Win a $100 gift certificate to Cotton Babies
May 7, 2010 11:00 am

Have you ever told your kids how happy you are that they were born? I was looking at my children wrestling on the couch the other day and had a melty mommy moment. Andrew has such a gentle heart. Oscar loves to laugh. The photo to the right is Elsie at a week old. She is fourteen months old now and turning into a little dancing (and couch wrestling!) diva. She was such a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know how much I could love another little person. Now I know. I tell my kids almost every night that God put them in my belly and that He decided that I was supposed to be their mommy. I am so glad they were born.
It’s Mother’s Day this weekend. As I was pondering how to have a Mother’s Day promotion at Cotton Babies, I realized that I feel most rewarded as a mother when I’m talking to my kids about how much I love them. Flowers are great. Lunch is great. New clothes are great. A hug is fun… but truthfully, my heart gets the biggest thrill from that knowing nod my four-year-old has when he hears that I’m glad he was born… now that’s a Mother’s Day present. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, I want you to write a comment on this blog post about someone little in your life (biological, adopted, foster, god-child, in-utero, in-mind or even some other status I didn’t think of) and why you are glad they were born – or are going to be born. One person is going to win $100 Gift Certificate to Cotton Babies!
Write one comment on this post about a child in your life using the theme “I’m So Glad You Were Born”. Comments should be limited to 500 words. Contest entries only please. Inappropriate or irrelevant comments will be deleted. One comment (one entry) per person. If you have a comment about an entry, want to support a particular entry or have something else to say, please comment here.
Entries must be received by Friday, May 14th. A winner will be announced by Friday, May 21st. It may be sooner, but we’re anticipating quite a few entries to sort through. We want enough time available to give each entry a fair review.
We are looking first at the content and quality of what you wrote. Please check your spelling and your grammar. If we have trouble deciding between two entries, we will also consider how many of the optional things (see “Extra Credit Opportunities”) you did to promote the contest and your favorite baby retailer, Cotton Babies.
Extra Credit Opportunities
- Click here to tweet about the contest using the #cottonbabies hashtag.
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- Post on any diapering or forum about the contest, encouraging people to enter.
- Blog and encourage others to enter this contest and to shop at Cotton Babies.
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Please provide relevant links to your tweet, blog, social media page and forum post in your comment if you chose to complete these steps. Remember, this isn’t required… and please don’t harrass your friends on Facebook or Twitter to get “extra” entries. Once is good enough!
1 grand prize winner ($100 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
1 second place winner ($50 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
1 third place winner ($25 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
10 runners up ($10 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
Gift certificates will be emailed to the winners and can only be redeemed online through the Cotton Babies website. You must either live in the United States or have a shipping address in the United States to be eligible to win.
Final Thoughts
Please keep what you write and share it with your child when they are old enough to understand it. I’d love to know how you decided to do this when the time comes!
By the way, thank you for shopping with Cotton Babies and for using our brands (bumGenius, Flip, Econobum & Hemp Babies). Have a great weekend everyone!
What happened to the winner announcement? 🙁
I am so glad you were born! What could have been a bad situation has been blessed by God. I thank Him each day for surprising us with your beautiful face and gracious spirit! I love you and can’t wait to see what a wonderful man you grow to be.
Love, Mommy
Can’t wait to see the winners!
My Little Miracle Baby Joseph Clayton,
The day you were born was the happiest day of our lives. Your father and I were both told we would probably not ever be parents. Yet here you are a beautiful baby boy. Everyday I love you more than the day before, Everyday thanking God for my little miracle baby. I am so glad you were born.
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Without the sweet voice of my baby my ears would have missed out on one of life’s greatest joys. His Amen’s after prayers and jabbering of word’s that I can’t understand are some of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard.
Without his laughter my heart would have a piece missing. As he makes faces to himself and dances to his own reflection it gives me chills.
Everything about him… his hands, his feet, the dimples in his cheeks, his bright blue eyes are precious. I wouldn’t trade anything about him.
My daily routine is much more regular than it used to be. I often change diapers, sometimes clean up throw up, and listen to fits but I wouldn’t trade it in for a second.
I am truly blessed to be a mom! I thank God every day for the gift of my precious little man, I couldn’t imagine the world without the pitter-patter of his little feet.
I was raped when I was 12 and found myself pregnant with you. I was taken to get an abortion but I found I just couldn’t do it. I knew even at that young age that you were a precious life and that you must be born. I am so glad you were born because I made another family very happy to have a daughter. You were raised so much better than I could have ever cared for you. I hope you are not angry with me. I really wanted to keep you but I knew at 13 I could not raise a child. I hope you are happy, you look happy in your pictures. I hope one day you can forgive me and understand why I gave you away.
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To my little baby Maggie: I’ve thought about what to post for several days now. It’s hard to put into words how much you have changed my life. I lost my mother when I was eight months old and never really realized the impact it had on my life until the day you turned eight months old. I never really thought much about that time in my life and assumed that because I don’t remember it happening it probably wasn’t much of an impact; but you have changed me. I am glad you were born because you made me realize how precious the mother daughter relationship is. Seeing the way you love me brings me to peace with what happened in my early days. I may not remember my mother but I know that I loved her and I know she could see my love for her. I hope that I am old and gray before we have to say goodbye but no matter when God takes me home please know that my life truly began the day you were born.
Tragedy. Oh, how I wanted to cry! No, nothing dramatic is going on in my mothering. This was just my reaction as I was scrolling through these contest entries. And why, you ask? Because I submitted a well thought-out entry days ago…and it isn’t here! There’s no explanation for it, it just is not.
I am a cloth diaper junkie. And Oh! how I wanted to win the gift certificate. A few more cloth diapers for my stash! I can come up with something good for that! But when I found that my entry wasn’t here, I realized that my focus was not on my precious little Simon. It was on me….and my stash.
My dear husband put it all into perspective just a few moments ago when I exclaimed, “A hundred dollars, Kev! This contest is a big deal!” And he quietly and teasingly replied, “You’ll spend that much anyway, whether you win or not.” I sat back. Hmm. True.
And here is why: I’ve found products I love and believe in. My Simon deserves the best, and I’ve found it. So am I a little over-passionate about a lost contest entry? Yeah. Will it eat at me anymore? No. I’m glad my Simon was born every day, every moment, and he’s getting the best, whether I win the chance to buy it or not. He’ll still get it.
All for you, my sweet and special boy! 🙂
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Dearest son you were what brought me back to life. You were the most wonderful and unexpected gift anyone could ever wish for. It is because of you that I am who I am today. You changed my life. You made my life. I could not imagine a world in which you are not mine. I am so proud to be your mom and have you for a son and a friend. I love you.
My fiesty daughter you will never know how much my heart ached for you long before you were concieved. We prayed and cried and begged for you for years. You were every bit worth the wait. You are amazing and I could not ask for more. I love you and I love being your mom.
I’m glad you were born now.
There are so many wonderful things in the world right now: instantaneous worldwide communication, improved health care, easier access to education, increased tolerance of all kinds of wonderful, beautiful people.
There are also scary things going on in a world that is filled with uncertainty. In spite of the fact that we are all so much more connected, we still struggle to get along. Our precious Earth’s resources are threatened. We have many problems to work out. But there have always been scary things in the world: the Cold War, the Great Depression, unsafe work environments, lack of respect and jobs for women and people of color, AIDS, etc. My parents worried about all of these problems and more. They and the people of their generation worked to solve them, for me and people of my generation.
One of the best things about being alive, and growing up, is that you get to help do your part to try to take care of those scary things, just like I’m doing now for you. I am so glad you were born now, because your generation is poised to see the reversal of the damage to our beautiful, fragile Earth. By the time you are an adult, humanity will be closer than ever to becoming a worldwide community, working together to make life better for everyone.
I don’t promise you that the world will be perfect when you grow up. You’ll have your own worries and fears. But then, maybe you’ll have a baby. And you’ll look down into that little baby’s eyes and hold their tiny, soft fingers and you’ll know that you have to do your part for that baby.
I’m glad you were born, because it makes it that much easier for me to work hard to make the world a better place for you, a world that is already pretty good, and one that I can help to make better.
To my sweet girls
You have taught me so many things since you both where born. From breastfeeding to cloth diapers, but even more so showing me while being pregnant and birthing you that I could do it. To my oldest, you showed me to start with that a momma will do ANYTHING to keep her baby healthy including the many bruises I had from insulain shots. Now today at 5 years old, you are showing me what a careing young girl you are becoming. With our many lessons we are learning and that God thinks we are ALL beautiful. I am looking foward to continue to watch you grow, you are a very caring and smart girl!
My youngest, you have always done things your way. You started off showing momma that her body is stronger then she thought, especially after I pushed out all 9 lbs 5 oz of you! You went on to show me that I can do anything that I put my mind to, breastfeeding you after you lost a lb to your many rashes from diapers. Now at 3 you are still teaching momma to be strong. You have showed me that even though you are tough and tumble you still need your hugs.
Girls, I am so honored to be your mother. You have both taught me so much about my self, I would never change that for the world!I love you both so very much!
Because of my children a selfish woman has learned to be selfless.
Because of my children I know what it means to love unconditionally as I gaze into the sweet smile of my two-month-old beauty.
Because of my children I have a better understanding of how God can love a sinner like me because no matter how naughty my two year old can be, I want him near me even more.
Because of my children I am a blessed woman.
Thank you my precious babies, Will and Ann, for letting me be your Mommy!
To my dear boys, Gabriel and Joshua:
Not a day goes by, my loves, that I do not thank God for bringing you into my life. Having done nothing to deserve your presence in my life, I marvel at the miracle of the two of you. It has been through you that I have learned how to live life. My selfishness has fallen to the wayside, and in its place stands a new woman; a woman who is not wholly unselfish, but who has learned to live at the service of others.
In a way that one can only understand as a parent, I know what it is like to love someone so fiercely that it can hurt. To wish for no harm or ill to ever come upon the children who are in my care. To know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I would suffer in your place if I could, should it ever happen.
Because of you, my dear ones, I have learned how to love others with a real, true love. Throughout my life, I have never had anyone love me with such a pure and innocent love as you do – leading me to learn how to love in the same way.
While it is true that your father and I have seen our share of hardship, I have never wished for our life together to be different. Our true riches lie nestled in our arms, close to hearts: our sons. Each of you are worth more than all the riches in the world, no value can be placed on you, or anyone for that matter.
You see, dear boys, I am glad that you were born because you have made my life what it is today: full of love, happiness, and other non-worldly riches beyond my wildest dreams. I cannot image my life without you, because no matter how things may have played out, my life could never have been as wonderful as it is with you.
I love you with all of my heart,
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I woke on my first Mother’s Day feeling pretty sorry for myself. I had gotten up twice with you in the night, and your well-meaning father slept through each waking. To his credit, your dear dad got up before me that morning, and attempted to soothe my spirit by making me breakfast. He had even gotten you out of bed and changed. When I finally did drag myself out of bed, probably looking as miserable as I felt, you greeted me with the sweetest possible smile. Most moments in life seem to pass by unnoted, but some stick with you forever. And, I think that smile will always be with me. The unconditional joy and love that radiated from your big blue eyes and perfect baby grin, all framed on a canvas of beautiful, creamy skin and perfectly rosy cheeks, was awe-inspiring. What a picture of babyness! And, even in my dark mood, I couldn’t help melt and remember how lucky I am that you are my beloved baby boy.
I remember those first times you smiled. I was almost shocked to realize those smiles were for me. I had slaved over you for weeks, and I wasn’t quite sure if you liked me or not. But, as soon as you could, you let me know how much you love me. In fact, I think you taught me how to love. Of course, I’d already enjoyed much love as a daughter, sister, and wife. But, you taught me how to love as a mother. Your unconditional baby love gave me the power to love you with my entire soul. You changed me forever, and the change was and is infinitely for the better.
I’ve been lucky in my life to see some incredible theatre on some of the most famous stages in the world, but I daresay, this past year I’ve witnessed the greatest show on earth. I never knew your development would be such a thrilling ride, and I am lucky enough to enjoy a front row seat. I remember sitting with bated breath as you nearly rolled over time and time again. I remember laughing deeper and louder than I ever had as we discovered how ticklish you are. I’ve been moved to tears time and time again as I watch you sleep or kiss you goodnight. Elijah, you are my most precious baby boy, and I look forward to a lifetime of letting you know how glad I am that you were born.
My spunky, little Asha Rose…I am so very glad you were born. I am thankful that your first mother gave life to you, loved you and took such good care of you when you were with her and close to her heart. I am thankful that your daddy and I have the opportunity now to love you, care for you and get to know all of your inner details, emotions and talents. Your first mother has entrusted us with that job, and we take that seriously. I am eager to learn and grow with you, especially seeing the world through new and different eyes. I love your excited clap, and even your frustrated pout…which quickly turns into a high-pitched scream! You have no fear, except of strangers; you will try any food we give you; and whenever you hear music you stop what you are doing and start bopping up and down. We are always trying to be open to learn more about you. The first thing you taught us is how to love you. When you first were in my arms, you were a stranger to me, and I to you. Now your smell, sounds and touch are so familiar. I see you now look for me when others are holding you. You just started saying “ma ma”. How sweet those words are to my heart. My Asha Rose, you are my daughter, and I am so glad you were born.
Dear Elijah,
I am so glad you were born. You have been my rock, my life. It’s been a hard year and I’m not sure if I could have survived it without you. I was diagnosed with cancer when you were in my womb. I was taken under by PPD, and now I am going through a divorce. You have kept me grounded, and no matter what is happening I can always look at you and I can’t help but smile. You look at me with such adoration, you hug me when I am feeling sad. You are my reason for living, and the reason I am getting through these hard times. I will love you forever and always my dear sweet boy.
Love, your mama
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Molly May,
I’m so so so glad that you were born. After the process of fertility drugs we were finally able to bring you here. At the time you had a brother or sister that you were going to share your life with. Sadly they went back to be with our Father. But out of that pain we had a great joy, YOU! You have been the best baby I could have even dreamed of (and I’m not just saying that because you’re my daughter!). My favorite part of the day is when I get to come in to get you after you’ve been sleeping. You are soooo happy to see me, it makes my heart melt. I can’t imagine not having you in my life and I don’t even remember what it used to be like. I love you more than I can describe and I hope to one day be able to provide you with another brother or sister to share your life with. You are my angel!
Love, Mommy
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When my son, Ephraim was about 18 months old, we had a morning routine of sitting on the couch together. He with is Dr. Brown’s bottle and me with my tea. I would sit and snuggle him. He is a busy boy, he still doesn’t snuggle often. I looked forward to that 20 minutes a day. There was one day that I clearly remember. He had on some blue pajamas with a little dog on them. He laid quietly in my arms, watched me with his big brown eys and batted his long eyelashes at me. The moment is not spectacular in any way but it is the one that stands out in my mind as the moment that I knew I loved another person more than myself. With Eph there had been countless sleepless nights, extended crying sessions and a personal will that is stronger than an elephant. God knew what he was doing when he gave me Ephraim. He knew that I would have the patience to deal with him, the ability to encourage his imagination and the dedication to fight for his rights. I am not only glad to be his mother but I am blessed beyond measure.
I’m glad you were born the month we were going to start trying to have kids (whoops!). I’m glad that you were a girl, and that I patiently (most of the time, anyway) waited nine months to find that out. I’m glad it was a day before your father’s birthday so you’d have a special day of your own. But most of all I’m glad you were born with the names of your two grandmothers who passed while you were still in my belly. Daily I pray that you’ll also have their spirits of love, compassion, service, and family. God knew exactly what our families needed when he created you. You have turned the mourning into gummy smiles, stinky diapers (only a little), and an endless number of moments where I feel a tiny stretch in my heart as the amount of love it holds increases.
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I’m so glad you were born, so you can see what an amazing place this world is.
I’m so glad you were born, so you can hear laughter, music, and people say, “I love you.”
I’m so glad you were born, so you can smell your favourite toy, fresh cut grass, and a home-cooked meal.
I’m so glad you were born, so you can taste carrots straight from the garden, your aunt’s delicious pies, and your grandfather’s sumptious ribs.
I’m so glad you were born, so you can feel the warm summer rain, hugs from your cousin, and Gradma’s cozy blanket.
I’m so glad you were born, so you can learn about the past and embrace the future.
I’m so glad you were born, so you can know how much we love you.
I am so glad you were born.
Most every parent probably has said this to their child at one time or another, and now, I say it to you.
Sam, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, to just now, kissing your forehead as you drifted into your morning nap, I have been in love. It’s a deeper love than I ever knew I could feel. It is also a different kind of love than I have ever felt before. It’s a proud love. It’s a protecting love. It is a sense of being in awe love. It’s a love that I have been waiting for most of my life.
Your Dad frequently tells me he wishes he had a camera to record the look on my face when I held you for the first time, but I have a feeling I know what that face is. I wear it every day I am with you. Your smile, makes me smile, you laugh makes me laugh, your presence, makes me present.
Now that you are here I get to experience the wonder of the world with you, to learn to see it with innocence again. You will show me how much fun it is to get muddy in a puddle, and remind me not to worry about how it’s all going to be cleaned up afterwards. I am sure you will blow dandelion seeds all about our neighborhood, and much to our neighbor’s dismay, and I will let you.
Somehow you have helped calm my inner anxiety, taught me to have more patience than I have ever thought I could have. You have managed to help me make sense of things I have never thought I would understand. You have reminded me that what is most important in this world is what is right here in front of me.
I am so, so glad you were born.
I love you, Sam.
Katherine Grace,
I’m so glad you were born.
Five years ago, I found out I was pregnant and your father and I were overjoyed. Our minds jumped ahead immediately as we designed a nursery in our minds, and wondered how we were going to afford college in 18 years.
Five years ago next month, I went in for my first OB/GYN appointment and the ultrasound couldn’t find a heartbeat, or a sac containing a fetus. “Oh,” said the nurse practitioner, “It’s just that you’re still only 6 weeks. You probably miscalculated. We’ll set you up for another ultrasound in a few days” and she sent me on my way. I went to work. I had extreme cramping. I went home to rest. I called the doctor’s office about the pain, and was told it could be indigestion. By 5 pm, the ambulance had arrived to take my passed out body to the hospital where I had emergency surgery – an ectopic pregnancy, a ruptured tube, massive blood loss. My chances of having another baby slimmed considerably.
I spent the next 8 weeks healing, crying, trying to believe.
Five years ago this August, your father and I threw caution to the wind and tried again.
Five years ago this October, as I still mourned the loss of the first pregnancy, I found out about you.
I spent the next 9 months cautious, trying to believe, as the scar from surgery still sore with your body pushed against it, tried to heal.
Four years ago, you arrived – officially – into our world.
I’m so glad you were born.
Three years ago, I finally convinced myself you weren’t going anywhere. You were ours and you were here to stay. We do everything together and the rare times I miss out on something you are doing, my heart stings for a second. Okay, for a few days.
Two years ago, you nursed for the last time, a bittersweet moment as your burgeoning independence was now even more apparent. You needed me for one less thing.
One year ago, we rocked your world with a little sister. You, with your usual good-natured spirit, have never looked back. She’s your baby too, you insist. I’ve never seen a better big sister than you. Your entire body beams as you hold her hand and help her walk across the room. You couldn’t be more proud.
Katherine Grace, I’m so glad you were born. You’ve changed my world in ways I never imagined. A few days ago, you gave me a homemade Mother’s Day card with drawings of flowers and hearts. As if some of your artwork weren’t gift enough, your father translated what your scribbles said, what you were telling him you were “writing” as you scribbled: “Mommy, you are my best friend. Love, Your best friend.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Mommy (your best friend)
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Before you were born, I thought that I was in charge of my life. I thought I knew what was important. I thought I could control the outcomes. I thought that life was about working hard toward the things that I wanted.
When you came into my life, you taught me a lot.
I am not in charge, God is, and I am thankful for that because there are so many things I would have missed if I were listening to myself alone.
Suddenly, spilled juice on the new carpet, crayon scribbles on the wall, and baby spit-up on that shirt I had to have are unimportant; suddenly, rescuing you from your tumble on the sidewalk and kissing your scraped knees, showing you the moon at night, and knowing you are comfortable and protected are all that is important.
I can’t control the outcomes, but I can love you as if this is the last time I’ll get to show you, I can revel in the wonder of new things with you, I can spend an hour digging up roly polies with you and feel that I have lived this day to the fullest.
Now what I work toward is giving you a world you can learn and love and grow in. And I find that this is more fulfilling than any work I could have imagined. I am so glad you were born, because there are so many things I didn’t know I wanted.
As I don’t have any children yet, I can only dream about my future children and what a joy they will be. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be one thing when I was all grown up – a mommy. Dolls were my favorite toys, and I would carry around “my baby,” change its diaper, feed it, and rock it until it went to sleep.
Babies are such wonderful blessings, and when I hold the little ones of friends I long for the day when I’ll have a baby of my own to snuggle with, love, and take care of. As I prepare crocheted blankets, cloth diapers, and little clothes for that time, I am praying for the children that will someday use them. That God will bring them in the right time and that they would be healthy and strong. That He would give me the wisdom to know how to raise the next generation to bring honor to Him.
And I know when I hold my children for the first time; I’ll be SO glad that they were born!
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To be honest, my first mother’s day, I did not want to celebrate at all. I had just miscarried my first pregnancy at the end of my first trimester. It was an exciting time when I was preparing to announce our news to the world! At the same time, through genetic testing my husband and I found out that there would be a 25% chance that any baby we had would not be ‘viable’, making miscarriages a greater possibility for us. When my 2nd mother’s day came in 2009, I was so glad you were born merely 5 days earlier, as I was now able to celebrate with a baby in my heart AND in my arms. It was the best mother’s day present, to be a mother with a baby in arms, and to feel that instant love. Now, for me, every mother’s day is not only a time to reflect and remember what once was but also something to look forward to. Every mother’s day that comes I can look back at another year of your life that has passed and feel ever so grateful that you were born.
I’m so glad you were born.
You – with your perfect pursed pout
You – with your ever-rosy cheeks
You – with your deep baby blues
lined with those lovely luscious lashes.
I’m so glad you were born.
You – with your early-morning squeals
You – with your deep sleepy grins
You – with your gleeful giggles
that leave me no choice but to laugh along with you.
I’m so glad you were born mine.
Mine – to cuddle and kiss as you sleep at my breast
Mine – to grin over with pride as they tell me “how beautiful!”
Mine – to love and to lead
as we look to the future with wonder and hope.
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To my little man, on my first Mother’s Day, and your six-month birthday,
The reason I love why you were born is because of who you are. I love watching your little personality develop and show itself. I love watching and learning about you. What you like, what you are intrigued by, what infuriates you. I love watching your little mind develop as it learns about the world around you, and how to interact with it. I love watching each step of progression, from learning to recognize things, to learning how to crawl.
You are quiet and observant, but you have your loud moments! You love sounds, you always have. From the crinkle of plastic to the raspberries you blow. You love being with people. And you especially love your Daddy, always have – since you first responded when he put his hand on your womb. You recognized his voice and his hand, and always moved towards him… but away from others! After your traumatic birth, you relaxed when Daddy put his hand on your head while you recovered in the NICU. You brighten whenever you see your daddy, and you love watching and being with him. But you did many of your firsts for Mommy, and that makes me happy. You first recognized me, reached out for me, and crawled to me.
