Tag Archive: flip potty trainers
Is your little one ready to start using the potty? It’s going to happen sooner or later, and if that time is now, we’re here to make things a bit easier! The Flip Potty Trainer Kit comes with a one-size cover that adjusts to fit most kids 20-50 lbs (or approx. 18 mo. to 5T) and three organic cotton inserts. The trainer is made to slide up and down like regular underwear while the inserts are designed to catch accidents, allowing your little one feel wetness. For this week’s giveaway, two people will win a Flip Potty Trainer Kit and a Genius Series T-shirt because every
There comes a time in your cloth diapering journey where you’re going to have to give up cloth. I know… It may be hard to part with your beloved bumGenius Freetimes or Flips, especially if it’s your favorite Genius Series print, but there’s still a light at the end of the tunnel. When your little one is nearing the potty train, you can still use cloth… AND some of your top Genius Prints will still be available! Flip Potty Trainers are a one-size waterproof shell with removable stretchy side panels that creates a comfortable fit, while the replaceable 100% cotton pads
So you think your child is ready for potty training. Awesome! She is exhibiting all the signs of readiness: she wakes up dry after nap and in the mornings, tells you before or after she goes, loves to exhibit independence, shows interest when YOU have to go (that’s always fun), and hates having a dirty diaper. There are probably more signs but I feel these are the most obvious. So whether your child is 18 months or almost 4, if he or she is exhibiting some of this behavior, you may want to give it a try! I’ll admit that