Valentine’s Day is just a few days away, so get ready to surround yourself with chocolates, flowers, and candy hearts. But just because these items are traditional Valentine’s Day gifts, doesn’t mean you have to indulge.
This Valentine’s Day, we’re helping Cupid spread the love. One lucky winner will win a bounty of cloth diaper swag to adore, including three bumGenius diapers of their choice, a bumGenius Outing Wet Bag, a pack of bumGenius Flannel Wipes and a pair of bumGenius BabyLegs.
To enter, tell us how you’ll be spending this Valentine’s Day.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via email. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of end of giveaway. Solid colors only.
We spent the day in the house. I ran to town for a few things and the white outs were terrifying, shortly after I got back we were put under a blizzard warning.
We did some shopping today and had a nice lunch (my hubby, myself and our almost 3 year old). We came home to a broken furnace and a cold house, so we spent a chilly evening waiting for space heaters to tide us over until the hvac guy can come tomorrow morning. It will be a cuddly valentine’s night!
spent the morning with my husband!
Hanging out with husband and kids, nothing out of the ordinary.
I watched Frozen with the kids.
Plan A was too go to the beach but we’ve ended up napping instead. Beach tomorrow!
I’ll be spending the day at home with my three guys!
I will be home with my husband and our triplets. We will probably watch something we recorded on the DVR. So romantic!
I had planned a nice dinner for the hubby, but then I got the stomach flu. So now I am entering to win all the diapers.
Being preggo, we’re going to keep it low key and stay at home for V-day!
Spending the day home with my 4 kids… My husband works so we will probably watch some movies and order a pizza lol…
I’ll be spending it at home with my little family, and my husband and I will make a special dinner together.
Hanging out with our baby girl. Best Valentine’s day ever!
I will be spending the evening with the love of my life and our pregnant belly
I am celebrating valentines day by going to a cloth diaper resale event!!
I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day relaxing with my family. Hopefully eating pancakes together in the morning then taking a walk because the weather is so beautiful here right now!
I’ll be spending this Valentine’s Day hanging out with my cousin and my baby girl, Evelyn, while Dad works. Maybe we’ll have a special late-night dinner when he gets home.
We are spending the day as a family, going shopping, and having dinner.
I will be spending Valentine’s day doing homework…boo 🙁
Will be spending the evening with my hubby and kids. Probably going to have a movie night.
Spending the day at home with the kiddos!!
Valentines Day will be spent at home cleaning. Yeah, not the most exciting, but my husband and are are planning a nice dinner (at home!) when the work is done.
I’ll be spending it sick on the couch 🙁 With any luck, I’ll have some homemade fondue too!
It will barely break 0 degrees on Valentine’s Day, so my sweeties and I will stay home and try to keep warm.
Taking baby to a kids event in the morning and probably cleaning the house afterwards. Super exciting! Lol
It’s my birthday on V day! I will be spending my day with my baby boy. My husband works and we don’t live near family, so it’s a quiet birthday this year!
We will be celebrating with dinner and a movie.
We will be celebrating our sons birthday instead. We never were into valentines day but I did get my husband a card and our son some chocolate
I’ll be spending Valentine’s day with my family.
Making cupcakes!
The boys (5 and 2) and i will be doing Valentines day crafts!
and ill make heart shaped pancakes and strawberry milk, etc.
they love theme days.
Spending the day with the 4 loves of my life my 3 kids and awesome spouse.
Hanging with my family 🙂
Not sure yet everyone is sick. Probably we will stay home.
Working, but I know I will be home to a delicious home-made dinner of a very special dish my hubby does, and it would be even more special just because he will make it with lots of love.
I don’t have big plans. I will probably just cuddle with my baby boys!
I have a lunch date with my hubby and baby girl, then we are spending the day furniture shopping for our new house! 🙂
I’ll be spending it with my family, and just a smidgen of alone time with my husband of 1 1/2 years.
V – day will be spent enjoying some down time at home with my 5 loves and my poor bedridden Hubby ♡
I will spending Valentine’s Day at my Little Sister’s wedding. I will be with the “extended” family that I love.
Just spending the day as a family outside. We are having awesome weather!
