mama. You inspire me to be a better person. I want to be kinder, gentler, more generous, and more compassionate to the world around me. I want to live life with integrity, to make our home a one, to love your Daddy wholeheartedly and unselfishly, all so that your world will be a joyful place.
I love the way you hold my thumb as you nurse. I love how you gaze into my brown eyes with your big gray ones, trusting me so implicitly and completely. I love the way you giggle and smile at me suddenly while you’re nursing, making milk dribble out of the corner of your mouth. I love watching you and your Daddy cuddle on Saturday mornings. I love your laughs. I love the way you “talk” so expressively, your mouth moving in so many different shapes as you try so hard to tell us what you’re thinking. I love how you sit quietly in my lap when I read to you, as though you are really listening and understanding what I’m saying. I love how serious you are as you sit in your swing sometimes. I love the way you nuzzle your face into my neck when you’re sleepy. I love the way you raise one eyebrow, just like Daddy.
I love your big feet.
Daddy celebrated his first Father’s Day last summer when we began suspecting you were hiding in my belly. Two days from now, I’ll celebrate my first Mother’s Day. It sounds so cliche, but I feel as though my heart will burst thinking about it.
Oh, Baby, I am so glad you were born!
Love you forever, like you for always,
Dear Christian, My Strong and Precious little boy –
You were not supposed to be born. I was not able to conceive, I had recently undergone abdominal surgery, I was on Lupron Depot for Endometriosis, and struggling with ovarian cystic ruptures. While on Lupron Depot treatment, I found out I was 12 weeks pregnant with my precious child. It was an impossible miracle, my doctor said. Fear came over me – I had Lupron in me, I had undergone a CT scan recently, I had multiple medications for my problems. Hope was small. But it is never impossible when it is God’s plan.
He gave you to me despite the doctor’s warnings of miscarriage and stillbirth. He gave me my healthy, beautiful, wonderful son. And defying all odds, He is giving me a little girl this July, your baby sister, Evelyn.
I prayed everyday while pregnant with you – to protect you from all the harm. And today I pray thanking God you were born healthy, happy, and perfect in every way to me. You were not my timing, you were God’s. And let that be your lesson and a guide in life – it is all in God’s timing, not our own.
I am not only glad that you were born, but I rejoice and am overwhelmed with happiness that you were given to me. My life was changed with your birth. I believe in miracles. I believe in you. You are my precious little miracle from above.
All my love,
Your Mother, Jacquelyn
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Dear Marin,
When my mom died suddenly 4 years ago, I remember thinking that I didn’t want to have kids, so that they would never have to go through the pain of losing their mom. In time I’ve learned to deal with that pain as a reflection of how much I love my mom and was loved by her. Since you were born 6 months ago I’ve felt love for you in a way I’ve never felt for anyone else. My mom taught me how to be a mom, and she is your namesake. I am so glad you were born.
Mom xoxo
I’ll never forget the day you were born. My life was turned upside down. I was only 29 weeks pregnant and did not expect to be meeting you so soon. Tears of fear filled my eyes as they rushed me into surgery. I prayed God would somehow keep you safe. The last thing I remember saying was “please take care of my baby” after that I was asleep. I awoke to hearing my midwife tell me I had a beautiful healthy baby girl. Then you daddy came in glowing and I knew you had to be ok. The first time I saw you ( nearly 24 hours later ) I couldn’t believe how tiny you were. You were only 2 lbs 9 oz, but you were perfect and beautiful. I was instantly in love. Leaving the hospital with out you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I hated it. I went back a few hours later to visit. The next 4 weeks were challenging. It was a time that our family grew closer together. Our faith was strengthened. God gave us strength we never knew we had. God gave you strength and a fighting spirit. You were able to come home 5 weeks early than they originally expected! Bringing you home was such a fantastic, but a little scary day. I loved being able to hold you anytime I wanted. You have brought great joy to our house and taught us so much. Haley, you have changed me and made me a better person. I love you so very much and our family wouldn’t be the same with out you! You are a preemie through and through with your small size and big personality. God has big plans for you and I’m so thankful I get to be a part of it as your mom!