I don’t know what your life will be like, but I hope it will be a good one. That no matter what troubles you go through, you will be a whole and happy person. I hope I can be a good mommy to you and that you will always know that I unconditionally love you. I hope I can help give you the tools to maximize your strengths and talents, and learn how to conquer or live with your weaknesses and faults.
I love looking at your eyes and seeing the person inside, and the love. I love how you already show us you love us, in your baby way. I love how gentle you are, and how expressive.
And I am loving your babyhood. The chubby cheeks and dimpled hands, the neck and toe lint-collectors. The smell of baby shampoo as you splash in the tub. The fun of dressing you in cute baby clothes as you progress from size to size. Discovering cloth diapers with you. Taking photo-shoots with you until you burp all over your clothes. Discovering rain and snow, grass and wind. Getting down on the floor and just laughing with you. Or discovering toys with you. I’m looking forward as you get older to introducing you to more of this big world. Like zoos. And trains. And playgrounds.
I love being your mommy, and I’m so glad you were born. I love you, little son.
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I blogged to keep my post so I can let my children read it when they are older. My entire blog is all about my life as their Mom. I plan to have them read it when they are older. I want it to be a reminder to them about my real feelings and thoughts!
After 7 years of waiting for a baby to enter my life here is my story of how our family grew:
My husband and I tried for many years to conceive a child after 7 years and many failed attempts, little man, you were born. My life felt complete. I thought I could never love anything as much as I love you. I love hugging you, talking to you and playing games with you. I never knew how wonderful being your mother would actually be. You amaze me every day and my heart grows every time you smile! 3 years had passed and our family grew larger. Baby girl, you were born at a time when I needed to love even more. You came along and my life completely changed. You show me every day how to love more than ever. You helped me find emotions I never knew I could find. You make me cry with happiness every time I think of you. I never wanted to have a little girl, honestly, but without you I would never be the Mom that I always knew I had in me. I love that you’re my daughter. Thank you both for choosing me as your Mommy!
Love, Mumma
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I’ve been a mother now for 6 weeks. I’m already scared of fast these precious moments are going to fly by, because it feels like just yesterday she graced the world with her beautiful face! If I had to describe motherhood in one word, I would chose overwhelming. I’ve been filled with (at first) overwhelming pain (ha!), overwhelming love, overwhelming anxiety (is this just normal newborn poop, or does my baby have diarrhea?!), overwhelming joy…. Evie has brought so much into my life, some of which I expected and some has taken me by surprise. From the moment she was born and I held her slimy little body for the first time, till now as she’s learning to hold her head up and reach for things, I have learned that part of being a mother is about sacrificing and finding joy in that sacrificing. Before my daughter was born I had never even held a newborn, so I had so much to learn about being a new mom! Once she arrived I found myself praying every time I changed her diaper-that I was changing it often enough and that she wouldn’t get a diaper rash! I prayed every feeding, that the milk would be nourishing and digest easily and that she wouldn’t spit up! I woke up one morning and realized that motherhood was making me a better person, Evie was making me a better person (and that I had talked a lot more to God than I had in a while!). I find myself sacrificing sleep, time, and sometimes I forget to eat in the midst of taking care of our little angel. But, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, and am trying to savor every precious moment I have to sacrifice and put my sweet little baby before myself. And without a doubt, Evie has made me a better daughter! Until she was born I wasn’t able to fully know the love and sacrifices my own mother made for me.
To my tiny, newest best friend: I love you with a love I am unable to describe, and am so overjoyed that you were born. Being your mommy is helping me to become a more kind and compassionate person. Know that there is and always will be a special Evie shaped place in my heart!
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To my daughter, Elliott:
I am so glad you were born. We talked and planned, saved our pennies, and did our research. We waited until we were “ready.” After some heartache and grief, we found out you were on your way. Even then, we still had our ups and downs and worries. Then you got here (after a lot of hard work!), and you were so beautiful.
Then we got you home and realized that despite all our planning and research, there was nothing that could truly prepare us to have a baby. Thank you for teaching me that not everything can be planned and scheduled and controlled…and that I can love my new, chaotic, never-quite-planned-right life!
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As a pediatrician and someone who works (or used to work) in a neonatal ICU, I never knew what the moms sitting by the bedsides were going through until I was pregnant with my first. I was taking care of a premature infant born at 25 weeks just about the time I was 25 weeks along. I looked down at my round belly and was completely blown away.
We were very lucky to be blessed with a healthy girl that we named Amelia. We were so surprised to find out it was a girl! The best surprise ever.
To Amelia – I am so glad you were born and I am so lucky to be your mama. These are my promises to you:
-Support you in all you want to do – from making mudpies to skyscrapers
-Feed you yummy (and potentially yucky) stuff – including peas and ice cream
-Clothe you – whether you want to wear only socks and your BG diaper or a full on winter coat in the heat of summer
-Run with you – up and down hills and as far as you can go
-Laugh with you – especially when you say “mama ou are you” (translation – where are you)
-Shnuggle with you every night as you fall asleep
-Imagine with you as we read books about far away places
-Hugs and kisses always whether you’re naughty or nice
I’m glad my two baby boys were born… They have both saved my life. When life gets me down I now have two reasons to live and go on. My oldest who is now 28 months was born at 35 weeks and we both almost died. I had an placental abruption but he was completely healthy only weighing 4lbs 14oz and he got to go home with with me and didn’t have to stay any longer. My youngest son now 8 months old was also born premature at 34 weeks. I started going into labor at 30 weeks and they stopped it and finally at 34 weeks there was no stopping it anymore. He weighed 5lbs 9oz. I love more my baby boys and theres nothing I wouldn’t do for them. Becoming a mother at 20 years old is the greastest decision I’v ever made. I wouldn’t change it for anything. It does get tough sometimes but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
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For as long as I can remember I knew I wanted to be a mommy when I grew up. My dreams of becoming a mommy were momentarily crushed when I came to the realization that I was gay. I met my partner in 2003 and in the fall of 2006 we decided to try to get me pregnant. We were blessed to have a friend who was willing to be our donor and he asked for nothing in return. We inseminated in our home and after just one attempt we found out I was pregnant. July 11th 2007 was the most amazing day in my life.
Jamesen Milo, you make me a better person. You amaze me daily with how incredibly smart you are. You are a loving beautiful boy and I love you more then you will ever know! There was a time in my life that I didn’t think I would ever be able to have children but now I have you and I am honored to be your mommy! I am so happy you were born and can’t imagine my life without you in it…
This is the first child for my husband and I and after 6 years of marriage we couldn’t be more excited to meet this little on in the next week or two. We have raised our “furbaby” for the last 5 years and knowing how much we love and spoil him we know we are going to be in so much trouble when this little one arrives. We have really gotten used to it being just the two of us, but we are so excited to see how our life changes when we add a third.
When I found out I was pregnant with my second I was so hoping for a boy. I had the name all picked, clothes, bedding ideas. When the ultrasound tech said it was a girl I have to be honest I was devastated. I was so depressed I had my next 2 dr. appt. and hadn’t felt any movement at all. One day I was encouraged to tell my little girl how happy I was she was coming and to appologize for not wanting a girl. I did on the way to an appt., I told her I was so happy she was coming and I was so sorry for wanting a boy. Well she kicked my side so hard the seat belt moved. She’s been a real joy ever since.
I used to think that motherhood was about teaching our children about life. As it turns out, they’re teaching me. My sweet Rowan has taught me to have faith in the rumblings of an inner voice and the whispers of a soul. My fiery Ava has taught me that to be daring one also has to be securely tethered to the ground. And my darling Riley has taught me to be open to life, receiving gifts with gratitude and hope. I am so grateful for all three of my little ones and for the lessons they’ve taught me.
I am so glad you were born.
Simple, to the point, and since the day my little guy was born, 5 weeks early, hooked up to tubes, IV’s, machines… I have said it to him. I know he could not understand me at the time. I know that he probably still cannot understand me now. But I tell him Now when I tell him, my sweet little 11 month old baby, looks at me smiles, and puts both of his arms up for a hug. I am so glad you were born, I tell him, and he smiles, says “mama” in the cutest questioning voice and give me snuggles.
I am so glad he was born.
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in 5 short sleeps, I’ll be able to tell you “Im so glad you were born”. I’ve been dreaming of you since before I conceived you. Your father and I had to wait a
long time for you and now you are almost here. I think we are both in disbelief that the day is actually coming. We love you so much and we can’t wait to meet
you, see your beautiful face, and watch you grow.
Thank you, baby boy, for being with me these last 9 months. I’ll always be here for you.
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I am so glad my Megan and Josh were born because they remind me that it’s OK to go outside and play in the rain, to get dirt under my fingernails, to pick dandelions, to drink chocolate milk, to slurp long spaghetti noodles, to throw freshly cut grass up in the air and watch it fall, to lie on the floor next to the dogs and let them lick my face, to sing out loud and not worry about being out of key. They have taught me what a miracle life is, what a truly honest belly laugh is and how it can light up your day the first time (and every time) you hear it. They have reminded me all over again how wonderful of a man I married and shown me what a great daddy he is. They have reminded me how important it is to be a good role model and to be confident in myself. They have taught me how important my own mother is and how much she has done for me. Megan, when you sing “You Are My Sunshine” and “Amazing Grace” I beam with pride. When you ask me to cuddle with you one more time before you go to sleep, I melt inside. Joshua, nothing feels as good as holding a sleeping infant, and feeling you cuddled up next to me as I sleep. I watch in amazement every day as you master new skills and become more aware of life around you. When I see Megan give her baby brother tender kisses as she says, “Good night brudda” all of the distractions of the day disappear. I love you both, and I thank God you were born!
To my daughter who we lost at 17 weeks, though you were not my first born. However, by witnessing you loose the battle to live and struggle for seventeen weeks to survive in my womb taught me what the will to live is. I was a good mom to your three older brothers before you but after your birth it taught me to appreciate my children during every breath I take. My parenting took a completely new turn after we lost you. Your two little brothers have been lucky enough to have the new mom from birth, a mom who sees every moment as worth savoring. Marcus, your closest little brother, talks of you often and kisses my necklace good night even though he never met you. He calls you Big sissy Samara with the angels in the clouds, which makes me smile and cry all at the same time. When we found out we were losing you we only thought of our pain and that you were finally at peace, out of pain. We never realized this tiny angel before us would change our entire lives and make us into the best people we can be. Thank you my daughter, love of my life, I will see you again someday but I will have you in my heart forever. I am now the woman I always wanted to be and you precious girl is the reason. Love Mom.
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Dear Owen,
You were born at a time when I felt I had no direction in my life. I went to school for education and couldn’t find a job. Your father and I decided to move to a better location where I may have better luck looking for a job. It was at this time that we bought our first house together! It was such an exciting time in our lives, but I was still upset I didn’t have a job for the next school year. We moved in at the end of May and a week later we found out that you were joining our lives! I knew deep down there was a reason why none of the schools called me and it was because you were coming into our lives. I was meant to stay home and take care of you.
When you were born your father and I were so thrilled! You came out a perfect 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long. You were the same measurements that your father was when he was born. You graced us with your presence at 8:51 PM after only a short eight hours of active labor that was helped along by an epidural. When we first brought you home, your father and I knew that our lives would forever be changed. We now had you relying on us to take care of you.
That first week was a rough week for us. I found out that I couldn’t breastfeed you like I had wanted to. I couldn’t produce enough milk for you. I was heartbroken. I just wanted to do everything right for you. Eventually I came to terms with knowing that the right thing for me to do was to start you on formula. It was a very trying time for us with formula because through a lot of trial and many errors we found out that you couldn’t tolerate dairy formulas. This time was the most stressful time for your father and me. We were both at wits end most days, but we persevered. I believe that this made our marriage even stronger.
At four months old, you are now the most perfect and happy child. It has been such a pleasure to have you in our lives. It is so much fun for your father and me to watch you change every day. Your father works very hard for me to be able to stay home with you. Someday you will realize this. I hope that your father and I can teach you that you can do everything you set your mind to and never let anyone tell you otherwise. I hope that someday you will grow up to be a great father and husband just like your dad. You have a great role model in your father and when you are old enough to write, make sure you take notes! We are so glad you were born!
Mom and Dad
I knew my whole life I wanted to be a mother. When I found out I was expecting my little boy my whole world was overjoyed. I started putting together your nursery spending lots of time in the baby section finding cute little bitty outfits. This pregnancy was everything I was expecting the miracle of life to be.
Nobody can prepare you for motherhood once the baby arrives. I had many people tell me to do this and that but it was a whole different story once Mason arrived. We have built such a strong bond from the second you came out and were placed on my chest. Your sweet little cries had my heart instantly. I have learned so much over these past 3.5 years and everyday I cannot believe you are mine. I am so blessed to have such a sweet, caring little sweetheart who loves to cuddle up and kiss my cheek.
Im so lucky to be your mommy and I am so very glad you were born.
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Caleb’s First Love Letter
July 16, 2008
My dear sweet Caleb Baldwin. I am writing this as you lie next to me in my bed asleep looking like the most beautiful little angel I have ever seen. I sit here and have tears streaming down my face as I think about the last 6 days. Much has happened and I have never been so changed by anything in my life as I have by the single event of your birth.
I have dreamed for months and months about the moment that I would have you on my chest for the first time. It was such a remarkable moment when the midwife told me to reach down and pull you into my arms. I couldn’t believe how big you were, and you were so beautiful. This moment was so special, and it was everything I anticipated it would be to look into your beautiful eyes for the first time. It was truly a miracle.
There is something I did not anticipate though. I have been constantly crying the past few days since you have come into our family. I look at you and am filled with so much love and adoration that I cannot withhold the tears. I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I have never felt this way about anything in my life and have finally been blessed to understand what it means to love only how a mother can. I have heard that my whole life, but I never knew it was like this. I knew it would be absolutely wonderful and amazing, but this? No birthing class, no child rearing class, or book could have even begun to prepare me for the feelings I am feeling.
I have loved so many people throughout my life. I feel I have been blessed with the ability to truly love those who I allow into my heart. I learned on my mission what it truly means to love and to give of myself. But my dear little one, you have tapped into a place in my heart that I never knew existed. I can’t even begin to describe what is going on in my heart right now. It is very new to me, and it has been remarkable to experience. You, my little man, have changed me forever.
You have been a miracle baby. We waited a long time to get you here, and through medical intervention and the prayers of all our loved ones we were finally able to conceive back in October. The joy I felt was indescribable, although I never fully realized the extent of that miracle until now.
Caleb, you have come with such a sweet spirit. You have the most wonderful disposition and have been such a joy. You have been given the name of one of your great grandfathers who was willing to give his life for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has left a legacy of righteousness and conviction. You will be the first in the Hoopes line that will have been given the name of Caleb. I feel this name was reserved for you my little lovey. You have much to do carrying such a special name, and I want to thank you for choosing me as your Mom. I can’t wait to raise you in the gospel. As a mother it is truly the greatest gift I can teach you throughout all the days of your life.
Last night as I knelt in prayer I began to sob. Dad was coming into bed and put his arms around me and asked what was wrong. I told him that I was just thanking Heavenly Father that we, as his children, get to have children. I have now glimpsed into Heaven and have an idea of the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us. I give you my heart, little one. It is yours, take it. I will love you always and forever.
Your Mother.
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Kylynn and Kamden I am so glad you both were born to bring us so much joy, pride and laughter. You both are so sweet and loving. Everything you do makes me so proud to be your mom. I am truly blessed to have both of you beautiful babies as my own, and hope as you grown and learn you know my love will only continue to grow with you.
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I have been awakened every morning for the past 15 months by a tiny whine at precisely 6:00 am – NEVER any later. I groggily walk across the hallway, usually a little irritated that I am up before the sun often rises. Lately, though, I open the door to find my sweet red-headed boy standing in his crib with a toothy smile framed between two deep dimples. The most beautiful word comes out of his mouth: MAMA! I pick him up and ask him for a kiss. He puckers his lips, but at the last minute, he sneakily sticks his tongue out and licks my face. I shout, “Are you a lizard today?!” and he giggles uncontrollably. When I hear those belly laughs and feel the sticky lizard kiss on my face, I feel my heart is going to burst with love! I am so thankful that my happy little red-headed lizard boy was born!
To my son Benjamin, my daughter Lilly and the third who is due in September, why I am glad you were born. Ever since Mommy was a little girl, she knew that the job she would always want is to be a mother. In 2005 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I was told that I may not be able to have children. Mommy went home crushed and cried for hours and hours. At this time, Daddy and I were only dating for about two months. 8 months later, Daddy and I married, and Lilly this is when you were conceived. It was such a joy to carry you for nine months and to see your sweet face for the first time. Ben we had a little more trouble conceiving you, but after 9months and clomid, you were conceived. And once again I loved seeing your sweet face as well. And now that we are having our third and final, I feel so blessed that somewhere, God knew I was meant to be a Mother and blessed me with you three, to have the pleasure of raising you and being your Mother. Mommy loves you so much!
My husband and I have struggled with infertility for the last 2 and half years. We have sought numerous treatments, but they have all been unsuccessful. So when we felt God leading us to adoption, we began to feel very hopeful. It has been an extremely tough but rewarding road for us. The first baby we were planning to bring home was born with brain damage we were not aware of before he was born. He was born with only a brainstem. After much prayer and discussion with the doctor, we decided that his needs were beyond what we were able to handle. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. A family who was requesting a child with severe special needs adopted him. I am so glad he was born. As difficult as it was, holding him, giving him kisses, praying for him, and being a part of his life has been a huge blessing in my life. The second child we were planning to adopt actually came home with us for 2 wonderful days. Her birthmother decided that parting with her was just too difficult and decided to keep her. Letting her go was also very difficult. She was the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. I am so glad she was born. I treasure the time I had with her. We are now waiting for our “Gotcha Day” for a 6 week old little boy. He is so incredibly precious, and we can’t wait for him to come into our home! We are anticipating his arrival sometime next week (but possibly the following week). We will foster him until he is free for adoption. At that point, he will join our family. I can’t wait to give him all the love he deserves. I can’t wait to find out what his personality is like, and what he will look like. I can’t wait to see him smile at me. I am so glad he was born.
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Today, on your 1st Birthday, I want you to know how very glad I am that you are in my life. The moment that I found out that I was pregnant with you, I screamed with joy, and that scared your daddy quite a bit! That fear melted away as soon as I told him the reason for the scream. 9 months later, after 22 hours of unmedicated labor, we ran into some complications. The doctor rushed us back to the operating room. At 12:04 AM on Mother’s Day 2009, you were born, and my life was forever changed.
It has been so amazing to watch you grow over the past year. From the first time you looked up at me with those big baby eyes on my first Mother’s Day to your first steps on my second, you have shown me over and over again what is important in life. You have made daddy and I take a step back, and truly appreciate what we have. Your cuddles make my heart melt, and my goodness do you love your cuddles! Your kisses are more like doggy licks, but I love every one. Your ability to dance to any song makes me laugh, and a dance party with my little dancing queen can turn any rough day around! My favorite part of the day is hearing you wake up and say “Hi Momom! Hi Dada!” in your sing-song way.
You are only 1, but I can barely remember life without you. I am blessed, and truly glad that you were born. I love you baby girl!
I never wanted children. Then, you came along. If you weren’t born, my dear daughter Marion, I would not know devotion so deep that I would die for you. I would not know love so true that I could melt just by looking at you. I would not know life so sweet as it is with you in it. As we wait for your baby brother to be born, I can’t wait to see what surprises each day brings. Will it be a tooth? Will it be a new flavor you haven’t tried? Will it be a new dance move?
How would I ever have known true happiness without you in my life?
A few days before my mom passed away she whispered in my ear “I love you more than you will ever know.” I added a little to it and now tell my kids ever night “I love you more than you will ever know and God loves you a million more times than that.” They never had a chance to know their amazing Grandma. So this is my way of letting them know about my love and God’s love for them while reminding myself of the love my mother had for me! I hope they whisper it to their children some day.
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I tell my 4yr old how special he is to me and what a lucky mama I am to have him in my life. I am so happy to have such a wonderful sweet boy. I used to tell him he was the best boy in the whole world but now I need to find other ways to tell him that, as I just had my second boy. They both are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You will never know true love until you have children. And you will never experience a deeper love….
My boys are the light of my life. They keep a smile on my face even when times are hard. They give me the motivation to accomplish more. They are my reason to be anything and everything. Without them life would be too simple and not nearly as full of laughter and love. There is nothing more beautiful and worthy of my time on this earth then raising them. I hope they can feel the same some day. And that I have passed onto them the amazing ability to love endlessly with no boundaries… And I hope that their little hearts already feel as full of love as mine does. As there is no better feeling in the world!
Kissies, Nosy Nosies and big hugs to my Bird and Bunny!
From the moment I held your soft, warm little body in my arms, the bottom fell out of my world. This bottom held my insecurities, my selfishness, and my fears. Your entrance into this world made my love boundless, my patience endless, and my heart bloom. Nothing you had given me in that moment has produced limits of any sort during your first year. Every emotion I’d ever felt suddenly became magnified and in bountiful supply. As you searched my face for the very first time with those pools of liquid blue , I knew that we had seen each other before. We hadn’t touched, we hadn’t talked, but we had loved. That much I knew.
With every tear you shed, I shed a hundred more. With every laugh you create, my heart soars. With every moment we spend together I never think that the next could be any more perfect, yet they always are.
I pray for you to eke out every ounce of love and joy in your day, no matter where it takes you. I pray that as you grow, you know that you are the one who put this pronounced glow into our lives. I pray that you know that with every dream you dream, I will make it come true. But, mostly, I pray that you know just how very, very much you are loved. No matter where you go or what you do, your home will always be in my arms. Every time I hold you will be like the first time we met, for there is no moment on earth with you that is ever any less precious than the others.
As I kiss your soft cheeks goodnight and brush your downy hair away from your eyes, I whisper one final prayer to your sleeping body: that I am able to return everything you have given me. I can never emit joy quite as effortlessly as you, but I will try my best everyday to soak it up as you radiate it. I have been glad many times in my life, but never so much as the moments I am surrounded by your beautiful spirit.
My sweet Princess Abigail! As far back as I can remember I always wanted to have a baby girl, but I had no idea just how amazing it would actually be! You are the sweetest little girl, your beautiful smile brightens up the room! Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you and to be your parents! We love you so much and will never let a day go by without letting you know that! We love you so much and are SO GLAD YOU WERE BORN!
Dear Stephen,
You are 11 months old and won’t be a baby much longer. In fact, I don’t often see you as a baby anymore. Looking back at your newborn pictures, I’m amazed by how quickly you have grown. I miss that long black hair, those squinted eyes, and your curled little body tucked in my arms, but I love the little boy you are growing to be with lighter hair and huge handsome blue eyes, scurrying off to investigate something else new. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!
You bring me such joy. I greatly desired to be pregnant, but not just to carry and grow a baby inside. I longed for you. I wanted the baby, the boy, the teenager, the young adult, the adult son. I wanted you!