At home, relaxing, with my 7 month old, husband and dogs!
taking pictures with my baby
My Lil Buckaroo and I will spend the first couple hours at home, then its out to feed cows with Cowboy.
Our daily routine but we love it.
we will enjoy time with family
Spending valentine’s day eating pizza at home and watching cheesy movies.
Going out to eat for the first time in a while with my husband. 🙂
I will be spending my Valentines Day with my beautiful family! Making a huge breakfast with my loves and enjoying the day at home after a super busy week!!!! Can’t wait! 🙂
Just a quiet day at home. some heart shaped pancakes with strawberry jam for breakfast though!
I am actually off of work this Valentine’s Day, so we are spending the day together as a family!
We will going to a movie and having dinner out.
I’m going to spend it running in the Krispy Kreme Challenge!
At home with my hubby and son.
Family outing at the park & playground for our little one and a nice Italian dinner (& dessert!) with my husband in the evening.
I wont be doing anything 🙁 but I will be watching my friends daughter so that she can go out with her hubby
I will be spending the day with my little peanuts. We don’t make a huge deal out of valentines day
Spending the day with my husband and little girl!
This year, I’ll be spending the day working on our nursery (I’m due in April). My husband will be working. He’s been trying to get some extra hours of work in so he can take a nice chunk of time off for when our little girl arrives. 🙂
My husband and I will be heading to target to start our baby registry! 🙂
Honestly……..Haven’t really thought, OR talked about it, My husband and I.
We’ve been super busy. I never know what to get him. He’s picky, lol
But hopefully we can celebrate by ourselves ;)_
We’ll be getting our daughters footprints on a plate at a paint-your-own ceramics studio then cooking dinner at home for Valentine’s Day.
I will be spending Valentine’s Day how I spend most days, taking care of my son and waiting for my husband to get home from work. Boring. But every day I look forward to my husband getting home.
Home with the kiddos!
We just moved, so we will be unpacking boxes and getting settled into our new place.
I’ll be spending it taking a class (not as fun) and doing something romantic with my husband (decidedly more fun!)
We are surprising our sons with a trip to the zoo!! It has a lot of great indoor exhibits so we are going despite the weather!
We’ll be ripping out gross old carpet and putting in laminate.
And then maybe a nice, well deserved dinner.
Ill be having sushi with my daughter. 🙂
We have a birthday party to go to and then we will probably just spend it at home.
This Valentines’s my husband, my girls and I will be making homemade heart shaped pizzas and snuggling up for some board games 🙂
I plan on making heart shaped cookies with my daughter and possibly enjoy a glass of wine with my husband after the kids are asleep.
I will be spending the day with my boys, Phoenix Xander (5) and Oliver Eugene (2 months) 🙂
We will hopefully be going to a live showing of rocky horror picture show.
I’ll be spending it with my hubby, who is making me dinner, and our 3 month old!
With my hubby and kids, at home!
Installing our new floor because I’m opening a home daycare because the best job I ever had is taking care of my son.
No big plans, but I am thinking of making some cheese fondue followed by some chocolate fondue!
I will be covering my 7 week old son in kisses! Then going out for wine and desserts with my husband when my parents visit in the evening…if I can stand to be away from the little guy for that long!
We will be celebrating my birthday with a family dinner.
My husband and I will be enjoying our last Valentine’s day without kids by going out to a nice dinner.
I will be spending it all day alone with my 3 mo old, his daddy will be out of town buying an airplane! We will cook and dance and sing!
We are spending the day introducing our new daughter to the grandparents.
I will spend my Valentines making the day as special as I can for all my loves! (hubby and 3 sons)
We’ll be visiting Nana & Paw, aka my mom and dad. The hubster and I will have a lunch date while the grandparents have their play date. 🙂
We’ll just be spending the day at home.
A birthday party and hanging out with all my boys.
Hangin at home. Lots of cuddles with the little and my husband. Maybe make a nice dinner. 🙂
We are going to be spending Valentine’s day as a family. We’re going to the zoo then having a good meal at home.
Play date in the morning with some neighborhood boys. Then after a birthday party for a 2 year old friend in the afternoon, my husband is cooking up a family-sized 2.9 lb steak, smashed potatoes, carrots and creme brûlée for us and our 2 year old. Yum! Should be a lovely family celebration.