To my dear sweet son Harper, I am glad you were born. When I held you in my arms moments after birth I fell in love. You are so precious and I love you more and more every day. I love everything about you–how you dance, sing, eat, smile, beg, chatter, play, even cry. Your tenderhearted soul is shown in the way you toddle up to your daddy and me to give us hugs, and how you find your kitty and rest your head on her as if to say “I love you.” You bring immeasurable joy into our home. I am so blessed that God gave you to me!
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Mary Raven,
Sometimes I have to turn around and walk back in the kitchen, or my room for fear of you noticing my eyes getting all teary, for what you might think is for no reason, but there is a reason. You have 3 brothers now and a new baby sister, but you will always be my first born, my baby girl. When I had you I was young, unexperienced, in a hard time of my life. Your dad was not as interested in parenting like I was, and just chose to walk away from us. We grew up together you and I. You went to college with me, you graduated with me, you struggled with me to get by. We lived in a tiny apartment together, survived on foodstamps and WIC together, cried together, loved together. 15 years later, a stepfather who loves you as his own, 4 more siblings, a much more blessed life, I can’t help but look at you and think about what we’ve been through together. I can’t help but get teary eyed when I glance over sometimes and realize what a beautiful woman you have become. You are taller then me, much more graceful and artistic than me, hair that women dream of, humble, empathetic, sweet, kind, quiet, and such an old soul. I am so very proud of the woman you have become.
Of all the hard times we went through together, Mary, I would never take one moment back. You were given to me for a reason. I have always believed that. No matter what road my life would have taken, you were supposed to be part of that path. I cried again the other day and you didn’t know it. You were telling me your college plans at the table, I had a sudden moment of fear and said I had to go pee. I went in the bathroom and the tears began rolling. I realized that is coming very soon. I realized you have to move out someday and live your life and grow into the adult you are going to be. I want you to have a college education. I want you to have a family. But for that moment, I was terrified at the thought of not having you with me every moment. Not haveing you walk through the door after school every day. Not knowing you are tucked in bed, down the hall from me safely, so I can sleep every night. It is going to be sooo hard. I joked with you later about how I am going to come up to UofW every weekend and stay with you, and about how I want you to call before yo go to sleep every night, no matter what time, so I can make sure you are safe. I joked about me and dad buying a little vacation home on the Sound so we could stay in it as much as possible to be close to you if you need anything. I joked, but I was serious inside. I am sure I will come to a point where I have to let go, it just seems impossible to me at this moment.
I love you Mary Raven. I am so happy you were born. You changed my life forever for the better and you completed me….
My sweet little Emmett,
I’m so glad you were born. In ten short months you have taught me so many lessons, caused so many smiles, and brightened the lives of those around you.
The day you were born was the best day of my life. I’ve never worked so hard for something, but the reward (you!) is the greatest gift I’ve ever received. You were the chubbiest little guy I’ve ever seen! The doctor lifted you up and I was so happy, so overwhelmed, so in love that I couldn’t even focus. All I wanted was to hold you and never let go.
Since you were born I’ve seen a happiness in your daddy’s eyes that is only for you and I get it. I understand the love he has for you. I thought I knew love before you were born, but now nothing compares to my love for you. I literally hurt every time you cry. My heart leaps every time you smile. I only hope I can give you the same happiness, love, and pure joy you give to me. You are amazing. You are everything.
