Cloth diapering is like riding a bike.
You ease into with training wheels and start a basic system like prefolds and covers, and later advance to something a bit more complex like pocket or All-in-One diapers.
When you began using cloth diapers, you probably needed a bit of direction, which is also similar to riding a bike for the first time. I did at least. Then, after you were able to stand on your own two feet, you hit the ground running and now you’re able to cloth diaper without any help or training. You may even be able to set records with your cloth diapering abilities, hello GCDC!!
Now that you’ve become such a pro at using cloth diapers, it’s equal to riding a bike without your hands on the handle bars! You don’t even need to steer yourself at this point because using cloth diapers has become a natural, everyday ability.
For this week’s giveaway, we want to embrace your ability to use any type of cloth diapering system, including one that you don’t have to stuff. Three people will win a bumGenius Freetime.
To enter, comment with the age in which you first learned how to ride a bike or use cloth diapers. Bonus entries are also available below.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Tuesday, August 13, 2013. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.
First learned to ride a bike when I was about 8! I kept falling, but I also kept getting back up!
I used my first cloth diaper at 30 years of age.
Bike 4ish my dad is a big biker he pushed me down a hill and i learned quick! Diapers… learning now at 26
I think I was 7 when I finally learned to ride a bike without training wheels, super old! I learned to CD (pins and prefolds) when my niece was born so 16. I learned how to modern CD with my son, last year.
10! I didn’t learn to ride a bike until I was 10, which felt terribly late to me at the time. I’m glad that I realized, “better late than never”–I’m so happy that I took the plunge and learned! Similarly, I’m beginning to try out cloth diapering for the first time, even though my baby is eight months old. I’m so glad that I tried it and discovered this blog, even though it’s a bit daunting to try something new!
I learned how to cloth diaper two months ago–I was 27. Can’t believe how much I read about poop and poop catchers!
I learned to ride a bike at 5. I’m just now learning to cloth diaper at 30 (with my 3rd kid!)
I remember learning to ride my bike without training wheels around the age of 5. It was a lot of fun!! With our second child, the cloth diapering is much easier and we don’t have a second thought about what we are doing. We just do it!
I learned to use cloth diapers “one the fly” with my now 3.5 month old. We started with prefolds + covers. When he was 2 weeks old (and about 8 lbs.) we switched to BG pocket diapers. So much easier!
I was 6 when I learned to ride a bike and 22 when I learned to cloth diaper!
I first learned to use cloth diapers at age 19.
I started cloth diapering when my daughter was 5 months old
I learned how to ride a bike at 5 years old. 🙂
I first used cloth diapers when I was 24 years old.
I first learned to ride a bike at 5 years old and first started cloth diapering at age 26!
I learned how to ride a bike around 8 and just learned to cloth diaper recently at age 32!
I learned to ride a bike when I was 7. I learned how to cloth diaper when I was 31.
I learned how to ride a bike around age 8 and learned how to cloth diaper at age 21 when I nannied for some fluffy bum babies!
I learned how to ride a bike the summer we spend in Northern Ireland when I was five years old.
I first learned to use cloth diapers 3 years ago (26), way before our child was born. I had plenty of time to research and prepare to cloth diaper.
We just started using cloth diapers. Our lo was about 3 months old.
I first learned to cloth diaper when I was 12. My sister was just born and I changed a lot of diapers. I was always so scared of getting her with the pins though! Now that I have my own little one (many years later to say the least) I’m so happy to put my baby in modern cloth diapers, and Freetimes are my favorite now that I’m back at work.
Hmm…I think I learned to ride a bike around age 5. As for learning how to cloth diaper, my baby is due October 8th so I guess I will be 28 when I really start learning!
I learned to ride a bike when I was 5. And I learned to use modern cloth diapers at age 32.
I didn’t learn to cloth diaper until I was 30!
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 5 years old. I learned how to cloth diaper at 36.
I just used my first cloth diaper today 🙂
Rode a bike around 5? I was cloth diapered as a newborn, and cloth diaper my daughter!!!
I started using cloth diapers at 33 with my son!
I learned to cloth diaper at 29!
I learned to ride a bike when I was about 5.
I think I got my first bike when I was around 5.
I was 26 when I first learned how to use cloth diapers 🙂
I first cloth diapered in January 2011 with our last son.