Brunch in the morning w/ the hubs and baby. Homemade dinner in the evening w/ the hubs after baby has gone to bed! 🙂
My husband and I will be spending Valentines Day helping my mom pack for her move. Not exactly romantic but my mom helps us all the time and we are fortunate to have this opportunity to help her out!
My husband and I will be babysitting our grand kids. We bought them some Valentine goodies so it should be fun.
I’ll be hosting a baby shower on valentine’s day!
I would love to win! I will be spending vday going to a baby shower and spending the rest of the day with my husband.
I would love to win!
I will be babysitting for friends in the evening, my husband and I are going to pick out a fun lunch date to do 🙂
I will be spending my Valentines Day with a date! First date!
Im spending valentines day with my husband and baby with some day home projects
We will be staying in and I will be making heart shaped/red/pink food. Then we will watch a family movie!
I’ll be hanging out with my little guy.
This Valentine’s Day my hubby and I are going out to lunch to avoid all the evening crowds! Hopefully this works!
Hi I am a mom of 4 boys ages 6,4,21 months and 8 months.. I just recently started cloth diapers for my two youngest and absolutely love it but right now I only have 5 diapers lol so I will be spending my valentines day with my babies and husband more than likely washing diapers because now they do not like disposable ones which is fine with me 🙂
at home with hubby and baby
Valentine’s Day is my birthday, so hopefully the hubby has something extra special planned for me! 🙂
Yay! I’d love to win this! We are getting a sitter and going out on the town!
Dinner with my husband, kids, and mom!
I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day shoveling snow from the Blizzard we’re going to be getting Sat into Sunday…
We are going to a Valentines Ball; dinner & a live band!
We will be babysitting my niece during the day then, dinner and probably a movie at home! Nothing too fancy 🙂
We’ll be spending the day together as a family, since Daddy is off from work! 🙂
How will we be spending V-day?? At home with our little newborn (premie) and toddler…..best V-day ever!!!!
We’re spending it with family friends!
At home with my daughter until the hubby gets off work!
I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day watching my talented husband perform in Romeo and Juliet.
This Valentines day will be spent going out to a nice dinner with my hubby and kids, then early bedtime for kiddos so mommy and daddy can have a romantic evening with a nice bottle of red wine and some homemade paleo chocolate cake!
My husband and daughter are both sick, so at this point we don’t have much planned.
I’ll be going out to dinner with my family this Valentine’s Day!
I’ll be spending it with all of my babies (32, 3, and 6 months) 😀
We will be spending our Valentine’s Day with family! We are traveling to stay with my parents & Sunday my sisters family will also meet up with us. We couldn’t be more excited!
We were going to go out for dinner first time without the baby, but now I am in bed with some type of parasite:/
I don’t think there will be anything out of the ordinary here :/
Celebrating my 6th anniversary with my husband 🙂
I’ll be spending valentine’s day the usual way… snuggling, playing, and enjoying my life with my baby, and then when the daddy gets home we will probably watch a movie together once the baby goes to bed. A perfect day 🙂
I will be spending Valentine’s Day with my family and maybe a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant?!
I will be spending Valentine’s day trying to recreate a Dairy Queen blizzard here in Germany. Oh, how I miss Reece’s Blizzards!
driving to see my inl laws
I will be at church with my family, sharing God’s love, and enjoying the sabbath day!
Watching last week’s episode of the walking dead. Blood is red, right?
I hope to spend the day loving on my sweet husband and baby, eating some chocolate, and takeout with a movie.
I’ll be with my husband, 2 year old and baby coming next month 🙂
My parents are coming to visit and look after our little one so the husband and I can grab some sushi! Haven’t had it since I found out I was preggo
Just hanging out with my husband and daughter!
staying in watching a movie, snuggling with my baby and hubby and husband is making a nice dinner 🙂
I will be home with my kids and hubby, nothing special but being with my family is the best way I can spend Valentine’s Day!
Hoping for 2 pink lines on Valentine’s day, otherwise I’ll just be working!
