“Everyone’s a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing it’s stupid.” – A. Einstein.
Albert said it himself — everyone’s a genius — and we couldn’t agree more.
Our Genius Series prints were designed to inspire the inner genius in your little one — just like the geniuses we feature inspire us. Whether your child is good at sports, art, or solving problems, everyone is a genius in their own unique way.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to fuel your baby’s inner genius. Three people will win a bumGenius 4.0 or Freetime in Albert and a matching bumGenius Outing Wet Bag.
To enter, tell us why your child is a genius.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, Sept. 30, 2014. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway.
My child is a genius because at 14 months he tries so hard to read his books all by himself.
I think my baby is a genius just because he is special to me and I love him!
My oldest taught himself to read at the age of 3 🙂
Because all babies are genius’ 🙂
because he can undo all the babyproof locks
Yesterday our 7 month old said “dada, I love dada, hey dada, I want dada, dada!” I caught it on video and I am absolutely amazed. And our 5 year old is learning multiplication! Both geniuses! Lol.
My son is a genius because if you ask him what a priate says, he says ‘arrrrrr!!!’. He loves his Spence!
My middle child is a genius because he watches everything we do and tries to mimic us!
My daughter is a genius because she loves books!
Both of my kids are great problem solvers and show empathy towards others.
My son is 2 years old. He knows the alphabet and is learning how to read.
She’s not here yet but I’m sure she’s a genius like her brothers! lol
My son is a genius because he learns things very quickly and retains them. It is so surprising!
My child is a genius for learning to drink from an open cup (no sippy lid) in a matter of minutes. 🙂
I think he is a genius because he loves to pretend play with all of his kitchen items already, and hears music from a mile away and starts dancing. 🙂
Because she has a huge vocabulary for her age!
My baby is a genius because he takes after his daddy : )
My child is a genius because she loves to learn. She (like all babies) is a tiny sponge trying to fill herself up with as much knowledge as she can. I love her so much, and I can’t wait to watch her bloom into a bigger genius. Well, I can wait. She does it every day. 🙂
She can hold a conversation. Albeit a short one shes 22 months.
My baby is a genius because she can figure out ways to get past obstacles that might be a different way than others.
Not sure if my child is a genius, but I am very smart and was born in Einstein Hospital. I’m not kidding
My little one is a genius because he’s holding his head up and trying to roll over.
My son is a genius bc he is 2 months and an has good hand eye coordination and is able to grab at things.
Because they love exploring… ie getting into everything!
My daughter is a genius, bc she isn’t even here yet and she already has us wrapped around her finger
She observes EVERYTHING!
My 3 year old has been talking really well for a long time now- he blows my mind!
she is a genius bc she loves to learn and discover new things
she’s a genius because she’s an adventurer who loves nature, wildlife & shows genuine concern for anyone hurt or sad.
Our baby will be a genius because his parents are pretty smart 😉
My second just started walking at 9 months
my child is a genius because each one (I have 3) is smart, special, and creative in their own way.
Our daughter has been well ahead of the average for talking. The doctor can’t believe how much she says at not even two years old. She has been using sentences since about 15 months old.
My child is a genius because he wears bumgenius cloth diapers!
My child is a genius because she loves books.
He just mastered bye bye, clapping and high fives.
Both my boys love each other so much; they are genius because they understand already just how important family is!
They both are fabulous problem solvers! Seriously, 15mo should not be able to do what she does… and I swear the 3yo is learning from HER now!
Because she is 26 months old and is a mountain bike lover!
They get excited about their diapers!
My kindergartener is a genius because he was moved into a class of 1st and 2nd graders for his writing, reading, and math! My daughter is a genius because she has a very large vocabulary for a 17 month old!
My toddler can start the car and could drive if his feet reached the pedals
My daughter is so aware and acts like she is ready to take on the world… at 5 months old!
My big guy is a genius because he has a great sense of humor already — at age 3!
My child is a genius because she pulls herself up by herself and can pick up pine needles off of the carpet lol
He is a genius because he is exactly how God made him to be. 🙂
My expected child is a genius because he/she managed to be conceived despite two barriers! lol
My kiddo is a genius because yesterday at pre-school drop off (only his third week!) his teacher told me he was one of the best counters in his class and he isn’t even three yet! Ok, maybe it doesn’t make him a genius, but it made me one proud mama!!
Is a genius because he is mine!!!
My son is a genius because he is counting to 30 at 23 months old.
My daughter is a genius because she already knows her alphabet.
My oldest could recognize all of the letters of the alphabet before 2.5.
He’s very advanced for his age in his ability to problem solve.
My child is a genius because she can intuitively sense when mom’s not in a good mood, and gives me big hugs. 🙂
My child hasn’t been born yet so he/she is a genius because they are busy growing body parts!
My daughter is my little genius…… just an evil one.
My son is a genius b/c he thinks he can talk his way out of anything!
My little guy is a genius, because he always picks his BumGenius Albert diaper when he gets to pick one out 🙂
He loves his cloth diapers
Because she is always learning!
He notices ANY new item in a room!
My child is a genius because at two years old my daughter knew all her colors, numbers, and alphabet.
My child is a genius because he brings me a compilation book to read to him when I say I will read ONE book to him so he ends up with 6 or so stories instead of just one. 🙂
My son is a genius because of all the little things he is learning every day.