I wasn’t much of an affectionate person till I met your dad, and then it was still only for your dad. Yeah, I know, “Gross, Mom.” I wondered if I would be able to show my love for you. From the moment you were born (and during pregnancy…even the hope of you before pregnancy), I loved you so much. You were the first born child I waited for. Though I spent so much time caring for other children, being a mom was brand new. The day we left the hospital, your dad was carrying loads to the car. You and I were spending time together. You became a little fussy, so I laid you on my chest. I smelled your sweet little head, and sang “Jesus Loves Me” over and over. Oh, how I wanted you to know that. You snuggled right in and quieted. I kissed your head. Of course I kissed you after you were born, but this time, it was a little different. I knew our adventure was truly beginning. We were heading home, and I wanted you to know how much I love you. You still quiet when I sing, no matter how crackily my voice, and I still smother you with kisses. I joke, if I were a lipstick wearing woman, you would be covered in red!
You are a busy boy, shooting cheerios out of your mouth, snuggling for stories, giggling with delight from Daddy’s tickles and tricks, exploring the world around you, and greeting everyone who comes across our path with your sweet, “Hi”. Since spending my days with you, I noticed I do not even think about being anywhere else. I soak up both the quiet and the active moments we share together because I know time is quickly moving forward, and I won’t have this little boy forever.
You have changed my life, Stephen. You are a true gift from God. It is wonderfully humbling and special to be a part of the plan He has for your life. As we continue this journey of Mom and son, both growing and learning, just remember how much I love you.
With love and a kiss,
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To my Callie,
The day you were born was the best day of my life, and each day it is replaced by another better day with you. I never dreamed my heart could hold so much love. I never knew one person could make me feel so complete. Before you I didn’t know who I really was. I am me now. You empower me and make me feel like the most important person in the world. I can do anything. I love watching you learn and grow. I promise to be your teacher and your friend. I am so proud and happy to be your mother. I love you so much and I would do anything for you.
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I always said I wasn’t going to be a mother; I was too selfish. From the day I met you, I realized how truly misguided and ignorant I was. I have learned more about living and life in the last 10 months being your mom than ever before, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Watching you grow, learn and laugh with that sparkle in your big blue eyes has melted my heart and shown me that I wouldn’t want to be anything other than your mom. I am so grateful for even the ways you’ve changed me; because of you, I’m more environmentally conscious, we eat better, and I’m seeing the world and life around me with new eyes. When I’ve made mistakes or gotten frustrated, you’ve forgiven me with smiles and slobbery kisses. I’m trying to enjoy every moment because I have heard how fast you will grow up, but for now I want to say thank you and I love you more than you can ever imagine. Benjamin, you are a joy and I’m so blessed to live life with you as your mom!
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I still remember exactly how I felt when I saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test. All the months of waiting, disappointment, worry, tears and prayers were washed away in that moment and replaced by feelings of joy, relief, and fear of this massive responsibility. Since that wonderful day 18 months ago, I’ve learned what it really means to love. You have renewed my faith in God and made me re-think the way I treat my own parents, Daddy, even strangers. Each day I have with you is a gift. I am so glad you were born because you are showing me how to look at the world through innocent eyes – and the world has never been so beautiful.
In February of 2009 your Daddy and I received the best news of our lives. We were going to have a baby! We instantly loved you. We both knew that the coming months would be filled with joy and anticipation of our little one. I was not aware; however, that pregnancy could be so hard, tiring and full of worry.
You see, Mommy had a lot of health issues while you were growing. They started out small and then we then went on to find out that your little heartbeat was ‘non-responsive’. We couldn’t imagine that something was wrong with that beautiful sound that we loved to hear so much. Shortly after, we realized that my blood pressure was skyrocketing to levels that sometimes reached 200+/150+. Mommy was put on a semi-dangerous medicine that we were told could kill your placenta. We then had to start doctor appointments twice a week for constant monitoring.
I need to tell you that through all of this Mommy & Daddy were never any less excited to meet you. We worried about you a lot, but couldn’t wait to hold you in our arms.
At 36 weeks, after 6 weeks of bed rest and several hospital visits, Mommy was scheduled for yet another appointment to make sure you were still thriving. You looked so beautiful and healthy to us in the ultrasounds. However, it was that appointment that we were told you were in distress and that you needed to come out immediately.
The nurses wheeled Mommy upstairs for a c-section while Daddy nervously followed. I have never been more scared in all of my life! Surgery went very well and when the surgeon exclaimed, “It’s a boy!” I cried tears of joy. I was now a mommy. Your mommy!
It was then that we found out why there had been having so many problems: you had a blockage in your esophagus and couldn’t to eat. Miraculously, the doctors were able to remove it without surgery. You spent 15 long days in the NICU and came home with oxygen and sleep apnea equipment, but we couldn’t have been happier to have you at home, in our family.
While you were in the NICU the surgeon came to check on me. It was then that he told me how lucky we were to have you. He said that had we missed our appointment that morning and had we delayed your birth that you wouldn’t have survived.
The thought of not having you in my life makes my heart hurt in a way that I cannot explain. I can’t imagine how empty I would feel. You are Mommy & Daddy’s world. You make us smile on bad days and make us giggle when we are sad. We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your 7 short months with us. We are so glad that you were born, Xavier. Never forget that we love you!
Much love,
Mommy & Daddy
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I’m so happy my little “boogie” was born. She makes every moment in life worth living. She’s brought a perspective I’ve never had before. Sleep is no longer as important as it was, new clothes have lost their luster, and going to movies seems like a huge waste of time and money. I’ve rededicated my life to being better myself to be better for her and her Daddy! Life as a selfless Mom is more rewarding than it has been… ever.
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Dear Coraline,
Every month on the anniversary of your birth, I write you a letter telling you all of the amazing things that you do. What I have never told you is how very glad I am that you were born.
Before you were born, there were many of our family members that we did not speak to regularly. Your Aunt, Great-grandmother, Uncle and all of our extended family. On the day you were born everything changed. Everyone drove for hours to come see the miracle of you and they haven’t stopped visiting and calling since. Mommy had forgotten for a long time that she had a big family that loved her, I have you to thank for bringing us all together again.
Before you were born I had a lot of jobs doing all kinds of things. Working for money to pay bills with no career and no drive or calling. When you came along I finally discovered my calling, for this I will forever be grateful to you. You gave me the gift of finding my niche; I was born to be your mother. Finally I know I excel at a job. I love not only being your mother but knowing that I do it so well that I can give advice to other parents in their times of need.
I am glad you were born because seeing the world through your eyes is the most amazing part of my life so far. I had become disillusioned with everything, as we all seem to do over time. Now, I can sit with you and find amazement in everything the world has to offer. From clouds to water, dogs to music; learning anew is a gift I am lucky to have received.
Every parent will tell you that their child changed them and taught them to love. I am not any different. I never knew what love could be until I held your tiny little body against my chest, felt your warmth, felt your breath, felt the heart in your chest beating against mine.
Your laugh fills me with overwhelming joy. Your smile lights up every room you enter.
I am so glad you were born.
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To my beautiful son,
You are such a strong, beautiful, and brave little boy. You have taught me so much in your short life. Through all of your hardships you show me every day how to live life to the fullest extent. You let the world know that nothing will get you down and that you are able to conquer anything that gets in your way. You are my strength and YOU make me a better person.
I will be eternally grateful for all that you have brought into my life and I feel so blessed to have you as my son!
It was pure bliss and happiness from the moment we found out we were having you, and has only gotten better every day since. Colson, our sweet, happy, cheerful, easy-going, 14-month old son, you are the best thing that has ever happened to Daddy and I and we are SO GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for you. We are so glad you were born and we’re so glad you are here with us. Every time I look at your beautiful face, look into those deep blue eyes, or even just think about you, my heart feels like it will explode. I never imagined I could love someone so much, but I do, and that someone is you. You are my world and I promise to always love and support you and to always remember how happy I am that you were born!
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When your Father and I met, we knew right away that we wanted a baby very soon! Only after 5 months, we were expecting you! The one thing that I love is that later in your life you will know that you were not a surprise and very much wanted from the get go. I am so glad that you were born, you added to the quality of our lives! There is not a day that goes by that I think about how blessed we are to have you! You are the sweetest, smartest and loving baby ever!
I am so glad my daughter Elise was born. She was born with a congenital heart condition that wasn’t diagnosed until her teens, and had a couple of procedures to try to correct the problem. I always worried if she’d be able to have children when the time came, and she has blessed me with my two precious grandsons. She has made many sacrifices to be a stay at home mom, and I’m so incredibly proud of the wonderful mother she is. Part of her cost cutting measures has been to use cloth diapers, and I never thought it would be possible to get closer to her, but we’ve both become obsessed with cloth diapers, and have spent much time emailing, FBing and calling one another as we looked for the best diaper for our boys. She was so excited to find Bumgenius Organic AIOs because her oldest son is a very heavy wetter and it is the only one that has worked overnight for him. The big plus with this is that he also has very sensitive skin and he no longer has diaper rashes since she switched to cloth diapering. I’m continually amazed at how she finds the time to research those things that are best for her babies and makes the sacrifices needed to be able to get them what is best for them. I was blessed to have this beautiful child, and my blessings have mulitiplied a hundred fold with her having had the two most precious little boys imaginable. She thinks she knows how much she’s loved, but until she’s able to realize that she needs to take the love she feels for my precious grandsons and multiply that by infinity, she doesn’t have a clue how much she’s loved or how proud her mother is of what a fantastic mom she is to my sweet, sweet grandsons.
You are small, yet your love is huge. Your words are short, yet your personality is endless. You cannot do a pushup, yet your strength is amazing. You do not know your colors, yet you see only rainbows. Your knowledge is limited, yet your mind is wide open. You may be too little, yet your wonder knows no bounds. You are young, yet you seem like an old soul. You may be my children, yet we are best friends. You may think you rely on me, yet in truth I only live because of you.
To my beautiful redheaded girl and my sweet little blue-eyed boy – every day I’m glad for you. Thank you for letting me be your mom!
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When you woke up at 3 am on Mother’s Day morning whimpering, “Mommy…! Mommy…!”–your brand new name for me–I was so glad you were born.
When you dove head-first off your grandparents’ coffee table today, knowing perfectly well that I’d be able to race across the room in time to catch you, my heart stopped–but I was so glad you were born.
When I watch you climb down from my lap after a quick, recharge-the-batteries nursing session, and run off to play basketball with your big cousins, I’m so glad you were born.
When I’m in the shower, and I hear you in the living room with your Daddy, wrestling and tickling and banging loudly on the pots and pans you dragged over from the kitchen, my heart swells, and I am so glad you were born.
When you tried to touch Daddy’s weedeater and I had to remind you not to touch Daddy’s tools because they are dangerous–when you made that pitiful face because you were so disappointed not to be able to discover this new toy, and because you were so embarrassed to be corrected in front of family–my heart sunk for you, but I was so glad you listened. And I was so glad you were born.
And every single time you smile, grin, giggle, dance, clap, cluck your tongue while you pretend to snap your tiny, still-so-clumsy fingers, and, yes, even when you make your most pitiful, lip-quivering face and your cheeks seem to drop all the way to your shoulders–every single time you do one of the things that makes you who you are, Dominic Joseph, I thank God that you were born.
My daughter Hailey was a surprise to say the least. My doctor had told me I was infertile and truth be told, I was only mildly upset because I didn’t think I would be a good mom. I had gotten too used to living my life my way and couldn’t imagine having to change it. When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and unsure. But within minutes of her being born, I knew I was meant to be her mom. I made her a promise that I would be the best mom I could for her. She has helped make me a better person, a happier person and a less selfish person. She has made me realize I am capable of much more than I thought. I am so glad she was born.
TO my newest baby boy, Xander Josiah:: You were not a surprise but who you were was. We chose to keep the secret of the womb until the day that you would show your face to us. What was a surprise was that you wanted to show us who you are by being born a breech baby. Your birth healed me in so many ways and opened up my inner strength as a woman and mother. I am so blessed to know you and even more blessed to get to spend each and every day with you. I am a much stronger person because you chose to be born in your very own way just to show mommy that you are unique and yet, totally perfect. I am so glad that you were born specially to me!
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My daughter is the center of my universe. About 3 years ago we found out I was pregnant, just after I turned 17. My parents weren’t happy about the new, but supported my decision to get married and raise my child. My pregnancy was extremely hard. For 5 straight months, I threw up anything that I tried to eat. I lost 20 lbs, before I started to gain any weight at all. Then once my peanut was born, I hemorrhaged. It was horrifying.
In the past two years, my daughter has taught me more than any books, schools, or teachers ever could. She has helped me grow as a person, in ways that I never imagined possible. She has helped me learn patience, which ever mother needs. She ha helped me learn forgiveness, which I have a hard time with. Looking through her eyes, I can see all the beauty in the world.
Without her, I honestly have no idea where I would be. I would most likely be divorced, upset, and a small person. So thank you to my tiny hero, who helps mommy remember to love each day. I love you, stinker.
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As I look at my oldest I can easily see all the things I want for her and want her to do. I can see what a beautiful young lady she will grow up to be. I can see how she has shaped me as a woman and more importantly as a person.
Becka, I am so glad you were born. You were born at a time when I wasn’t sure of where I was going with my life. Nothing seemed important or had meaning. Things were at a standstill. That positive pregnancy test changed everything.
You grounded me. You changed my life in so many ways I doubt I can put it all into words. You are my sunshine. Your smile melts my heart and your laughter fills me with joy. When you are hugging your baby sister because you love her, or patting her back to see if she’s ok I can see just how beautiful your soul is. You are kind and loving and everything I could have hoped for in a daughter. Your birth turned me into a woman. Your birth taught me patience and kindness and taught me empathy. It’s been an amazing journey to grow with you and to learn and to adapt to the world around me.
With each new milestone I learned to appreciate the small things. When you learned to clap, I learned to appreciate how precious a clap was. When you first said mama, I remember crying because I never realized how beautiful that word was. When you started to walk I can remember clapping with joy for you and falling in love all over again with your beautiful smile. Your sense of accomplishment was so heartwarming. Having you around has made me feel like a kid again. I’ve learned to appreciate all the beauty of the world. From little things like the ant on the bathroom sink that became your best friend to the prettiest rainbow I’ve ever seen. Every new thing gives you so much excitement and joy and in turn they excite me and fill me with joy. I’ve come to appreciate so much more since you’ve come into my life and I am thankful to watch your grow and learn.
Becka. I am so glad you were born because the love you give me is beautiful and unconditional. Even when we don’t agree or you get mad at me for not letting you have that cookie before dinner, you still love me and will hug me. You love me because I am your mommy, you love me completely and do everything you can to let me know it: even if that means drawing me a pretty picture in permanent marker on my bedroom walls!
Becka you are the most beautiful, smart, kind, friendly, and fun three old I know and I am proud to say I am your mommy. Thank you for coming into my life.
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My son Cullen is the love of my live and I couldn’t be happier that he was born. He was named for me. (Cullen is my maiden name.) These past 14m have been the best of my love and I will love him always.
Being a mother has changed my life so much! We were so excited to try for our first baby! I thought with the first kick I knew what it was like to be a mom, boy was I wrong! Labor with Ayden was so awesome, seeing his face for the first time was breath-taking. There is something about looking at your child, knowing that in Love, my husband and I along with the grace of God, made a living being that we could raise for years. My heart was overflowing with love. How could I ever love anyone so much again? I soon learned how your heart expands with each child you are given! We were blessed with a second son, Declyn. His birth was different from Aydens, I actually got to hold him as soon as he was born. I dont think I have cried tears of joy like that before! The boys are almost 2 and 3 and I love them more every day. It amazes me now that they can sit with me and out of the blue say, “Mama, I love you so much!”
What better life could I be living than the one I have now?
I always wanted children, even when I was still a child myself. I knew I was meant to be someone’s mommy. When I divorced, I thought that chance was lost, but Karina was meant to be. My new, wonderful husband wanted a baby right away, just like me. I will never forget the feeling I had as I waited to learn if I was pregnant. I felt like I was dreaming. Then, there it was: the word, “pregnant”, right there in front of me. Utter elation flooded me. That earlier dreamlike feeling lasted throughout my pregnancy. It was all just too wonderful. I would feel Karina moving inside me, and think, how can this be true? How could I be so lucky? Then she was here, arriving the day after Christmas. I remember looking at her, and trying to comprehend that it was real. I fell in love with her in an instant, but I still felt like I was dreaming. I still look at her with amazement, now 16 months old, the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. I know I’m not dreaming. I know it’s all real. I know that the little girl who clings to me in the morning, cuddles me with her books at night, and makes me laugh all day is mine. I still feel like I’m looking at something magical when I see her. Never in my life before she existed could I have imagined how happy this little girl could make me. I always knew I would love my children. I also knew that I couldn’t understand what that love would feel like until I experienced it, but I didn’t even come close to imagining the reality. And the reality is better than any dream.
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I have postpartum depression. I have begun to see my children more as a burden than a blessing and I let them drive me crazy and scream and cry more than laugh and cuddle. Thank you to all you mothers out there for reminding me how wonderful our children are and how much I need to hold them and love them. My 3 little cuties are the loves of my life, even when I don’t know it. They are each special in their own way and are joys even when I feel lost and forget to enjoy the little things. They are sleeping right now, but I almost want to go crawl into bed with each of them, so that I can hug them and love them and thank them for making this mother’s day, a day about family. thank you all for making me want to be happy again. Happy Mother’s Day!! (I am going to call my dr tomorrow and change my meds!!)
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To my oldest living son PJ. While I have two living children, PJ is special to me, because he taught my heart how to love and how to trust again. In 2003, I lost my first son Chris to SIDS. I was broken, my heart was shattered and my soul was lost. PJ was born almost 2 years after Chris died and I was cautious and scared. I was afraid to become attached to him, fearful that he too would leave me. My life at that time was a mess. PJ helped patch a large hole in my heart. While Chris can never be replaced and there will always be a piece of my heart missing, PJ helped a big part of it heal. I am so glad he was born because he got my life back on track. He helped me learn how to love again, he helped me learn how to trust my heart again, how to trust in life again, which opened my eyes to the path I was meant to take in life, and helped me find true happiness. I love you PJ.
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I never realized how much more complete my life would be with both of my children. I was thrilled to be pregnant the first time. I was really hoping for a daughter and found out I was having a little boy. It was great but took me awhile to warm up to the idea. As soon as I gave birth and he was laid on my chest, I was in love. I thank God ever day for giving me a son!!! He is my sweet little boy. In fact, I was hoping for another son when I found out I was pregnant with a daughter. LOL! As soon as my daughter was born I fell in love all over again! I never realized how much I would identify with and relish my little girl. I am so glad they were both born!!!
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I chose my daughter’s name when I was thirteen. Yes, you read that right, thirteen. My mom had shared with me for years a story of how she made up my name and I decided I wanted my daughter to have an equally important name. I choose the name Keziah, from the book of Job in the Bible. I had no idea how meaningful that would be at the mere age of thirteen.
I married fairly young, at twenty-one, and began looking forward to the day I would meet my baby girl, Keziah. Already, I felt I’d been waiting so long to have a baby of my own. My marriage was wrought with suffering and lots of relying on God, as I soon realized that my first husband was not only not the man I thought he was, but a drug addict and alcoholic. We had already begun making plans to have children and I hastily made up a baby room with a few basics. After our marriage ended and I was moving from that house I broke down in tears at packing up the empty room. It seemed my dream of meeting my daughter was even further from my reach.
Little did I know that God had other plans. Just like Job, God had planned to test me and when I passed my test and grew closer to Him, He gave me back my happy life and then some. When I met the man who would be the father to my children, I knew he was the one. He was the exact opposite of my former husband and he would become Keziah’s daddy. We were married on a spring day two years ago and immediately, we both knew we were ready to become parents. After a few short months of trying we found out we were pregnant. People were always asking if we wanted a boy or girl. To me, it wasn’t a matter of wanting. I knew God had already blessed me with my daughter. At 19 weeks what I knew was confirmed, our baby girl was healthy and growing. Nearly eight months ago I greeted my long awaited daughter and I knew what Job felt when God blessed him in the second half of his life. I’ve never been happier or felt more complete, then the day my daughter arrived in this world. I’m so glad she was born because I’ve been patiently waiting for her for quite sometime. My thirteen-year-old self would have squealed at the sight of her. My twenty-eight year old self cried and thanked God. I continue to thank Him everyday for the blessing that is my active and outgoing Keziah.
To my 7 year old Brandon,
When we found out you were on your way, your Daddy and I had many, many emotions run through us, but the biggest one was excitement! We were going to bring a baby into this world that was made up if each us us, what better gift could we ask for?
We NEVER guessed that you would bring us so much joy, that we would go on to have 3 other babies after you, and still plan to have “at least one more.” =)
You have taught us SO much as parents. When you were diagnosed with Autism shortly after your 3rd Birthday, we never had the sadness of the “lost child” that some people mourn. We just pulled together, and decided to do whatever we possibly could to give you as normal of a life as possible.
Now, almost 5 years later, you have blown us away with how much you have overcome! You are a strong willed child, who tries his best to do anything you put your mind to, and we love you for that! You are an amazing big brother to Colin, Alex, and Kelsey, and they all love you just as much as we do!
Thank You SO much for choosing your Daddy and I to be your parents, we are so blessed!
Love, Mommy
To our beautiful, smart, funny and cheerful daughter Jayla,
I am so so sooo happy you were born, I didn’t even realize how much you would change my life, for the better…and the occasional worse 😉
Mommy and Daddy cherish you so much. We were given the change to adore you and appreciate you more than we thought we would. We had lost a baby right before you came along, so our hearts were open and waiting to hold you and kiss you.
I just want to say a big giant thank you to my daughter, for giving me a reason to get out of bed every day. For making me laugh when I’m having a bad day. Letting me see things through new eyes.
I love you Jayla <3 xoxo
I like to call myself a reality mother because I accept the fact that my kids and my life are not perfect. It only took a couple of posts before deciding to write something, as most posts were about the wonders of being a mother. Not that this is bad but I have found that life, even in the best of times, can be stressful, exhausting and frustrating. And like all the previous comments, I too LOVE being a mom (when they are being good and even when they are at their worst). Every mother out there knows what I am talking about! There are days when my three children will team up against me, fight at every waking moment, make huge messes in every room in the house, and so many other things I don’t have the time or the space to list out. The joy of being a mother is that at the end of day’s like these, I still love my children with all my heart (even though I know tomorrow might be a repeat of the days events). It makes me think back to when I was a mother of two and my husband and I found out that we were going to have number three. Needless-to-say we were unquestionably shocked and surprised at the news. Two thoughts instantly ran through my mind that day, “Oh no” and “God only gives you what you can handle”. A year and a half later I find myself reminded of this everyday and realize the miracles he has so lovingly blessed us with. So when my kids look up at me with their cute little faces and smile, I have to wonder…”What are you up to now?”.
Sweet Cashel,
We had wanted you and prayed for you for so long. Your daddy and I would watch children playing, or out with their parents, and we could just imagine doing those things with our own baby. I didn’t understand why God wasn’t answering our prayers for a little one to love – all my life I have wanted to be a mother, and yet it seemed so far away. Finally, we found out you were on the way. We were so happy!
The first person we told was your Grandma Leigh-Ann. She had been praying and crying and hoping right along side your daddy and me, and she was as thrilled as we were that you were there, growing bigger and stronger, getting ready to come into the world. She and I would call each other every day and spend most of the time talking about you – what you would be like, things we would do, what we would name you. And most of all, how much we loved you already.