I first learned about cloth diapers when I was pregnantwith my first baby! a year ago @ 23! :]
I was 33 when I started cloth diapering!
don’t remember when i learned to ride a bike… Learned to use cloth diapers at 26 years old 🙂
Rode a bike at 4, Cloth diapered at 31 😉
Ride a bike: age 6, Use cloth diapers: 29
I learned to ride a bike at age 5 and cloth diaper at age 25!
I learned to cloth diaper at 24!
not sure what age i learned to ride a bike but i was 24 when i learned to cd
I learned how to use cloth diapers when my son was born at age 25
Cloth diapered at 37 but vividly remember changing cloth diapers for my neighbor when I was about 7, terry cloth with old school safety pins! And I definitely knew how to ride a bike by then
I learned to ride a bike at about age 5. I’m about to tackle cloth diapering with baby #3 in a few months. Wish me luck! 🙂
I spent a lot of time researching and learning how to use cloth diapers while I was pregnant with my oldest son (I think I was 29 at the time.
Learned to cloth at 24! ride a bike prob 1st grade
i first learned to ride a bike when i was 5 probably? and first learned to cloth diaper when my son was born, so 27.
Love the new look of the website! We started using Cotton Babies cloth dipes in May of 2012 when our daughter was three months old and have never gone back! Love them!
I learned to ride a bike around 5 or 6, and I’m going to start cloth diapering once my first baby comes in November!
I was 22 when I first started learning about cloth diapers! 23 when I finally got to use them.
I was 5 when I learned to ride a bike.. 27 when I learned about and starting using cloth diapers! PS.. Freetimes are my FAVORITE! LOVE!
I was 4 when I got my training wheels off my first bike and 25 when I learned how to cloth diaper 🙂 Love both activities!
well since my little sisters were cloth diapered… i knew how to change them by age 6! i probably mastered a two wheeler at the same time!
I learned how to cloth diaper at 29.
I think I was five when I learned to ride a bike, and 28 for cloth diapers.
Learned to ride a bike at 5, cloth diaper at 35!
I still can’t ride a bike, lol! Guess my hubby will be giving both me and the girl lessons. And I started CDing at 30 🙂
I first learned about CD’s long ago but rediscovered the now diapers that make it possible for us to CD at 36!
I learned to ride a bike at age 7.
I learned to ride a bike in the eighth grade. And we haven’t switched to clothe diapers yet. I had read for better success to wait until they weren’t new borns….
Learned to ride a bike at 6 and cloth diapers at 26
I first learned how to ride a bike when I was probably 5, I’m guessing? Haha! I really don’t remember! I do, however, remember when I first started using cloth diapers because it was this year! I had tried before but was just really determined with the last baby. This time I had some really good friends to point me in the right direction. 🙂
I think I learned to ride a bike at 6, but I know I used cloth diapers for the first time at 24!
Learned to ride a bike…at age 8 – in February – on snow and ice…when I got my first bike for my birthday!
I first learned to ride a bike between the ages of 4-5! I had two older siblings to look up to and learn from so I ditched the training wheels early and took off thanks to their help! Now I’m 25 and expecting my first child so I’m learning all the ins and outs to cloth diapering before our little one is here in October! 🙂
I was 30 when I first used a cloth diaper whilst nannying. I have my own little one due in two weeks and have ordered my own bum genius for her little bum!
I was seven when I learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! I wash much, much older when I began to cloth diaper my son for the first time!
I’ve been on the cloth diaper train since baby was born: April 26, 2013!
I first cloth diapered my baby at age 23!
I first learned to ride my bike (without training wheels) when I was 5! And I really learned about using cloth diapers just last year!
I was 6 when I learned how to ride a bike.
I was 4 when I learned to CD!
I love cotton babies. I love freetimes. They last long and my lo loves her loney Lovelace freetime.
Cloth diapers-34, with a 2 week old its a learning in progress 🙂
I first learned how to ride a bike when I was 4/5. Learning how to cloth at 29!
Riding a bike at 8 and CD just a few months ago.
Ride a bike: 5 years old. Cloth diaper: 32 years old!
First used cloth diapers when my first was a couple months old, so I was 23
was 26 when I first started cloth diapering
I Don’t Remember What Age I Learn To Ride A Bike..I Would Have To Look At Pictures.. But I Am 24 And Just Started Cloth Diapering My Baby At About 6 1/2 Months
The bike…I think I was 6 or 7, and cloth diapers I was 27!
