Recently, Jennifer Labit, owner of Cotton Babies and creator of bumGenius, Flip and Econobum, shared her Christmas wish list on her blog:
Christmas is a fun season of the year, but I’m not a big “stuff” person. My idea of Christmas fun would actually be a large dumpster out in front of my house so I can “de-stuff”. I always get people asking about what I want for Christmas though, so this year, I’m taking the proverbial “bull by the horns” and just putting it out there for everyone to read. For Christmas, all I want is your help in raising awareness about cloth diapers.
Sometime between December 26th and January 9th, write a fresh blog post (or public post through some form of social media) about cloth diapers. The theme should be “Cloth Diapers are Easy and Inexpensive”. Include photos, charts, goals, etc. Your post must be at least five paragraphs long, well-written and original content not previously published. Your goal is to show the world how easy it is to cloth diaper a baby.
Click here to read the full blog post, including full details on how to enter and be eligible to win 12 bumGenius one-size cloth diapers for your family and 12 bumGenius cloth diapers for one of your blog commenters. Hurry over to get the details and get started on your own blog post, this opportunity ends January 9, 2012.
Not a blogger? We haven’t forgotten you. Be sure to check the right side of Jenn’s blog for more details on how to be entered in a drawing each week for a free cloth diaper. Be sure to keep your eyes on this blog as well, we have many great giveaways planned for 2012.
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I am working on my blog post now! Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity! <3