The month before you were born, Grandma Leigh-Ann’s cancer got much worse. I flew out to visit her in Colorado, and oh, did she love being able to feel you kicking! We had a wonderful week together, and then I came back home. But just a few days later your Grandpa Mike called to tell me she didn’t have much time left. After a lot of talking and crying, your daddy and I decided that you should be born in Colorado so that I could be there with my mom.
That next week was the hardest of my life, but also one of the most precious. My brother and sisters and I sat with Grandma Leigh-Ann and sang songs, prayed, told stories, laughed, and cried. We talked about you, too, and how glad we were that you were almost here. Even though Grandma Leigh-Ann was sleeping most of the time, we knew she was waiting to meet you too. But once more, God had different timing planned, and he took her home to be with Him three weeks before you were born.
I had always thought the last few weeks of my pregnancy would be filled with hope, and happy expectations. And they were – mixed with sadness and missing your Grandma Leigh-Ann so much it hurt. But then you came; you with your crazy brown hair and sweet face and tiny fingers. And suddenly instead of spending every minute missing my mom, I spent most of them loving you as yours.
You are a gift, darling boy. You are the answer to years of prayers, the dream I had for so long now alive in my arms. You are a reminder every day that life is precious and good, that there is so much to wonder over and laugh about. Because of you, Grandpa Mike smiles every day. Because of you, there is joy for our family. Cashel, I am so glad you were born!
I have two wonderful girls, but I am writing this note to my oldest daughter, who gets lost in the shuffle of family life with a busy toddler.
Thank you so much for being mine. For coming to me when I was young and lost. Thank you for helping me face challenges head on, and helping me learn to put my foot down. Thank you for looking at me with your bright blue eyes and letting me know how much you love me without saying a word. Thank you for the countless stick figure pictures of you and I. Thank you for reminding me to keep it together when I’m about ready to let go of it all. Thank you for singing out loud to yourself. Thank you for being my oldest daughter, and my first love. I’m so glad you were born!
~ Mommy
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The first time I saw your face I didn’t believe it. Maybe I still don’t in a way. You swam up to us and I turned around and looked at your father in disbelief. You’re real, you’re here, you are the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen, and I can’t believe you’re mine. Through the years I had told myself that I really would never have a child. And I guess, in that raw moment, my first emotion was shock, disbelief, even in spite of all the facts and evidence to the contrary.
I loved you immediately. I was in a swirl, a fog. as you were laid on my chest, as I cradled your tiny, vernix-covered body. You were very real and had been wanted for so long. You came out screaming, which was unexpected, but makes perfect sense now. I always heard water babies were calm, but calm has never described you. You came on your due date, right in the beautiful sunny spring morning hours. I had labored all night without even realizing it. It felt like time stood still. Labor was smooth, steady, quiet, peaceful. Warm water, dim lights, soothing voices, calming hands.
Nursing you is especially precious to me. I love having you so close to me, especially at night. Sometimes I gaze at you sleeping and try to soak you in. I know soon that you will be across the hall, sleeping on your own. But for right now you need me. You want me. I know too quickly you won’t be my baby anymore. Already you’re toddling around, terrorizing our house. But at night, you are still. You are quiet. You still enjoy turning around after nursing and snuggling next to me. I always thought by now I’d want you in your own room, but instead I find myself dreading that inevitability. I treasure you, my precious gift from God.
I love you with all my being and don’t care if that means I’m more “mother” now than anything else. I won’t apologize for “losing” myself to motherhood. On the contrary, it is with your birth that I have found myself.
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To my precious girl,
When I found out I was going to have you, I was both terrified and full of joy. From the moment I knew I was pregnant, you became my reason for becoming the person I strive to be. You have been my daily joy, and my reason to wake up each day. Your first smile, first steps, the many silly things you have said that will stay in my heart forever, the first word you read, the times I have seen you face your fears, these are the memories that I cherish and will keep with me always. You and your siblings are my joy and my life, and I truly am so happy you were born.
Having never planned to have children your daddy and I were shocked and amazed to find out that you were going to join our lives. It is the scariest, happiest, most fulfilling thing that we have ever done. Although neither of us had expected to ever meet you we could never imagine life without you, or your little brother. Sometimes motherhood is difficult, many times it’s a challenge, but it is always rewarding. I love knowing that I am the only mom you’ll ever need, and you, my little boy, are everything that I could ever hope for.
Ever since I was a little girl I couldn’t wait to be a mother. I would pretend I was pregnant and hide a ball under my shirt and pretend to give birth to a baby. I had lots of dolls and little clothes for my dolls and I loved to take care of them and dress them up. Now that I am all grown up and married we are in the process of planning for a baby. I can’t wait to be a mother for real! I’ve started taking prenatal vitamins, exercising regularly, buying baby clothes on sale, researching and buying cloth diapers, sewing baby related items, and just doing everything I can to plan for our future child(ren). One day I went to our local baby store and was looking at all the many things they had for babies. I never realized how much stuff you need for a baby. I really wanted to buy diapers because they are so expensive and I wanted to start stocking up. While sewing at a friends house one evening she showed me her daughters cloth diapers and ever since I have been obsessed. I can’t wait to be pregnant, give birth to my babies, change their poopy diapers, and dress them in teeny tiny clothes. I love them so much already and they aren’t even here! I just can’t imagine the love I will feel for them when I finally get to hold them in my arms.
I tell you quite often how much you mean to me and how glad I am to have you. You came to us at the perfect time, although I didn’t know it then. With your daddy being in the Army and us going through our second deployment I know you were given to me to get me through these times when your father is so far away. Your unconditional love for me, your hugs and kisses mean so much. I cherish the time we got to spend just me and you. During our first deployment it was so wonderful to get all that one on one time with you, and although you don’t know it and certainly were not trying, just having you and your smiles and hugs and kisses got me through it all. During this second deployment you have been wonderful through this pregnancy with your brother, I have loved sharing in your excitement. I needed your joy and excitement to fuel my own and it has made everything so much sweeter this time around. I cannot wait for you to be a big brother, you are going to be so wonderful at it because you are such a wonderful, loving little boy. You will never know how much you mean to me and how grateful I am every day that you are mine to love for the rest of my life. You are truly a gift from God, one that I will cherish forever.
A year and a half ago my brother and his wife lost a baby at eight months. Our whole family was devastated, not only was Lorelei the first grandbaby, she was the reason our family (living on different continents) all got together for the first time years. Four months later, after being told by three different doctors we’d never have a baby, we found out Liam was coming. I was on bed rest the whole pregnancy, had surgery at nineteen weeks, and was told there were several complications. I was induced a month early, and although Liam was tiny, he was strong. After several hospital stays, and lots of worry around the world, Liam is finally gaining weight. He’s small, but doing everything ahead of schedule. My husband lost his mom two years ago next month, and though he’s heart-broken that she never met Liam, he knows in some way she sees how wonderful he is everyday. There are a million things I could say as to why Liam is so special to us, and our families, I’ll sum it up as best as I can. I have Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and recovering from PND, and the reason I’m able to get up in the morning is Liam. Hearing him playfully shout “ma-da, ma-da” from his bed every morning makes us wake with a smile (and more often than not, a giggle, too!).
Dear Brody-
You are the sweetest thing I have ever met- my buddy, and my pal. I adore you with everything that I have. As we get ready to open our home to your twin siblings this fall, I know that you will be the best big brother a person could have..and the image in my head of you three holding hands is enough to bring me to tears. xoxox Mommy.
My sweet Kelsie,
As my 4th baby you would think I had it all figured out. I didn’t. You changed me into the mother I am today. You were my homebirth after c-section, my realization that things should be done different. You are breastfed, cloth diapered, we co-sleep, and have changed our entire familys way of thinking and living. I believe god gave you to us to help us help ourselves. Even with my tubes tied I concieved you. You are a miracle and a gift. I love you more than anything and you hold a special place in my heart. You are my granola baby! Amanda Walker
I’m glad that you were born, because watching you explode with delight as you ate toast for the first time taught me to take delight in the ordinary. Even beyond your “firsts,” you engage life with such fervor. The shiny redness of an apple, the rapid flapping of a butterfly’s wings…you view these things with wonder and awe. The very sensation of the grass beneath your feet overwhelms you. You take nothing for granted.
I’m glad you were born, because watching you struggle to accomplish simple tasks with such determination taught me to have faith in my own abilities. You wanted to crawl so desperately, and then to walk, talk, run. Your faith in your abilities showed me I could have faith in my own.
I’m glad you were born, because your social exuberance has forced me to step out of my own shell. You are not like me; you live to be social and approach new people with joy. You were a born conversationalist. I love that I’ve learned as much from you as you have learned from me.
Thank you, my little ones, for coming to me.
My dear, sweet son,
I am so very glad that you were born! At only 14 months of age thus far, you have never ceased to amaze me. I love to watch you learn new things all from the curious eyes and smiles you give. I love that I have gotten to experience things that seem impossible for such a small innocent human being. You have tested my patience by getting 16 teeth by the time you were 9 months old… but that was a good test for Mommy. Everyday you make me a better person than I was the day before. You don’t know how much you do for me, sweet boy. I’m glad you were born because I am more than thrilled to see what you become. I’m glad you were born because you bring out the best in your dad and me. I’m glad you were born so that you can make the world a better place by being a good friend. Thanks for being born into our family, son!
A year ago, I was heavily pregnant, just waiting for my son to come along. I wasn’t sure how this would change things. When he was first born, I wasn’t sure I could love him. It took a while, several months before I felt that he was an invaluable person in my life. I guess that was post-natal depression. Before I realized how much I loved him, we moved. Far away from my parents. From my mother, which whom I’ve always been pretty close. She hasn’t seen him since he was born, except for pictures. And on a day like this, I wish she was here to see what a wonderful boy he is. He’s exactly 11 months today… And the most precious little fella I’ve ever met.
Charlotte Hoogerhuis
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Dear Avery,
We haven’t seen your sweet face yet. You are due to arrive in about 4 months and it feels like it will never get here! I can only imagine how beautiful you already are. I already take your ultrasound pictures everywhere and brag about how cute you are :] You have so many people that are eager to meet you. I would have to say you are one of the luckiest little girls on this earth because you have a daddy who will treat you like gold. He’s so anxious to hug and kiss on you and talks about you non-stop already! You will have him wrapped around your little finger from day 1. Grow healthy in strong in there, and when it’s time to come out, know that mommy & daddy are eagerly waiting to hold you and love you forever!
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I’m glad you were born, even though we weren’t ready for you. I didn’t want any children–I was too selfish. I never saw myself in charge of someone else’s life. I could never live up to the standards set by today’s super moms. I’m a planner and to have such a life changing moment be so unplanned rocked me to my core.
You’re four now and I can’t imagine our lives without you. You frustrate me, amaze me, stress me out, melt my heart and drive me crazy. I love you.
My Darling Shae,
You are not our first baby, but are growing into our first child. You have helped to mend an extremely broken heart and given us many reasons to smile and laugh. I love the delight in your eyes when I come to get you from your cot, the cheeky way you blow raspberries on mummy instead of having a feed, just to get a smile. Your very presence resonates so deeply within my soul, YOU are the part of me I never knew I was missing until I first laid eyes on you. I am so glad you were born.
I love you
Mummy x x
To Annie, my sweet baby girl:
As I hold you here and it takes me three times as long to type this with only one hand, I just want to tell you how amazing it is to be your mom. When we first found out you were coming, I was so scared. But you are the cutest, sweetest girl. It was so surprising to find out that I could love someone so much! Everyday I look forward to seeing you smile and to see what new trick you will learn. Even just watching you sleep is still fascinating. Your dad and I can’t wait to watch you grow into yourself and to grow with you. We love you!
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Sweet Keelyn,
Mommy and daddy are so very glad you were born. You’re such a blessing to us. I am amazed that I could love someone other than your daddy so much!
God definitely knows what He’s doing. He allowed us to borrow an angel at the absolute perfect time! I am sorry you don’t get to spend a lot of this early time with daddy. He is across the BIG ocean with his other soldier friends working. He is protecting you, me, your woo -woos (huskies Kodi and Kiara), and the whole world. Don’t worry though sweetheart. He is being smart and safe. He will be home SOON to love on you! He misses you more than you could EVER know.
So, I’m blessed that you are here now. You keep me busy, happy, and positive! I could not imagine going through this deployment without you. Even when mommy gets upset or stressed, you make me happy.
Mommy found a Bible verse that I want to dedicate to you. It’s Proverbs 24:3 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Keelyn, angel, I pray that you continue to grow into a strong, independent, happy, healthy woman. You are on a great start! You have a lot of people here who love you and want the very best!
What a wonderful blessing you are!
To my babies:
Craig: I will always remember the first day I met you. you were in your car seat, in the back of your dads car. Your dad introduced us, and with your four year old grin, you smiled, and said, “hi Shannon!” You then told me a knock knock joke. You welcomed me with open arms. I raised you. I taught you how to read, took care of you when you were sick. Last saturday when I was not feeling well, I woke up to you cleaning the house. You are nine years old now – you have grown so much. I am your stepmom, but you will always be my son.
Savannah: You were only two when I met you. You were very reserved the first year, I had to gain your trust. We had a breaking moment when I put lip gloss on you – a love you have never outgrown. You are seven now, and I can’t beleive what a big girl you are. I still remember changing your diapers, and your little yellow sippy cup. I watched you last week sing and dance on stage with your new dress. I couldn’t have been more proud. I had tears in my eyes. You brought me the sweetest letter home for mothers day. It was so personal, i couldn’t beleive you wrote it. I am your stepmom, but you are my daughter.
Deklan: you are the epitome of “before you were conceived I wanted you”. Your dad and I so desperately wanted another baby. We tried for two years with much aggrivation, and a sad loss. Then you came along. I have loved every minute of being your mommy, and I tell you every day. Nothing is sweeter than when you hug me and say, “love you mommy!” You are almost two, and growing so fast. I watched you count to eleven the other day and tears came to my eyes. You have had 3 surgeries, and 5 hospital stays in 2 years, and I have been by your side every moment and never left. You bring joy and laughter to everyone you meet, your winning personality is infectious. I am your mommy, and you will always be my baby.
Cayden: you were our surprise blessing. I was so elated when I found out you were coming. You are a true mamas boy, and I will never forget the hugs and snuggles we have shared – even though you kick me in the middle of the night! you and Deklan are becoming as thick as theives, it’s amazing to watch. The way you two laugh at each other is enough to turn a bad day into something amazing. I am your mommy, and you will always be my baby.
I am the one thankful this mothers day – thankful that i have all four of you in my life, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I’m so glad all of you were born – you make our family complete.
To my love,
You are the reason I get up in the morning. You have brought such incredible joy to both of our lives when all we have both known was heartbreak and disappointment. You amaze me everyday with the way you learn new things so rapidly and how unconditionally you love us. If I could give you the sun, the moon and all the stars in the sky I would. You are and will always be the best thing to happen to us.
Love you,
Mommy and Daddy
My baby I love you I know you are mine,
I waited and wanted you for a long time,
My baby I love you and I want you to know,
You are my sweet baby and I love you so!
my dearest Audrey,
I waited and tried for you for 6 long years. Just when I had given up hope God surprised me and sent you to me when I least expected it! I couldnt be happier! you fill my life with joy. You bring me smiles every day. I love you with my whole heart. I will LOVE YOU FOREVER!
Love Momma
I’m so happy and thankful to have my son. Living in a country, thousands of miles from our family and friends can be really difficult. I struggled for a long time to find that feeling of “home” in a foreign country. I used to worry about how many times we’d have to move, never being able to really make a home or stay in one place. Now, I still dream about those things. But my home is with my family. No matter what happens, or where we go, whether we live in a nice house or a matchbox of a flat, my husband and baby boy will be there. And as long as I have them, I’m home.
I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but my journey as one began a lot earlier than I expected. When I was 14, my sister gave birth to the most influential human being in my life to date. Jacob. When he was 3 months old, my sister and her husband separated. She and Jacob moved back in with my family, and Jacob became the most important thing in my life. While my sister finished school and recovered from a broken heart, I cared for that little boy. I rocked him, fed him, played with him and I even got up with him sometimes in the night. His parents reconciled 2 years later, and he moved back to our homestate with them. My heart was broken to see him go, but it was changed forever. I am so glad that I have him as a nephew and that I was able to have a part in raising him for the first 2 years. He prepared me to be a mother, and taught me love in such a different way. Now I have a son of my own who gets that love lavished on him every day. I feel that my love for my son is even more special because of what I experienced with Jacob. Jacob, I’m glad you were born. I would not be the mother I am today without you.
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My sweet Sullivan. You came into this world in the nick of time. You’ve become mommy’s savior and little rock. Your daddy is deployed right now, and he can’t always tell you how much he loves you. But Sully, he misses you more than words can say. Because of you, I’ve learned to be strong. I’ve learned that I am capable. I’ve learned that I am “enough.”
At 3:13AM on December 16th, the day after your daddy deployed, I rocked you in the still of your nursery. The only sounds I could hear were the clicks of the glider, the hush of the noise machine, and my quieted sobs. You were brand new, and we were still learning each other. I missed your Daddy. I didn’t think I could do this alone. And then I looked at your sweet face. All you knew was that you needed Mommy, and in that moment, I realized just how much I needed you. Thank you, Sully. I love you to the moon and back.
The day i found out i was expecting you was december 25th,2008-You were in fact my little christmas present..They said you were an ectopic pregnancy and that they needed to do surgery as soon as possible, so they took me up to prep me,and the OB that would be doing the surgery came in, he said.. I’m not sure that it is ectopic,so lets wait a couple of days, and do blood work and then decide our next move.Turns out you were not ectopic.Things from there never really got better, i was constantly sick and in the hospital for IV fluids. I went into preterm labor at 27 weeks and then delivered at 33.6weeks- The moment i saw your tiny beautiful face,I melted. You only weighed 4 lbs..but when i held you, your personality weighed about 20..You were always so calm, so happy when i was near.. You spent 6 weeks in the hospital,fighting off illnesses that could break an adult and then you came home, and you never are always so calm and so happy. You light up the world with your smile- and your pictures can prove it! You are the most beautiful little girl i have ever layed eyes on.You now have the honor of becoming a big sister when your brother is born next month, and i can’t wait.. You will teach him how to smile…and you’ll love him unconditionally.You lay by my belly and talk to it, like your talking to him in a way only he can understand. Bailey,my daughter and Brennan, My son…I am so glad you were born.You have made my life 100% worth living<3
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To my sweet ‘Bug’,
Baba and I tried for a long time to have you, and when we found out that you growing in my belly, we were SO happy and excited!
Our excitement turned to worry when we found out that you had a special heart. The doctors told us you had Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia, and that you would need open heart surgery as soon as you were born. Even though we were sad, we loved you even MORE, and prayed everyday that you would be ok. You came into this world beautifully, and amazed everyone when you survived 2 very lengthy heart surgeries and multiple procedures. We hated everything you went through, but we know that without it all, you wouldn’t be the smart, caring, sweet little boy that you are today. I love you with all my heart, thank you for making me a better person, and most of all, thank you for letting me be your mommy!!
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Abigail was the happiest baby we’d ever seen. Strangers would stop and admire our cute little girl. At nine months, Abigail was diagnosed with a rare type of leukemia. She was given a 40% chance of making it to her third birthday.
Abigail endured 2 years of horrible chemo and steroids. At 18 months, she was the same size she was when she was diagnosed. She ate through a tube in her nose and still couldn’t walk.
About that same time we said we would never have another child. A month later we found out we were pregnant with Olive.
I was angry at first, as I was so tired after helping Abigail fight cancer for the past 18 months. I just wanted a break! I wasn’t ready for a newborn!
But, now I realize how truly blessed I am. Abigail completed her treatment and is now a week away from her third birthday (take THAT statistics) and Olive is a chubby little 6 month old. Two sisters that love each other…and a mommy and daddy that love them too.
To the baby we are adopting. I’m so glad you were born. Because one day I will hold you in my arms and feel that my heart is complete. I’ll know the love of a child who doesn’t look like me, and I’ll feel blessed. To know that your birthmom chose life and that you were born to make me, your daddy, and your sister’s lives complete. I can’t wait to meet you. I love you!
To my twins Addison and Carter.
I am so glad you were born….
You have shown me the meaning of being strong, as you struggled to breath own being two months premature. You have shown me the meaning of amazing, with tiny little toes, small smiles, and your little hands. You have shown me the meaning of wonder as you learn the world around you. You have shown me the meaning of love and have filled our life with it. You have shown me the meaning of being a mother as I am blessed with both of you. You have given me the best gifts! I’m so glad you were born…
To my sweet daughter, Logan….
I’ve been praying for you for several years and could not WAIT to become a mommy. After two very trying miscarriages I got pregnant with you but didn’t know if I’d ever hold you in my arms. We defied the odds, though, and I’ve been holding you in my arms now for 15 months. Logan, I’m SO glad you were born and am so glad that you’re mine.
The summer that we lost our son was the summer that DD decided she wanted to figure skate competitively. While I was still pregnant, we hired a coach and worked out when her extra lessons would be. I knew that I would be able to take her, because I was quitting my job after the baby was born. I imagined getting out of the heat into the nice cool rink with our new little one and showing him off to the other moms, nursing him while I watched DD gliding across the ice, spinning and jumping like the older girls I saw there.
Instead, our son was stillborn due to a cord accident. I was completely blindsided. We had tried for so long to have a baby. My world completely fell apart. I was falling apart. I took the baby stuff to Goodwill. As much as I wanted another child, there was no way I was going to risk another loss like this. The pain was so intense, I wanted to give up on everything. I quit my job, and dreaded the long summer stretched before me that was going to be so different from what I had envisioned.
Three days a week, I took DD to the rink. I sat by myself; the other moms pretty much avoided me. I watched DD’s lessons. These weren’t how I imagined them to be either. She had been skating since she was three and was pretty good, but this was totally different. I watched her jump, fall, get up, smile. Jump, fall, get up, smile. Jump, fall, get up, smile. Over and over. She came home after her lessons tired and bruised.
I asked her if she wanted to keep at it. To me, it seemed to hard, all that falling. But she stuck with it. One day she said, “Mom, falling is part of skating. If you’re not falling down, then you’re not really skating.”
Thinking about that, I realized that loss is like falling down while skating… painful, but a part of life. Every day we risk sadness, loss, heartache to experience the joy in life. If we don’t experience the pain sometimes, then we’re not really living.
This summer, DD is still skating. But this summer is different then last. Now DD’s twin brothers are at the rink with me watching her jump, fall, get up, smile.
To my Caitie:
Long before you were born, we had decided that we MIGHT have children… SOMEDAY.
Nine months before you were born, we found out about you. I’d never been so scared in my entire life. I wasn’t ready, it’s too soon… But there was also a little happiness and awe – that we had created LIFE!
Eight months before you were born, we heard your tiny little heart beating. The doctor turned up the sound and I started to cry. That was the moment you really became REAL to me, and I fell in love.
Five months before you were born, we saw you for the first time. Your itty-bitty body, just “chillin’ out” in my womb. I thought I’d loved you before this, but it was NOTHING compared to how I felt that day.
Four months before you were born, I felt you kicking me. It shocked me and made me giggle. As the days went by, I could feel you more and more, and your daddy could feel it too! You even kicked the kitty once when he was sitting on my lap.