I first learned to cloth diaper when I was 28- after I had my first!
I learned to ride a bike at 4 and I learned to use cloth diapers at age 26!
I first learned how to use cloth diapers at the age if 26 🙂
I first learned how to use a cloth diaper at 27 years old.
I started cloth diapering my son when he was 6 months old and I love it!!
I believe I was 3 or 4 when I first started riding a bike with training wheels. 5 or 6 without them. I started using cloth diapers when my son was 8 months old. I had just turned 27.
I learned how to cloth diapers last year at 27, when I was pregnant with my daughter. I started to practice on a teddy bear with a prefold and cover and taught my husband.
I was 29 years old when I learned to use cloth diapers with my son. I’m so glad I did!
I was about 10 before I figure out riding a bike on my barbie bicycle (I lived out in the country where gravel roads make riding a bike difficult and I had a horse–why ride a bike if you have a horse!!!!)
Haha, I think I was about 5 when I learned to ride a bike and I was almost 25 when I started cloth diapering. It’s been 3 years since I first started using cloth diapers so I’ve found my stride now! When I first started I took it really slow and only used them part time until I got the hang of it!
rode a bike at 5…cloth with my middle child at 35 🙂
I learned to use cotton diapers at age 36 – when my first beautiful baby was born. So glad I found BumGenius!
I learned to ride a bike at 4 and learned to CD at 24!
I taught myself how to cloth diaper at 29 years old. I loved it from day one. And never went back to disposables.
I’m not sure when I learned how to ride a bike. Maybe around 6? I learned how to cloth diaper this year, so 28 🙂
I learned to ride a bike at 6 or 7, and to cloth diaper at 27!
Learned how to ride a bike at age 6. Cloth diapers at age 29!
I learned to ride a bike around age 5, cloth diapering at 29, we started one month ago today actually! 🙂
I learned how to use cloth diapers at age 30 🙂
I first learned to ride a bike at 10 years old and learned how to use cloth diapers at 23 🙂
I learned to ride a bike at age 6. I learned to CD this year…age 34!
Bumgenius are our favorites and I am slowly building up our stash of AIO because they are so EASY!
Ride a bike, 3? Use cloth diapers, 26, lol!
My dad taught me to ride a bike when I was 6- but I didn’t want to ditch the training wheels for quite a while as I wasn’t much of a risk taker…
I was 29 the first time I cloth diapered my son, he was 6 weeks. I rode a bike for the first time at 7.
25 for cloth diapers! I remember learning to ride a bike, but I have no idea how old I was!
I was 38 when i learned how awesome cloth diapers are!
7 when I learned to ride a bike, 30 when I first used cloth diapers.
5 and 29
I learned to ride a bike at the age of 3 and cloth diaper at 31. 🙂
Bike -7, cloth – 26
I learned to ride a bike when I was 6!
I don’t remember when I kearned to ride a bike, but we dove into cloth diapering when I was 30.
I think I was eight or nine when I learned how to ride a bike. I learned how to cloth diaper last year. My mom cloth diapered myself and all of my siblings. Of course, she used a diaper service and the diapers were prefolds/flats. So I’ve known how to cloth diaper for a long time, but only actually did it myself (with my firstborn) beginning this past year.
I learned to ride a bike when I was 7. I learned to cloth diaper 21 years later, but I wish I had done it with my first!
Started Cloth diapering at 30, love it!
After 13 years of babysitting for dozens of families I had to learn about cloth diapering on my own at 25 when pregnant with my first baby.
I don’t remember how old I was when I learned to ride a bike…but I do remember learning to cloth diaper when my daughter was born in 2011. Maybe it’s harder to learn at 24 than it is at 7!
Would love to try the AIO!! 🙂
I learned to ride a bike in first grade. I will start cloth diapering for the first time in Oct 🙂
I love flip diapers! But I added a bunch of freetimes to my baby registry because they look so cool 🙂
I started cloth diapering at 30 with my 6 week old baby girl.
Can’t ride a bike. But i am learning to use cloth diapers at 31.
5 maybe on the bike? LO isn’t here yet, so I’m learning about cloth dipes for now!
Just learning cloth diapering at age 28.’
I learned to ride a bike without training wheels when I was five. I’m just learning about cloth diapering at 30 😉
Biked at 6 and cloth diapering this August! Yay!
