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Amanda Carney

Blogger/Social Media Manager

Mom to 3

Columbus, Ohio

Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of three who keep her on her toes! Her family resides in Columbus, Ohio — the Buckeye state! She ventured into cloth diapering a little "late," but is a firm believer in "better late than never!" Amanda enjoys her morning coffee, spending time with her littles, buying too many cloth diapers, much-needed pedicures and the rare date night with her husband. Get to know Amanda on her personal blog, Fluff Bum Babies.

Instagram: @FluffBumBabiesMama

Author Archives for Amanda Carney

Real Mom Talk: Springtime Activites
April 1, 2014 7:27 pm | by

Hopefully it’s starting to warm up a little bit wherever you are! Spring is finally here in most parts of the U.S. and winter is sticking around a little longer in others. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to the beautiful weather to get outside and have some fun! Here are a few fun ideas for spring: Visit a local park. You can have a lot of fun at the park around the corner! My husband and I each have a bike with baby seats on the back so we enjoy going on the bike trails with our kids. If

Author Archives for Amanda Carney

Real Mom Tak: Why I Switched to Cloth?
March 18, 2014 6:29 pm | by

  I am a mother to two daughters. Baby A is 3 years old and she was diapered in disposables from day one until she was fully potty trained. Baby B is now 21 months old. She was diapered with disposables until she was 14 months old and since then has been cloth diapered exclusively. When some parents switch to cloth, the switch is because they need a way to save money. For others, they learn about the chemicals inside of disposable diapers and for some, it’s an environmental thing. Whenever I think about our switch to cloth diapers, it’s

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