Three months before you were born, I was in your aunt’s wedding. The hideous purple dress made me feel like a whale, with you poking out. But I also felt like a beautiful whale, just because everyone could see you. 🙂
One month before you were born, the doctor scared us by saying you weren’t moving enough. We got to see you again, and prove doc wrong – you were doing GREAT!
The day you were born, I was exhausted. We had been at the hospital for three days, and the medicines were keeping me awake with contractions. The doctor said it was time for you to come out surgically, and even though it wasn’t what we’d originally planned, we said okay. I saw you two seconds after you came out of me, and everything else in my life ceased to exist. In that moment, you became everything to me.
And now, almost two years after you were born, nothing has changed. You are still the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t wait for you to grow. You challenge me, make me cry, make me laugh, and I wouldn’t change anything. I can’t imagine life without you.
I love you.
Your cries wake me up. Now I see the sun rise like never before. I’m so glad you were born.
You’re always hungry. Now I’m able to bond with and nurse you. I’m so glad you were born.
You spit up on me. Now I laugh all the time. I’m so glad you were born.
You wail and scream. Now my patience has been made anew. I’m so glad you were born.
You make dirty diapers. Now I’m a champion launderer. I’m so glad you were born.
You crawl oh so slow. Now I have time to pause and look around. I’m so glad you were born.
You give sloppy kisses. Now I’m reminded how lucky I am. I’m so glad you were born.
You grow up so fast. Now I KNOW time is precious. I’m so glad you were born.
You stay up late, never wanting to close your eyes. Now I see the moon like never before.
From morning to night, all day long, I’m so glad you were born.
Even though I thank God every day for the miracle that is my Daughter and my heart wants to explode every time I see her, I would like to say how thankful I am for my little brother. Michael was born when I was 21 and I credit his birth with making me a better person. He taught me patience and what it means to truly love someone unconditionally. When he arrived in our lives I had a horrible relationship with my Mother, I had decided I did not want children of my own, I had no patience and I was selfish. Michael turned all of that around for me with his big smiles, his sweet baby smell, cuddles and even the nights he cried for hours on end. I found myself putting my 21 year old partying on hold to stay home and hang out with him, I got up at night with him to give my Mom a break, I taught him how to clap and wave.
Michael has taught me how rewarding it is to have a child, what it is like to have patience when all you want to do it rip your hair out. He is 6 now and still my little man and seeing him with my 7.5 month old makes my heart sing. He really has made me a better person.
To my beautiful daughter. We went threw many test and procedure for two year to conceive you. It was a very long roller coaster ride, but a ride that I would do all over again if I had to. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love your smiles, and your giggles and every inch of you. I hope that I can be the best mother for you, and give you everything you will ever dream of.
For my future children, both unborn & born but waiting in the system:
I always hear Moms say that they never knew how much they could love another person. I believe that’s true deep down to my very being, I believe this because every day I get little fleeting glimpses into that divine power of a mother’s love. It comes so quickly, so unexpectedly, that it takes my breath away.
To my unborn children,
I feel my maternal love float by at the quicken of a breeze, I have vivid dreams of you my little love. Dreams so vivid I wake up wondering how it wasn’t possibly real. The desire I have to cradle you in my arms, bring you to my breast to nourish you, to see you sigh in contentment in your sleep is more than I can take sometimes.
To my born and waiting children,
I hope that when I die I will have been a mother to hundreds of children. I want so badly to be the loving, comforting and safe home to the millions of children that wait in the foster care system, and to the thousands of other children who are still suffering the abuse and neglect in their homes now. I want to hold you while you cry, be there when you’re let down time and time again, kiss your boo boos and help you blossom into the bright and happy child you should have always been. Every child needs a place to call home with someone that loves them.
So to both my born and unborn children, Every nail we hammer in to renovate our home for you, every book we read and article we study, every dollar we earn is to done to bring you home, into my waiting arms.
I love you more than you’ll ever know <3
To my 3 adorable blessings. I never thought that I would be so happy to wipe your little nose, little bum or clean up your puke. I just could not imagine how those things would ever be rewarding. Now that I am a mother, I understand. It is so worth pushing through to get the big hugs, snuggles & “I ove you!”‘s. I am blessed to be the mother of 3 wonderful children. Love you Morgan, Gabriel & Makayla!
To my cousin’s Angel daughter who was born on Jan 29, 2010. She was born full term with unknown to her parents a rare fatal form of dwarfism Thanatophoric Dysplasia. She stayed with the family for a day on life support and then fluttered off to heaven.
Dear Ella,
I’m so glad you were born. I wish you could have lingered and not just flown away.
But God had other plans for you. He needed your bright blue eyes, red curls and halo too.
You were a little angel sent to remind us of God’s true love. Quietly you entered and left just like a dove.
Love that is never ending and love that never fails. Just like your Momma and Daddy’s when they kissed for the first time as he lifted her veil.
They grew with love as they waited nine months for you to arrive. Planning your nursery like two busy bees in a hive.
The doctors told them there was nothing they could do to make you stay. That you were Angel, you would stretch your wings and fly away.
You were only here to bless us for one day for now. I wish you could have waited to play with this soon-to-be cousin of yours somehow.
I pray each day for your Momma and Daddy. That God would send you a little brother or sister, so they won’t miss you so badly.
Someday when this life is over I will hold you in my arms. And tell you how much we’ve miss you with all your Heavenly Beauty and Charms.
I want you to know you are loved and missed. I know when you were here you were overly kissed.
Ella, I am so very glad that you were born if only for a while. When I think of you dancing in heaven it makes me smile.
Our love to you we send.
Your Cousins
Glenn and Melissa
Jack (21 Months) and Baby Two (Due 7.4.2010)
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To my daughter Paige,
When you were born the people around us looked at you and commented on your cute little rolls and chubby cheeks. They talked about your blue eyes like your sister’s and how strong you already were. They also talked about your “little ear” and how they were sure the doctors could fix it. They said what a blessing it was that you were a girl and could cover it with your hair. I never understood how they could see anything but perfection in such a tiny, miraculous creature as you. We knew the pain of being parents to children who never lived to be born and knew better than to despair over such a small thing as an ear when we’d been granted the privilege of holding you this side of heaven. You were our unexpected blessing after we’d despaired at losing first your sister and then your brother and then been so joyful when your sister Kyra was born only 14 months before you. You are so sweet and happy in spite of all you’ve already had to deal with in lengthy doctors visits, uncomfortable hearing aids and learning to keep up in a noisy, busy world. You are my snuggle baby and my slobber kisser. Your sister is like your father but you remind me of myself. Seeing your face light when I lift you from your crib each morning fills my heart with joy and when you laugh I can’t help but laugh with you because your happiness is so contagious. Watching you learn and grow each day fills my heart with pride at all you’ve accomplished already in only a year and I can’t imagine what great things the future holds for you. I pray that I’ll be able to teach you how valuable and wonderful you are as you grow and that someday you’ll have a child of your own and really understand what I mean when I say, “I’m so very glad you were born.”
I feel like my life didn’t really begin until my precious daughter was born. Being pregnant with her was hard for so many different reasons. Our expenses doubled and our income was cut in half because she came at a very crazy time in our life. Also, I felt like I had the worst flu ever for 9 months straight. But feeling her little body growing inside of me and moving inside of me made me forget how awful it felt to lose my breakfast every day. Seeing that little face for the first time all purple and gooey on my belly made all the pain of pregnancy and childbirth worth it. Now, I could sit and watch her play, cuddle her, laugh with her, even hold her as she throws temper tantrums for hours because I’m just so amazed at the precious gift God gave me. I always thought of Mary throughout my pregnancy and had hope. If anyone got pregnant had a baby in difficult circumstances, it was Mary, and God worked miracles through her Son. My daughter is no Messiah, but God works miracles through our lives every day because of her and I can’t wait to see how he plans to use her to touch the lives of others.
Little Man,
When you were born
You brought back
My desire to live and love. My heart is filled with so much love and laughter I feel it might explode.
I have grown with every second you have been in this world.
Thank you for teaching me what true love feels like. Thank you for being born, Thank you,THANK YOU. Thank you God for giving me my baby boy.
My moon, My man.
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To my darling Brianna: Brianna is my 3rd daughter and she is just a blessing to have as well as my others. However with Brianna labor started early, way to early where I was put on bedrest and meds to stop contractions. So, I was nervous and so afrad of what could happen.
She was born 9-26-09 emergency c section because she was breach and she was 6 weeks early. She was beautiful and she looks just like me.
Brianna, I am so glad your were born, because you brought happiness to our family just like the rest of our children. You are such a happy baby who loves to be with her family! At 7 months old, you smile and just light up my life. I love you!
I’ve always dreamed of being a mother. From the time I was a little girl, the only thing I was certain of was that I needed to have children and be someone’s Mommy. I followed my mom around like a lost puppy learning how to become as great of a mother as she is. I used to pray for my unknown children before I even met their father because my heart ached to meet them.
My first daughter was a total surprise. I was a senior in college working on her social work degree when suddenly I’m face to face with 2 pink lines. My life changed in an instant. I wanted to be the best I could for her & worked hard to graduate & get life settled before she arrived. I never knew such joy as the moment she was born and placed on my belly that September in 2006. My dream had come true at last. I finally had the daughter I dreamed about having. Throughout her 10 month long colic fits and now her 3 year old defiance, I learned patience. I learned to love someone so completely in an instant and how that love grows daily.
Then in January 2009, I gave birth to her sister at just shy of 34 weeks due to a sudden onset of preecampsia. I was not only blessed with one daughter, God saw my heart needed two girls and protected my preemie during her 2 1/2 week stay in the NICU. It was the hardest time of my life seeing her tiny body hooked to wires and tubes & having to stay strong for her then 2 year old sister. But I was blessed she was alive & growing stronger & healthier by the minute. She has taught me that God never gives you more than you can handle & that every child is truly different so there’s no need to constantly compare/contrast them.
I’m currently expecting their baby brother due this July and I’ve already learned to appreciate every step of pregnancy & cherish our time together before he meets his family on the outside. He was a big surprise, but we’ve learned to “roll with the punches” and to never take a blessing of a baby for granted.
Everyday I thank God for granting my wish of becoming a mom & fall more and more in love with my sweet children. I could watch them sleep so peacefully for hours and am taking in every single moment I get to share with them. My heart has tripled in size and I know it will only keep growing as they grow up. My life is so blessed!
To my three little ones:
I am so glad you were born. Each day you bring joy, laughter, and love into my life. I thought my heart was full until you came along, but with each of you I’ve discovered a new depth in my ability to love.
I am so glad you were born. Sweet voices, precious baby giggles, adorable belly laughs. Unexpected bear hugs around the knees, snuggles on the couch, kisses from cute little lips. These things fill my days, my home, and my heart.
I am so glad you were born. We have our share of tantrums, whining, and tears (sometimes from Mommy, too). But the good days far outweigh the bad. Even in the midst of the hard times, looking into your eyes makes me glad that I’m the one you call Mommy.
I am so glad you were born. Watching each of you grow, seeing your personalities develop, observing your discovery of the world. God made you, He designed each facet of you for a purpose. His purpose.
I am so glad you were born. The days are sometimes long and hard, filled with teaching and training, with correction and cautions. Other days are fun, filled with light and laughter, with playing and pretending. But each day is a gift that we share together.
I am so glad you were born. We were given to each other for very specific reasons. I am to prayerfully help you become the women and man God has designed you to be. You help to make me a better person, mother, and Christian.
I am so glad you were born. You are gift like no other. It is a privilege to be your mother. I love you more than you will be able to fathom until you have children of your own.
I am so glad you were born.
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To my patients on 2-East (children’s locked unit @ a behavioral health hospital),
All of you are broken and hurting. Most of you live day to day, bed to bed, meal to meal. Some of you will never see your mothers again. And a few of you have never known a mother’s love at all. Though I have two children by marriage and my own new baby at home, I come to work each day in order to mother you the best I know how. And to think – I went all the way through nursing school, clueless to the fact that I’d wind up a psychiatric nurse, taking care of you kids. I can’t explain any other way than to say it just feels so right. You are where I belong.
I loved you, even before you walked through the front doors of the hospital. When I met you, my heart broke all over again. I think about you when I leave work, and I try my hardest to make you smile each time I see you. You have given a whole new meaning to the word, “patience.” I know it’s hard for you up on the unit. Nobody’s ever cared for you the way we do. Nobody’s ever followed your every move, keeping you safe and teaching you how to function in society.
When I see you grow frustrated with tasks you’re not used to doing. I know it’s coming – that familiar rage you’ve grown so used to feeling. When I see your jaws tighten and your fists clench, when I ask you to take a time out, and even when I’m holding you as you swing and kick and battle those demons within, I want you to know that I’m loving you the whole time.
I’m praying for you, and I’m cheering for you. I want the world for you kids. Each time I escort one of you off the unit upon your discharge, I say a quick prayer that I’ll never have to take care of you in these circumstances again…that I’ll only run into you in the community, you with big grins on your faces and me with a heart full of pride. You are not mistakes. You are not forgotten. You are the future, and I am so thankful to be a part of it. I am so glad you were born.
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To my Sweet Little Lily,
I’m so glad that you were born, just nine months and a day after my wedding day, my sweet blessing from the Lord. I remember holding you close for the first time, and seeing your gorgeous face.The day you were born, my heart first swelled with more love than I could have ever imagined existed.You have shown me how to see beauty in the simple things, each and every day. You are an amazing big sister to your three younger siblings.So often, I am complimented for raising you to be such a polite and dear child. The truth is, you changed me. My sweet Lily, you have taught me far more than I could ever teach you.
I have 4 special little people in my life. My kids are 3 1/2 and 2 years old and they really made me see what life is all about. I never thought about things the way that I do now that I am a mother! I truly appreciate the small things in life! I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember and I am living the dream!
I recently obtained custody of my 2 nieces (20 months and 5 months old) 3 months ago. It was a horrific situation that led them to live with us but they are here and happy and safe. I don’t know how long we will have them, maybe a few more months, maybe permanently but they have also lit up my life. I see these 4 kids together and just know how precious they are. I am so glad they were all born! Even though the girls had to go through some really bad stuff, I know that God put them here for a reason and he has a plan!
I was a mother to two children 3 months ago and overnight I became the mother to 4 children under the age of 4 years old and I honestly feel incredibly blessed to know that I have so much love! They truly make life worth living!
I came to the realization that I probably wouldn’t be a mommy to my own biological children. After three heartbreaking miscarriages we thought it might never happen. I had no trouble getting pregnant, just couldn’t seem to keep those babies alive in me. Why did my body betray me?
When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, as a child I would answer, “a mommy.” Being a mommy was my lifelong dream and to hold my own newborn was my heart’s desire.
When I got pregnant with you, Claire, I was terrified. You were my fourth pregnancy. I was afraid to be hopeful, afraid to think about life with you, for fear that I might not ever see you. There was almost no joy in finding out I was pregnant for fear had gripped my heart. As my pregnancy progressed, and I was told you were perfectly healthy, I finally dared to imagine what it would be like to have a little girl to play with, to hold, to dress in cute little things, and to share secrets with.
The day you were born was even a scary day, as we almost lost you in birth. After an emergency c-section where Mommy was unconscious, your daddy was the first to welcome you to our family. It took a few hours before Mommy was finally able to hold you in my arms. I couldn’t hold back the tears. Finally my dream was a reality, you were mine. It was a blessed day, a day I love to look back at pictures and remember how blessed we are to have you.
As you have grown these last five years, I have been so humbled to have received you as a gift in my life. You are beautiful, smart, creative, loving, and so much like your daddy! You are so sweet and kind to your younger siblings, and ready to help Mommy whenever I need you. You are a joy to your daddy and I, and your daddy always says he can’t wait to come home to his little girl. In fact, as I write this, he has taken you with him for a special outing, just you and daddy. I love that.
You are a treasure. You are loved deeply by daddy and me, and even more by Jesus. You may never know how you have changed our lives, but I pray you will know how much you are loved. Thank you for making me a Mommy.
**update** I posted yesterday at 1:54 PM to my daughter Keeley but didn’t have time to do the social media stuff-I think I got them all!
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Zander, I’m so glad you were born! From the moment we knew you would be coming I was overjoyed! I excitedly prepared for your arrival, and anxiously wondered what motherhood would have in store for me. The first time I laid eyes on you and held you in my arms my life was forever changed. I never knew a love so intense and unwavering could exist. Your sweet innocence and curiosity for everything this world and this life has to offer amazes me. I never imagined what pure joy could be felt in a simple smile, or how much pride I would have in your every accomplishment. Your precious baby laughter melts my heart, and as I snuggle up next to you while you peacefully drift off to sleep I wish I could stop time forever. I never knew how a mothers heart aches when her sweet baby feels pain, wishing you could do anything to make the hurt go away. You make me strive to be a better person, and to make the world a more beautiful place for you to grow up in. These last 11 months with you have been the most challenging of my life, and also the most rewarding! You have brought such joy and fulfillment to my life, and I love spending each new day with you. You are truly the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I am so happy to be your mommy! I hope someday you can hold your own sweet child in your arms, and understand how much I love you.
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A special note to Patrick:
I have 3 children and pregnant with my fourth. But I am writing specifically for my second child, Patrick, today.
Patrick you are so beautiful and I can’t imagine life without you. You were such a surprise to your dad and I, by being just 10 months younger than your big sister Delaney. But God knew he has a very special purpose for you. My pregnancy was so short because we didn’t find out that you were in my tummy until my pregnancy was half way through. Then you came 3 weeks early, ready to be here in this world. I had no idea of what to expect having you and Delaney so close together. But God carried me though the times that I wasn’t sure I could do it.
You are Delaney’s closest companion and best friend. I love to hear the way that you two chatter late into the night when you think that I can’t hear you. But I hear your sweet voices coming through the baby monitor, filled with great ideas and adventure, and dreams.
What would life be without you? It would be a quiet one. You fill this house with your kind, sensitive personality. And you also bring in the talents that I have seen grow in you since you were a baby. I have countless videos of you singing to me. I think one day you will grow into a wonderful singer. My favorite song you sing to me is “You are My Sunshine.” It melts my heart to hear you in your 3 year old voice, sing this song so beautifully.
Patrick I want you to know how much you are loved by your mommy, and that you are my little sunshine.
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I am so glad you were born because the Earth is brighter than it was before. The grass is greener, the skies bluer, and even rainy days are more silver than gray.
You returned magic to our lives. You reminded us of our youth and the games we used to play.
You challenge us to become better. Even when we smell like spit up and are tired beyond belief we still have energy to put socks on your feet.
Around you we can be ourselves–running around like monkeys or singing out of tune to the Beatles. We do whatever it takes to make you laugh.
Both of us (even your daddy) smile more smiles, share more laughs, and shed more tears at the miracle that is you. You have only been with us for 6 months but we have known you all our life.
Now, I rub my belly, and I look at your smile and I am spoiled. Not only will I share my life with you and your daddy but your little brother is on his way.
Once again, the Earth will become brighter and more full of life. We live, love, and enjoy life because of you (and your soon-to-be brother of course). I am so glad you were born….
Happy Mother’s Day.
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I’m so glad all three of my daughters were born. Before having them I only had glimpses into what motherhood really was and could only hope that one day I would join the ranks of those already called mom.
It was thought for years that I couldn’t have children, so it came as a complete surprise when I found out I was pregnant with my now three year old daughter Khloe. She immediately filled a void I didn’t know existed and with all her firsts we knew we had to have more children. Enter Keira, our little cuddle bug, who has more love than I have ever seen in a child at just two years old. Lastly came Kaylee, our 8 week old bundle of joy. She was a complete shock to us, but now that she is here we wouldn’t have it any other way. The pure joy this little girl gives me with the slightest smile while nursing just melts my heart.
I love as each day their little personalities develop. Khloe loves to sing and dance in front of the TV, a little actress in the making. Keira our follower, looks up to her big sister and tries to be just like her. Despite the fighting and yelling at each other I can already tell they are going to be best friends. You can already see their sadness when they are apart. Keira is also our little mommy in the making and takes great joy in being able to care for her new little sister. Kaylee is slowly beginning to show what type of little person she is going to be. She is a happy baby, and enjoys taking in everything around her. She has a constant smile on her face, which can melt even the darkest heart. At night while all three sleep I just stare in awe and thank God for giving me the chance to be a mother. I am beyond blessed with three beautiful daughters. We know our family isn’t complete yet, but for now I enjoying every moment of my life as mom to the greatest gifts I have ever received.
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Karine Traverse
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I am so glad you were born – you’ve brought us balance and harmony. The pitter patter of your little feet is music to my ears and the laughter and joyful noise that fills our home has become the happy soundtrack of our lives. You make me feel like I never miss a beat. I love you and the song you sing.
To my Sweet Caroline,
You are three and a half, and already it’s hard to remember life before you. Daddy and I were always happy, but we didn’t know what we were missing until you were born. That night, after the long battle of labor, they laid you on my chest. You were heavy…so solid, substantial. It was like you entered the world without apology, strong and sure that you belonged here.
We were elated to find out that you were a girl, after guessing we’d have a boy first like everyone else in the family has. Daddy and I just held you and looked at you, weeping for our newfound treasure. You were beautiful, of course. I kept looking at your chubby face (your cheeks resting on your shoulders!) and thinking, “Oh, we got a GOOD one!”
From that day to now- of course, so much has happened. It wasn’t easy in the beginning- the struggle with breastfeeding so that you would grow, be satisfied. Taking care of you around the clock… but we got the hang of these things eventually. Before long you were rolling over, crawling, talking (stunning us with your vocabulary), and finally, walking. Now, you’re in preschool, doing arts and crafts, singing, dancing, climbing all over the playground. Where has my baby gone? I feel a mixture of sadness and pride, accomplishment when I see how you’ve grown.
I want you to know that I love you. It is irrespective of your wonderful traits. I’m tempted to list them for you, but I don’t want you to ever think that you have to earn my love (and heaven knows in our family we are constantly telling you how wonderful you are).
I can’t resist, though. Let me tell you a few more things about you that are so dear to me. You are my friend already. Though we spend our days together, I miss you when you are sleeping. You are sensitive and solicitous of others. You are a kind and gentle big sister. You and Evy love each other so much already. And you really have handled the addition of your baby sister, and the shared time and attention, with grace and patience. You are fun and joyful, eager for activity and new experiences. You are oh-so-cute. Your curly blond hair and brown eyes are a striking, often-complimented combination. Lastly, you are very creative and imaginative. Daily, you invent words, names and songs that make us shake our heads at the creativity and thoughtfulness inside of you.
These words are inadequate, of course. My love for you is deep, wide and long. I want so much for you to know that. This role of motherhood fills me with fear and trembling, I won’t lie. I pray every day that I would do a good job and be the mother that you need and deserve.
You are a gift to us and this world, and I am so thankful that you are here. I love you, and I hope you can feel it through your entire being.
My little Josiah, whom I wanted ever so badly. My dear husband left for Boot Camp when I was only 12 weeks pregnant, we hadnt even heard his little heart beat then. He was my special comfort when I was lonely. I talked and talked to him like he was giving a response back to me. He is 10 months old today actually and I have loved him more than words could ever say since before I knew what he was. He is the most active and most loving little boy I know. I dont know what I would do without my little man. I cherish every moment I have with him.