I love my BumGenius. And luckily dad does too. He wasn’t on board with the cloth diapering idea, so I just bought 6 elementals. In no time he was asking how many more we would need. The answer is always more, I am cloth diapering twins at 20 months and due in January with another. So always more!
Learned to ride about 5, cloth diapering education at 29.
I first learned to ride a bike at about 5 or 6 I think. I didn’t learn to cloth diaper until I was 24!
I was 7.
I first learned to use cloth diapers with my first baby! We started using then when she was just three weeks old. Now with my second baby, we still rock the cloth diapers and use only Bum Genius!! I won’t use anything else!!
I learned to CD at the age of 25!
I learned how to ride a bike at the age of 7 and I started cloth diapering at 25. You never forget how to do either. I had to use disposable for a while due to a rash and getting back on cloth was easy as riding a bike 😉
Bike: 4
Cloth Diaper: 26
I learned to cloth diaper when I was 23!
I learned how to cloth diaper at 26. Ditched the disposables for my kids with sensitive bums and one not wanting to potty train. We love it.
I think the bike was about 6 or 7 years old, but cloth diapering was 25. Although I have a few vague memories of my mom’s nasty wet pail for my baby brother’s diapers. 🙂
I first learned to ride a bike minus training wheels at 7,
I first learned how to use cloth diapers at the age of 20 when I had my first baby!
First learned to use cloth diapers at 29 years old.
I started to use cloth diapers when I had my first daughter at 28 years old.
I learned how to cd when I was 24. Love it!
I learned to use cloth diapers at age 25 with my firstborns…twin boys.
Bike -2nd grade
Cloth – 26
I didn’t learn to ride a bike until I was about 10 years old….I was a late learner lol
I started cloth diapering at 24!
I was 19 when i learned about cloth diapers and now 3 yrs later, am planning on using them with my little girl due in December. 🙂
I didn’t ride bikes until I was around 11 or so! I’d definitely say I’m currently LEARNING to use cloth diapers right now although they were used on me when I was a baby!
I learned how to ride my bike when I was 8. My dad taught me. My bike was pink and purple and has a banana seat! Once I was on two wheels, I rode my bike everywhere. Growing up in a small town I was able to ride it to my friends house across town, to the store, and to school. I have amazing memories associated with riding my bike!
I started using cloth diapers when my son was born at 28 years old….have no clue when I learned to ride a bike.
Rode a bike at 7, Learned to cloth diaper at 26 with my 2nd child. Still cloth diapering 18 years later with baby #10
I rode a bike a 5, and learned to use cloth diapers at 28 😉
My only is 8months. We started cloth diapers around 2 months and even with the added fun of liners for cream while teething we’re still going strong.
I first learned how to use cloth diapers when I was 26 and I’ve been loving then ever since!
I learned how to use cloth diapers at age 26, about 20 years after learning to ride a bike 🙂
Bike: 7
I love my 4.0 and interested in trying a free time. What a wonderful opportunity!
I was 34 when I started using cloth diapers with my 17 month old!
I was I think 4 or 5 when I learned to ride a bike, and I was 23 when I started cloth diapering my first baby.
I was around 7 when I learned to ride a bike but I was 25 when I learned cloth diapers on our first baby.
I was pretty young when I learned to ride a bike, but I don’t remember my age. I do know I was 29 and pregnant with my daughter when I learned all about cloth diapers at the Cloth 101 class at the store.
i started using cloth diapers with my second child he was born 2 wks after my 29th birthday
Learned out to ride bike around 5 and started cd-ing at 24
I learned to use cloth at 28. 🙂
learned to ride a bike when i was 6 🙂
I learned to ride a bike at 8 (some motor skill delays as a kid). Would totally use the free diaper to get my sister-in-law started on cloth!
I started using cloth when my oldest was about 3-4 months old… She’s over 2 now 🙂
Well, I first rode a bike when I was 6 or 7. I first used cloth diapers as a baby! My mom used prefolds on me 🙂
I can’t remember how older I was when I learned to ride a bike. I learn about cloth when I was 24, but didn’t get to use them fulltime until I was 25 and we moved to an apartment with a washer and dryer.
I started on my bike at 5 and never looked back!
Hoping that the cloth diapering answer will be 30 – we will be starting with baby in November!
6 and 26!
I was 5 when I learned how to ride a bike. Didn’t get into cloth diapering til my 2nd child at age 30.
