Hopefully it’s starting to warm up a little bit wherever you are! Spring is finally here in most parts of the U.S. and winter is sticking around a little longer in others. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to the beautiful weather to get outside and have some fun! Here are a few fun ideas for spring:
- Visit a local park. You can have a lot of fun at the park around the corner! My husband and I each have a bike with baby seats on the back so we enjoy going on the bike trails with our kids. If you don’t have a bike or a baby seat, take a nature walk. Show your children the beauty in nature! Another great option at the park is the playground! Run around, swing, and go down the slide! I’m sure your little one will be ready for a nap after a fun afternoon!
- Have a picnic. We enjoy picnics both indoors and out. When it’s that perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold, we enjoy them outside. But we have just as much fun having a picnic on our living room floor! Grab an aden + anais adult dream blanket or towel to lie on the floor and have breakfast, lunch or dinner.
- Visit your local Carnival. Spring is usually the time for the circus to come to town! Enjoy some activities in your neck of the woods whether it’s a circus, a carnival or fair! It’s also baseball season! Enjoy a hot dog, popcorn, and peanuts and watch a local game.
- Make memories and be in the moment. We started a tradition last year that involves just a few items: concrete, sidewalk chalk, and a camera. I’ll draw out the letters of the girls’ names, the date and their age in big block letters on our patio or driveway. They’ll color them in and decorate around it. They then sit on the ground by their name and I’ll take a picture (or five!). I just feel like this is a neat way to watch them grow up every spring!
These, of course, aren’t the only options to make your spring time great! I also like the idea of starting a garden (since your little one would probably love to play in the dirt), visit your nearest zoo and observe some wildlife, or just take a little bit of that extra daylight in the evening to spend with family. Do some finger paints outside so it’s a little less messy, make some sensory toys with some water bottles and random objects around your house, or just take a walk around the block!
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Maria Robinson
Just make the most out of spring this year. It’s like a new beginning! Take any time you can to be with family and friends and spend this season learning about the beauty in nature around you! Whatever you do this year, just have fun! Enjoy the beautiful weather and get out of your house even if it’s to your own backyard!
What are a few things you’ll be doing this spring?
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