Francesca Abernathy
Rookie SAHM
Mom to 3
St. Louis, MO
Francesca Abernathy is a mother of three children and loves to cook, bake, and jog. She works outside of the home but dreams of the day she can sit on her couch, watch Dr. Oz, and eat Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups from 8:00-5:00. She lives with her saint of a husband in St. Louis, Mo.
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
Shopping for a newborn or infant can be fun — whether you’re shopping for your own little one or another beloved baby in your life. But, it can also be a bit tricky! They’re not old enough to have specific interests like sports, characters, or even colors. And, if they have older siblings, they will inherit lots of hand-me-down toys, clothes, and more. You want to get them something fun or practical that they’ll use throughout their childhood, so here is a list of ideas to get you started! Start baby’s book collection. Baby will do little more than chew
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
One of the great things about cloth diapering (besides these reasons, of course!) is that it plays so well into the now-trending “minimalist” way of life. Cloth diapering is SIMPLE, affordable, and significantly reduces waste! It is win-win-win for the minimalist-minded mama! There are, however, some accessories that are – for the most part – necessary to cloth diaper. These include reusable cloth wipes, a diaper pail or large wet bag, and diaper-safe detergent. That’s it! That’s all you’ll need (besides cloth diapers, of course) to successfully cloth diaper your child. This is your cloth diaper accessories guide. Our bumGenius Flannel
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
So you’re considering using cloth diapers. Congratulations! Many natural-minded parents like you have come to the realization that cloth diapers boast so many advantages over disposables. Cloth has officially made a comeback! With so many to choose from, we know you may need some help. This is your cloth diaper guide. To begin, here are just a few of the reason why people are choosing cloth diapers over disposables. Cloth Diapering Benefits Cost-Efficient Parents choose cloth diapers over disposables for many reasons; one of which is significant cost-savings. By cloth-diapering exclusively, you can save approximately $1,200 or more over the
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
It was 5:00 am on Christmas morning. My husband was sleeping, blissfully unaware of the anxiety I was feeling as I laid awake next to him. I had just taken a pregnancy test and it was positive. No, this was not my first pregnancy test rodeo, but seeing that little blue line caused an old, familiar, mild panic to rise up in my body. Reality started sinking in; I was about to experience my fourth pregnancy. The evening before, Christmas Eve, is when 2 of my siblings joyously announced their pregnancies to our family. Which caused me to pause, re-count
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
Let me tell you why I love my Mary Pickersgill Tumbler. If there is one thing I’ve learned through my four pregnancies, it’s that proper hydration during pregnancy and breastfeeding is SO important! During early pregnancy, water intake helps increase blood volume and aids in the formation of the placenta and amniotic fluid. Throughout the first trimester, when nausea peaks, drinking water helps your body make up for any fluids lost from morning sickness, sweating, and those frequent trips to the bathroom. During the second and third trimesters, adequate hydration can help your body flush yours and Baby’s toxins, and keep
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
For centuries, mothers around the world have worn their babies. Through generations and across cultures, mothers have recognized that wearing their baby is an essential aspect of parenting — it is also practical and fun too! Babywearing is the practice of carrying, or “wearing,” your baby hands-free with the aid of a fabric baby wrap, baby sling, or structured baby carrier. The concept of babywearing has grown in popularity in recent years for a few very good reasons. Benefits of Babywearing One of the biggest benefits of babywearing is convenience. It allows you to keep baby snuggled close while performing
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
One of the best things about cloth diapers is that they are so simple to use! With cloth diapering, you really only need a handful of extra supplies and accessories to diaper your child from birth to potty-training! I’ll start with the essentials. In addition to a stash of roughly 20-24 cloth diapers, you will need reusable wipes (bumGenius Flannel Wipes have held up extremely well for me), a diaper pail or large wet-bag, and diaper-safe detergent. That’s it! That’s all you need for a no-frills, minimalist approach to cloth-diapering. My initial cloth-diaper stash took up just one basket,
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
I won’t lie, April Fools’ Day is one of my favorite days of the year! It has become an annual tradition for me to pull a prank on my husband and kids. Luckily, my kids love to be goofy and my husband is a good sport about it. Hey, traditions are important for every family, right? 🙂 April Fools’ Day is this week, so you still have time to trick the people you love most—your kids! Here are my favorite family-friendly pranks! Catch your little ones by surprise with one (or more!) of these fun ideas: Serve raw octopus for
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
The bumGenius Outing Wet Bag is so handy! I’ve been cloth diapering on-and-off for six years, and was long overdue in getting one. I have the Alicia print, which is so colorful and perfect for spring! It is a kaleidoscopic pattern with some of the most popular solids, including Butternut, Twilight, Dazzle, Moonbeam, and Countess. It is made with a super-flexible waterproof material, zipper closure, and a snapped handle. This wet bag is perfect for on-the-go diaper storage. (Hence the name!) It holds 3-5 diapers and easily fits in a diaper bag or oversized purse. I used to carry my
Author Archives for Francesca Abernathy
Congratulations on the arrival of your new little baby! Now that you’re officially on maternity leave, I hope you will enjoy it as much as you can! Eventually, you’ll go back to work and this small period of time, when everything seemed to stand still, will come to an end. I took 12 weeks of leave with each of my children. And each time, 12 weeks seemed like such a loooong stretch. But I am here to tell you that no matter how much maternity leave you take, it will fly by! It can be blissful and stressful. Here is