Yes Please! This is great! Valentine’s day was always a holiday that I enjoyed best as a kid. Giving out and receiving little cards. I am so happy I have a little one that I can share the holiday with. And when he is older I will gladly help him make valentine’s cards. 🙂
With two kids, 2 months and 2 years, we will be staying home for Valentine’s Day. We will maintain my family tradition of placing small gifts and cards under each other’s plates before dinner; just a small token of our love for each other. Of course each kiddo will be sporting their red, matching cloth diapers too:)
Probably staying in, watching a movie after the kids are in bed. Going to try to get some v day crafts in with the kids!
Spending the day at my daughter’s basketball tournament then bowling with the kids and our friends from out of state.
I’m super excited that my hubbie got tickets for us to go to a garden expo on Valentines day. This is my first year starting a serious organic garden so this is an awesome gift 🙂
With my son, since my husband is a LEO and works
I will be spending this Valentine’s Day with my Parents, LO, and DH!
Since Valentines is on Saturday, I will be spending it at home with my 6 week old and my husband. It isn’t worth the crowded fight! ! We are leaving our son with grand ma on Sunday so we can go have a nice dinner and maybe a movie… first date since the little man arrived#
My Valentine’s Day will be a fun day with family. We will take a walk, make cookies and just enjoy each other’s company.
i will be spending Valentine’s Day with my husband. Dinner and a movie, while the kids get some Oma and pop pop time.
With my hubby and my little boy, shopping for our upcoming baby girl
I will be spending valentines day cuddling with my two favorite people. 🙂
My sweet husband and I will hopefully get to go for a nice walk with our sweet baby. Then takeout and a movie at home. It is our favorite holiday tradition. My hubs usually surprises me with a great chick flick he knows I will love and after work he has even laid out my pajamas and robe. It is fantastic!
I will be doing chores that i dont get to during the week 🙁
We will be relaxing with some pizza on V-Day!
My hubby is working, so I’ll be spending most of Valentine’s Day with my two sweet boys.
My husband and I will enjoy dinner here at home after the little man is in bed!
I will be spending my valentine’s day on vacation in sunny south florida!
Cool prize! This Valentines day I’ll be at home with my new squish, nursing like crazy, since at 2 weeks he’s not back up to his birth weight and I have no interest in supplementing.
I’ll be spending it snuggled up inside with my hubby and two little loves…and doing dirty diaper laundry. 🙂
At home in bed, unfortunately. My little guy and I both have the flu. 🙁
I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day working and then hanging out with my family!
I will be spending Valentines day waiting for my hubby to get home from a week out of the country for work.
It’ll be just the kids and me so I think we’ll make cupcakes to share with our neighbors.
We will be spending our Valentine’s Day as a family! Celebrating with the ones we love and ordering some take out as well as watching whatever Disney movie is on deck 🙂 we need a red diaper though!
I plan to spend it getting a prenatal massage!
I have a 1 year old girl and am expecting a baby boy in July! Can’t wait to stock up on more bum genius cloth diapers!
I will be spending it with my family and inlaws. Not sure of any true plans though.
Need girly diapers now? I’ve been buying gender neutral until Iittle revealed herself. Now I need some dazzel and countess. 🙂
In Boston for family getaway weekend. ♡
I have to work in the morning, but hoping to enjoy a nice evening at home with my boys 🙂
With my two DDs and my DH
Since our little princess is only 3 weeks old and we’re in a new state with no friends or family near by, we’re having a date night at home. I’ll be going to the farmer’s market Saturday morning for grass fed steaks and local produce so hubs and I can share a candlelight dinner while our little girl sleeps. We’re both pretty excited!
My husband has to work from 2am to 10am Saturday and Sunday so a fun movie/shopping day with my daughter is the plan.
I will be spending the day with my favorite boys!(hubby, 5yr old and 2yr old)
My husband, 15 months old baby girl and I are going to Disney World! We will start in Animal Kingdom and end the day in Epcot, where we will get a yummy dessert in France. Then eat it by the Eiffel Tower, watching the laser light show! 🙂 I can’t wait! We love Disney!
Family time, walking in the park, we don’t really have any plans
We are celebrating Valentine’s day with our usual menu tradition – homemade sushi night!
I’ll be spending valentines with my family. Probably make a nice meal for all of us and watch a cute movie together!
I’m going to make my hubby breakfast in bed, we’ll probably spend the day doing some shopping and working on some house projects together, and then we’re going out for a fancy dinner 🙂
We will be spending our last Valentine’s Day as non-parents having a lovely dinner before we welcome our first little one in March.