We are also expecting our second little boy in August and while this pregnancy wasnt planned or expected. I know that it is a new challenge and new joy for our whole family. I cannot wait to meet my little Elisha Parker and cant wait for my Josiah to become a Big Brother.
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I am so glad you were born.
I have always wanted to be a mother, it’s something beautiful that I couldn’t even ever imagine. When I was pregnant, they told me that I would be able to stay pregnant, and that I would have to have surgery in order to ever carry a baby. We prayed hard from that day forward. I had so much faith, and I was constantly praying “peace” over my womb.
We found out that we were having a girl, and we chose the name “Olivia”…which I later found out means peace.
I am so glad that she was born. She is my joy. I have never loved someone like I love her. Every little thing she does gives me butterflies.
My oldest of three, my only daughter, is the one who made me a Mom. She is my first born, and has worked with me through all the first-time mom trials and tribulations. From birth and delivery, to breastfeeding and naps, getting more mobile to ‘regular’ food, she taught me patience and joy. To be a little one again myself and find the amazement in the little things. To take the time to stop and smell the roses.
I’m still working on it, and my two boys are adding to my mom-ness, but my six-year-old is the one who made me a Mom. We will always have that bond. My little girl. My firstborn.
I love my son Finn for many reasons. He’s sensitive, funny, and an extremely intelligent 2 ½ year old. But the biggest reason I love him is a recent revelation. Finn’s baby sister was born 4 months ago, and with her arrival, we realized that children as young as Finn can have such a great love for others placed in their hearts. I sit back and watch him, this little guy who’s only been on the planet for two years, already equipped with this innate sense of brotherly love that was showcased the moment she was born. It is my biggest reward, knowing he is already the best big brother she could have.
Aiden hears how happy I am to be his Mommy at least once a day! We are having a very hard time right now. He is 3.5 years old and it took until 11 months ago for him to be diagnosed as a stroke survivor with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. I always knew there was something wrong because he didn’t use the right side of his body and his right arm stayed fisted and clenched at his chest. Thanks to a horrible pediatrician, a note was put in his medical records to “ignore mother’s concerns about right side, she’s trying to find something wrong”. It took over 2 years to find a doctor who truly looked at my son, and we began a very intense OT program. It has been so hard on my little man, especially right now because he is undergoing Contraint Induced Movement Therapy – his “good” arm is in a cast to teach him how to use his weak arm. Every night I have to hold him and comfort him as he cries in frustration. I tell him over and over how special he is, and how much his hard work is going to pay off (he gets a bike and a fishing trip when the cast comes off!). I tell him that because he is part of me, when he is hurting, I am too, and that as hard as all of this therapy is, I know how strong he is! He is almost caught up to where he would be had he started therapy from the beginning, and I never stop telling him how proud I am of him and how much I love him. If you ever asked him where he came from, he would gladly tell you that he grew in my belly so that my heart could hold him all the time 🙂
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to my precious Ian,
You are truly a blessing from God and I’m so glad you have become a part of our little family. You probably figured this out already, but I’m still new at this whole “mommy” thing – so please be patient with me. All I know is that I fell in love the moment I saw those gorgeous blue eyes staring up at me. I’m treasuring every moment we have together, because I know it will go by too fast. Love you,
PS. Don’t ever get “too old” for hugs and kisses, ok?
My Little Liam,
Mommy has been waiting for you for four years. She has been hoping and praying for you to come into her life. Her journey to you has been difficult and heartbreaking at times, you have two angels who will forever watch over you as you grow and thrive. Mommy has watched you grow through ultrasound and now she feels your strong little kicks night and day. Mommy cannot wait until July when you make your appearance into this wonderful world. The moment when you are laid on my chest and I look into your beautiful little eyes will be the the most incredible moment of her entire life. Mommy cannot wait until you’re born!!
To my darling Katya and Reagan,
I knew from an early age that I wanted to be a mom. But first I had to go on a journey of self discovery, to get some life experience and my education. And I had to find the perfect partner and daddy! I am so grateful first, for your father because without him I would not have you. And, as you know, he is amazing. Your dad and I loved you both from the moment we decided to try for a baby and that just grew and grew as we learned of your lives, when we heard your hearts beat, and when we finally got to meet you. Words truly cannot describe how much we love you, how grateful we are for you, how proud we are to be your parents. Katya, you are as bright as your beautiful blue eyes; smart, funny and so sweet. My gorgeous little Reagan with the loveliest brown eyes, only 1 year old and such a personality! I always wanted to be a mom and I knew I would love my children, if I was so blessed. But how could I have known to what extent?! How could I have know how perfect and wonderful you would be?! I’m SO GLAD YOU WERE BORN!!
To my sweet Lea,
Soon after your Daddy had to have an AICD implant, mommy found out that she was pregnant with you. It was not easy for mommy to be thrilled because mommy felt like she was already very busy with your three older siblings that ranged in age from three to one and a half . Then your daddy had to have another minor surgery three months later. A week after that your grandpa was in a very bad accident. For three long weeks we were gone from home. Sometimes mommy wondered why God had allowed her to be pregnant again especially with all that was happening in our lives. But you stole our hearts from the start when you were born. Your love for life every day has taught mommy so much about finding joy in each day and I am so thankful that God gave you to us when He did. You are one of my precious sweethearts. Love, Your Mommy
I grew up with a sister; we were just over 2 years apart. I loved having a sister, to this day she is my very best friend. My first, my daughter, was a high risk pregnancy and it was pretty awful. The pregnancy included bed rest, multiple hospital and doctor visits and a few too many “hold your breath for a heartbeat” ultrasounds. She was prefect, 3 ½ weeks early, but flawless. Of course I wanted a second; I really wanted for my daughter what I had in my sister. There were many, many comments about my first pregnancy “how could I put my daughter, my husband, myself through another” – but that could have been fluke, I thought! It wasn’t – and 9 long months to the day later, with more comments then you can imagine about how bad of a pregnant women I was, my perfect baby boy was born.
There is nothing that brings me greater joy then to see my two children play together, it stops me in my tracks – and I always – always – stop to watch. And at that moment, every challenging minute of my son’s pregnancy melts away, and I would do it all over again – just so that they have each other. Oh, and because I love them, a lot – laughing – I am sure that’s a given!
I am soo Glad Jameson was Born!!! My husband Eric and I hadn’t decided to have children yet when we found out we were expecting. We had only been married 10 months. We lived a busy life filled with work, grad school, church and friends. We made lots of selfish choices with our finances especially with our big house purchase. Along came Jameson and our world was turned upside down. I never knew I could love someone so little so much. I never knew that I would crave to spend every moment with him. I loved my career and would have never guessed that if I could I would give it up in a heart beat to stay home full time. I never realized that Eric my husband and helpmate would be the most awesome Daddy I know. I can not imagine raising Jameson without him. Eric and I are closer together because of Jameson and I feel like we are learning how not to be selfish because of him. Jameson is the best life lesson I could ever have and want. I love him so much and my life is better because of him.
My sweet Eden
From the moment I conceived you, I loved you. You were an angel in disguise. You grew in stature and in love and every day I cherished your existence. Because of you, I found true love. You taught me more in the 9 months I carried you than I had learned in the 31 previous years I had lived on this earth. You are and always will be my daughter, my sweet Eden. Because of you, I learned how to fight a good fight. You showed me the finest example of what a true champion was.
From the moment I learned I’d lose you, I fought for you. You were a blessing in disguise. You astounded the doctors and every day you grew in stature and love and every day I cherished your existence. Because of you, I became an advocate for others who didn’t have a say. You taught me more in the 3 months between your diagnosis and your transformation than I will learn again in a lifetime. You are and always will be my daughter, my sweet Eden. Because of you, I learned what an amazing support network I have of family and friends. You showed us how families ought to function in crisis.
From the moment you slipped out of my body and into the waiting arms of a higher power, I ached for you. You were a tiny rosebud, too beautiful for earth. You were the picture of perfection and proved that each day you had grown in stature and in love, and to this day I cherish your existence. Because of you, I became a mother. You taught me just how much a person can change another for the better. You taught me more in the 9 months that I carried you than I could have dreamed possible. You are and always will be my daughter, my sweet Eden. Because of you, I learned how much courage I possessed and how strong I truly was. You showed me that a mother’s love doesn’t ever change, even when her child is no longer of this world.
From the moment I learned that your brothers would be joining our family, I thanked you. You sent me two angels straight from Heaven. Your brothers grew in stature and in love and every day I cherish them. Because of you, I have learned to live in the moment. You taught me that a mother has a heart big enough for all of her children. You are and always will be my daughter, my sweet Eden. Because of you, I found the freedom to laugh at the little things and love in the midst of heartache. You showed me it was ok to move from grief to glory.
I am a mother, because of the gift of you. Thank you for being my sweet Eden!
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To my sweet children~
Each one of you have been in our hearts and minds from even before you were conceived. It took a long time for each of you (Tristan, Heath and Baby #3) to come into our lives. Mommy and Daddy feel truly blessed to that God has chosen us as your parents. How amazing you are in all those special ways. My heart if full of joy every second of the day. Thank you for making me a Mommy!
I love each one of you!
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You are our miracle baby. I never thought that I would have the strength to go through a prenancy again after losing your 2 sisters. Their tragic deaths during delivery made me certain terrified at the thought of being pregnant and I was terrified when the pregnancy test was positive. Terrified, and instantly in love with you. I was half sure that you wouldn’t make it and half full of hope that you just might. I decided that day, that I would love you and enjoy every minute that we had, no matter how long or short our time together was. You always kicked with great intensity as if you were letting me know you were going to be fine. We made it to delivery and the first time I heard you cry was the best sound I had ever heard in my entire life! The fact that you had red hair was not a surprise, it fit your personality so well! When you opened your big, blue, eyes, and looked at me for the first time I thought I might explode with joy. You have continued to amaze me with your fighting spirit and heart so full of joy. On the 21st of this month you will be 2 years old and I want you to know that you gave me my heart back and I am so glad that you were born!
All the love in my heart,
I never thought I was the Mom Type. I wanted an important career. I wanted success. I wanted to do something big. But you were here from the beginning of me. When I was born, you were there. A tiny egg inside. Waiting. Until just the right moment. You waited patiently while I went to college. You waited and watched me lead soldiers in the Army. You watched me run a half marathon. You knew I was training. For you.
And then you came. You grew inside of me, from a tiny egg. You kicked me every night. I saw your face in black and white. I wondered who you were, but never doubted that you were someone special. I never knew that when you were born, that I, too, would be born. A mother. Your mama.
I’ve never felt such exquisite pain loving someone. Every hair on your fuzzy little head. Each tiny toe. I watch in fascination as each baby tooth breaks through. I kiss your downy hair and pray nothing ever hurts you. I get close to you and inhale, just to smell your sweet breath. I’ve made it my mission to make you smile, and then try to capture every moment of you on film, so I will always remember what the top of your baby head looked like, and your flat little feet as you took your first steps and squealed with glee and astonishment at your achievement. I watch you sleep. Your soft eyelashes, your rosebud mouth, your gently rising and falling belly, full of milk. I am filled with love and thankfulness.
Thank you, my sweet baby, for coming to me. You gave me an important career. You make me successful every day. And loving you is something bigger than big. When you’re a mama someday, you’ll understand. I love you, baby.
To my firstborn,
I’m so glad you were born. I was so young and knew nothing about being a mother. However, from the moment I knew of your existence, I loved and wanted you so much. I was so scared. In most ways I was still a child myself and so not ready to be a single mom. I grew up so much in those 9 or so months. Your Gram was so supportive and loving. She taught me so much about a mother’s love for a child. From the first time I held you, I loved you more than I ever knew was possible. I knew in that first instant that I would do absolutely anything to give you the best life in the world. You were such a good baby and so forgiving of my inexperience. You taught me so much about unconditional love and unselfish giving. Your siblings have surely benefitted from our experiences in those early days. You’ve continued to amaze me through the years. I couldn’t ask for a better son. The other day you told me, “Mom, you need to get out more. I’ll help with the little kids”. I cried at your sweetness and marveled at your maturity. I love you so much, and even though I didn’t think I was nearly ready then, I’m so glad you were born.
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Alana, my first born girl, you were a source of joy in a season of sadness. When it became clear that my Daddy was going to die, your daddy and I decided that we should try to start a family, in the hopes he could see a grandchild before he went to heaven. And guess what? You came 2 months before Grandpa went to heaven. He thought you were so interesting. He would ask everyday if you were doing tricks yet, and even though he couldn’t really hold you, he was delighted by you. When my Daddy died, you were a way for me to keep a piece of him here on earth. You are smart like he was, you are funny like he was, you are stubborn like he was, you like things your way, or no way, JUST like Grandpa. And did you know, that the way you make you sister giggle in the night sometimes, is just what he used to do when he was a kid and lived in the same room with Aunty Susy? Grandpa Charlie was a GREAT story teller, just like you! And he made friends EVERYWHERE he went, just. like. you. I know that he looks down on both of us with Pride. I am so proud of you my big girl. I am so GLAD you were born.
Josephine, my silly second girl. Just when Alana was getting bored with me, you came to save the day. When you were a baby you were always so content, so flexible, so easy to please. You rarely cried, you often laughed and smiled and clapped. You were baby perfection, what every one dreams of. Today, your super power is that you make us laugh even when we are mad, or sad or cranky. You are the most cuddliest kid in the whole house, and I LOVE Saturday mornings because it usually means I get to snuggle you in bed for as long as I want with no time limits. You light up my days with your deep dimpled cheeks, and your booty dance. I love hearing about the world through your eyes, and that way you have to stop to breath when you are telling me something exciting. Dear one, I am so GLAD you were born.
Charlotte, Charlie, char poo poo, naughty baby, you amazing me with the fearless way you toddle about the world. My third-most baby girl, you have stopped my heart a million times in this short time we have known each other. I find myself gasping when I find you on the back of the couch, or with my kitchen sponge in your mouth, or when you pinch the cat, or when you end up in the filling bath tub with your clothes still on, or when you play in the potty water. There is no holding you back, and no turning my back, you keep me on my feet that is for sure. It is this tenacious nature that I think helped you stay in mommies tummy for as long as you needed to. Two babies before you didn’t make it any where near as long. Before you came mommy was sure her baby making days were over. And then there was you. You terrified me even in the womb, I was so afraid of losing you. I was so afraid my body wouldn’t let you stay. And now you are here, and you won’t let anyone ever forget it for a min. Except at night, when you sleep in strange positions, with sweaty hair and pucker lips. I am so GLAD you were born.
Future baby out there in the world, who may someday get to be part of our family. We think about you almost everyday. You sisters ask “when will we adopt a brother?!” And we don’t know yet. But we know you are out there in the universe, maybe even in the world already, and we know God will help us know when the time is right, and we are ready for each other. Future 4th baby, future son, I am so Glad you are, or will be born. I love you already, and you are only an idea.
I am so glad my son Hunter was born. He gives me purpose in life, and is helping me grow my patience. He has made me feel like I am special because I was able to nurse him for over 2 years, how amazing is that! I love the bond that we had with attachment parenting. I am happy he was born because I get to watch my amazing child grow up to I hope a good young man under my guidance.
Ulkieab at gmail dot com
After our first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, I was devastated. Within a week, I had gone from dreaming about baby clothes and toys to mourning the loss of a unique life that I would never get to meet on this Earth.
Seven long months later we conceived again, and it wasn’t long before I was in full baby planning mode. I researched EVERYTHING, from the big stuff like cribs and car seats, to the little things like teddy bears and pacifiers. I wanted everything to be perfect!
But as we closed in on our due date, I began to get nervous. How was I going to take care of a baby all on my own? How was I possibly going to adjust from the freedom of only worrying about myself (and my husband), to always having the responsibility of a life that completely depended on me? The last month of my pregnancy my feelings were ambivalent, and though I was still excited about welcoming a new baby, my excitement was tempered with fear.
I didn’t understand how I could feel this way. After having been through the pain of a miscarriage, shouldn’t I be eager to finally hold this baby in my arms? It’s not like I wished that I hadn’t gotten pregnant, but why couldn’t I just let go and trust that everything would work out?
I want to say that it all melted away when I finally held Veronica for the first time. Certainly her needs immediately took priority over mine – but it still was a big transition. While I never hesitated to feed, change, bathe and cuddle when it was needed, inside I still had a hard time letting go of my selfishness. It was difficult to always be looking out for the needs of someone else, and not my own desires.
Today Veronica is approaching two years old. I definitely settled into a pattern, and while the act of putting aside my desires in favor of her needs has become easier, I still can’t say I’m perfect at it.
In spite of that, I find that every day I love her more and more. Making even the smallest sacrifices (not to mention the big ones!) has helped me to focus outside myself, and I hope that it has spilled over into other areas of my life as well. Either way, I have a lot more joy in my life than I ever realized was possible, and it comes from this tiny person who shines just because of who she is. From reading books, to changing diapers, to playing games, to just watching her grow into the beautiful and spunky girl that she is…I can truly say Veronica, I’m glad you were born!
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I’m so thankful to have my little boy in my life. He is an amazing person already, so full of life and love. I feel lucky to spend every day with him and see how he develops. His personality makes me smile, even when he is stubborn.
We do foster care, and one child in particular has effected us so much. We fell in love with her right away, at only a few months old, and that little tiny being has taken over our hearts in ways I could never even explain. She is home now, but I thank God everyday that she came into our lives, and that we are still able to see her quite frequently.
Even now, when she’s with me, I look at her as she cuddles up with me and she points at pictures in a book, I get tears in my eyes thinking how lucky we were to be chosen as her foster parents. How blessed we were to ever meet her and have the chance to mold her into who she is today. How I am SO glad and grateful that she was born!
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there it is. Sorry.
When at first we heard the news
We were a bit blown away
It was very hard to hear
You may not walk one day
We cried for you
But not from a lack of love
We mourned what we thought you could not have
Though we knew you were a gift from above
We were thankful God blessed us with you
And knew it would all be okay
We stopped our crying and smiled
Thanking God for blessing us this way
You are a very special girl
There is no doubt in our minds
You will accomplish great things
Who you are just shines
You are beautiful and smart
Compassionate, determined, and sweet
Even though you are still so small
We know you can accomplish any feat
We are honored to be your parents
And love you more than you know
We promise to give you the best in life
We look forward to watching you grow
Thank you for blessing us so abundantly
By just simply being who you are
You are absolutely perfect to us
Our bright and shining star
We love you!
To my dearest Babies of Purpose,
I don’t know how much you know of this, John, because you were only two this past year when Daddy and I lost your two little sisters or brothers, but I know you knew we were sad. This life that God has given us has many joys and sorrows, and from time to time, though we hate to do it, God will ask us to suffer for Him. I am not sure of many things and the reason for which they are allowed to happen in our lives, and that can be scary sometimes… not knowing. There is one thing, however, of which I am absolutely certain: God loves us and He is Good! This is why I want you to know the circumstances around your births, John and Evangeline!
John, we weren’t certain we could have children when we began to try. The doctors were doubtful sometimes. About a year and a half before you were born we met a man named Frank (who loves God and listens well) through a mutual friend (who didn’t know of our troubles). Before we were even formally introduced, Frank told us that we shouldn’t worry, a baby is on the way. We were frozen in our tracks b/c he should not have known anything about us and he proceeded to comment, “Do you WANT to have a baby, I hope? God just told me to let the young couple in the other room know that He has a baby coming for them. I don’t know why.” A little over a year later you were born. This is why I know that you are a baby of Purpose, because you were a baby of Promise, and I cannot wait to see what God has planned for you. Your pregnancy was hard on my body and there were complicationsin your birth but I never once doubted that God wanted you in this world because he had already told us! Now it is up to you to listen to Him and discover what He has planned for you! Hold on, I’m sure it’ll be an amazing adventure if you walk it with Christ!
Evangeline, after John’s 2nd birthday, because of a number of circumstances, we found ourselves looking at a year of uncertainty and some doubt and disappointment in our lives. At the outset of that year (2009) we talked and prayed about it all and decided to allow one thing to mark our year… dependence on God. As if in immediate response to this commitment (to test what was in our hearts), in the middle of January we lost our first baby. We watched things digress on ultra-sounds and then said goodbye to our first little angel baby. Three months later, amazingly enough, I got pregnant again, and a little while after that we said goodbye to that angel baby too. We cried a lot, prayed a lot and decided to keep depending on God instead of getting angry with Him. Then, unbelievably, I got pregnant again. This time it was you. Now you are less than 4 weeks away from joining our family and I want you to know why I am certain that you are another baby of Purpose. God wanted your big brothers or sisters with Him and asked us to make that sacrifice, even though it would be difficult. To tell you the truth, after making it (and remaining tender before God, not hardening our hearts) we came out on the other side with MORE JOY! Can you believe it? He actually showed us how much He loves us through all of it. Now he has brought you over 8 months in Mommy’s belly and is almost ready to introduce you to this world in which I am CERTAIN he has a great purpose for you, because you have made it here. That is an amazing miracle to me and I love you so much!
So, my Dear Ones of Purpose, I tell you this because I love you more than my own life and I AM SO GLAD YOU WERE (and are about to be) BORN! Why? Because I cannot WAIT to see what God does in your hearts and with your hands. I pray you will be “the real deal” as you learn to walk with Christ and become true disciples.
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To my sweet boy:
Every day you make me smile, your warm and loving heart is evident even at your young age. I can hardly imagine what this world would be like without the joy you bring each morning you wake up a part of it. Your wonder at everyday things and the absolute joy on your face when you view God’s creation gives my cause to stop and look at things in a new way.
You adore your younger sister more then any other thing in the world, with such a fierce, innocent, perfect love. I’m so glad you are mine for a part of my heart was missing until you came along. You make the world smile, and someday I know you will turn it upside down with your joy and fervent delight in all that is good.
Someone once said that to give birth is to have your heart walking around outside your body and son, every step you take you take my heart with you. Whatever God calls you to, embrace with all your heart and know that everyday I have thought to myself “I’m so glad he was born.” Soon you will be two and you are the most amazing child, so pure and so beautiful, sent from God just for me and your Daddy.
To my sweet girl:
My sweet little surprise. My princess-girl. Almost 5 months old and your smile is my delight. I knew from the moment I was pregnant that you would be a girl and what a girl you are! Sweet and calm, you are Mumma’s Doll-baby. from the first you loved to snuggle and hear my heart beat and still you curl up on my chest and listen to my heart before sleep. You are a joy and every step of the way you surprise us, just being you!
How could I have ever thought that I couldn’t handle two babies? I have a perfect set a fireball son and a sweet and gentle girl. Darling-girl, I though God could not have blessed me more after your brother was born, my heart was so full, but it stretched, and it grew and made room for you and your sweet spirit gives me joy. I cannot say enough how glad I am that God gave me you. You will grow and have your own babies someday, and you will have Joy and you will worry and you will delight in all they do, but you will always be my princess girl and I will always find delight in you.
Levi and Annababy – I love you to the moon and back, over the sea and ’round the world, my heart will always be with you.
Your Momma (Courtney)
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My son is 5 weeks old and I’m amazed every day that we were blessed with such a wonderful gift, We are so glad he was born and that we were chosen to be his parents.
