Are you looking for a reliable, all-in-one cloth diaper that meets your needs but without the high-priced tag? The bumGenius Freetime is calling your name!
When I started cloth diapering over three years ago, I started out with cheap pockets that just didn’t work for me. I knew I needed another option that was much more affordable and reliable. I was soon introduced to the bumGenius Freetime cloth diaper and I was immediately hooked… So much so, that I converted my entire stash! Why are these all-in-one cloth diapers so great?
Great Fit
The bumGenius Freetime is a one-size, all-in-one cloth diaper that fits babies from 8-35 lbs. These diapers worked for us best once my son was around nine pounds – even with his skinny, little thighs! He’s now a year old and we’re only on the middle rise, so I have no doubt that they’ll fit all the way until potty training.
The diaper fits very trim, it won’t overwhelm your baby’s little body like some bulkier diapers do -even on a the tinier babies. In my opinion, it really is “in-between” the trimness of a disposable diaper and other big fluffy bums.
Easy to Use
bumGenius Freetimes are so easy to use! With only one piece, there is no extra stuffing or insert-searching involved in the diaper-changing process. You can simply grab a few right out of the laundry basket even while you’re heading out the door!
Quick Drying
The bumGenius Freetime features two semi-attached, stay-dry microfiber inserts sewn right into the diaper, making washing and drying a breeze! Those of you who prefer to line-dry your cloth diapers, know that it can take quite awhile for them to dry. That is NOT the case with bumGenius Freetimes. I can hang these up at night before I go to bed and have dry diapers in the morning! In my experience, these are one of the only all-in-one diapers that allow for quick line-dry.
Customized Absorbency
My favorite thing about the Freetime? The absorbency is easily customizable! Simply fold the overlapping inserts to adjust the absorbency in the front or back – whatever is needed for your baby. On top of that, the entire diaper is lined with ultra-absorbent, stay-dry material that is gentle on baby’s sensitive skin as it wicks away moisture.
The absorbency of the Freetime is so effective that I’m able to use it as a night time diaper! There have not been many diapers that I’ve had success using both during the day and at night, so this is just one more reason I love this diaper so much. Even with a heavy-wetter, simply add a booster under the flaps for some extra protection, and walah! Your little one’s good to go. (I’d highly recommend a natural fiber like a Hemp Babies Doubler). I can’t tell you how nice it is to put your little one to bed and know that you don’t have to worry about changing the sheets in the morning!
bumGenius Freetime cloth diapers are easily available in your favorite bumGenius colors and limited edition Genius Series prints!
1 Comment
Your personal experience will be useful to all.
Moms should be careful while selecting and using diaper for their babies.
Cloth Diapers should have all the features like absorbency, easy to fit (all-in-one-diapers) and economical too.