Loving you always,
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Sweet Baby Enoch,
I’m glad you were born because you are a vivid reminder of God’s unconditional, overwhelming love toward me and His gracious answer to prayer. You have been prayed for long before you existed. Your daddy knew your name before he and I even met, just believing one day he would meet you. As we shared news of expecting you, one person after another rejoiced, sharing that they had been praying for you. During my extended labor and delivery, folks prayed, as far away as Liberia. 51 hours of labor, broken bag of waters the entire time and your heart never dropped. God watched over you little one. I was overwhelmed when we dedicated you at church. When those who had prayed for you were asked to walk up front to stand before us, people came from all over the church. I wept. For the last 6 months, day after day I stare at you, amazed. You have so much joy. Your smile and laughter softens the hearts of some of the hardest people. I’ve seen it. I love watching people respond to you. I laugh thinking of how you slowed the process of emptying an airplane because passengers kept stopping to smile and play with you. You love life and are teaching me to do the same. I love you immensely and give glory to God for your life. How undeserving I am. And how truly grateful.
I love you baby boy.
Love Mommy
Oh my Gabriel
My beautiful, sweet little boy
For the past 11 months I have gotten to know you
I know the details of your face, fingers, and toes; I know the expressions in your eyes
When you’re happy or upset or mischievous
I love to watch you be yourself, you’re such an individual already
You love to dance and move to the music, you want to be moving all the time
You love to eat and will try anything
Your skinny legs, long torso, and unexpected red tinged hair
All remind me that you are so much more, than the combination of your parents
There’s very little that bothers you, except when I have to leave you
You love your momma, your dad
You light up for your grandparents and even the dog and cat
You have given me so much,
More than I even know how to express
I had no idea how long I was waiting for you
Until you came along
I am so glad you were born
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Harry, I’m so glad that you were born! You came 6 weeks early so you were rushed away from me right after your birth, when I finally got to hold you 2 days later, I looked at you and I instantly became a different woman, a better woman, a mom. You are 4 now and every time I look at you I fall more in love with you, your spirit, your smile, your laugh, you will always be my baby. Emaline, I am so glad you were born, they put you on my chest and I kept crying “My baby, my baby” it was so special since I didn’t get to hold your brother. When you were 3 weeks, I almost lost you, I will never forget when they told me you were being airlifted to the children’s hospital because you ha bacterial meningitis. I went numb when they told me you may not survive or you may have brain damage. I refused to leave you through all the tests, the spinal puncture, the IV’s, the picc line, I was there. I remember wanting to scream “stop hurting my baby, stop!!” but I knew they were saving your life. I didn’t sleep for 47 hours, I just held you, hooked up to everything fighting for your life, I remember thinking even if you didn’t make it, I was so happy I got to meet you, that you were born. Slowly, life came back to you, you came back to me. After 3 weeks we came home, now 3 months later, I just stare at you in awe of your strength, I am the luckiest mom alive and I am so happy that you and your brother were born and that I get to be your mom. I love you Harry and Emaline
Reading all these entries I realize just how much love there is in this world. I admit to becoming a little unhappy with all that’s going on lately. There’s a lot of sadness and destruction, but I know there’s more than that. I want to thank all the wonderful, loving mothers out there. I’m thankful you were born 😀
I am so glad you were born Gideon. We had several issues during pregnancy and ended up on bed rest. During labor I was given penicillin because my Group B strep had not come back yet. I had a massive allergic reaction and nearly died. When you were born you had a very long cord that was around your neck 3 times and had a true knot in your cord. The Dr. said you were lucky to be alive. I am so glad you are here.
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Logan, I’m glad you were born. God had plans for my life that I had never dreamed of, and they all started with you. You taught me more about life then reading an entire library of books could have. You continue to surprise us and I am so thankful to be your mom.
Gabriel, I’m glad you were born. For many many years that was not true. I was angry. I was so angry you were born dead. The single worst thing I’ve ever had to do is hand you to a nurse after saying our goodbyes. But now, years later I am so glad you were born. You taught me to appreciate life. I see you in each of your brothers and you are very much a part of our family. I’m so thankful to be your mom.
Billy, I’m glad you were born. Glad doesn’t even begin to describe how happy I was when you were born. I don’t believe I even fully knew what happiness was until you were born. You are the funniest person I know, and owner of the biggest heart. I’m so thankful to be your mom.
Ben, I’m glad you were born. You shocked us by being so small in size and continue to shock us with your energy and determination. There is nothing you can’t do and that attitude inspires me. I’m so thankful to be your mom.