Parading in New Orleans!
Getting taxes done and visiting family before we move cross country.
We’re going to Disney on Ice!
We will have contractors working on our house. Romantic right?
This valentines day we will be spending the day at home with the kids. No plans and short on money.
I’ll be celebrating with my 2 girls during the day then in the evening our church is having a dinner for couples and free childcare. We’re saying no to crazy and crowded restaurants this year!
I will be spending this valentine’s at home with my husband and 4 kids! Can’t get any better than that!
We are going out to dinner.
I’ll be spending V-day at a brunch for women that will donate sanitary items to a local shelter, a 5 year old’s birthday party and an evening performance of music and dance featuring my HUBBY!
We are going to the best hibachi grill ever for some steak and sushi! It is a lunch date, hubs is going to go with his grandpa and nephew to a hockey game later that evening. So in the evening it will be mommy and the little mans! Sharing is caring! 🙂
At home with the kids, while DH goes out with a friend 😛
I am going to a wedding this valentine’s day. My super handsome husband is the best man and I am almost 9 months pregnant. Not super romantic, but it should be a good night! 🙂
We will be having dinner and a movie!
Spending the day with my family, then once the kids go to bed, cooking a fancy meal with my husband!
I will be spending valentines day with my three little ones my hubby has to work and our anniversary is on the 20th so valentines day isn’t that important to us
I’m planning on fixing a nice family meal for the three best guys in my life. My husband (high school sweethearts), my four year old and our 4 month old.
Spending the day with my boys!
We will be celebrating our daughter’s 3rd birthday. She was born on the 16th:)
My husband will be working all day and into the night. He’s a tax preparer plus getting time and a half at his day job. So I’ll be hanging out at home with our son like any other Saturday. But we will be going out to dinner on Sunday.
I will be at home with my boys Valentines Day. My Husband and two sons. The oldest is 3 now and out of diapers and the baby is 3 months. We aren’t doing anything to crazy, probably just having pizza and watching a family movie!!!
My husband and I are having dinner tonight. I plan on helping my little one make valentines gifts either today or tomorrow. Saturday (v day) we’ll spend the day together as a family.
Maybe we’ll do Imo’s-that is where my hubby and I went on our first date.
Baby shower on valentines day!!!
For Valentine’s Day daddy, toddler and I will probably go out for a nice lunch at our favorite noodle place and then go to our local children’s museum. Then after toddler is in bed maybe snuggle on the couch and watch and movie with a growler of local beer!
My hubby and I actually celebrated Valentine’s Day yesterday. On V Day, we’ll just take it easy and stay home from the massive crowds.
I’ll be spending the day working on projects for my pottrry class, then studying for a huge biology test next Wednesday. Super romantic 😉
I’ll be staying at home this year (as far as I know)!
My husband and I will be spending Valentine’s morning at a marriage conference…if I can convince my children that they aren’t going to be sick Friday and Saturday. We’ve been passing around a nasty stomach virus, so it may be that we don’t go to the conference and get to clean up puke instead. Happy Valentine’s Day?
Awesome giveaway!
We’ll probably be picking out a new bike our 5-year-old! His birthday was on Tuesday, but we decided to let him go to the store and pick out the one he wants. 🙂
I’ll just be spending a quiet day relaxing with my hubby.
I will be spending the day with my whole family at home. And loving every minute of it. 🙂
Valentines boat show for my family. We just bought a sailboat that we are moving onto. Valentines day will be searching for fun accessories and deals.
I’m spending valentine’s day home with a baby girl and husband
Doing our normal things. Since it’s Saturday and going to be cold, we probably won’t spend much time outside, maybe read and watch movies with the kids, probably do some fun stuff with them, I have favorite colors of nail polish for the big kids, so they’ll probably ask for a ‘pedicure’ and plans for sometime this week doing some math and science stuff with candy hearts! The toddler is just along for the ride, but she’s my one in cloth diapers, so I’ll keep all the red and pink ones out for Saturday!
I will be spending Valentines Day with my loves.
I am just going to have a nice cozy day at home with the husband!
Going to Spamalot with my love!
At home with my kids