NEW bumGenius BabyLegs
February 16, 2010 5:34 pm

Elsie’s Fashion Show Birthday Party was a smashing success! Stayed tuned for a link to pictures (we are aiming for the end of the week).
In the mean time, the NEW designs of bumGenius BabyLegs have arrived! These are 5 brand new designs from BabyLegs that have been custom designed to coordinate with bumGenius and Flip cloth diapers! BabyLegs keep little legs warm in the winter and make for easier diaper changes… and come in bright, fun prints. Now is the time to stock up!
My wife just picked up a couple pair of the leggings. Not quite sure what to think of them yet. Guess time will tell. I get the basic premise…but why not just throw some pants on the little bambino???
thanks for sharing. nice site…………
already ordered some! yay!
LOVE them!!!