Garrett, I’m glad you were born. It took me a while to get over how you were born, but I have always been so thankful that you WERE born. Your curly hair and huge blue-grey eyes melt my heart. I love getting to know you and your gentle heart. I’m so thankful to be your mom.
Declan, I’m glad you were born. You are the perfect bookend to our little family. Your birth healed my spirit but you healed my heart. Your sweet smiles and infectious laughter assure me that no matter how busy my day is…there is always time for love and laughter. I’m so thankful to be your mom.
After 7 years of trying, 1 miscarriage, 9 rounds of failed IUI’s, countless doctors appointments, tests, blood draws & injections: I am glad you were born. After losing a grandmother right before you were even conceived, who wanted you more than we did: I am glad you were born. After finding out your other grandmother was sick, and then losing her 2 months after delivery: I am glad you were born. The first time I laid eyes on you in the hospital: I am glad that you were born. Every day that passes and I see your smile and hear you laugh: I am glad that you were born. Even on those days when you’re a little cranky or don’t want to nap: I am glad that you were born. In the first 8 weeks of your life while I was struggling with my own Mother dying, I’m SO glad that you were born! After your big brother asking us, for years, if we could ‘buy a baby’ (A puppy didn’t cut it!): I am glad that you were born.
I love you both, Rachael and Patrick and am so glad you were BOTH born! 😉
Nathaniel: I’m so glad you were born because you added to the love of our family. You gave me something to look forward to and count down for while Daddy was away in Iraq, then you gave me something to distract me during those long days. You have taught me more about compassion and empathy than I could have possibly learned anywhere else. You have shown me that these traits are part of the fabric that God has woven into your character, and not something that can be easily taught. While your tears and your timidity sometimes drive me batty (I promise, your teacher will not eat your face! Just tell her what you need!), I see your thoughtfulness shining through as you reach out to other kids who are quiet and shy like you. I see your compassion as you try to teach your brother how to do “big kid” stuff, and I see your love for the brother who has yet to be born as you whisper “secrets” into my belly, touch various places and ask in wonder, “Is that a leg?” and simply cuddle up to my belly in order to get as close as you can. I love you, my first born child.
Love, Mommy
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I blogged about it http://grummonsfamilyadventure.blogspot.com/2011/05/reflections-for-mothers-day.html
I plan on sharing this later on as my children are old enough to read the family blog.
The first time I saw you through the plastic wall of your incubator, I was surprised when your nurse invited me to touch your tiny hand. You seemed too tiny, not even two pounds, to survive the roughness of a grown-up’s touch, even that of your overwhelmed mother. A machine breathed for you, and there were more monitors and tubes than I’d ever seen on any living person before. But there you were, a real living person. Your sister had been stillborn just seven months before I delivered you, and watching your skinny little body kick and writhe was so beautiful after holding her lifeless one.
My faith in God returned as I watched you fight: you fought to breathe; you fought to digest the breast milk that I diligently pumped for you every three hours, weeping; you fought the nurses when they tried to change your tiny diapers. As you struggled to grow, I struggled to accept your sister’s death and admire you for the strength your body and spirit showed.
When we brought you home from the hospital after 77 days, I stayed up at night to watch you sleep, making sure that you were breathing. Now, months later, I still get up at night to hold my hand on your belly to feel those amazing little breaths you take. Finally, my nighttime visits to your crib are not to worry about what I might lose; they are to pray and be thankful that I am so blessed.