Learned to cloth diaper with prefolds and diaper pins when I was 14 and regularly babysitting a cloth diapered baby. I much prefer the bumGenius diapers I use on my baby now!
I learned how to use cloth diapers when I was 28 and expecting my baby. It’s still a learning experience and we’re going on 10 months now!
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 7! Strawberry Shortcake bike with a big pink banana seat! 🙂
I think i learned to ride a bike around 10? I learned to use clothe diaper at 31, with my first.
Learned how to cloth diaper at 25, it is so easy!
I started cloth diapering when my first child was 3 months old and I was 27.
Almost 30 and just learning about cloth!
27 – The age when I will learn to use cloth diapers on my first little one… due September 14!
Bike age 6-ish, and CDs 27!
I learned to ride a bike at age 5 with no training wheels! 🙂
Awesome, would love to win!
I learned how to ride a bike at age 5, I believe. W/o training wheels..age 7.
I first learned to ride a bike when I was around 8-9. I had a purple banana seat bike with training wheels and streamers from the handle bars. It was sick.
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 8 and how to cloth diaper this year, at 34 who my 4th baby.
I first learned to ride a bike when I was six years old. I haven’t yet used cloth diapers, but will in a few short weeks as I ordered some for the arrival of my soon to be daughter who is arriving on August 20!
I rode a bike at 4, CD at 25!
I learnt how to ride a bike at 2.5 with training wheels and 5 without! I started cloth diapering my son part time when I was 21 🙂
As far as riding a bike I was a bit of a late learner. I taught myself when I was in first grade. I guess the same goes for cloth; I didn’t start until my son was just using diapers at night. Now with number two due in a couple of months, I’m glad I did.
I first learned to use cloth diapers at 25 years old!
I first started to use cloth diapers at age 25, and still using them today! 🙂
I learned how to ride a bike at age 7. I learned how to cloth diaper at age 15 (babysitting job) and again at 38 (my son)!
I learned how to ride a bike at age 7.
I learned about CDs when my son was 7 months so I was 33.
I started cloth diapering at 27!
I was 4 when I first learned to ride a bike…then I fell off it and broke my leg, and wouldn’t get back on for nearly a year! I have been cloth diapering since my oldest was born 2.5 years ago!
I had younger siblings, so always knew how to use cloth diapers on them when they were growing up – this was awhile ago. I was the only one who still knew how to CD when I went to babysitting class in 7th grade. Now, in my 30’s with a little one of my own, I’m loving CD all over again! Just need to try one of the AIOs.
7 for a bike, 35 for CD!
I first learned to ride a bike at the age of three. I had an older brother to show me the ropes. I first cloth diapered with my first child, who is now almost 8 months. I had him when I was 25. I just love cloth, and my husband was on board from the very beginning too, as well as all our care providers.
I was 6.
We’ve been using BG 4.0 and Indian prefolds with Flip covers from day one. DS is almost 2. We love Cotton Babies!
Ride a bike-7
Learn to cloth diaper-30
I love all CB brands and how well they hold up over time. Awesome company and great products!
I first got into cloth diapering a little over 2 years ago and am now cloth diapering two little guys!
I learned to use cloth diapers from a friend last year at age 29 in preparation for my first baby.
I started using cloth when my son was 6 mo, since birth with my daughter and I will cloth diaper baby girl due in January from birth!
I learned how to use cloth diapers when I was 25 and had my first child 🙂
Can’t remember when I learned how to ride a bike lol But I started using cloth last year when my baby was 1 and was 34! Baby #4 is on the way, hope to add some more BG’s to my stash
I learned to ride a bike when I was around 5 or 6.
I think I first learned to ride a bike at 6. Learned about cloth diapers at 12, and cloth diapered a baby at 23.
I think I was 5 or 6 when I rode a bike and 29 when I learned to use cloth diapers.
I learned to ride a bike in second grade when my friend pushed me down a hill into a cemetery. It was learn to ride or crash into a tombstone!
I started CDing my first baby when I was 23. We’re just about to reach our year mark!
I first learned to ride a bike when I was 5. I am due in November so I guess I am still learning how to CD. 🙂
First time a rode a bike and cloth diapered was 4yrs old!! ~ learned to cd my little sis!! <3
I first learned to ride a bike when I was about 5.
I don’t remember learning to ride a bike. My mother clothed diapered and I finally convinced my husband to give it a try this year!!,