To our sweet and loving Collin:
We are so glad you were born. For 9 months, we wondered what you would look like, sound like, be like. We would talk to you and tell you stories. We’d try and guess who you would look like more (turns out you’re an even mix). Your dad would always encourage you to come a little early on his birthday; little did we know how well you were listening! On December 5th, you were born and made our family complete. There we were, nervous new parents, holding this little stranger that filled us with overwhelming joy and trepidation. And there you were, taking in all of your surroundings, trying to figure out who these two people were that stared at you all the time.
But 5 months later, you are a stranger no more. Your squeals and giggles fill our home. Your smiles light up a room…and our hearts. Our overwhelming joy continues to thrive while our trepidation has been replaced with excitement and anticipation! When you sleep, we can’t help but gaze at your sweet face, so full of innocence and unconditional trust. You are an angel, our angel.
There is nothing we are surer of than the fact that you are supposed to be in our lives. You make us feel complete. You are what we talk about at meals, before bed, with friends, and, well, all the time! Your dad and I joke that, before you, all we talked about was other people. But now we get to see and share in all your adventures: like finding your voice (even if it is at 4 am), learning how to roll over (you’re half way there!), walking in your walker, playing with Ducky and Freddie the Firefly. And we know the adventures have only just begun. You change every day; I’m so glad I get to be home to witness all these transformations.
Collin, we are so glad you were born. You have allowed us to experience God’s beauty and love in a whole new manner. We can’t imagine life any other way.
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I am so glad you were born because my life was not complete without you.
My Dear Zach,
I’m so glad you were born. You have taught me what it means to truly live in these past 11 months. It was tough, but you and I made it through. Now you’re almost a whole year old and I can’t believe I ever existed without you. It’s so much fun to see you experience new things, learn new skills, and turn into such a unique and funny little person. Watching you grow up is truly the best present I could have ever asked for. Hearing you call me Mommy and seeing you reach for me makes my heart swell with joy. You are beautiful, hilarious, and my greatest accomplishment in life. I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I do you (yes, that even includes Daddy!). Thank you for coming into my life and giving me the most rewarding job title I’ve ever had: Mom. I really am one of the luckiest women in the world because of you.
One year ago today, we found out we were pregnant with you, our sweet little Marion.
If you had asked me 365 days ago, what I would be doing today, there is no way I would have ever believed I’d be looking at you. I never thought that you would be a possibility. I never imagined I would be so blessed. Every morning I wake up wondering what makes me so lucky as to be your mother?
I think the angels, God, and your brothers sat down, had a nice chat and you were the result.
When you are sixteen and resent us, hate your life and in general, act like a teenager, I hope I never forget what a miracle you are. And I hope you know that if we’re too strict, too protecting, too overbearing, its because you mean the world to us. We just want you to be safe and happy and not end up on some reality show.
Two lines.
Our lives were changed by two simple lines. I knew the reality, I knew that just seeing two lines didn’t guarantee you’d be in our arms. I knew there were no promises like that. I knew that too well.
But my heart still rejoiced. New life, new chances, new hope. I knew even if you never existed past those two lines that your little life still needed celebrating. And we haven’t stopped celebrating each day since then.
Two little lines.
Now we have two feet, two hands, two eyes, two ears. We have you.
I cried my heart out New Years Eve 2007. I didn’t understand why I was so upset. I realized it was because I was saying a calendar goodbye to our twins. That I had been able to say “I was pregnant this year.” I didn’t know if I’d be able to say that in 2008. In 2007, at least I knew what it was like to be pregnant. I didn’t know if I’d be able to do that in 2008. I didn’t want to say goodbye. I didn’t want to hope.
I didn’t know that you were already living and growing inside me then. Just probably, oh six or eight or sixty four cells at that point. But you were there. A spark of life. A spark of hope.
A few days later, I knew it. Two lines told me so. I knew you were a girl from that moment. I knew you were you. I knew you were a gift. And so I celebrated.
One year later. Two lines later. We celebrate you. But this year, this day, I hold you in my arms, not just in my heart.
I wrote this January 11, 2009, a year after we found out we were pregnant. We lost twin boys at 10 weeks pregnant and it devastated me. My daughter truly is my miracle and even though she’s grown so much since I wrote this, I still feel the same way.
Autumn Nevaeh. I am so glad you were born. You mended our hearts after the loss of your brother and sister. You healed our family and finally brought peace. I know my life would not be complete without you. Every morning, before my feet hit the floor, I thank God you are in our life. You are the light of my life, the apple of my eye. Thank you for giving me the best gift in the world, making me a mommy!
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I’m so glad you were born because you have brought new levels of joy to our family. Your name is derived from Eve which means “life” and that is what you are – full of life. I had no idea what an instant flood of love I would have for you when we met you on your birthday. As we are coming up to my second Mother’s Day, I couldn’t be more thankful to be your mother. It is an honor to be the one chosen to raise you and watch you grow up. I am blessed beyond measure to have you as my daughter. I love you more than words can express.
Dear Benamin and Alex,
Before you were born I knew I needed you in my life. You fill my heart with such joy and love. Everyday with you is a true blessing and I cannot imagine my life without you. It’s the little things that you do that make me smile. Everyday I look forward to your smiles and laughing and sharing every moment I can with you. Watching you grow is a privalege and I am so thankful that god gave me the honor of watching you two grow up and for choosing me as your mom. I love you more than you will ever know! Love your Mom
To Natalie I’m so thankful that you’re here everyday with me. I love how you still love to call me da da and even when I try to get you to say mommy you just giggle and say “da da” to me. I love how your face just lights up when your brother enters the room. I love watching your face when we’re reading books to you and I love you. I love that I have the opportunity to stay home with you everyday and just can’t imagine my life any other way. These are just a few of the reasons that I love you and your brother everyday!
I am so glad my children were born. My 10 year old daughter was born just 2 days after my 16th birthday. I was young, but it was the best accident that has ever happened. She is the best kid and such a big helper and a great big sis! My Son is 7 months old and has opened me up to the world of NEW! As his mother, and with the help of my daughter we started out cloth diapering and went 100% green, so we thank our little guy for helping us be so green!
I had all my kids around me two Mondays ago and I was teaching them about why family was important. I had planned to tell them how much I loved them and how much we wanted all of them. I needed to tell them all the things I wanted for them-for them to be safe, to be happy, to be good people that were pleasant to be around. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it because I am not very good at expressing those sentiments but I perservered and told them how much I loved them and all the good things I wanted for them.
I’m also a subscriber to the newsletter.
I’m so glad you were born Vivian, when we were trying for you, I thought you would never come, we went through hell and back with 4 losses and out of the blue, as soon as we stop trying, here you are, you are such a light and a joy in our lives and such a blessing on this Earth.
I thank God every day for His gift of Caitlyn Christine. We tried for 3 years to get pregnant. Thanks to the Lord and modern medicine, we were able to do IVF. I’ve known Caitlyn–and loved her–since I saw her as a teeny tiny blastocyst on the day of our embryo transfer. She has forever changed my life. All of the failed cycles, all of the tears, all of the days and nights wondering if I’d ever have a child…they were all worth it. As much as they hurt, I’d go through them again for my beautiful girl. She was more than worth the wait!
To my 1st born Isabela: I am so glad you were born because you made me a mommy and that is the best gift I could have EVER asked for.
Dear “Skeeter,”
We are still calling you “Skeeter” because Daddy and I are just not quite ready to share your “real” name with the world yet. Tomorrow you will have been in Mommy’s tummy for 39 weeks, and though I am so anxious for you to be here that I have been a little grumpy over these last few hot days, I was thinking just this morning of the despair I felt as last Mother’s Day found daddy and me still without a child.
As I am writing this note to you, the tears are streaming down my face. They are so very much sweeter than the tears I shed as I wrote a limerick for a blog contest for Mother’s Day 2009 describing the sadness of not being a mom. So,even though you’ve “only” been in my tummy for 39 weeks, you’ve been in our prayers for nearly six years. In fact, daddy and I had come to the conclusion last summer that God’s plans for us simply didn’t include a baby. You cannot even begin to imagine the joy that filled our hearts and lives when we discovered on September 25th, 2009 that you were on your way!
I am so truly blessed to have been able to share my body with you for the last nine and a half months. I enjoy feeling you kick and roll inside me, and I hope you feel how deeply we love you when I rub the little spot your left foot enjoys resting. The doctor tells us that you will be with us in the outside world in a week or two, and I promise you no baby that was ever born will have felt more love!
“Skeeter,” I am so glad you WILL BE born!
With all my love,
Without you little one I don’t know where I’d be. Even before you were born you gave me a reason to carry on, to fight, to try to do what was best for the both of us. You are the best thing that has or will ever happen to me in my life. You make my life better and I will strive to give you the best life I possibly can.
I couldn’t believe the surprise on your face when you entered into this beautiful world. My sweet Adelayde was born almost 3 years ago…and when we thought we had tried all the options to get pregnant…I finally saw a faint pink line on that dreaded little stick. I think my hand must have held onto that little stick for hours…as I just stared at the two lines. You are my sweetest little girl…my first born and my energentic little angel. You always make me laugh or tear up with your sweet words or nighttime cuddles.
I thought you couldn’t love another child like you love your first, and then I had another girl Savannah. She was such a different delight as we didn’t have to try as hard as we did the first time. She was so luck to be born into a family where three people were in love with her instead of Addy’s two. Now seeing her change and grow and look up to her big sis…makes my heart melt. Especially when they are playing together in their rooms…even for a couple minutes without them seeing me watching from afar.
I thank the Lord everynight I was given this gift and will never take it for granted. These girls are truely something longed for…and are such a inspiration to me to always be a better person.
My Dear Boy:
It has been a hard year. Some years are just like that. But if I chance to wake you up when I slip into your room at night to hold you while you sleep, just remind yourself that it’s been a hard year. And that some years are just like that.
I used to think that having a baby would be like saving the world…but a world of one. Now I think it’s still like saving the world…but it’s saving my world. I used to think that I would be the teacher but now I see that I am really the student.
I’m so glad that you were born, my little son. You have taught me how to live, how to love unreservedly, how to laugh and how to let go. I am a better person because you came into my life, thank you for being brave enough to come.
I was worried when we moved down here. Worried for me and worried for you and worried about your Daddy. And night after night, I would tuck you in and wait for you to fall asleep and then slip back in to cradle you in my arms again. And as I sit and rock you, the worries drift off my shoulders, and as I hold you the world sharpens into focus and it’s just you and just me. And in the quiet of that room the world ceases to be about anything at all but that one moment.
Thank you for this moment. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this month. Thank you for this year. Thank you for being my Boy. And thank you for letting me be your Mama.
I’m also a follower of the blog! (What a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day!)
Things had been going so well. We got pregnant on the first try, I loved and enjoyed my pregnancy, my birth experience turned out basically how I envisioned it.
Four days after you were born I contracted a serious infection and I almost died. I’m so glad you were born, as you gave me a reason to keep going. I didn’t want to leave your dad to be a single parent and I didn’t want to leave you, Ella, to live your life without a mom. They wouldn’t let me feed you, they wouldn’t let me touch you unless I was wearing gloves, and I was afraid that you were going to forget who I was. But I kept looking at you, and were so happy, even when things were going so poorly. You kept me smiling and you kept reminding me of all the good things in life.
Thankfully I got better and now I am able to spend my days and nights with you, little one. We have a deep love between us and I am so grateful for that. I appreciate every moment I get to spend with you. You’ve changed my life forever and I can’t imagine living it without you.
I’m so glad that you will be born to my best friend. We tried to get pregnant together, but although my daughter is now 14 months old…you are not ready yet. I know that you will come when you are supposed to. I comfort your mother and father as much as I can. I cry for her, hurt for her, and watch as I see the pain in her face, even though she smiles at my sweet child. When you come, you will be loved, cherished and happy to be in the family. You will delight your parents, you will bring unconditional love into their hearts. You will awaken the mother inside of her that has been patiently waiting on your arrival.
I am not sure I knew just what love was until I looked into your big blue eyes. I held you in my arms and in that moment I could only imagine holding you with smiles, and happy tears. Only God knew I would hold you through fevers, seizures, and autism. I knew I would need the strength to give you encouragement, discipline, and instruction. Only God knew I’d need the strength to give you CPR and to trust that you were in His hands. You were a surprise from the moment I found out about you and I am grateful every day for you Jaden! Your name means “God has heard”! He has heard the cry of my heart and blessed me with you. My sweet amazing Jaden you prepared me for the rain….
My little girl I love you with all my heart! Raine, you taught me that when it rains, it truly pours. In you I found patience and strength I never imagined. You push me every day to be a better mom. I love your strong will and your laughter. I love your fiery personality and kind heart. It took some time for us to figure each other out but you taught me so much in that time. I cannot imagine my world without you in it and someday I will be able to explain how grateful I am for every tear we’ve had together. Someday, my sweet little Raine, you will understand how you prepared me to be a mom to your little sister…
Oh my precious Kilia. Your name means “Heaven”. Just like your Daddy says, you are our little piece of Heaven. You are a tiny package and I loved every tiny part of your little 4lbs 1oz self as soon as I saw you! I was elated! Joy filled that room! Joy filled my heart! You were brand new and perfect and I was so excited to learn everything about you! Eight minutes after you arrived, I began to learn. I learned you had Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome. I learned about blood transfusions, aspirating, Choanal atresia, and so much more! You are a gift, my sweet Kilia Michelle! Through the grief, the tears, the confusion you have taught me to be patient and to rejoice! I cannot picture our family any other way than with you in it. You are the perfect compliment to your brother and sister.
I am so grateful to be a mom. I am so grateful for my children. I am a better person for all that I have been through and all that they have taught me!
Erin, in the six years you have been alive, we have traveled so many roads together, and many were treacherous in their own ways.
When you were born, I was single, and just out of the Army, but because you were depending on me, I knew I had to be something great. I couldn’t just “make it”, or “pull through”. You deserved more than that from me, so I went to college to become a Civil Engineer. You were a huge reason I did that, Erin.
When you look at me, I see so clearly that it is up to me to show you how the world works, and to give you something worth looking up to. I gave my best because you needed me to. I wanted you to see that it’s our choice how we live, and that we can do anything, because we, as human beings, are strong, dynamic, brilliant creatures.
Erin, you are the epitome of strong, dynamic, and brilliant. In your life, you have adapted to so much. Your daddy and I got married when you were almost a year old, and since then, together, we’ve seen him off to war multiple times. You have made it through every sendoff, hard day, and homecoming. You have even become a big sister, and a very good one, in my opinion. You are dynamic in that you have adapted to the unpredictable lifestyle that you have been afforded for the time being.
You are strong in that you have accepted the things you could not understand, and put fear and sadness out of your mind in order to live your life with joy.
You are brilliant in the way you acquire knowledge from the world around you, in your inquisitive nature, and in the way you try to pass along knowledge to your baby brother, because you know that knowledge is only as good as the people you share it with. You are brilliant in the way you capture beauty in the world around you through the lens of your camera, and I hope so much that your dream of becoming a nature photographer someday comes true.
Erin, I am glad that you were born because you have made me better, reaffirmed all that I have already believed is good and right about the human race, and made me smile every single day, even when times were tough. You are the wild-card of our family, and something integral to every one of us. You are the best big sister your baby brother could ever ask for, my partner in crime, and daddy’s little princess. We wouldn’t be us without you.
To Colin: Thank you my precious, spirited four year old. Before you were born I judged other mother’s for not “controlling” their children. I judged them for not having kids exactly like your older sister, who was beyond perfect, honestly. I judged them for not having their child on a strict routine, for not enjoying motherhood, for not being able to handle the everyday ups and downs of life. Colin, my dear, in your four short years you have taught me that each child is different. You have taught me that no mother is perfect. You have taught me to understand the differences in my friends and their children. You have humbled and continue to humble me. You have worn and wear me out. You have frustrated and will always frustrate me. I am so unattainably thankful for what you have taught me and are still teaching me. Thank you for always loving me in my worst moments, and hugging me when you know I need it but don’t deserve it. Thank you for showing me that I am everything to you, just like you are to me.
To connor,Liam,Gavin my lovely boys how I love you.I am so glad your born.You have shown me how much you can love someone.You boys have givin me a hope.I was told I could never have kids and god had other plans for us
I remember, when we were first married (fifteen years ago, next month!), and then found out shortly afterwards that we were pregnant. Everything seemed overwhelming. I was so excited to become a mother, but so afraid to make mistakes.
I’m a realist. I knew that I was going to mess up, I was just praying that my goof ups would be minor.
I brought Andrew home from the hospital (looking over my shoulder, sure that a nurse would “reclaim” him), and sat down in my rocking chair, and nursed him for the first time in our little apartment, and a wave of dread washed over me. I realized that I was going to have to nurse this stranger 8-12 times a day for much of the not so distant future. Little did I know that nursing would be the easy part. Later would come the tough choices, whether to immunize, and what against. How to educate him. What sport if any to encourage. Sunblock or hat.
Every day I came across decisions I never thought I would have to make, and hardly felt adult enough to make. My mom was there for a week. I was thankful for the help. In some ways though, our relationship complicated things. She wanted what was best for me and her first grand baby, but she was not the mom. I wanted what was best, but did not always know what the best was. Sometimes our theories on parenting meshed, other times they clashed.
That first child, my now teenage son (who is fabulous), was a grand experiment. Some things I never did repeat. I took the advice to let him cry it out in his crib. It was torture for me, and him, and none of us slept. I ditched that advice. I’m sure it does work for some, but they either have larger houses than me, or a stronger will. Some things I carried through with all six of the kids. All of my children have been breastfed. Most of them have worn cloth diapers at least part time. I have spent hour upon hour reading and singing to all of my children.
Some things get easier. Once some of the big decisions are made for a first child, you hardly think them over again. Breastfeeding to me is second nature, and I can’t imagine a different feeding route for my children. Rocking my children to sleep is more of a privilege and less of a chore. After several children, I have learned that ALL kids eventually learn to fall asleep. Some take longer than others, and some like to sleep in odd places, but all of them eventually sleep.
Fifteen years ago, I THOUGHT that I wanted six children. Then I had one child, and I realized motherhood was tough. I was not sure how many children God would bless us with, but some days it felt like one was enough. It was hard to pay bills, I was not sleeping, and I worried about my sweet little boy. Through the years, our family grew, and grew, and grew. We even thought that we had grown as much as we would.
And then God decided to challenge me. He figured that I had learned all about boys. He also figured that one baby girl would not give me the full experience. So he gave me two! And now this self professed “boy mom”, this pants wearing, ribbon and bow avoiding, tights fearing woman has a room bursting with pink and ribbons and frills and tights. And you know what?
God is good. All the time.
He is good when I am blessed with one son. He is good when he blesses me with four sons. He is even good when he blesses me with two daughters at once.
A friend today was telling me about a t-shirt that said “singletons are for wimps”. I had a chuckle at that. It is true. God knew EXACTLY when I could handle the joy of mothering a set of multiples. It was not 15 years ago, or even five years ago. He knew that I was ready before I even knew.
I think I’m doing OK. I’ve had to rewrite my own parenting manual. I still won’t let my kids cry in the crib. This gets me a bit less sleep than others, but I’m still sleeping more than when I was pregnant! I’m figuring out how to give each girl what she needs, when she needs it, and to still have time to love on and guide our sons.
I am now a follower of this blog through google
I tweeted about this contest on Twitter-my Twitter handle is hlstevens
Dear Bennett
I am so glad you were born. I can’t imagine my life without you, and there was a point in time where I was imagining just that-a life with out you. When you were born, my world was turned upside down, and there you were-all were 9 lbs 4 oz of you fighting for a chance. Born with your intestines on the outside, you made it through your surgery with flying colors, and the Drs credit your size to staying healthy and growing strong while in the NICU. As scared as I was, you made me strong, YOU gave me the faith I needed to get us both through. Thanks for picking me to be your mom, and for being strong when I wasn’t. I love you.
I was 17 and still in high school when I got pregnant with my daughter Lily. To be completely honest at first I though the whole situation was a complete disaster. My family disowned me and everyone told me that my boyfriend and I would never last. But dispite all of that we got married and the bigger I got the more excited I became. I just couldn’t wait to see her little face! Then it happened, I was 7 months and I went into labor and almost lost my little angel. Luckly the doctors were able to stop the labor and I was allowed to go home. I was put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. We almost lost her again during my delivery because her cord was wrapped around her neck in the birth canal. Thankfully she was born completely healthy. All I could think of when as I held her for the first time was that I was so glad she was born. My daughter truely was my most preicous blessing and now at 10 months she is as happy and healthy as can be and she brings light to even the worst days. I love you Lily!
Dearest Kaleb and Anna,
The moment I knew you were inside of me, my world changed. The moment I heard those sweet heartbeats, I cried tears of joy. The moment I felt the first kicks and rolls, I knew you were all mine. The moment I got wisked back into surgery, I knew that this was it. My first time seeing you both, I felt as if I was witnessing a miracle. My first time holding you both, time stood still. The first time I got to kiss those beautiful cheeks, I felt like I was holding God’s greatest gift. Kaleb, I knew you were special the moment I felt you. It’s being only proven more so now. God has a purpose for you honey, and I’m making sure that you suceseed! I cherish every cuddle I get, and every 1 2 or 3 kisses and hugs I can get. You are simply amazing Ka. Mommy loves you Tunkins!! Anna, my sweet little girl, I’m amazed by the fact that I have a baby girl! I love that you want to dress up even at 19 months old. I’m sure we’ll have our roughness when you are older but I thank god for having you. I love how sweet you are with your brother, even though he sure can frustrate you :). I love how you grab my finger as you lead the way. You are going to be a shining star sweetie so Light Up The Night!!
I wouldn’t know what I would do without you both. I wouldn’t know what I’d be doing in my life. I’m very sure that I’d be quite lonely.
After you both are gone to bed, I sit back and think WOW. I’m thier mommy. God gave me this?! Incredible!!
Dear Kaleb and Anna:
I am so very truely glad that you both were born.
Kisses and hugs,
PS Love you bunches!
Dear Clark,
Nobody ever told me how much people love their children. I suppose it’s something you don’t fully understand until you become a parent yourself. I had no clue until you were put in my chest, a sweet, cooing, snuggly slice of perfection… and my world was permanently changed.
I was adopted. And even though my mom didn’t physically give birth to me so was an amazing example of motherhood. I still strive to make you feel as loved and safe as I did growing up. On your birthday I was so thrilled to be able to have her in the room with me when you were born, to experience me becoming a mother as well. And even though she passed 10 weeks after you were born I still try to model myself after her daily, and often wonder what would MY mom do? And I finally understand what she meant when she said she’d give me the world if she could, and she’d take away my pain if she could.
I’m so glad you were born. I’m so glad my life will never be the same. I’m so glad my mom got to meet you. I’m so glad I have been chosen to be your Mom, and blessed with watching you grow on a daily basis. I’m so glad you tell me you love me, they are the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life. And I hope you know how very loved you are.
I am so glad you were born, being my one and only little man. You struggled when you were first born to breath, but God took you in his hands and made you well. Mommy was praying and praying, I loved you so much and I had not even had a chance to hold you. I knew, you were my brave little man. As time went on you became failure to thrive, developmentally delayed, and diagnosed with craniosynostosis, but you were still my little man. Your cranio-vault reconstructive surgery was so scary, but you stayed my strong and brave little man. As we climb this tough rope together through genetics, ct scans, and therapy you have held me up as much as I have been there for you. What a journey we have been through in your first year of life. Your determination amazes me. I am so proud of you, My adorable little Man!!