I am so glad that you were born, because my world is lighter, brighter, and more full of joy than I could ever imagine, all because you are in my life. I’ve had two losses: one at 12 weeks and one at 15 weeks, but you were my miracle. Almost two years ago, you were born at just shy of 10lbs, as though you didn’t want your Mama to have a moment’s doubt that you were healthy. Even now, every single time I look at you, my breath catches in my chest. Every single time you hug me, it is physically painful because my chest constricts in joy and love. I can see the world through a child’s eyes again and see the innocence and beauty in everything because of you. I see your amazement in a flower or chasing ants into their hole and realize that my world has not grown by only one person, but by all the beautiful and amazing things you see. And I see the fun in simple things again; I race through parking lots squealing and pushing you at light speed in a cart or dance with a sheet over my head and play on playgrounds like I haven’t done since I was a child, simply because you grasp my finger and say “Mama, go!” You at once made me the most grown of grownups and the most fun-loving of children. Because of you, I am more than a mother; I am whole.
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I’m so glad you were born because your father and I conceived you to help change the world. We see so much love and light in you that there is no doubt in my mind that you already make the world a better place. Teaching you to love and respect this planet and all of its creatures has been the greatest joy of my life! But you have exceeded all of our expectations and are blooming into a kind, caring, girl with a great sense of humor. Your outlook on life has brought our family so much happiness that we are proud to call you daughter. Any parent should count themselves lucky to be blessed with the unconditional love of a child. But yours is as close to god than I’ve ever felt and I cannot wait for our family to give you a younger sibling. Being a mother is the only career I want to focus on. Because raising you is more rewarding than any paycheck, promotion, or bonus. You are my great work!
My precious little girl,
You are our little miracle baby. We prayed and waited for 11 long years before we finally found you. We adopted you as an embryo and I was able to carry you within me. You are my gift. Every smile, every laugh is a moment that I will treasure. I am even thankful for your baby cries and sleepless nights. Every day, every hour, every minutes is one to cherish. Each day is like Christmas knowing that I get to wake up to your smiles, making you laugh like unwrapping a gift. I hope that each and every day I show you just how glad that I am that you were born.
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This story is about Maxim who has helped heal all our hearts. Nearly two years ago we found out we were expecting our third child. We were elated! My oldest son was so happy he would kiss my tummy everyday. After some unusual blood work, an ultrasound confirmed that Felix had Anencephaly and would not survive. The weeks until Felix was born were so hard on all of us. I would make it through the days with the hope that one day I would have my rainbow. Felix was born and passed away in late August 2009. Seven months after Felix passed away, I found out I was expecting again. Test after test confirmed that baby was healthy but I was uneasy until he was born. On December 30, 2010 a healthy and perfect Maximilian Peter was born. I felt so much relief and joy. He is perfect. The kids fight over looking and touching him and the first thing they do in the morning is run to my bed to lay with him. My oldest son’s dream of having a brother has come true. He tells Maxim how much he loves him and how they will be brothers forever. He is more than I could have ever dreamed about. He has made me feel whole and complete again, brought peace to his siblings, and helped us start a new chapter in our lives. Every smile he gives me is a confirmation that every storm will have it’s rainbow.
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I am so glad you were born because you have shown me what true love looks like. You have given me a glimpse of God’s infinite love for me. Your complete devotion, your willingness to forgive me when I make a mistake and your desire to simply be near me all show me how to love without fear of rejection or abandonment.
You were wanted so fervently and we prayed for so long that we might be granted such a gift…but I never really understood how deeply you would imprint on my soul. I thank God every day that he allowed me to be your mother.
My perfect little son,
you are only just becoming aware of this life: the outside world, our family, your place in it. Even though you haven’t quite come to understand it all yet, your small presence has made me into someone new. Don’t get me wrong, little one. I was a fulfilled and happy woman a few years ago. I served our country in the military and spent days in dusty deserts working hard to keep other men and women safe from danger. I worked for an important and noble cause. Yet, you…your little morning giggles and quiet sighs as you fall asleep…you are a more important and more noble cause than anything I’ve ever experienced. I wasn’t a woman uncomfortable with babies, but I was not a natural either. You have begun to transform me into something I never dreamed I could be. I held you and cried with you through your early months of pain, and we made it through it together. The journey has not been easy, but it has been the most rewarding, beautiful and life-changing journey I’ve ever been blessed to make it through. You have changed me, my little man. You’ve made me into a mother.
