Tag Archive: slow-cooker recipes
Slow-Cookers can be a boon postpartum when you need quick-and-easy dinners or side-dishes, but did you know you can make dessert in your slow-cooker also? Who says you have to give up the occasional sweet just because you’re too busy for complicated baking? Chocolate Raspberry Brownies by Marisa’s Italian Kitchen – Fudgy, chewy and just oh so chocolaty! This is what you get with this chocolate raspberry brownies recipe! And yes, made right in your slow cooker. Steel Cut Oats by Dishing Delish – Steel oats are the perfect way to start your morning. Easily set them up in your
When you first bring your baby home from the hospital, you might find that people bring you lots of meals ready-to-eat. But if you want simple side dishes to accompany the dinners you are getting, try some of these slow-cooker side dish recipes. Start them during a morning nap and let the crock pot do all the work for you while you take care of you and baby during those first few weeks postpartum. Three-Cheese Mashed Potatoes by Whole and Heavenly Oven – Your favorite three-cheeses with mashed potatoes are the perfect combo. They’re comforting and make a delicious side dish