Thursday Giveaway: I Gotta Feeling
August 13, 2015 7:02 pm

I gotta feeling.. that tonight’s gonna be a good night. That tonight’s gonna be a good night. That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night.
It’s true. Tonight will be a good night because we’re giving away cloth diapers! Woooooooohoooooo!
For this week’s giveaway, five people will win one bumGenius, Flip or Econobum cloth diaper of their choice.
To enter, tell us if you have this song in your head after reading this post. Just kidding. Post something funny in the comments section below! It could be a story about your kid, a joke, etc.

I told my husband a rough estimate of how much I thought my friend has spent on BG diapers alone… He texted me back a series of icons which included weapons, explosives, and the “no” symbol. Hahahahah.
Pregnancy brain. Today I lost a popsicle somewhere in the house. CAn’t wait to find it!
My daughter just turned a year old and this evening she was staring daggers at her uncle. He winked at her and she spent the rest of the evening trying to copy his wink. It ended up making her look super cute, she kept blinking her eyes and squinting!!
Um. Uh. Chicken butt?
A horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, “Why the long face?”
my son thinks it’s funny when he throws my phone at me. I guess I should stick to landline. He also can close my computer while I write.
It’s old but funny and sums up how I feel sometimes 😉
Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
When the kids are in college
Ba-dum PSHH
I put the baby down and kept hearing this annoying song. My mind kept thinking it was my phone and i tried to find it. An embarrassing amount of time later, I find out its her swing’s music.
Today my daughter told me that when she is grown up she is going to buy a wind chime from our local knick knack shop. She knows that I want a wind chime. So funny!
My 12m daughter thinks waving is the funniest thing ever right now.
My toddler decided to take off his diaper during quiet time and smear poop all over the carpet, walls, door and his sisters toys…It’s a flip with snaps.
Q: What’s the difference between America and a flash drive?
A: One is USA and the other is USB.
So cheesy. lol
My favorite corny joke:
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
Ten tickles! 🙂
My husband tells these jokes ALL the time to anyone that will listen.
What do you call a deer with no eyes?…..No idear
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?….Still no idear
My daughter is starting to take off her diapers and I’m depressed that my cloth diapering journey may be ending soon due to potty training.
My dog likes to remind me the baby is crying by growling and huffing at me. As if I didn’t already know.
When our three boys were younger they liked to pile in bed with us on lazy Saturday mornins. One of them was having trouble finding a spot to lay and declared, “there’s too much boys in here!!”
My kids are driving me crazy & school can’t start fast enough LOL! NO – JOKE 😉
my 3 yr old cuddling with my 1yr old…. ‘do you know you were my first baby? sweet sweet baby.” those two melt my heart
Hey thanks for getting that song in my head 🙂 FTM expecting in January. So excited to start my stash!
My kids, after overhearing my conversation with Gramma, informed someone that “Mommy’s not really as fat as she looks; there’s a baby in there.” Cue facepalm.
This weekend my 4 year old son asked me it my tampons were rocket launchers.
Silly joke but one of my 5 year old’s favorites: What did the bee say to the flower? Hi’ya hunny! 🙂
honey 🙂
My little one loves motor cycles- the bigger and louder the better. We were watching traffic from the park and a big ole harley roared by. She jumped up and down and shouted “Vroom Vrooom.” Then a vespa came chortlinng down the street. I pointed to it and said, “look, another moto!” Little one looked at me skeptically and whispered “vroom?”
We recently asked my nephew what he would like to do for his birthday this year. He said that that he would like to have a surprise party for himself 🙂
What did the mother bullet say to the daddy bullet?
“We’re gonna have a BB!”
Where can you find a dog with no legs?
wherever you left him.
What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?
An investigator.
My husband’s latest verbal slip: ” Oh, that ‘How I Met Your Dragon’ movie is pretty good! ” (enter meme of how I met your mother cast with Dragon heads here)
When she was younger, my daughter went around informing everyone that lions hunt cantaloupes. Kind of bittersweet that she now knows the word “antelope”…
my 2 yr old helped me dig up some sweet potatoes today, then she wanted to play with them. she hugged them and said ‘ i love them too much’
First, YES, I will probably be hearing that song for the rest of the day! LOL
As far as times when my son makes me laugh, all the time 😀 He loves to “drive the truck” when we’re parked and will get all excited when he’s allowed. He also has the funniest dance that he does pretty much whenever he hears a beat….even if its daddy hammering on something!
Today my 16 month old learned how to say “butt” !