We created an email address for my daughter, and every so often I send her a message to read in the years to come, this is today’s:
Dear Keeley,
Mother’s day is coming up, and this is my second year at it. How am I doing? Right now you are a bouncy, shrieking with joy, mud puddle splashing mess! You won’t remember apartments lived in, countless diaper changes, block towers, or the endless times you were told ‘no’ to pulling the cable box off of the television. What I hope you remember is laughter. Lightning bugs. Shade trees. Kool-aid grins and Popsicles running down your arms. I hope you remember snow forts, wildflowers, and cuddles on the couch. You won’t remember house construction, or scraped knees, or the many times you ate dirt. I do hope you remember feeling safe, loved, treasured. I’m so glad you were born. You won’t remember tantrums, or immunizations, or early morning nursing sessions. I will remember, though. The agony of labor too soon, the joy of hearing ‘it’s a girl’, and checking clearance racks for the next year’s clothes. I hope you remember the good things, the happy things, the reasons your dad and I gave you life. Strawberries and butterflies, watching the ripples in the bed of the creek, sand in between your toes and skimming rocks. I hope you remember the names of flowers and birds, hawks circling, owls calling out in the night. I hope you remember peace, and stability and joy. I hope family hugs never go out of style and that kisses to your temple are always sweetly cherished. Motherhood is amazing and traumatic, pain and delight, holding tight and letting go. It hits me at this moment that you are the reason I am here. Your sweet smile, your frustrated cry, no one could have shaped you but me. For everything we have shared and will, this is my only dream: for you to live, fully and with unfettered joy, is my mother’s day wish for you. You are 18 months old, and I am so glad you were born.
To my beautiful daughter Avelyn and my handsome son Logan. I cannot express how much I love the two of you, I could sit there for hours and watch you sleep in my arms.
Avelyn you have taught me patience and that tears can quickly vanish with a hug, a kiss, and a bottle of bubbles.
Logan, I never thought I’d want a little boy but the moment I saw you on the ultrasound I was overcome with joy.
I never knew I could love so deeply until my children entered my life, I would be lost without them.
I am so glad that you were born. It was somewhat of a surprise when we found out about you the summer after graduating college, but we had been told that everything happened in God’s timing. This was an important lesson for us to learn! While you were just a tiny thing in mommy’s tummy, Daddy got very sick, and was sick for a long time. He is getting better every day now, but if it hadn’t been for you, we don’t think he would be here today. You gave him the motivation to keep going! Every day in the hospital we talked about you: who you would look like, and what you might do in life. Mommy and Daddy looked so forward to meeting you! And once you were born…you were so perfect and sweet and there are no words to describe how happy we were for you to complete our family.
In the 14 months since you were born, you have showed us so much about life and love. Your very existence has been such a blessing, giving your mommy and daddy motivation during hard times, even helping to heal a family feud. You brought us all back together again. That you are such a smart, sweet, loving and perfect little boy is all just icing on the cake. I want you to know that I am so proud of you, my sweet little Row-boat. Always remember that God’s timing IS perfect and that I am SO happy that you were born.
I tweeted about the contest @avidreadingmom
I follow this blog.
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All 4 of my babies mean the entire world to me, but I want to tell my littlest man, Micah (10 months), how much he means to me.
My little Micah-Monkey, thank you so much for every single smile you give me. When I was pregnant with you, they told me there was a chance you could have Trisomy 18. I was so scared. I did tons of research in the one week from the triple screen results until the targeted ultrasound and amnio. I was surprised when I found out you were coming, but crushed when I found out there could be a problem.
I cried when the ultrasound tech and doctor said you looked fine. Those were the best words I could have ever heard. We went ahead with the amnio, just to make sure. All was well, and we knew for a fact you were a little boy.
The moment you were born, and I really saw for myself that you had no problems, I cried…again. Now you’re 10 months old and (along with your sisters and brother) are the light of my life. To see you smile and laugh is to know love. Even on my worst days, you can bring me up. I thank God every day for giving me such a happy, healthy baby boy. I love you my baby boy, so very much!
To my sweet Julia,
Though your birthday may be unknown, though you were born into circumstances less than desirable, I pray that every day of your life you will know that you were known by your Heavenly Father before you were conceived and you are MORE than desirable to Him…and to me. I am glad you were born.
Once abandoned, you are now safe. Once forgotten and left, you are now remembered every moment of every day. I am glad you were born.
God brought you into my home…first as one of His Cherished Ones, now as mine. I know now that God brought me to Kenya to bless me with YOU! I am glad you were born!
Napenda sana na kabisa, mtoto yangu!
My baby’s been sleeping
Since nine last night
An occurrence I cherish
But however I might
Enjoy the rest
While the stars creep
I must say I miss her
While she’s asleep.
Little things remind me
Of her waking time
She usually likes this…
She always wants mine..
She hangs the laundry…
She likes to help out…
She giggles with that…
With that she’d shout..
His baby’s been sleeping
Since her sin-shrouded birth
She’ll never awake
Til her soul leaves this earth
He died to be with her
And while the stars creep
He knows that he misses her
While she’s asleep.
Someday she’ll awaken,
To a banquet and friends,
To beauty and light,
To love-never-ends,
But for now he looks down,
With an ache in his heart,
And counts down the minutes,
Til eternities start.
I am so glad you were born Jenna because you helped me live. When I was 10 weeks pregnant with my first daughter, her father was killed in a car wreck. Jenna was my reason for living. After 18 long hours of labor Jennalee Destiny Grace Calhoun came into the world. It was hard to believe someone so small could make such a big diffrence. She was my shining light in the darkness.
Ten years ago I graduated from law school wearing size 1 leather pants under my gown and ready to take on the world! I had no idea that I’d be married that same year, and I was so ready to feather my nest, but I had just started my career so those plans were on hold. Working so hard, we had no time to enjoy life, no time to travel, no time to think of anything but working, working working. The evening of 9/11/2001, as we went to bed after watching the horrific events of that day unfold, we talked about all those people who went to work that day having put off their dreams and how those dreams crumbled with the twin towers. We opened up our hearts to God and to a family – and now we have 4 beautiful babies, our newest is just 7 weeks old – what a Mother’s Day I am looking forward to! I am thankful every day for the opportunity to stay home and cuddle these sweet babies while I can. A wise mother once told me that when I get angry to look at their little hands as a reminder of their size and innocence. I try not to be too hard on myself when I lose my temper, but every night when they sleep I am so aware of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me and I feel so undeserving! I love the feel of my daughter’s curls against my face. I love that she called me “Owl” and herself “Little Bear” for nearly a year without breaking character once. I love my son’s freaky pinching when he snuggles me, is he a cat or a boy?? I love my 2 year old’s cherub face and the twinkle in his rascal eyes. I love that my newborn will not settle unless I’m wearing him. I love that at breakfast on any given day the empty seats at my table might be filled with Jesus, Joan of Arc, and American Girl doll…I love my quirky family!
I’m so glad all three of my daughters were born. Each one has brought on new lessons in life to me.
Dakotah, my oldest who is 5 is my light. I had her at the age of 17 and she helped me defy the odds that were stacked against me. She’s smart, intelligent, funny, such a spark of life that she never lets me forget to live life. She was the little 9 month old baby waiting at the other side of the staged cheering mommy on to walk across that stage and pick up my High school diploma. She is the reason I continued to college. At the time when I thought I had no one I had this little blue eyed beauty looking at me to keep me going.
Kaelyn is my middle daughter at 3. She is my April Fool’s Baby who lives to the name of the day. She is the prankster of the family to keep us laughing. She reminds us all to keep laughter in our heart. Kaelyn not only has taught me how to laugh she taught me patience (more than I had at least). She is the child who does things in her own time on her own terms and I had to learn to follow her lead and not always be in control.
Zoey is my baby at 8 months old. She is my renewal in life. At 10 weeks pregnant my Grandma (she stepped in place in my life as my Mom when mine left my Dad & I) passed away 5 days before my birthday. Zoey gave me peace throughout the hardest time in my life. Once we met her she was whisked away to spend a month in Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. She underwent testing, blood transfusions, Accuchecks, blood drawls, among many other things trying to figure out why she was failing to thrive. After a month we finally left the hospital even though she wasn’t well. She has been diagnosed with RTA and everyday is a blessing. She reminds us that life is short and we need to remember that. She also has many of the characteristics I saw in my Grandma. Everyday instead of grieving the loss of my Grandma I look at Zoey and see what we have passed on of my Grandma.
Each of the girls reminds me of the important things in life. All three are significant people in our household and family. I can’t imagine a day without them. Each has helped me through current bumps in the road of life as well as keeping that spirit alive for years. I am thankful everyday for such special people. They can drive me insane and flat out crazy some days but at the end of the day it’s worth it. Some of the best lessons they have taught me have been amongst the chaos of life.
I owe my life to the three little ones in my life; Dakotah, Kaelyn & Zoey.
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I am so glad you are on your way!
The day we found out we were pregnant with you was the best day of my life. I cried with tears of joy because I was finally going to be a mommy. As I write this to you today I sit here crying with more tears of joy because I know it is only a couple more weeks before we get to meet you. I have loved everyday of this pregnancy, even when I was to sick to get out of bed or to tired to open my eyes. I knew all along that in the end I am going to have a precious healthy baby. When we found out that you were missing a kidney, I only had a doubtful thought for a second before I knew you were still going to be okay. Mommy had one big cry with daddy and then we turned our sad thoughts into happy thoughts. We cannot change that you only have one kidney. We just accepted it. Many people live their whole lives with one kidney and don’t even know. You are the most precious thing in the world to me. When we lay in bed at night you put on a show for mommy and daddy. You spin around and kick to the sound of our voices. You already know who we are and we have not even met yet. Mommy loves you Dante with all my heart and I cannot wait to meet you!
A letter to my son about why I’m glad that he was born.
Dear Cy,
I am so glad you were born. Before I found out I was pregnant with you, I often thought only of myself. I went to bed and woke up when I wanted to, pursued school goals with reckless abandon (I have the student loans to prove it) and didn’t treat myself very well. When your Dad and I found out that I was pregnant, things had to change. Since you were born your father and I have both finished our degrees, become smarter about silly things like money and security, and even started to eat a little bit better. But wait, there’s more.
Life is better now because you’re in it. You make me go on walks, you’ve got me saying, “Truck!” or “Bus!” every time I drive anywhere. Because the simplest things are often the most fascinating. You add a dimension of responsibility and capability to my life that nothing else could have done. Your constant demands have proven to me how much I have to offer you, and the world around us. You inspire me to do more than I think I can. You need me like no one else has ever, ever needed me before. It scares me, and it overwhelms me with it depth and persistence at times, but it also holds me up.
Because of you, I love your Daddy more, as well. The added challenges you’ve brought to our life, the time constraints and the work and the fear of being a parent, have turned out to be more ways for us to impress each other. You are another thing (although not a “thing” at all) we share. You provide more ways for us to reach out and help each other. You make us watch what we say to each other and think about how we react because we want you to develop healthy, loving relationships one day, too. I loved him before we even knew you would be ours, and love him more and more as I see his expressions on your little face and hear you laugh when he does. You made us a better family.
At the end of the day when I lay you down in your crib and blow one last kiss and shut the door, I have to stifle the urge to run back in and hold you again. But I listen to you from the hallway as you send me one more “Mu-wa!” and say “ban-ket” and “cup!” to yourself as you arrange your bed for the night, I realize that you’re ok. That maybe I need you more than you even need me. And I’m happy when you wake up in the morning because I get to be your Mommy. With everything that brings, I wouldn’t have it any other way. So yes, I’m very, very glad you were born. I love you, Bubbs.
Love, Mom
Isabelle, on that special day in June you were born and I became a Mother. My life has forever changed… I no longer live for myself, I live for you. I love experiencing the world with you; looking at things for the first time, laughing until our tummies ache, singing at the top of our lungs. Because of you I am living life to its fullest, I love with all my heart, I cry tears of joy, I want to make this world better for you. I am so happy you were born, not only for how amazing you are, but for how amazing you make me.
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For my almost 4yr old son. You weren’t planned, we were still very young, 18 and 21 respectfully, but we knew we would make it work. I didn’t know I would have all the pregnancy complications I did, and we were so glad when you arrived safe and sound. After you were born, no one could have prepared us for the next roller coaster ride we’d go on with you. You had bathroom issues requiring testing to find out why and then medication to make you go, starting at 2months old. At the same time as the bathroom issues started your doctor noticed your neck and you were diagnosed with a bad case of Torticollis & Plagiocephally(as well as Macrocephally), and started OT…then we started noticing the delays. You’re fine and gross motor skills were 6+ months delayed and that was the next challenge we had to go through as well as adding PT in with the OT. We went though so many tests to find out the cause of the delays and everything and never got an answer. Fast forward to now, and we’re still fighting to figure things out. Your delays aren’t as bad, 3months delayed now for your age, but there’s other problems. You have a speech delay, a bad vision problem and possible Autism (as well as confirmed ADHD). But I love you and I will always fight to make sure everything you need is done and taken care of for you and you get the best we can give you. I love you my son!
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To my sweet little boy,
Everyday I look at you and I am reminded of how amazing God is, that He would create a child as incredible as you! Your voice is like music to my ears. Your laughter is infectious. Your hugs melt my heart. Your boundless energy makes my spirit soar. I am charmed by your innocence and love. Your tears hold my heart in a vice. Your generosity is inspiring. I wish I could cuddle you in my lap and let you stroke my thumb forever. You will always hold a piece of me and I can’t fathom how I ever lived without you. I am so honored to be your mother!
I’m so glad you will be born from another mommy’s tummy, far, far away.
You will be our first son.
A joy to hold physically, as we’ve been holding you in our hearts emotionally for 2-1/2 years already.
It’s tough not knowing if you’re born yet, but we’ll find out soon.
We’ll see you soon, little one, in Ethiopia.
When I arrive at the sitters house and can hear my 2-year-old daughter squeeling in delight from inside the house, ‘Mama’s here, mama’s here’ I am so happy she was born. When I hear my 5-month-old son starting to whimper in the morning, telling me he is hungery, and I peek into his crib to see the biggest smile, I am so happpy he was born.
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We’re so glad you will be born little girl. Right now you are just seven short weeks to breathing your first breath. Just around the corner to the first time you wrap your tiny hand around our fingers. A little more time until you will look into our eyes for the first time and know I am your mommy and daddy. We’ll be there to wipe your tears and hug and kiss you for no reason. Your future stretches beyond the horizon and we hope we can help you find your path in life. For now, we are waiting patiently to those wonderful moments and just glad you will be born.
I don’t know who you’ll look like
I don’t know what color your eyes are
I don’t know if you’ll play soccer like your dad
I don’t know if you’ll love to read like me
I don’t know if you will shy away from people
Or be the biggest voice in the room
I don’t know if you want to be a doctor or a teacher or an astronaut
I don’t know if you will prefer dogs or cats
I don’t know what foods will be your favorite
I do know that you have 10 little fingers and 10 little toes
I know that so far you’re average size for your age
I know you have 6 grandparents and 3 great-grandparents
Who all think you hang the moon
I know you have 2 aunts who already fight over who’s the favorite
I know you get excited after you get fed
I know you like to keep your hands near your face
I know your name, my sweet little boy
But I can hardly wait to get to know YOU
I’m so glad you are going to be born
My Keira Buns,
This mothers day I reflect on my life this past year, and truth of the matter, I’m so glad you were born. I tried for so long to have a baby, and just when I wanted to give up, you were the one who stuck around. There were long hard days, where it was 100 degrees and I was REALLY pregnant, and I would say “get this DARN THING out of me!” when really, in the end, I didn’t mean it. And when the Doctor laid you on my chest after 20 hours of labor, the rest of the world disappeared. You were the one and only thing I would devote my life to after only meeting for brief seconds. When I had to go through surgery to fix what happened during delivery, I may have been sad that I had to go through the pain all over again, but those long 16 weeks recovering was totally worth having you.
Now I see your little accomplishment every day and I’m proud of that little bean in my first ultrasound for growing big and strong. My mother always said, “one day you’ll understand” when she was upset or disappointed with me, and ever since you were born, I do understand.
From smiling to high pitched screeches, boo-boos to meltdowns, it still amazes me that I have my very own little Keira!
I’ll always love you,
I’m so glad Eleanor was born so happy and healthy 4 months ago. She is a perfect little copy of her father. The same nose and cheekbones. She even has a little tuft of hair at the top of her tush, just like her daddy. While I might not have given her any features, I am so excited to give her what I didn’t have. She will have a stable and safe home. She will not experience the fear of being homeless or the embarrassment of being on the receiving end of charity. I am so glad that she was born and has shown me that my past had a purpose. And that I will reminder myself about my horrible childhood everyday if it means she will never have to go through it herself.
My 4th baby was a surprise blessing. After being on birth control and only having one “monthly” afterwards, I took a few pregnancy tests and even went to the OB and had a blood test done and they were all negative. A few weeks went by and I realized I was still late. I had got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and I thought, heck with it, I will test AGAIN. Sure enough, it came up positive right away. In utter shock, I quickly grabbed another dipstick “cheapie” test, and yup, positive!! I opened my door and whispered to dh “So, I took a test and its positive”. Being that it was 6:15 am, he just acknowledged me with a “ok” lol It was a special time for me because it was also my grandma who I had lost back in 1995 birthday. I will always remember 12-27-08 as the day I was blessed with my Emmaleigh Claire. I got to see her for the 1st time on an u/s on New Years Eve. Complete with heartbeat. It was so bittersweet! She is definately my surprise blessing. I have never gotten pregnant not even knowing I was ovulating. It was a miracle, and what a way to welcome in the new year. She will be 1 in August and I cannot even say how many times I tell her in a day that I love her- just like she is my 1st!
I’m looking at you, my gorgeous girl, asleep on the couch right now. When I met your daddy years ago, I always imagined you and knew you would someday come to us. You are more than I could ever ask for. You are our greatest gift. I look at you and see my mother, my grandmother, and your daddy’s mother. I love your dark African skin from your daddy and your spunky personality from me. You symbolize the merging of two cultures; American and Ghanaian. You, my girl, are a pioneer, a symbol of peace and acceptance. Everyday I thank God and every brave step your daddy and I took to be here today, with you. We’ll love you forever little beauty.
I’m so glad I have my little boy. He makes every day bright, special. Life through the eyes of a child must be amazing. They don’t take things for granted, they appreciate everything and everyone, they treat people equally. My son has taught me so much about life, and I love him so much for it.
My sweet little man Zachary, He change my life completely form the moment I found out I was pregnant at the young age of 14 I never would have imagined that one little guy could mean so much to me. Zac is now 8 years old and I often think to myself I’m So Glad You Were Born. I really don’t know where my life would be without my little man, He is the sweetest, most loving little boy and he is the best big brother his sisters could have asked for. I could not have asked for a better son, He truly changed my life for the best.
I am so glad my daughter Maggie was born because she is the best teacher I have ever had. In one year she has taught me more about priorities, time, enjoying life, my husband, and just simply being than anyone else ever has. I can’t wait to find out what other lessons she has in store for me.
I’m glad my little boy was born, because he gives me a new joy for life. I love watching his eyes light up when he discovers a bug, hears the train, sees a big truck go by, or plays in the dirt/mud/snow. He uses all of his senses and makes me use mine to find the small details in life that we adults often overlook. He makes me take the time to play and enjoy life. I love him for that and am so glad that God decided to give him to me.
I was only 20 when my son Gavin was born but I am so glad he came into my life. It hasn’t been easy but the love I have for him is beyond any love I’ve ever had. Because of him I worked harder in school and graduated with high honors and after a long day of classes and projects is was him and his smile I had to look forward too! He just turned 5 this past Tuesday and we celebrated along with his 3 month old sister. I am grateful for everyday I have and for everyday I am able to love them. I never feel I have missed out by having been a young mother, because nothing will ever compare to my love for them.
I’m so glad you were born precious one, so small,and so sweet. You were sent from God above to fill our hearts with happiness and touch our lives with love. What a miracle you are. I love you my sweet baby girl.
An excerpt from my blog, which is, in reality, a love letter to my children:
Having children has been the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. Cumulatively, I’ve had over a year of sleepless nights, 2 bouts with reflux, seizures, hip dysplasia & all around general crankiness for months from both of my babies; but I really wouldn’t change any of it. My children have made me a better person. They have forced me to think of someone other than myself. I would do anything for them.
Today I sat in our rocking chair, rocking Annie who was feeling bad & battling a bad cold & Jack snuggled up next to me to rock too. I wanted to freeze that moment- snuggling with both of my sweet babies, their heads on my shoulder, just rocking & rocking.
I know these moments are fleeting. Jack has shown me that they stay little such a short time. I feel like I blinked & he become a boy. I’ll blink again & he’ll be a teenager & then a man. Same with Annie. So, I savor these moments I have with them. I savor the crying- even when it drives me batty. I savor the sleeplessness for I know that one day, much, much too soon my house will be quiet again & I’ll wonder where my babies went.
Hi Jenn
I am so glad you posted this as a contest this week, I think it is wonderful. Its kind of funny i was thinking about this exact thing this morning when i was feeding Hannah(my 9month old). I am so glad that Hannah was born because she really makes me realize how selfish i really am. Being a Christian mommy this has really made me want to rely on God even more. As she gets older and even when she was tiny she has had many needs. I have to make a choice each day to put her needs above my own selfish desires. This reminds me everyday how Christ gave Himself up for us so that we could have life. As time goes by my love for her continues to grow and my relationship with Christ gets stronger and stronger. I am so blessed God chose me to be Hannahs mommys. Happy Mothers day to you and all the mommys out there.
To my sweet little girl, I’m so glad you were born because you are just an amazing little person. You remind me to laugh every day. You are the smartest, most caring little 2 year old I have ever known. A mother’s bond with her daughter is amazing and something I never thought I’d feel. But you and I have the greatest little friendship and even though you are only 2 years old you are my best friend. I love you my little Rae of Sunshine.
I couldn’t have asked for a better “surprise” than my little Jack. He is such a happy & healthy baby that I thank god everyday he is here with me 🙂 He is almost 17 months old and loves to listen to music, dance and read. I couldn’t imagine my life without him! Happy Mother’s Day everyone 🙂
My two year old, Wyatt, has a genetic condition that has caused a heart problem and has lead to one dr apt after another. We have become very informed about his genetic condition and have been able to travel to conferences and meet some very wonderful people. Wyatt had the biggest personalitly i’ve even seen and is such a happy little boy despite everything he has been through. I am so happy that he was born because he (and his rare condition) has let our family meet many other wonderful people and has allowed us to inform and comfort other families that have a special needs child. Everytime I look at him, I can’t help but smile. Happy Mother’s Day everyone…
To my sweet daughter, Jaina:
You were our little “surprise,”
when I felt I could barely deal
with the baby I already had.
I thought, “Another boy might
be nice, since they’re so close.”
I had no idea how much I wanted
YOU, my sweet little princess.
You turned my life (and my heart)
upside down as soon as you arrived,
and continue to make each day
an adventure and a joy.