My child is a genius! I can’t believe what she learns daily. She’s at the learning to talk stage and she is learning new words daily.
Our little one is a genius because she loves to sit and look through her books.
I suppose the best reason why my child would be a genius is that thy are made up of only the finest in genius DNA 😉
My girls are all geniuses because they take after their mother!
My son is a genius because he learns how to do something the very first tine you show him, or accidentally show him lol
My child is a genius because he can give kisses to his family.
My children are great at thinking outside the box.
She’s MY baby, of course she’s a genius! My husband agrees! (Doesn’t every parent think that?)
My 2 year old is a genius because she talks A LOT and is very observant of her surroundings. She is a little sponge 🙂
My daughter overcame pulmonary hypertension and survived being on a heart lung bypass machine for her first week of life. She is a genius.
Because he is my everything!
My baby is a genius because she seems to know when I need her to cut me some slack and be cooperative about diaper changes and feedings, like this morning after I recovered from a migraine overnight 🙂
Of course he is a genius!! He can eat an entire bowl of Cheerios and get at least half on the floor!
My grandson is a genius because at the age of 4 he knows all his letters and their sounds! Also, he’s quite smart because he thinks his Nana is pretty great 🙂
My son is very good with his puzzles and hes pnly a yr old.
just because he’s Homo sapiens:) so being a genius is his birth right))
I dont feel that way but she just turned two and she already knows how to manipulate, sing abcs and count to ten! She knows her basic shapes and many songs. I love her!
because hes in cloth diapers lol!! every child is i there own ways!!
She a genius because she’s almost walking at 8mos old!
My girls are geniuses because they know how to help mommy clean up the living room and kitchen and they also help me read bedtime stories
My baby is a genius because she has learned 5+ sign language signs at 12 months.
My little guy is one because he loves his cloth!! lol
My little is a genius because she just surprises me everyday with something new that I wonder when I taught her that!
He’s too small to be solving math puzzles, but he’s a genius because he’s advanced with his developmental milestones 🙂
My child is a genius because even in my belly, he is learning those survival skills without even thinking about it 🙂
well, our little son is due to arrive in December, and I feel that he is a “genius” because he responds so actively to his daddy’s voice! It is really sweet to see/feel!!
Bc he can get anything out of his grandparents
My child is a genius because at only 3 months old, she is very advanced for her age.
She was basically born with prefect head control. Almost sitting up unassisted and VERY smart. 🙂
Because at 5 months he’s practically crawling already. 😉
I have a 6-month old daughter, and am in the process of adopting a 2-month old son. I don’t know about ‘genius,’ but they are both little miracles, and have enriched our lives so very much!
Our little guy is a little genius as he can win us over with a cheeky little smile, usually right before he does something mischievous 🙂
He taught himself how to read when he was two.
Because he amazes me everyday!
She knows the way to make her mama smile.
My baby girl is a genius because she’s figured out how to survive a whole year – and counting – of her brother trying to kill her (well meaningly, of course!).
My child is a genius because he learns new things everyday.
My child is a genius because he know how important it is to laugh.
Would love this for my little guy!!
Because he is so curious about everything and the way things work/function. Makes me warm to watch him doing so, I just know someday he’ll do great things 🙂
My daughter is a genius because she is only two but she loves to learn, especially with songs!
My son does everything in his own creative way! He’s always looking at objects in ways different from their intended purpose. I love him!
My sons are both geniuses. They know whatnot takes to make each other laugh and are the key to happiness is our home.
My child is a genius because in a world of sometimes hate,she seems to love unconditionally. She makes me smile everyday and I love hearing what she comes up with
My LO is a genius because he knows when he is being naughty and shakes his head “no” before doing anything naughty.
My child’s a genius because of his loving nature. It’s like he knows when people are sad and goes and gives them a big hug and open mouth kiss. It’s the sweetest thing ever.
Of course my babe is a genius, just like every other baby. My current love is the way she says oh yea oh yea to agree with you.
I would LOVE to win the Albert print in 4.0!!
My child is a genius simply because he wants to learn!
My sweet little one is a genius because every time I look at her those wheels are turning! She’s almost 6 months old and has already learned so much! She’s such a determined little one! I love her to pieces!
My little ones rock because they are geniuses. My two year old is able to help with household chores such as laundry, dishes, feeding the dog, picking up doggy do and such. This helps make life much easier with a five month old around as well. Proud momma!
My two month old LOVES books and reading…genius!
She is a genius because her curiosity inspires me every day.
My son is a genius because he realized that using the dogs feed bowls u can turn them into a stacking toy. Haha
My son is a genius because he figures out new and different ways to do things. He takes the knowledge we give and teach him and expands on it. After 7 kids the one thing I have discovered is that the newest always learn faster and takes things a step farther then the previous one. It is amazing just what these beautiful creatures know and understand in just a short amount of time. It is just awesome!!
My baby is a genius because she comes from smart parents! Also, my husband has been wanting to buy and Albert for 2 years and I want to get him one for when our new little boy arrives!!!!!
My daughter’s sense of adventure makes her a genius . Even at her young age, her dare devil spirit and can do attitude amazes me everyday. She is sweetness and light with a mischievous side. Always up for anything, my daughter is a true genius!
My son is a genius because he said DaDa at 6 months!
I think a child having their natural curiosity makes them come up with all sorts of discoveries about the world around them. That’s pretty genius of them.