We live in Colorado, and the last time I asked my daughter which state we live in, she replied, “Avocado.” 🙂
I caught my 3 yr old rubbing my lip balm stick all over her arms the other day. She told me “I’m pretending that its sunscream”. Im in no hurry for her to pronounce words like that correctly 🙂
I loooove baby talk. We generally adopt baby language and phrases into our family’s vocabulary where it stays for years. My 7 year old says “vegschtables” with a hard g. It makes me giggle and I try not to make her self conscious about it because I don’t want her to stop saying it that way, it’s so cute. 🙂 One time she said it, I giggled and she replied very seriously, “Well, sometimes a person can only say things *one way*.” LOL! Love it! 😀 She’s just too much. I don’t know what I’d do without her in my life. 😀 She also used to call the camel at the zoo a “canimal”. She still says it that way on purpose most of the time because it also makes me giggle. lol.
We just recently went on a plane ride when my 10 month old had a bm on the shuttle to the plane. So, with the craziness of the timing and situation he had an unforgettable diaper change on the air strip.
My daughter likes to sing, but only when she thinks no one can hear her. And she’s surprised that we can hear her when we’re all in the same room!
My husband was once praying with a group of guys before church. One of the guys meant to pray “Lord, set our hearts on fire.” Instead he said, “Lord, set our farts on fire.” I think everyone just kept on praying and pretended it didn’t happen. I think this is so hilarious!
Look up Ghetto Hikes. It’s a tumbler account. NSFW words and a little NSFW content but all so hilarious.
My son won’t let me do anything unless he is right next to me!
My 5 month old has gotten to where he grabs my face and tries to make out with me.
My favorite joke (only half-way kid friendly, lol) : How do you catch an elephant? You dig a hole, fill the hole with ashes, and line it with peas. When the elephant goes to take a pea, kick him in the ash-hole! 🙂
My daughter will dance anywhere, anytime when she hears music
While walking down the sidewalk with my then four year old she turns to me and says “Today is a great day to have a vagina isn’t it mom?” No idea where it came from or why it suddenly dawned on her that she likes being a girl.
My 5.5mo old just learned how to blow raspberries. It’s a big drooly mess but so cute. I love waking up to her entertaining herself with sloppy raspberries!!
My son had something gross on his hand one day and said “ew what the fuck?!” Guess I need to watch my mouth!
When we brought our 2nd child home my oldest was almost 3. He saw me breastfeeding the baby and wasn’t sure when I was doing so I told him I was feeding the baby her milk. He very sternly replied “The milks in the fridge!”
I’ll be 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and this morning my 3 year old grabbed my belly and started yelling, “Hello? Come here! Open the door!”…yep, definitely know how you feel, kiddo.
My daughter found her winter hat from when she was a baby (she’s 3 1/2 now!). She looks pretty funny. 🙂
My 3 year old loves to use big words but sometimes mixes them up. Yesterday she fell asleep on the floor and told me it was “embarrassing.” I think she meant uncomfortable! LOL
A few months ago I was driving my 4yo son around and he told me he had a pee emergency. I found a discrete block where someone had a 10′ hedge and got him out and hid him while he heeded natures call. Now anytime we’re out but not near a bathroom he gets a grin and says he needs to pee 😛
How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but it takes him three visits.
Little one is only 5 wks she’s our first. She gets so wide eyed any time she burps, like woah, where did that come from!! Who was that!? Ha its super cute
Q: what is the Most Powerful wireless, interactive device for learning and gaming available?
A: The iDad
Being a soon to be father it would be fun to win some new diapers for our future baby.
My stash is almost complete, a freebie or two could help round it out!
My twins are in disposibles ….. Sike !
How do you get Pikachu onto a bus?
The other day, someone came to the door and asked if my mother was home. Do I really look that young?
Just started this crazy cloth diaper thing but with 4 kids three of which are in diapers I think it’s long overdue!
Just started this crazy cloth diaper thing but with 4 kids three of which are in diapers I think it’s long overdue!
Oh and I meant to paste this …
knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting cow!
Interrupting co…
This is all I hear all day everyday between the 5 and 2 year old lol !!
Super cool idea. I would love the chance to try these!
The other day, LO was being held by her dad, and he cleared his throat. She started laughing at him, and we werent sure why until he did it again. 🙂 such a little goof
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh. (Eye=”i”)
Every time my 12 month old toots, he gets a huge grin on his face. He’s all boy!
My now 5 year old spent ages 2 and 3 make believing he was a car. Seriously never breaking character. While it got old fast we went with it. It was hard trying to explain to everyone what was going on. It was a long two years! But its hysterical now. We just hope our New baby doesn’t wake up one day and decide she is a car too! If she does I guess we have lots of practice on how to handle it.
Today I cried laughing when my daughter in costume and glasses kept staring me straight in the eyes with the funniest expression!
Q: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to assure the public that everything possible is being done while the other screws it into a water faucet.