I’m so glad you were born because you made my life into something so much more. For a long time the doctors told me that I would most likely never get pregnant on my own, but God had other plans for your daddy and I. We were so happy when we found out you were coming into our lives. The day you were born was the best day of my life. Each day I watch you grow and feel swells of pride when you hit your milestones. Soon you will have a little brother and I’m so grateful that our family is coming together so perfectly. You will always be my first sweet beautiful angel. I love you more than life.
I’m so glad you were born because after years of inventing myself and never finding my meaning in life, you changed everything. You made me reach inside myself and become selfless, completely at your mercy with those little hazel eyes, bitty toes and hands. I found myself putting more faith in God than ever. I strive to be the mother I didn’t have for you because I know i have the potential to be the same as mine. I want you to look up to me as a parent you would want to be one day like I do my father. You have changed the way I look at the world. When you are playing in the yard, giggling with your daddy, I feel like I am already in heaven. The world looks so much more beautiful and innocent with you in it. We are not rich in money or living in a big house but You make me feel so much more blessed than those with everything material. As long as you are smiling and happy that is all I need, even more than water, to survive! Our lives will soon be even more blessed when your sister arrives and I could not have chosen a better soon to be big brother for her than you.I love you Kai and how your 2 year old butt drives me crazy and rattle brained!
I am so glad you were born because you have shown me what unconditional love can feel like. One smile can make the world fade into a distant memory, no matter what has happened that day. Seeing your eyes light up and a giant toothless grin spread across your face when I walk into a room makes my heart stop. You look to me with your giant blue eyes filled with amazement and wonder, that say “did you make that happen for me?”, when you have discovered something new. You also ball your little hands into fists and bury your face in my chest when the world is overwhelming and you need soothing. Today, tomorrow and forever I look forward to everyday with you.
I’m so glad that I’m your mom, because you made me the woman I am today. My life changed when I learned of you and my world stopped the moment your eyes met mine. I can recall, as though it were yesterday, the feeling of looking into your big, beautiful eyes as I held you the whole night after you were born. Your skin was the softest thing I had ever felt (still is!) You were so perfect, in every way, and when our eyes met, I wept. I was so overcome with love, hope and thoughts of forever. I knew that I would be looking into your beautiful, loving for the rest of my life and I couldn’t wait! You are a true miracle and every Mother’s Day I am so blessed for the reminder that YOU made me a mommy. You have two siblings now and they each brought me a different gift, for which I am truly blessed, but YOU made me a mommy. Thank you for making my world a better place, for inspiring me to do more, for being who you are and for being here for me to love. You are amazing and I am in awe of you. I love you!
Dear Keeley,
At first, you were a tiny infant, and I was afraid, and then, I discovered that being your mom was a calling-what I was meant to do. This year, I realize that you’re coming into your own. I know what ‘cherishing these things in your heart’ truly means. Listening to you snore at night when I check on you, and realizing you took that big kid bed in stride; comforting you when you hurt, and seeing you bounce right back up–dusting yourself off and trying your daredevil stunts again; offering you a ‘surprise’ for eating all your lunch — and watching your eyes light up at the simplicity of raspberries in a tiny dish; seeing the joy on your face the first time you went down your slide–and the pride of doing it all on your own; the thrill of seeing life through your eyes is priceless. In a way, you’ve gifted me with such overwhelming joy that I could never repay you. You’ve given ME the gift of MOTHERHOOD. I hope that that delight in your eyes, that zest for life, never fades. I hope it only grows and matures with time and experience for you. Things are changing. This summer, you’ll add ‘big sister’ to your accomplishments. I’m sure we’ll hit some bumps in the road, but I know you will handle the new responsibilities as well as you have everything else so far. I’m so proud of you, and I’m so glad that you were born.
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These posts of course are going on my blog, so that later on, my daughter can read them. In addition, she has an email address, that I update her on her ‘milestones’ from time to time– so she can know when she learned to crawl, her first letter she learned, and so on. I hope she enjoys reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them for her!