Tag Archive: meal planning
As I’ve gotten further into this whole wife and mommy thing, I’ve learned how important it is to have a plan (and budget) when it comes to dinner and meal planning. Since our household only has one income, I had to find a few tricks to make it work and when I did, I wondered why it took me so long! What had I been doing all those years?! Make a list and check it twice. Seriously. Do not walk into a store without a list. This will help navigate you through every aisle and, as long as you have the will
Pop quiz: What’s worse than staring blankly at your pantry each night, wondering what on earth you’re going to cook for dinner? Answer: Nothing! At least, that’s how I feel! And about 7 years ago I realized something had to change. I had just returned to work after having my first child, and I was desperately looking for ways to streamline our evening routine. By the time I got home from work, tried to think of something to make for dinner, cooked, cleaned up, then my baby was ready for bed! I felt like I wasn’t getting any quality time with