My hubby accidentally gave 12 BG NBs I was saving for our next kiddo to Good Will (not funny, at all, not at all). Then I saw them on Craigslist a few days later and the person said “Worn for only a few months by our daughter… washed only in organic laundry soap” and I was all “Girrrrl you bought those from Good Will yesterday” Made me laugh, then cry, then convince her to sell us back our NB stash <3
My daughter, who is going to be one this weekend, loves to headbutt things. Today she started the day by headbutting the wall by the bed several times and ended it with headbutting her uncles bedroom door open to find him. Haha
Monkey see, monkey get creative & THEN do … my little man loves to play Daddy’s guitar. For want of a microphone, he got his firetruck, extended the ladder, adjusted the hose & plopped down in front singing & playing his favorite tunes! Oh, the love! Yes, that was a good, good night! 🙂
Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An Impasta
My 8 mo old and 5 yr old like to play together a lot but my little girl has started a habit of pulling her big brothers hair and he thinks it is the funniest thing ever and they both crack up which makes anyone else in the room laugh.
Teacher: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.
Student: You can’t fool me, teacher. Snakes don’t have feet.
Baby girl (8 months old) doesn’t enjoy being *contained* lately and screams to be taken out of the crib when I put her in there, but usually has no problem at daycare. Today she made her displeasure known, so our daycare lady went in, found her standing up in the crib, and said to her she’d just have to wait a minute longer. So baby screamed again. Daycare said there’s no need to scream. So she made a face and stomped her little foot. She just hates to be thwarted. Lol at least now I have confirmation that she understands me when I talk to her. 🙂
I walked down the aisle to that song!
All funny stories in my head have to deal with my sweet little 2-month-old so I’m going with it.
My son’s name is Phoenix and it cracks me up that every time he starts to wake up, he toots. Never fails. Sometimes it’s after he’s just woken up. Sometimes it’s right before (signaling that he’ll soon be awake). It the sweetest and funniest thing.
I’d LOVE to win a diaper. We’re slowly switching P over to cloth diapers and it would help to have 1 for FREE :))
My dd is only six months old and already gets hysterical laughing fits over the word “poop.” Gets that from her dad. Who says toilet humor isn’t inherited!
My 8 mth old has finally figured out Velcro. I walked in the bedroom to him standing in his play pen, one tab undone, and him monkey bouncing trying to get the diaper down his legs all while babbling away. It was the cutest thing ever. So glad for the Velcro tabs during his roll away from diaper change phase!!!!!
My 8 year old has started coming up with her own knock knock jokes such as:
Knock knock
Who’s there?
You who
You better go away I’m not allowed to talk to strangers… wait am I the one knocking or the one in the house??
Maybe only funny to me – but today I pumped for the first time in the car and went through the drive thru at Starbucks and nobody noticed!
Tonight my daughter started screaming bloody murder in her room after I put her to bed. I ran in, not knowing what to expect, and she was holding her dirty clothes from the day that had been thrown on the floor, totally in tears because they were supposed to go in the dirty clothes hamper in my room. Once they were safely deposited she went back to bed without a peep. This was a new one, in the constant stream of new craziness that is a 2 year old.
Yes I DO already have that song stuck in my head! Lol here’s my joke: what kind of cheese is not yours? Nacho cheese!
My son is at that lovely age where all he wants to wear are his rain boots… And then his feet get sweaty and he kicks them off in the car. Go figure, a sunny day in August 🙂
My older daughter, who is now eight, got quite a surprise a couple of Christmases ago. We had made chocolate haystacks and she proceeded to eat what she thought was a piece of one left on her bed (where she’s not supposed to eat)… she found out real quick that it was not chocolate but another little gift left by her puppy (who wasn’t supposed to be on the the bed either)!!! To This day she no longer wants to make or eat the chocolate haystacks at Christmas… she is able to laugh about it now though! 😉
How can you tell if a snake is a baby snake?
It has a rattle!
How do you know if someone cloth diapers? Do worry! They’ll tell you! Hahaha….
My daughter is a chatterbox and she likes to say ” Neil is a gacko baby!” Then laugh and say, “Why did I just just say gacko?!?? That’s a funny word! Gacko! Gacko sloppin flamdo!” And then giggle hysterically.
So last night our daughter, Lakyn, started laughing super hard. It didn’t take long until we realized she was laughing at ou dogs’ tails! Lol We recorded about 2 minutes worth of her laughing as hard as she could! Precious memories!
Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A: A tuba toothpaste.
I would love new stuff! We love our 1.0s but it would be nice to have something new to us!
My 3rd kid just ate a cheerio. It’s definitely not from today. I don’t even care. Still crunchy is a win when you get to kid 3. 🙂